# This file contains the fastlane.tools configuration # You can find the documentation at https://docs.fastlane.tools # # For a list of all available actions, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions # # For a list of all available plugins, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/plugins/available-plugins # # Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself # update_fastlane ## config # add following to your shell rc: # export FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_STORE_FILE="" # export FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_STORE_PASSWORD="" # export FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_KEY_ALIAS="" # export FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_KEY_PASSWORD="" # export FASTLANE_NEXTCLOUD_GITHUB_API_TOKEN="" skip_docs default_platform(:android) BUNDLE_PATH = "app/build/outputs/bundle/playRelease/app-play-release.aab" import("./common.Fastfile") platform :android do desc "Build app bundle" desc "Run tests and build app" lane :releasePhase1 do test() buildBundle() end desc "Release previously built app to Google Play and create tag" lane :releasePhase2 do versionInfo = getVersionInfo() versionComponents = parseVersionCode(versionInfo) checkReleasable(versionComponents) storeTrack = getPlayStoreTrack(versionComponents) tagName = getTagName(versionComponents) preReleaseChecks(versionInfo: versionInfo, tagName: tagName, type: versionComponents["type"], track: storeTrack) checkArtifactsExist() tag(name: tagName) uploadToPlayStore(track: storeTrack) end desc "Run tests" lane :test do gradle(task: "clean testPlayReleaseUnitTest testFdroidReleaseUnitTest") end desc "Build app bundle" lane :buildBundle do gradle( task: 'bundle', flavor: 'play', build_type: 'Release', print_command: false, properties: { "android.injected.signing.store.file" => ENV["FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_STORE_FILE"], "android.injected.signing.store.password" => ENV["FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_STORE_PASSWORD"], "android.injected.signing.key.alias" => ENV["FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_KEY_ALIAS"], "android.injected.signing.key.password" => ENV["FASTLANE_NOTES_UPLOAD_KEY_PASSWORD"], } ) end desc "Show versions and prompt for confirmation" private_lane :preReleaseChecks do |options| versionInfo = options[:versionInfo] tagName = options[:tagName] currentBranch = git_branch() text = "Version code: #{versionInfo["versionCode"]}\n" + "Version name: #{versionInfo["versionName"]}\n" + "Current branch: #{currentBranch}\n" + "Version type: #{options[:type]}\n" + "Tag: #{tagName}\n" + "Track: #{options[:track]}" promptYesNo(text: text) end desc "Check if release artifacts exist" private_lane :checkArtifactsExist do if !File.exist?("../#{BUNDLE_PATH}") UI.user_error!("Bundle not found at #{BUNDLE_PATH}") end end desc "Create release tag" private_lane :tag do |options| tagName = options[:name] add_git_tag( tag: tagName, sign: true ) push_git_tags(tag: tagName) end desc "Upload release artifacts to Google Play" private_lane :uploadToPlayStore do |options| upload_to_play_store( skip_upload_images: true, skip_upload_apk: true, track: options[:track], aab: BUNDLE_PATH ) end end