3.0.1 - 🐞 Fix overriding of manually set title when editing/exiting a new note (#935) (❤️ @johahauf) - 🌍 Updated translations 3.0.0 - ❓ Update formatting section (#1020) - 🌍 Updated translations 2.19.0 - 🆕 Replace RxMarkdown viewer with Markwon viewer (#549) - 📈 Render markdown tables (#190) - 🖼️ Show images in view mode (#807) - ✅ Multi level checkboxes - ✏️ Readonly mode must not allow editing of title (#983) - 🔍 Matched content does not been rendered while search (#999) - 🐞 Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (#908) 2.18.0 - Replace RxMarkdown editor with Markwon editor (Does not yet affect the viewer) (#549)