2.16.0 - 🔧 Support APIv1 - Title will only be auto generated when creating a new note - Ability to change title manually - 🔤 Make categories sortable by alphabet or modified date (#603) (@WingsUpete @Hui-Ouyang16 @IF-ACT) 2.15.0 - 🆕 Grid view (beta) 2.14.1 - ✨ Title and category should be centered if no excerpt is given (#374) - 🐞 Crash when entering not-existing category (#863) 2.14.0 - 📌 Remember last scrolling position per note (#227) - 🎨 Apply brand to widget color - ❓ "Help: format" option in the menu (#116) - 🐞 Fix toggling checkboxes when note contains codefences with empty lines