import { Button, Card, Col, Divider, Result, Row } from 'antd' import Meta from 'antd/lib/card/Meta' import Title from 'antd/lib/typography/Title' import { AlertOutlined, ApiTwoTone, BookOutlined, BugTwoTone, CameraTwoTone, DatabaseTwoTone, EditTwoTone, Html5TwoTone, LinkOutlined, QuestionCircleTwoTone, SettingTwoTone, SlidersTwoTone, } from '@ant-design/icons' import React from 'react' interface Props { } export default function Help(props: Props) { const questions = [ { icon: , title: "I want to configure my owncast instance", content: (
Learn more
) }, { icon: , title: "I need help configuring my broadcasting software", content: (
Learn more
) }, { icon: , title: "I want to embed my stream into another site", content: (
Learn more
) }, { icon: , title: "I want to customize my website", content: (
Learn more
) }, { icon: , title: "I want to tweak my encoding", content: ( ) }, { icon: , title: "I want to offload my video to an external storage provider", content: ( ) }, ] const otherResources = [ { icon: , title: "I found a bug", content: (
If you found a bug, then report it in our Github Issues
) }, { icon: , title: "I have a general question", content: (
Most general questions are answered in our FAQ
) }, { icon: , title: "I want to use the API", content: (
You can view the API documentation for either the latest or development release.
) } ] return (
How can we help you? Troubleshooting Documentation Common tasks { => ( )) } Other { => ( )) }
) }