Do not query full content of notes for list view

This commit is contained in:
Stefan Niedermann 2021-04-06 18:00:59 +02:00
parent a4f0e0bec6
commit 5bc2d9ee54

View file

@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ public interface NoteDao {
String getContent = "SELECT content FROM NOTE WHERE id = :id";
String count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NOTE WHERE status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND accountId = :accountId";
String countFavorites = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NOTE WHERE status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND accountId = :accountId AND favorite = 1";
String searchRecentByModified = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) ORDER BY favorite DESC, modified DESC";
String searchRecentLexicographically = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) ORDER BY favorite DESC, title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchFavoritesByModified = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND favorite = 1 ORDER BY modified DESC";
String searchFavoritesLexicographically = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND favorite = 1 ORDER BY title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchUncategorizedByModified = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND category = '' ORDER BY favorite DESC, modified DESC";
String searchUncategorizedLexicographically = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND category = '' ORDER BY favorite DESC, title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchCategoryByModified = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND (category = :category OR category LIKE :category || '/%') ORDER BY category, favorite DESC, modified DESC";
String searchCategoryLexicographically = "SELECT * FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND (category = :category OR category LIKE :category || '/%') ORDER BY category, favorite DESC, title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchRecentByModified = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) ORDER BY favorite DESC, modified DESC";
String searchRecentLexicographically = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) ORDER BY favorite DESC, title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchFavoritesByModified = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND favorite = 1 ORDER BY modified DESC";
String searchFavoritesLexicographically = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND favorite = 1 ORDER BY title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchUncategorizedByModified = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND category = '' ORDER BY favorite DESC, modified DESC";
String searchUncategorizedLexicographically = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND category = '' ORDER BY favorite DESC, title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
String searchCategoryByModified = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND (category = :category OR category LIKE :category || '/%') ORDER BY category, favorite DESC, modified DESC";
String searchCategoryLexicographically = "SELECT id, remoteId, accountId, title, favorite, excerpt, modified, '' as eTag, 0 as status, '' as category, '' as content, 0 as scrollY FROM NOTE WHERE accountId = :accountId AND status != 'LOCAL_DELETED' AND (title LIKE :query OR content LIKE :query) AND (category = :category OR category LIKE :category || '/%') ORDER BY category, favorite DESC, title COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
LiveData<Note> getNoteById$(long id);
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public interface NoteDao {
LiveData<List<Note>> searchRecentByModified$(long accountId, String query);
List<Note> searchRecentByModified(long accountId, String query);