Owncast is an open source, self-hosted, decentralized, single user live video streaming and chat server for running your own live streams similar in style to the large mainstream options. It offers complete ownership over your content, interface, moderation and audience. <ahref="https://watch.owncast.online">Visit the demo</a> for an example.
The goal is to have a single service that you can run and it works out of the box. **Visit the [Quickstart](https://owncast.online/docs/quickstart/) to get up and running.**
In general Owncast is compatible with any software that uses `RTMP` to broadcast to a remote server. `RTMP` is what all the major live streaming services use, so if you’re currently using one of those it’s likely that you can point your existing software at your Owncast instance instead.
OBS, Streamlabs, Restream and many others have been used with Owncast. [Read more about compatibility with existing software](https://owncast.online/docs/broadcasting/).
[Read more about running from source](https://owncast.online/development/).
### Important note about source code and the develop branch
The `develop` branch is always the most up-to-date state of development and this may not be what you always want. If you want to run the latest released stable version, check out the tag related to that release. For example, if you'd only like the source prior to the v0.1.0 development cycle you can check out the `v0.0.13` tag.
Owncast is a growing open source project that is giving freedom, flexibility and fun to live streamers.
And while we have a small team of kind, talented and thoughtful volunteers, we have gaps in our skillset that we’d love to fill so we can get even better at building tools that make a difference for people.
We abide by our [Code of Conduct](https://owncast.online/contribute/) and feel strongly about open, appreciative, and empathetic people joining us.
We’ve been very lucky to have this so far, so maybe you can help us with your skills and passion, too!
There is a larger, more detailed, and more up-to-date [guide for helping contribute to Owncast on our website](https://owncast.online/help/).