// TODO: add a notication after updating info that changes will take place either on a new stream or server restart. may be different for each field. import React, { useState, useEffect, FC, ReactElement } from 'react'; import { STATUS, fetchData, FETCH_INTERVAL, SERVER_CONFIG } from './apis'; import { ConfigDetails, UpdateArgs } from '../types/config-section'; import { DEFAULT_VARIANT_STATE } from './config-constants'; const initialServerConfigState: ConfigDetails = { streamKeys: [], streamKeyOverridden: false, adminPassword: '', instanceDetails: { customStyles: '', customJavascript: '', extraPageContent: '', logo: '', name: '', nsfw: false, socialHandles: [], streamTitle: '', summary: '', tags: [], title: '', welcomeMessage: '', offlineMessage: '', appearanceVariables: {}, }, ffmpegPath: '', rtmpServerPort: '', webServerPort: '', socketHostOverride: null, videoServingEndpoint: '', s3: { accessKey: '', acl: '', bucket: '', enabled: false, endpoint: '', region: '', secret: '', pathPrefix: '', forcePathStyle: false, }, yp: { enabled: false, instanceUrl: '', }, videoSettings: { latencyLevel: 4, cpuUsageLevel: 3, videoQualityVariants: [DEFAULT_VARIANT_STATE], }, federation: { enabled: false, isPrivate: false, username: '', goLiveMessage: '', showEngagement: true, blockedDomains: [], }, notifications: { browser: { enabled: false, goLiveMessage: '' }, discord: { enabled: false, webhook: '', goLiveMessage: '' }, }, externalActions: [], supportedCodecs: [], videoCodec: '', forbiddenUsernames: [], suggestedUsernames: [], chatDisabled: false, chatJoinMessagesEnabled: true, chatEstablishedUserMode: false, hideViewerCount: false, disableSearchIndexing: false, }; const initialServerStatusState = { broadcastActive: false, broadcaster: null, currentBroadcast: null, online: false, viewerCount: 0, sessionMaxViewerCount: 0, sessionPeakViewerCount: 0, overallPeakViewerCount: 0, versionNumber: '0.0.0', streamTitle: '', chatDisabled: false, health: { healthy: true, healthPercentage: 100, message: '', representation: 0, }, error: { type: null, msg: null, }, }; export const ServerStatusContext = React.createContext({ ...initialServerStatusState, serverConfig: initialServerConfigState, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars setFieldInConfigState: (_args: UpdateArgs) => null, }); export type ServerStatusProviderProps = { children: ReactElement; }; const ServerStatusProvider: FC = ({ children }) => { const [status, setStatus] = useState(initialServerStatusState); const [config, setConfig] = useState(initialServerConfigState); const getStatus = async () => { try { const result = await fetchData(STATUS); if (result instanceof Error) { throw result; } setStatus({ ...result, error: { type: null, msg: null } }); } catch (error) { setStatus(initialStatus => ({ ...initialStatus, error: { type: 'OWNCAST_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE', msg: 'Cannot connect to the Owncast service. Please check you are connected to the internet and the Owncast server is running.', }, })); // todo } }; const getConfig = async () => { try { const result = await fetchData(SERVER_CONFIG); if (result instanceof Error) { throw result; } setConfig(result); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; const setFieldInConfigState = ({ fieldName, value, path }: UpdateArgs) => { const updatedConfig = path ? { ...config, [path]: { ...config[path], [fieldName]: value, }, } : { ...config, [fieldName]: value, }; setConfig(updatedConfig); }; useEffect(() => { let getStatusIntervalId = null; getStatus(); getStatusIntervalId = setInterval(getStatus, FETCH_INTERVAL); getConfig(); // returned function will be called on component unmount return () => { clearInterval(getStatusIntervalId); }; }, []); // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-constructed-context-values const providerValue = { ...status, serverConfig: config, setFieldInConfigState, }; return ( {children} ); }; export default ServerStatusProvider;