/* eslint-disable react/no-unescaped-entities */ // import { BulbOutlined, LaptopOutlined, SaveOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { Row, Col, Typography, Space, Statistic, Card, Alert, Spin } from 'antd'; import React, { ReactElement, ReactNode, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; import { fetchData, FETCH_INTERVAL, API_STREAM_HEALTH_METRICS } from '../../utils/apis'; import { Chart } from '../../components/admin/Chart'; import { StreamHealthOverview } from '../../components/admin/StreamHealthOverview'; import { AdminLayout } from '../../components/layouts/AdminLayout'; // Lazy loaded components const ClockCircleOutlined = dynamic(() => import('@ant-design/icons/ClockCircleOutlined'), { ssr: false, }); const WarningOutlined = dynamic(() => import('@ant-design/icons/WarningOutlined'), { ssr: false, }); const WifiOutlined = dynamic(() => import('@ant-design/icons/WifiOutlined'), { ssr: false, }); interface TimedValue { time: Date; value: Number; } interface DescriptionBoxProps { title: String; description: ReactNode; } const DescriptionBox = ({ title, description }: DescriptionBoxProps) => (
{title} {description}
); const StreamHealth = () => { const [errors, setErrors] = useState([]); const [qualityVariantChanges, setQualityVariantChanges] = useState([]); const [lowestLatency, setLowestLatency] = useState(); const [highestLatency, setHighestLatency] = useState(); const [medianLatency, setMedianLatency] = useState([]); const [medianSegmentDownloadDurations, setMedianSegmentDownloadDurations] = useState< TimedValue[] >([]); const [maximumSegmentDownloadDurations, setMaximumSegmentDownloadDurations] = useState< TimedValue[] >([]); const [minimumSegmentDownloadDurations, setMinimumSegmentDownloadDurations] = useState< TimedValue[] >([]); const [minimumPlayerBitrate, setMinimumPlayerBitrate] = useState([]); const [medianPlayerBitrate, setMedianPlayerBitrate] = useState([]); const [maximumPlayerBitrate, setMaximumPlayerBitrate] = useState([]); const [availableBitrates, setAvailableBitrates] = useState([]); const [segmentLength, setSegmentLength] = useState(0); const getMetrics = async () => { try { const result = await fetchData(API_STREAM_HEALTH_METRICS); setErrors(result.errors); setQualityVariantChanges(result.qualityVariantChanges); setHighestLatency(result.highestLatency); setLowestLatency(result.lowestLatency); setMedianLatency(result.medianLatency); setMedianSegmentDownloadDurations(result.medianSegmentDownloadDuration); setMaximumSegmentDownloadDurations(result.maximumSegmentDownloadDuration); setMinimumSegmentDownloadDurations(result.minimumSegmentDownloadDuration); setMinimumPlayerBitrate(result.minPlayerBitrate); setMedianPlayerBitrate(result.medianPlayerBitrate); setMaximumPlayerBitrate(result.maxPlayerBitrate); setAvailableBitrates(result.availableBitrates); setSegmentLength(result.segmentLength - 0.3); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; useEffect(() => { let getStatusIntervalId = null; getMetrics(); getStatusIntervalId = setInterval(getMetrics, FETCH_INTERVAL); // runs every 1 min. // returned function will be called on component unmount return () => { clearInterval(getStatusIntervalId); }; }, []); const noData = (
Stream Performance
); if (!errors?.length) { return noData; } if (!medianLatency?.length) { return noData; } if (!medianSegmentDownloadDurations?.length) { return noData; } const errorChart = [ { name: 'Errors', color: '#B63FFF', data: errors, pointStyle: 'crossRot', pointRadius: 7, }, { name: 'Quality changes', color: '#2087E2', data: qualityVariantChanges, }, ]; const latencyChart = [ { name: 'Median stream latency', color: '#00FFFF', data: medianLatency, }, { name: 'Lowest stream latency', color: '#02FD0D', data: lowestLatency, }, { name: 'Highest stream latency', color: '#B63FFF', data: highestLatency, }, ]; const segmentDownloadDurationChart = [ { name: 'Max download duration', color: '#B63FFF', options: { radius: 2 }, data: maximumSegmentDownloadDurations, }, { name: 'Median download duration', color: '#00FFFF', options: { radius: 2 }, data: medianSegmentDownloadDurations, }, { name: 'Min download duration', color: '#02FD0D', options: { radius: 2 }, data: minimumSegmentDownloadDurations, }, { name: `Approximate limit`, color: '#003FFF', data: medianSegmentDownloadDurations.map(item => ({ time: item.time, value: segmentLength, })), pointStyle: 'dash' as const, options: { radius: 0 }, }, ]; const bitrateChart = [ { name: 'Lowest player speed', color: '#B63FFF', data: minimumPlayerBitrate, options: { radius: 2 }, }, { name: 'Median player speed', color: '#00FFFF', data: medianPlayerBitrate, options: { radius: 2 }, }, { name: 'Maximum player speed', color: '#02FD0D', data: maximumPlayerBitrate, options: { radius: 2 }, }, ]; availableBitrates.forEach(bitrate => { bitrateChart.push({ name: `Available bitrate`, color: '#003FFF', data: minimumPlayerBitrate.map(item => ({ time: item.time, value: bitrate, })), options: { radius: 0 }, }); }); const currentSpeed = bitrateChart[0]?.data[bitrateChart[0].data.length - 1]?.value; const currentDownloadSeconds = medianSegmentDownloadDurations[medianSegmentDownloadDurations.length - 1]?.value; const lowestVariant = availableBitrates.reduce((bitrate1, bitrate2) => bitrate1.valueOf() < bitrate2.valueOf() ? bitrate1 : bitrate2, ); const latencyMedian = medianLatency[medianLatency.length - 1]?.value || 0; const latencyMax = highestLatency[highestLatency.length - 1]?.value || 0; const latencyMin = lowestLatency[lowestLatency.length - 1]?.value || 0; const latencyStat = (Number(latencyMax) + Number(latencyMin) + Number(latencyMedian)) / 3; let recentErrorCount = 0; const errorValueCount = errorChart[0]?.data.length || 0; if (errorValueCount > 5) { const values = errorChart[0].data.slice(-5); recentErrorCount = values.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + Number(curr.value), 0); } else { recentErrorCount = errorChart[0].data.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + Number(curr.value), 0); } const showStats = currentSpeed > 0 || currentDownloadSeconds > 0 || recentErrorCount > 0; let bitrateError = null; let speedError = null; if (currentSpeed !== 0 && currentSpeed < lowestVariant) { bitrateError = `One of your viewers is playing your stream at ${currentSpeed}kbps, slower than ${lowestVariant}kbps, the lowest quality you made available. Consider adding a lower quality with a lower bitrate if the errors over time warrant this.`; } if (currentDownloadSeconds > segmentLength) { speedError = 'Your viewers may be consuming your video slower than required. This may be due to slow networks or your latency configuration. You need to decrease the amount of time viewers are taking to consume your video. Consider adding a lower quality with a lower bitrate or experiment with increasing the latency buffer setting.'; } const errorStatColor = recentErrorCount > 0 ? '#B63FFF' : 'unset'; const statStyle = { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', height: '80px', }; return ( <> Stream Performance This tool hopes to help you identify and troubleshoot problems you may be experiencing with your stream. It aims to aggregate experiences across your viewers, meaning one viewer with an exceptionally bad experience may throw off numbers for the whole, especially with a low number of viewers. The data is only collected by those using the Owncast web interface and is unable to gain insight into external players people may be using such as VLC, MPV, QuickTime, etc.
} precision={0} suffix="kbps" />
{latencyStat && (
} precision={0} suffix="seconds" />
} suffix="" />
Once a video segment takes too long to download a viewer will experience buffering. If you see slow downloads you should offer a lower quality for your viewers, or find other ways, possibly an external storage provider, a CDN or a faster network, to improve your stream quality. Increasing your latency buffer can also help for some viewers. In short, once the pink line consistently gets near the blue line, your stream is likely experiencing problems for viewers. } /> {speedError && ( )} The playback bitrate of your viewers. Once somebody's bitrate drops below the lowest video variant bitrate they will experience buffering. If you see viewers with slow connections trying to play your video you should consider offering an additional, lower quality. In short, once the pink line gets near the lowest blue line, your stream is likely experiencing problems for at least one of your viewers. } /> {bitrateError && ( )} Recent number of errors, including buffering, and quality changes from across all your viewers. Errors can occur for many reasons, including browser issues, plugins, wifi problems, and they don't all represent fatal issues or something you have control over. A quality change is not necessarily a negative thing, but if it's excessive and coinciding with errors you should consider adding another quality variant. } />
); }; StreamHealth.getLayout = function getLayout(page: ReactElement) { return ; }; export default StreamHealth;