2018-02-09 04:44:10 +03:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources >
<string name= "app_name" > Notes</string>
<string name= "no_notes" > No notes yet</string>
2018-04-10 03:46:38 +03:00
<string name= "label_all_notes" > All notes</string>
<string name= "label_favorites" > Favourites</string>
2018-02-09 04:44:10 +03:00
<string name= "action_create" > New note</string>
<string name= "action_settings" > Settings</string>
<string name= "action_search" > Search</string>
<string name= "action_create_save" > Save</string>
<string name= "action_edit_save" > Save</string>
<string name= "action_edit_saving" > Saving … </string>
<string name= "action_edit_saved" > Saved</string>
<string name= "action_select_note" > Select note</string>
<string name= "action_note_deleted" > Note deleted</string>
<string name= "action_note_restored" > Note restored</string>
<string name= "action_undo" > Undo</string>
<string name= "action_drawer_open" > open navigation</string>
<string name= "action_drawer_close" > close navigation</string>
<string name= "action_recent" > Recent</string>
<string name= "action_uncategorized" > Uncategorised</string>
<string name= "menu_delete" > Delete</string>
<string name= "menu_change_category" > Category</string>
<string name= "menu_favorite" > Favourite</string>
<string name= "menu_preview" > Preview</string>
<string name= "menu_share" > Share</string>
<string name= "menu_about" > About</string>
<string name= "listview_updated_today" > Today</string>
<string name= "listview_updated_yesterday" > Yesterday</string>
<string name= "listview_updated_this_week" > This week</string>
<string name= "listview_updated_this_month" > This month</string>
<string name= "listview_updated_earlier" > Earlier</string>
<!-- Settings -->
<string name= "settings_server_settings" > Account Settings</string>
<string name= "settings_server" > Server</string>
<string name= "settings_url" > Server address</string>
<string name= "settings_url_check_description" > Shows whether the address can be pinged.</string>
<string name= "settings_url_warn_http" > WARNING: \"http\" is unsafe. Please use \"https\".</string>
<string name= "settings_username" > Username</string>
<string name= "settings_password" > Password</string>
<string name= "settings_password_unchanged" > Password (not changed)</string>
<string name= "settings_password_check_description" > Displays whether the credentials are correct.</string>
<string name= "settings_submit" > Connect</string>
<string name= "settings_submitting" > Connecting … </string>
<string name= "settings_view_category" > View settings</string>
<string name= "settings_note_mode" > Display mode for Notes</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_category" > Certificates</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_trust_system" > Trust system certificates</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_trust_system_on" > System and user-added CAs will be trusted (recommended)</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_trust_system_off" > System and user-added CAs won\'t be trusted</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_reset" > Reset (un)trusted certificates</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_reset_summary" > Resets trust of all custom certificates</string>
<string name= "settings_cert_reset_toast" > All custom certificates have been cleared</string>
<!-- Certificates -->
<string name= "certificate_notification_connection_security" > Notes - Connection security</string>
<string name= "trust_certificate_unknown_certificate_found" > Notes has encountered an unknown certificate. Do you want to trust it?</string>
<!-- Network -->
<string name= "network_connecting" > Connecting</string>
<string name= "network_connected" > Connected</string>
<string name= "network_disconnected" > No network available</string>
<!-- Error -->
<string name= "error_sync" > Synchronisation failed: %1$s</string>
<string name= "error_invalid_login" > Invalid login: %1$s</string>
<string name= "error_json" > is the Notes app activated on the server?</string>
<string name= "error_io" > server connection is broken</string>
<string name= "error_no_network" > no network connection</string>
<string name= "error_server" > URL/Server has errors</string>
<string name= "error_url_malformed" > Wrong server address</string>
<string name= "error_username_password_invalid" > Wrong username or password</string>
<!-- Snackbar Actions -->
<string name= "snackbar_settings" > Settings</string>
<!-- About -->
<string name= "about_version_title" > Version</string>
<string name= "about_version" > You are currently using < strong>%1$s< /strong></string>
<string name= "about_maintainer_title" > Maintainer</string>
<string name= "about_developers_title" > Developers</string>
<string name= "about_translators_title" > Translators</string>
<string name= "about_translators_transifex" > Nextcloud community on < a href=\"%1$s\">Transifex< /a></string>
<string name= "about_testers_title" > Testers</string>
<string name= "about_source_title" > Source code</string>
<string name= "about_source" > This project is hosted on GitHub: < a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s< /a></string>
<string name= "about_issues_title" > Issues</string>
<string name= "about_issues" > You can report bugs, enhancement proposals and feature requests at the GitHub issue tracker: < a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s< /a></string>
<string name= "about_translate_title" > Translate</string>
<string name= "about_translate" > Join the Nextcloud team on Transifex and help us to translate this app: < a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s< /a></string>
<string name= "about_app_license_title" > App licence</string>
<string name= "about_app_license" > This application is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3+.</string>
<string name= "about_app_license_button" > View licence</string>
<string name= "about_icons_disclaimer_title" > Icons</string>
<string name= "about_icons_disclaimer" > < p>Original icon made by %1$s< /p>< p>All further icons used by this app are < a href=\"https://materialdesignicons.com/\">Material Design Icons< /a> made by Google Inc. and licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.< /p></string>
<string name= "about_credits_tab_title" > Credits</string>
<string name= "about_contribution_tab_title" > Contribution</string>
<string name= "about_license_tab_title" > Licence</string>
<!-- Widgets -->
<string name= "widget_note_list_title" > Note list</string>
<string name= "widget_note_list_placeholder" > No notes</string>
<string name= "widget_single_note_title" > Single note</string>
<string name= "widget_single_note_placeholder_tv" > Note not found</string>
<string name= "widget_create_note" > Create Note</string>
<string name= "widget_not_logged_in" > Please login to Notes before using this widget</string>
<string name= "widget_app_launcher_contentDescription" > Launches app</string>
<string name= "activity_select_single_note" > Select note</string>
<!-- Shortcuts -->
<string name= "shortcut_create_long" > Create a new note</string>
<!-- Array: note modes -->
<string-array name= "noteMode_entries" >
<item > Open in edit mode</item>
<item > Open in preview mode</item>
<item > Remember my last selection</item>
<!-- Plurals -->
<plurals name= "ab_selected" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d selected</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d selected</item>