2024-01-12 05:39:44 +03:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources >
<string name= "account_icon" > Account icon</string>
<string name= "added_to_favorites" > Added conversation %1$s to favourites</string>
<string name= "appbar_search_in" > Search in %s</string>
<string name= "audio_call" > Audio Call</string>
<string name= "audio_output_bluetooth" > Bluetooth</string>
<string name= "audio_output_dialog_headline" > Audio output</string>
<string name= "audio_output_phone" > Phone</string>
<string name= "audio_output_speaker" > Speaker</string>
<string name= "audio_output_wired_headset" > Wired headset</string>
<string name= "avatar" > Avatar</string>
<string name= "away" > Away</string>
<string name= "calendar" > Calendar</string>
<string name= "call_more_actions_dialog_headline" > Advanced call options</string>
<string name= "call_running_since_one_hour" > Note: the call has been going on for an hour already.</string>
<string name= "call_without_notification" > Call without notification</string>
<string name= "camera_permission_granted" > Camera permission granted. Please choose camera again.</string>
<string name= "choose_avatar_from_cloud" > Choose avatar from cloud</string>
<string name= "clear_status_message" > Clear status message</string>
<string name= "clear_status_message_after" > Clear status message after</string>
<string name= "close" > Close</string>
<string name= "continuous_voice_message_recording" > Lock recording for continuously recording of the voice message</string>
<string name= "conversations" > Conversations</string>
<string name= "create_conversation" > Create conversation</string>
<string name= "custom" > Custom</string>
<string name= "danger_zone" > Danger Zone</string>
<string name= "delete_avatar" > Delete avatar</string>
<string name= "deleted_conversation" > Deleted conversation %1$s</string>
<string name= "dnd" > Do not disturb</string>
<string name= "dontClear" > Don\'t clear</string>
<string name= "edit" > Edit</string>
<string name= "emoji_backspace" > Backspace</string>
<string name= "emoji_category_recent" > Recent</string>
<string name= "encrypted" > Encrypted</string>
<string name= "error_loading_chats" > There was a problem loading your chats</string>
<string name= "failed_to_save" > Failed to save %1$s</string>
<string name= "file_list_folder" > folder</string>
<string name= "file_list_loading" > Loading …</string>
<string name= "filename_progress" > %1$s (%2$d)</string>
<string name= "fourHours" > 4 hours</string>
<string name= "invisible" > Invisible</string>
<string name= "languages_error_message" > Languages could not be retrieved</string>
<string name= "languages_error_title" > Retrieval failed</string>
<string name= "later_today" > Later today</string>
<string name= "left_conversation" > You left the conversation %1$s</string>
<string name= "load_more_results" > Load more results</string>
<string name= "lock_symbol" > Lock symbol</string>
<string name= "lower_hand" > Lower hand</string>
<string name= "marked_as_read" > Marked conversation %1$s as read</string>
<string name= "marked_as_unread" > Marked conversation %1$s as unread</string>
<string name= "mentioned" > Mentioned</string>
<string name= "menu_item_sort_by_date_newest_first" > Newest first</string>
<string name= "menu_item_sort_by_date_oldest_first" > Oldest first</string>
<string name= "menu_item_sort_by_name_a_z" > A - Z</string>
<string name= "menu_item_sort_by_name_z_a" > Z - A</string>
<string name= "menu_item_sort_by_size_biggest_first" > Biggest first</string>
<string name= "menu_item_sort_by_size_smallest_first" > Smallest first</string>
<string name= "message_expiration_title" > Message expiration</string>
<string name= "message_poll_tap_to_open" > Tap to open poll</string>
<string name= "message_search_begin_empty" > No search results</string>
<string name= "message_search_begin_typing" > Start typing to search …</string>
<string name= "message_search_hint" > Search …</string>
<string name= "messages" > Messages</string>
<string name= "nc_Server_account_imported" > Selected account is now imported and available</string>
<string name= "nc_about" > About</string>
<string name= "nc_account_chooser_active_user" > Active user</string>
<string name= "nc_account_chooser_add_account" > Add account</string>
<string name= "nc_account_scheduled_for_deletion" > The account is scheduled for deletion, and cannot be changed</string>
<string name= "nc_action_open_main_menu" > Open main menu</string>
<string name= "nc_add_attachment" > Add attachment</string>
<string name= "nc_add_emojis" > Add emojis</string>
<string name= "nc_add_file" > Add to conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_add_participants" > Add participants</string>
<string name= "nc_add_to_favorites" > Add to favourites</string>
<string name= "nc_all_ok_operation" > OK, all done!</string>
<string name= "nc_allow_guests" > Allow guests</string>
<string name= "nc_attendee_pin" > Pin: %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_biometric_unlock" > Unlock %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_bluetooth_permission_hint" > To enable Bluetooth speakers please grant \"Nearby devices\" permission.</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_advanced" > Advanced call options</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_answer_video_call" > Answer as video call</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_answer_voice_only" > Answer as voice call only</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_audio_output" > Change audio output</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_camera" > Toggle camera</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_hangup" > Hang up</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_microphone" > Toggle microphone</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_pip" > Open picture-in-picture mode</string>
<string name= "nc_call_button_content_description_switch_to_self_vide" > Switch to self video</string>
<string name= "nc_call_incoming" > INCOMING</string>
<string name= "nc_call_name" > Conversation name</string>
<string name= "nc_call_name_is_same" > The name you entered is the same as the existing one</string>
<string name= "nc_call_notifications" > Call notifications</string>
<string name= "nc_call_raised_hand" > %1$s raised the hand</string>
<string name= "nc_call_reconnecting" > Reconnecting …</string>
<string name= "nc_call_ringing" > RINGING</string>
<string name= "nc_call_state_in_call" > %1$s in call</string>
<string name= "nc_call_state_with_phone" > %1$s with phone</string>
<string name= "nc_call_state_with_video" > %1$s with video</string>
<string name= "nc_call_timeout" > No response in 45 seconds, tap to try again</string>
<string name= "nc_call_unknown" > %s call</string>
<string name= "nc_call_video" > %s video call</string>
<string name= "nc_call_voice" > %s voice call</string>
<string name= "nc_camera_permission_hint" > To enable video communication please grant \"Camera\" permission.</string>
<string name= "nc_cancel" > Cancel</string>
<string name= "nc_capabilities_failed" > Failed to fetch capabilities, aborting</string>
<string name= "nc_caption" > Caption</string>
<string name= "nc_certificate_dialog_text" > Do you trust the until now unknown SSL certificate, issued by %1$s for %2$s, valid from %3$s to %4$s?</string>
<string name= "nc_certificate_dialog_title" > Check out the certificate</string>
<string name= "nc_certificate_error" > Your SSL setup prevented connection</string>
<string name= "nc_change_cert_auth" > Change authentication certificate</string>
<string name= "nc_circle" > Circle</string>
<string name= "nc_circles" > Circles</string>
<string name= "nc_clear_history" > Delete all messages</string>
<string name= "nc_clear_history_success" > All messages were deleted</string>
<string name= "nc_clear_history_warning" > Do you really want to delete all messages in this conversation?</string>
<string name= "nc_client_cert_change" > Change client certificate</string>
<string name= "nc_client_cert_setup" > Set up client certificate</string>
<string name= "nc_close_app" > Close app</string>
<string name= "nc_common_and" > and</string>
<string name= "nc_common_create" > Create</string>
<string name= "nc_common_dismiss" > Dismiss</string>
<string name= "nc_common_error_sorry" > Sorry, something went wrong!</string>
<string name= "nc_common_set" > Set</string>
<string name= "nc_common_skip" > Skip</string>
<string name= "nc_configure_cert_auth" > Select authentication certificate</string>
<string name= "nc_connecting_call" > Connecting …</string>
<string name= "nc_contacts_done" > Done</string>
<string name= "nc_conversation_description" > Conversation description</string>
<string name= "nc_conversation_link" > Conversation link</string>
<string name= "nc_conversation_menu_conversation_info" > Conversation info</string>
<string name= "nc_conversation_menu_video_call" > Video call</string>
<string name= "nc_conversation_menu_voice_call" > Voice call</string>
<string name= "nc_conversation_settings" > Conversation settings</string>
<string name= "nc_conversations_empty" > Join a conversation or start a new one</string>
<string name= "nc_conversations_empty_details" > Say hi to your friends and colleagues!</string>
<string name= "nc_copy_message" > Copy</string>
<string name= "nc_create_poll" > Create poll</string>
<string name= "nc_date_header_today" > Today</string>
<string name= "nc_date_header_yesterday" > Yesterday</string>
<string name= "nc_delete" > Delete</string>
<string name= "nc_delete_all" > Delete all</string>
<string name= "nc_delete_call" > Delete conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_delete_conversation_more" > If you delete the conversation, it will also be deleted for all other participants.</string>
<string name= "nc_delete_message" > Delete</string>
<string name= "nc_delete_message_leaked_to_matterbridge" > Message deleted successfully, but it might have been leaked to other services</string>
<string name= "nc_deleted_user" > User %1$s was removed</string>
<string name= "nc_demote" > Demote from moderator</string>
<string name= "nc_description_record_voice" > Record voice message</string>
<string name= "nc_description_send_message_button" > Send message</string>
2024-01-13 05:47:47 +03:00
<string name= "nc_diagnose_account_category_title" > Current account</string>
<string name= "nc_diagnose_battery_optimization_title" > Battery settings</string>
<string name= "nc_diagnose_signaling_mode_extern" > External</string>
2024-01-12 05:39:44 +03:00
<string name= "nc_dialog_invalid_password" > Invalid password</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_maintenance_mode" > Maintenance mode</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_maintenance_mode_description" > Server is currently in maintenance mode.</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_outdated_client" > App is outdated</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_outdated_client_description" > The app is too old and no longer supported by this server. Please update.</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_outdated_client_option_update" > Update</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_reauth_or_delete" > Do you want to reauthorise or delete this account?</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_save_to_storage_content" > Saving this media to storage will allow any other apps on your device to access it.</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_save_to_storage_continue" > Continue?</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_save_to_storage_no" > No</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_save_to_storage_title" > Save to storage?</string>
<string name= "nc_dialog_save_to_storage_yes" > Yes</string>
<string name= "nc_display_name_not_fetched" > Display name couldn\'t be fetched, aborting</string>
<string name= "nc_display_name_not_stored" > Could not store display name, aborting</string>
<string name= "nc_email" > Email</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_message_eight_hours" > 8 hours</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_message_four_weeks" > 4 weeks</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_message_off" > Off</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_message_one_day" > 1 day</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_message_one_hour" > 1 hour</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_message_one_week" > 1 week</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_messages" > Expire chat messages</string>
<string name= "nc_expire_messages_explanation" > Chat messages can be expired after a certain time. Note: Files shared in chat will not be deleted for the owner, but will no longer be shared in the conversation.</string>
<string name= "nc_external_server_failed" > Failed to fetch signaling settings</string>
<string name= "nc_failed_signaling_settings" > Target server does not support joining public conversations via mobile phones. You may attempt to join the conversation via web browser.</string>
<string name= "nc_failed_to_perform_operation" > Sorry, something went wrong!</string>
<string name= "nc_file_browser_back" > Back</string>
<string name= "nc_file_storage_permission" > Permission for file access is required</string>
<string name= "nc_filter" > Filter Conversations</string>
<string name= "nc_following_link" > User following a public link</string>
<string name= "nc_formatted_message_you" > You: %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_forward_message" > Forward</string>
<string name= "nc_forward_to_three_dots" > Forward to …</string>
<string name= "nc_get_from_provider" > Do you not have a server yet?\nClick here to get one from a provider</string>
<string name= "nc_get_source_code" > Get source code</string>
<string name= "nc_group" > Group</string>
<string name= "nc_groups" > Groups</string>
<string name= "nc_guest" > Guest</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access" > Guest access</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_allow_failed" > Cannot enable/disable guest access.</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_allow_summary" > Allow guests to share a public link to join this conversation.</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_allow_title" > Allow guests</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_password_dialog_hint" > Enter a password</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_password_dialog_title" > Guest access password</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_password_failed" > Error during setting/disabling the password.</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_password_summary" > Set a password to restrict who can use the public link.</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_password_title" > Password protection</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_password_weak_alert_title" > Weak password</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_resend_invitations" > Resend invitations</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_resend_invitations_failed" > Invitations were not send due to an error.</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_resend_invitations_successful" > Invitations were sent out again.</string>
<string name= "nc_guest_access_share_link" > Share conversation link</string>
<string name= "nc_hint_enter_a_message" > Enter a message …</string>
<string name= "nc_important_conversation" > Important conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_important_conversation_desc" > Notifications in this conversation will override Do Not Disturb settings</string>
<string name= "nc_join_via_link" > Join with a link</string>
<string name= "nc_join_via_web" > Join via web</string>
<string name= "nc_last_moderator" > You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave %1$s.</string>
<string name= "nc_last_moderator_title" > Could not leave conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_last_modified" > %1$s | Last modified: %2$s</string>
<string name= "nc_leave" > Leave conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_leaving_call" > Leaving call …</string>
<string name= "nc_license_summary" > GNU General Public Licence, Version 3</string>
<string name= "nc_license_title" > Licence</string>
<string name= "nc_limit_hit" > %s characters limit has been hit</string>
<string name= "nc_list_open_conversations" > List open conversations</string>
<string name= "nc_lobby" > Lobby</string>
<string name= "nc_lobby_start_date" > This meeting is scheduled for %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_lobby_start_soon" > The meeting will start soon</string>
<string name= "nc_lobby_waiting" > You are currently waiting in the lobby.</string>
<string name= "nc_location_current_position_description" > Your current location</string>
<string name= "nc_location_permission_required" > location permission is required</string>
<string name= "nc_location_unknown" > Position unknown</string>
<string name= "nc_locked" > Locked</string>
<string name= "nc_locked_tap_to_unlock" > Tap to unlock</string>
<string name= "nc_manual" > Not set</string>
<string name= "nc_mark_as_read" > Mark as read</string>
<string name= "nc_mark_as_unread" > Mark as unread</string>
<string name= "nc_message_failed_to_send" > Failed to send message:</string>
<string name= "nc_message_quote_cancel_reply" > Cancel reply</string>
<string name= "nc_message_read" > Message read</string>
<string name= "nc_message_sent" > Message sent</string>
<string name= "nc_microphone_permission_hint" > To enable voice communication please grant \"Microphone\" permission.</string>
<string name= "nc_missed_call" > You missed a call from %s</string>
<string name= "nc_moderator" > Moderator</string>
<string name= "nc_never" > Never joined</string>
<string name= "nc_new_conversation" > New conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_new_mention" > Unread mentions</string>
<string name= "nc_new_messages" > Unread messages</string>
<string name= "nc_new_password" > New password</string>
<string name= "nc_nextcloud_talk_app_not_installed" > %1$s not available (not installed or restricted by admin)</string>
<string name= "nc_nick_guest" > Guest</string>
<string name= "nc_no" > No</string>
<string name= "nc_no_open_conversations_headline" > No open conversations</string>
<string name= "nc_no_open_conversations_text" > No open conversations that you can join.\nEither there are no open conversations or you already joined all of them.</string>
<string name= "nc_no_proxy" > No proxy</string>
<string name= "nc_not_allowed_to_activate_audio" > You are not allowed to activate audio!</string>
<string name= "nc_not_allowed_to_activate_video" > You are not allowed to activate video!</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel" > %1$s on %2$s notification channel</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel_calls" > Calls</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel_calls_description" > Notify about incoming calls</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel_messages" > Messages</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel_messages_description" > Notify about incoming messages</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel_uploads" > Uploads</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_channel_uploads_description" > Notify about upload progress</string>
<string name= "nc_notification_settings" > Notification settings</string>
<string name= "nc_notify_me_always" > Always notify</string>
<string name= "nc_notify_me_mention" > Notify when mentioned</string>
<string name= "nc_notify_me_never" > Never notify</string>
<string name= "nc_offline" > Currently offline, please check your connectivity</string>
<string name= "nc_ok" > OK</string>
<string name= "nc_owner" > Owner</string>
<string name= "nc_participants" > Participants</string>
<string name= "nc_participants_add" > Add participants</string>
<string name= "nc_password" > Password</string>
<string name= "nc_permissions_ask" > Set permissions</string>
<string name= "nc_permissions_denied" > Some permissions were denied.</string>
<string name= "nc_permissions_rationale_dialog_title" > Please allow permissions</string>
<string name= "nc_permissions_settings" > Open settings</string>
<string name= "nc_permissions_settings_hint" > Please grant permissions at Settings > Permissions</string>
<string name= "nc_phone_book_integration_account_not_found" > Account not found</string>
<string name= "nc_phone_book_integration_chat_via" > Chat via %s</string>
<string name= "nc_pip_microphone_mute" > Mute microphone</string>
<string name= "nc_pip_microphone_unmute" > Enable microphone</string>
<string name= "nc_plain_old_messages" > Messages</string>
<string name= "nc_privacy" > Privacy</string>
<string name= "nc_proceed" > Proceed</string>
<string name= "nc_profile_personal_info_title" > Personal Info</string>
<string name= "nc_promote" > Promote to moderator</string>
<string name= "nc_public_call" > New public conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_public_call_explanation" > Public conversations let you invite people from outside through a specially crafted link.</string>
<string name= "nc_push_disabled" > Push notifications disabled</string>
<string name= "nc_push_to_talk" > Press-to-transmit</string>
<string name= "nc_push_to_talk_desc" > With the microphone disabled, click& hold to use Press-to-transmit</string>
<string name= "nc_remind" > Remind me later</string>
<string name= "nc_remote_audio_off" > Remote audio off</string>
<string name= "nc_remove_circle_and_members" > Remove circle and members</string>
<string name= "nc_remove_from_favorites" > Remove from favourites</string>
<string name= "nc_remove_group_and_members" > Remove group and members</string>
<string name= "nc_remove_participant" > Remove participant</string>
<string name= "nc_rename" > Rename conversation</string>
<string name= "nc_rename_confirm" > Rename</string>
<string name= "nc_reply" > Reply</string>
<string name= "nc_reply_privately" > Reply privately</string>
<string name= "nc_save_message" > Save</string>
<string name= "nc_save_success" > Saved successfully</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_30" > 30 seconds</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_300" > 5 minutes</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_60" > 1 minute</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_600" > 10 minutes</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_six_hundred" > 600</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_sixty" > 60</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_thirty" > 30</string>
<string name= "nc_screen_lock_timeout_three_hundred" > 300</string>
<string name= "nc_search" > Search</string>
<string name= "nc_select_an_account" > Select an account</string>
<string name= "nc_select_participants" > Select participants</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_a_gif" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent a GIF.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_a_gif_you" > You sent a GIF.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_a_video" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent a video.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_a_video_you" > You sent a video.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_an_attachment" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent an attachment.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_an_attachment_you" > You sent an attachment.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_an_audio" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent an audio.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_an_audio_you" > You sent an audio.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_an_image" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent an image.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_an_image_you" > You sent an image.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_location" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent a location.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_location_you" > You sent a location.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_poll" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent a poll.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_poll_you" > You sent a poll.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_voice" formatted= "true" > %1$s sent a voice message.</string>
<string name= "nc_sent_voice_you" > You sent a voice message.</string>
<string name= "nc_server_connect" > Test server connection</string>
<string name= "nc_server_db_upgrade_needed" > Please upgrade your %1$s database</string>
<string name= "nc_server_failed_to_import_account" > Failed to import selected account</string>
<string name= "nc_server_helper_text" > The link to your %1$s web interface when you open it in the browser.</string>
<string name= "nc_server_import_account" > Import account from the %1$s app</string>
<string name= "nc_server_import_account_plain" > Import account</string>
<string name= "nc_server_import_accounts" > Import accounts from the %1$s app</string>
<string name= "nc_server_import_accounts_plain" > Import accounts</string>
<string name= "nc_server_maintenance" > Please bring your %1$s out of maintenance</string>
<string name= "nc_server_not_installed" > Please finish your %1$s installation</string>
<string name= "nc_server_testing_connection" > Testing connection</string>
<string name= "nc_server_unsupported" > Server does not have supported Talk app installed</string>
<string name= "nc_server_url" > Server address https://…</string>
<string name= "nc_server_version" > %1$s only works with %2$s 13 and up</string>
<string name= "nc_settings" > Settings</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_account_updated" > Your already existing account was updated, instead of adding a new one</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_advanced_title" > Advanced</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_appearance" > Appearance</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_call_ringtone" > Calls</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_incognito_keyboard_desc" > Instructs keyboard to disable personalized learning (without guarantees)</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_incognito_keyboard_title" > Incognito keyboard</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_no_ringtone" > No sound</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_no_talk_installed" > Talk app is not installed on the server you tried to authenticate against</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_notification_sounds" > Notification sounds</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_notification_sounds_post_oreo" > Notifications</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_other_notifications_ringtone" > Messages</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_desc" > Match contacts based on phone number to integrate Talk shortcut into system contacts app</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_phone_number_dialog_429" > Error 429 Too Many Requests</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_phone_number_dialog_description" > You can set your phone number so other users will be able to find you</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_phone_number_dialog_invalid" > Invalid phone number</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_phone_number_dialog_success" > Phone number set successfully</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_phone_number_dialog_title" > Phone number</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_phone_book_integration_title" > Phone number integration</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_privacy" > Privacy</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_proxy_host_title" > Proxy host</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_proxy_password_title" > Proxy password</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_proxy_port_title" > Proxy port</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_proxy_type_title" > Proxy type</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_proxy_username_title" > Proxy username</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_read_privacy_desc" > Share my read-status and show the read-status of others</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_read_privacy_title" > Read status</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_reauthorize" > Reauthorise account</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_remove" > Remove</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_remove_account" > Remove account</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_remove_confirmation" > Please confirm your intent to remove the current account.</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_screen_lock_desc" > Lock %1$s with Android screen lock or supported biometric method</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_screen_lock_timeout_title" > Screen lock inactivity timeout</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_screen_lock_title" > Screen lock</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_screen_security_desc" > Prevents screenshots in the recent list and inside the app</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_screen_security_title" > Screen security</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_server_almost_eol" > The server version is very old and will not be supported in the next release!</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_server_eol" > The server version is too old and not supported by this version of the Android app</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_server_eol_title" > Unsupported server</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_theme_battery_saver" > Set by Battery Saver</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_theme_dark" > Dark</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_theme_follow_system" > Use system default</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_theme_key" > theme</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_theme_light" > Light</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_theme_title" > Theme</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_typing_status_desc" > Share my typing-status and show the typing-status of others</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_typing_status_hpb_description" > Typing status is only available when using a high performance backend (HPB)</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_typing_status_title" > Typing status</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_use_credentials_title" > Proxy requires credentials</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_warning" > Warning</string>
<string name= "nc_settings_wrong_account" > Only current account can be reauthorised</string>
<string name= "nc_share_contact" > Share contact</string>
<string name= "nc_share_contact_permission" > Permission to read contacts is required</string>
<string name= "nc_share_current_location" > Share current location</string>
<string name= "nc_share_location" > Share location</string>
<string name= "nc_share_subject" > %1$s invitation</string>
<string name= "nc_share_text" > Join the conversation at %1$s/index.php/call/%2$s</string>
<string name= "nc_share_text_pass" > \nPassword: %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_share_this_location" > Share this location</string>
<string name= "nc_share_to_choose_account" > Choose account</string>
<string name= "nc_shared_items" > Shared items</string>
<string name= "nc_shared_items_deck_card" > Deck card</string>
<string name= "nc_shared_items_description" > Images, files, voice messages …</string>
<string name= "nc_shared_items_empty" > No shared items</string>
<string name= "nc_shared_items_location" > Location</string>
<string name= "nc_shared_location" > Shared location</string>
<string name= "nc_sort_by" > Sort by</string>
<string name= "nc_start_time" > Start time</string>
<string name= "nc_switch_account" > Switch account</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_choose_local_files" > Choose files</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_confirm_send_multiple" > Send these files to %1$s?</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_confirm_send_single" > Send this file to %1$s?</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_failed" > Sorry, upload failed</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_failed_notification_text" > Failed to upload %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_failed_notification_title" > Failure</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_from_cloud" > Share from %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_from_device" > Upload from device</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_in_progess" > Uploading</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_notification_text" > %1$s to %2$s - %3$s\%%</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_picture_from_cam" > Take photo</string>
<string name= "nc_upload_video_from_cam" > Take video</string>
<string name= "nc_user" > User</string>
<string name= "nc_video_filename" > Video recording from %1$s</string>
<string name= "nc_voice_message_filename" > Talk recording from %1$s (%2$s)</string>
<string name= "nc_voice_message_hold_to_record_info" > Hold to record, release to send.</string>
<string name= "nc_voice_message_missing_audio_permission" > Permission for audio recording is required</string>
<string name= "nc_voice_message_slide_to_cancel" > « Slide to cancel</string>
<string name= "nc_webinar" > Webinar</string>
<string name= "nc_wrong_link" > Conversation link is not valid</string>
<string name= "nc_wrong_password" > Wrong password</string>
<string name= "nc_yes" > Yes</string>
<string name= "next_week" > Next week</string>
<string name= "no_phone_book_integration_due_to_permissions" > No phone number integration due to missing permissions</string>
<string name= "oneHour" > 1 hour</string>
<string name= "online" > Online</string>
<string name= "online_status" > Online status</string>
<string name= "openConversations" > Open conversations</string>
<string name= "open_in_files_app" > Open in Files app</string>
<string name= "play_pause_voice_message" > Play/pause voice message</string>
<string name= "polls_add_option" > Add option</string>
<string name= "polls_edit_vote" > Edit vote</string>
<string name= "polls_end_poll" > End poll</string>
<string name= "polls_end_poll_confirm" > Do you really want to end this poll? This cannot be undone.</string>
<string name= "polls_max_votes_reached" > You cannot vote with more options for this poll.</string>
<string name= "polls_multiple_answers" > Multiple answers</string>
<string name= "polls_option_delete" > Delete option %1$s</string>
<string name= "polls_option_hint" > Option %1$s</string>
<string name= "polls_options" > Options</string>
<string name= "polls_private_poll" > Private poll</string>
<string name= "polls_question" > Question</string>
<string name= "polls_question_hint" > Your question</string>
<string name= "polls_results_subtitle" > Results</string>
<string name= "polls_settings" > Settings</string>
<string name= "polls_submit_vote" > Vote</string>
<string name= "polls_voted_hidden_success" > Vote submitted</string>
<string name= "raise_hand" > Raise hand</string>
<string name= "reactions_tab_all" > All</string>
<string name= "read_storage_no_permission" > Sharing files from storage is not possible without permissions</string>
<string name= "record_active_info" > The call is being recorded</string>
<string name= "record_cancel_start" > Cancel recording start</string>
<string name= "record_failed_info" > The recording failed. Please contact your administrator.</string>
<string name= "record_start_description" > Start recording</string>
<string name= "record_stop_confirm_message" > Do you really want to stop the recording?</string>
<string name= "record_stop_confirm_title" > Stop Call recording</string>
<string name= "record_stop_description" > Stop recording</string>
<string name= "record_stopping" > Stopping recording …</string>
<string name= "recording_consent_all" > Recording consent is required for all calls</string>
<string name= "recording_consent_description" > The recording might include your voice, video from camera, and screen share. Your consent is required before joining the call. Do you consent?</string>
<string name= "recording_consent_for_conversation_description" > Require recording consent before joining call in this conversation</string>
<string name= "recording_consent_for_conversation_title" > Recording consent</string>
<string name= "recording_consent_title" > The call might be recorded.</string>
<string name= "recording_settings_title" > Recording</string>
<string name= "removed_from_favorites" > Removed conversation %1$s from favourites</string>
<string name= "renamed_conversation" > Conversation %1$s was renamed</string>
<string name= "restrict_join_other_room_while_call" > It is not possible to join other rooms while in a call</string>
<string name= "save" > Save</string>
<string name= "scope_federated_description" > Only synchronize to trusted servers</string>
<string name= "scope_federated_title" > Federated</string>
<string name= "scope_local_description" > Only visible to people on this instance and guests</string>
<string name= "scope_local_title" > Local</string>
<string name= "scope_private_description" > Only visible to people matched via phone number integration through Talk on mobile</string>
<string name= "scope_private_title" > Private</string>
<string name= "scope_published_description" > Synchronize to trusted servers and the global and public address book</string>
<string name= "scope_published_title" > Published</string>
<string name= "scope_toggle" > Scope toggle</string>
<string name= "scope_toggle_description" > Change privacy level of %1$s</string>
<string name= "scroll_to_bottom" > Scroll to bottom</string>
<string name= "secondsAgo" > seconds ago</string>
<string name= "see_similar_system_messages" > See %1$s similar messages</string>
<string name= "selected_list_item" > Selected</string>
<string name= "send_to" > Send to</string>
<string name= "send_to_forbidden" > You are not allowed to share content to this chat</string>
<string name= "send_to_three_dots" > Send to …</string>
<string name= "send_without_notification" > Send without notification</string>
<string name= "set" > Set</string>
<string name= "set_avatar_from_camera" > Set avatar from camera</string>
<string name= "set_status" > Set status</string>
<string name= "set_status_message" > Set status message</string>
<string name= "share" > Share</string>
<string name= "shared_items_audio" > Audio</string>
<string name= "shared_items_file" > File</string>
<string name= "shared_items_media" > Media</string>
<string name= "shared_items_other" > Other</string>
<string name= "shared_items_poll" > Poll</string>
<string name= "shared_items_recording" > Call recording</string>
<string name= "shared_items_voice" > Voice</string>
<string name= "starred" > Favourite</string>
<string name= "startCallForbidden" > You are not allowed to start a call</string>
<string name= "started_a_call" > started a call</string>
<string name= "status_message" > Status message</string>
<string name= "switch_to_breakout_room" > Switch to breakout room</string>
<string name= "switch_to_main_room" > Switch to main room</string>
<string name= "take_photo" > Take a photo</string>
<string name= "take_photo_error_deleting_picture" > Error taking picture</string>
<string name= "take_photo_permission" > Taking a photo is not possible without permissions</string>
<string name= "take_photo_retake_photo" > Re-take photo</string>
<string name= "take_photo_send" > Send</string>
<string name= "take_photo_switch_camera" > Switch camera</string>
<string name= "take_photo_toggle_crop" > Crop photo</string>
<string name= "take_photo_toggle_lowres" > Reduce image size</string>
<string name= "take_photo_toggle_torch" > Toggle torch</string>
<string name= "thirtyMinutes" > 30 minutes</string>
<string name= "thisWeek" > This week</string>
<string name= "this_is_a_test_message" > This is a test message</string>
<string name= "this_weekend" > This weekend</string>
<string name= "title_attachments" > Attachments</string>
<string name= "today" > Today</string>
<string name= "tomorrow" > Tomorrow</string>
<string name= "translate" > Translate</string>
<string name= "translation" > Translation</string>
<string name= "translation_copy_translated_text" > Copy translated text</string>
<string name= "translation_detect_language" > Detect language</string>
<string name= "translation_device_settings" > Device settings</string>
<string name= "translation_error_message" > Could not detect language</string>
<string name= "translation_error_title" > Translation failed</string>
<string name= "translation_from" > From</string>
<string name= "translation_to" > To</string>
<string name= "typing_1_other" > and 1 other is typing …</string>
<string name= "typing_are_typing" > are typing …</string>
<string name= "typing_is_typing" > is typing …</string>
<string name= "typing_x_others" > and %1$s others are typing …</string>
<string name= "unread" > Unread</string>
<string name= "upload_new_avatar_from_device" > Upload new avatar from device</string>
<string name= "user_info_address" > Address</string>
<string name= "user_info_displayname" > Full name</string>
<string name= "user_info_email" > Email</string>
<string name= "user_info_phone" > Phone number</string>
<string name= "user_info_twitter" > Twitter</string>
<string name= "user_info_website" > Website</string>
<string name= "user_status" > Status</string>
<string name= "userinfo_error_text" > Failed to retrieve personal user information.</string>
<string name= "userinfo_no_info_headline" > No personal info set</string>
<string name= "userinfo_no_info_text" > Add name, picture and contact details on your profile page.</string>
<string name= "video_call" > Video Call</string>
<string name= "whats_your_status" > What is your status?</string>
<plurals name= "polls_amount_voters" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d vote</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d votes</item>