Sorry. There are so many different environments, that it is impossible for us to test each and every constellation.
First of all make sure you have updated to and tried with the latest available versions of both, this app and the [Notes server app](
In case you receive a `NextcloudApiNotRespondingException`, try to disable the battery optimization for both apps.
If the issue persists, [open a bug report in our issue tracker](
As stated in the bug templates, we reserve to close issues which do not fill the **complete issue template**. The information we ask for is urgently needed, even if it might not seem to be important or relevant to you.
We have very limited resources and capacity and we really want to help you fixing different bugs, but we can impossibly know your environment, your different software versions, the store you used.
Therefore it is extremely important for you to describe the **exact steps to reproduce**. This includes information about your environment.
We also preserve to close issues where the **original reporter does not answer within a certain time frame**. We usually answer issues within a hour and expect you to respond to our questions within a week.
2. We are loosing the context of a report or a question over the time. We have many things to care about and digging into an issue deep and then relying on an response which is not coming is a waste of our limited free time