function setupApp() { Vue.filter('plural', function (string, count) { if (count === 1) { return string; } else { return string + "s"; } }) = new Vue({ el: "#stream-info", data: { streamStatus: "", viewerCount: 0, }, }); window.messagesContainer = new Vue({ el: "#messages-container", data: { messages: [] } }) // window.chatForm = new Vue({ // el: "#chatForm", // data: { // message: { // author: "",// || "Viewer" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 42) + 1), // body: "" // } // }, // methods: { // submitChatForm: function (e) { // const message = new Message(this.message); // = uuidv4(); // =; // const messageJSON = JSON.stringify(message); //; // e.preventDefault(); // this.message.body = ""; // } // } // }); window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE = true; var appMessagingMisc = new Messaging(); appMessagingMisc.init(); } async function getStatus() { let url = ""; try { const response = await fetch(url); const status = await response.json(); // read response body and parse as JSON app.streamStatus = ? "Stream is online." : "Stream is offline." app.viewerCount = status.viewerCount app.sessionMaxViewerCount = status.sessionMaxViewerCount app.overallMaxViewerCount = status.overallMaxViewerCount } catch (e) { app.streamStatus = "Stream server is offline." app.viewerCount = 0 } } var websocketReconnectTimer; function setupWebsocket() { clearTimeout(websocketReconnectTimer) const protocol = location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss" : "ws" var ws = new WebSocket("wss://") ws.onmessage = (e) => { const model = JSON.parse( const message = new Message(model) const existing = this.messagesContainer.messages.filter(function (item) { return === }) if (existing.length === 0 || !existing) { this.messagesContainer.messages.push(message); setTimeout(() => { jumpToBottom("#messages-container"); } , 10); // could be better. is there a sort of Vue "componentDidUpdate" we can do this on? } } ws.onclose = (e) => { // connection closed, discard old websocket and create a new one in 5s ws = null console.log("Websocket closed.") websocketReconnectTimer = setTimeout(setupWebsocket, 5000) } // On ws error just close the socket and let it re-connect again for now. ws.onerror = (e) => { console.log("Websocket error: ", e) ws.close() } = ws } setupApp() getStatus() setupWebsocket() // setInterval(getStatus, 5000)