import '../styles/variables.css'; import '../styles/global.less'; import '../styles/theme.less'; import './preview.scss'; import { themes } from '@storybook/theming'; import { DocsContainer } from './storybook-theme'; import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport'; import _ from 'lodash'; /** * Takes an entry of a viewport (from Object.entries()) and converts it * into two entries, one for landscape and one for portrait. * * @template {string} Key * * @param {[Key, import('@storybook/addon-viewport/dist/ts3.9/models').Viewport]} entry * @returns {Array<[`${Key}${'Portrait' | 'Landscape'}`, import('@storybook/addon-viewport/dist/ts3.9/models').Viewport]>} */ const convertToLandscapeAndPortraitEntries = ([objectKey, viewport]) => { const pixelStringToNumber = str => parseInt(str.split('px')[0]); const dimensions = [viewport.styles.width, viewport.styles.height].map(pixelStringToNumber); const minDimension = Math.min(...dimensions); const maxDimension = Math.max(...dimensions); return [ [ `${objectKey}Portrait`, { ...viewport, name: + ' (Portrait)', styles: { ...viewport.styles, height: maxDimension + 'px', width: minDimension + 'px', }, }, ], [ `${objectKey}Landscape`, { ...viewport, name: + ' (Landscape)', styles: { ...viewport.styles, height: minDimension + 'px', width: maxDimension + 'px', }, }, ], ]; }; /** * Takes an object and a function f and returns a new object. * f takes the original object's entries (key-value-pairs * from Object.entries) and returns a list of new entries * (also key-value-pairs). These new entries then form the * result. * @template {string | number} OriginalKey * @template {string | number} NewKey * @template OriginalValue * @template OriginalValue * * @param {Record} obj * @param {(entry: [OriginalKey, OriginalValue], index: number, all: Array<[OriginalKey, OriginalValue]>) => Array<[NewKey, NewValue]>} f * @returns {Record} */ const flatMapObject = (obj, f) => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).flatMap(f)); export const parameters = { fetchMock: { mocks: [], }, actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' }, docs: { container: DocsContainer, }, actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' }, viewMode: 'docs', controls: { matchers: { color: /(background|color)$/i, date: /Date$/, }, viewMode: 'docs', }, darkMode: { current: 'dark', // Override the default dark theme dark: { ...themes.dark, appBg: '#171523', brandImage: '', brandTitle: 'Owncast', brandUrl: '', appContentBg: '#171523', }, // Override the default light theme light: { ...themes.normal }, }, viewport: { // Take a bunch of viewports from the storybook addon and convert them // to portrait + landscape. Keys are appended with 'Landscape' or 'Portrait'. viewports: flatMapObject(INITIAL_VIEWPORTS, convertToLandscapeAndPortraitEntries), }, };