* The shadowDom / Intersection Observer version of Paul's concept:
* https://github.com/paulirish/lite-youtube-embed
* A lightweight YouTube embed. Still should feel the same to the user, just
* MUCH faster to initialize and paint.
* Thx to these as the inspiration
* https://storage.googleapis.com/amp-vs-non-amp/youtube-lazy.html
* https://autoplay-youtube-player.glitch.me/
* Once built it, I also found these (👍👍):
* https://github.com/ampproject/amphtml/blob/master/extensions/amp-youtube
* https://github.com/Daugilas/lazyYT https://github.com/vb/lazyframe
class LiteYTEmbed extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.iframeLoaded = false;
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['videoid'];
connectedCallback() {
this.addEventListener('pointerover', LiteYTEmbed.warmConnections, {
once: true,
this.addEventListener('click', () => this.addIframe());
get videoId() {
return encodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('videoid') || '');
set videoId(id) {
this.setAttribute('videoid', id);
get videoTitle() {
return this.getAttribute('videotitle') || 'Video';
set videoTitle(title) {
this.setAttribute('videotitle', title);
get videoPlay() {
return this.getAttribute('videoPlay') || 'Play';
set videoPlay(name) {
this.setAttribute('videoPlay', name);
get videoStartAt() {
return Number(this.getAttribute('videoStartAt') || '0');
set videoStartAt(time) {
this.setAttribute('videoStartAt', String(time));
get autoLoad() {
return this.hasAttribute('autoload');
set autoLoad(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute('autoload', '');
else {
get params() {
return `start=${this.videoStartAt}&${this.getAttribute('params')}`;
* Define our shadowDOM for the component
setupDom() {
const shadowDom = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
shadowDom.innerHTML = `
this.domRefFrame = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#frame');
this.domRefImg = {
fallback: this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#fallbackPlaceholder'),
webp: this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#webpPlaceholder'),
jpeg: this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#jpegPlaceholder'),
this.domRefPlayButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.lty-playbtn');
* Parse our attributes and fire up some placeholders
setupComponent() {
this.domRefPlayButton.setAttribute('aria-label', `${this.videoPlay}: ${this.videoTitle}`);
this.setAttribute('title', `${this.videoPlay}: ${this.videoTitle}`);
if (this.autoLoad) {
* Lifecycle method that we use to listen for attribute changes to period
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} oldVal
* @param {*} newVal
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
switch (name) {
case 'videoid': {
if (oldVal !== newVal) {
// if we have a previous iframe, remove it and the activated class
if (this.domRefFrame.classList.contains('lyt-activated')) {
* Inject the iframe into the component body
addIframe() {
if (!this.iframeLoaded) {
const iframeHTML = `
this.domRefFrame.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', iframeHTML);
this.iframeLoaded = true;
* Setup the placeholder image for the component
initImagePlaceholder() {
// we don't know which image type to preload, so warm the connection
LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', 'https://i.ytimg.com/');
const posterUrlWebp = `https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/${this.videoId}/hqdefault.webp`;
const posterUrlJpeg = `https://i.ytimg.com/vi/${this.videoId}/hqdefault.jpg`;
this.domRefImg.webp.srcset = posterUrlWebp;
this.domRefImg.jpeg.srcset = posterUrlJpeg;
this.domRefImg.fallback.src = posterUrlJpeg;
this.domRefImg.fallback.setAttribute('aria-label', `${this.videoPlay}: ${this.videoTitle}`);
this.domRefImg.fallback.setAttribute('alt', `${this.videoPlay}: ${this.videoTitle}`);
* Setup the Intersection Observer to load the iframe when scrolled into view
initIntersectionObserver() {
if ('IntersectionObserver' in window &&
'IntersectionObserverEntry' in window) {
const options = {
root: null,
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 0,
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
if (entry.isIntersecting && !this.iframeLoaded) {
}, options);
* Add a to the head
* @param {*} kind
* @param {*} url
* @param {*} as
static addPrefetch(kind, url, as) {
const linkElem = document.createElement('link');
linkElem.rel = kind;
linkElem.href = url;
if (as) {
linkElem.as = as;
linkElem.crossOrigin = 'true';
* Begin preconnecting to warm up the iframe load Since the embed's netwok
* requests load within its iframe, preload/prefetch'ing them outside the
* iframe will only cause double-downloads. So, the best we can do is warm up
* a few connections to origins that are in the critical path.
* Maybe `` would work, but it's unsupported:
* http://crbug.com/593267 But TBH, I don't think it'll happen soon with Site
* Isolation and split caches adding serious complexity.
static warmConnections() {
if (LiteYTEmbed.preconnected)
// Host that YT uses to serve JS needed by player, per amp-youtube
LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', 'https://s.ytimg.com');
// The iframe document and most of its subresources come right off
// youtube.com
LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', 'https://www.youtube.com');
// The botguard script is fetched off from google.com
LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', 'https://www.google.com');
// TODO: Not certain if these ad related domains are in the critical path.
// Could verify with domain-specific throttling.
LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', 'https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net');
LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', 'https://static.doubleclick.net');
LiteYTEmbed.preconnected = true;
LiteYTEmbed.preconnected = false;
// Register custom element
customElements.define('lite-youtube', LiteYTEmbed);
export { LiteYTEmbed };