import { Meta } from '@storybook/react'; import { VideoPoster } from './VideoPoster'; const meta = { title: 'owncast/Player/Video poster', component: VideoPoster, parameters: { docs: { description: { component: ` - Sits on top of the video player when playback is not taking place. - Shows the instance logo when the video is offline. - Initial image is the logo when online. - When the stream is online, will transition, via cross-fades, through the thumbnail. - Will be removed when playback starts.`, }, }, }, } satisfies Meta; export default meta; export const Example1 = { args: { initialSrc: '', src: '', online: true, }, }; export const Example2 = { args: { initialSrc: '', src: '', online: true, }, }; export const Offline = { args: { initialSrc: '', src: '', online: false, }, };