mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 20:02:17 +03:00
NEW/NEW conflicts could sometime be ignored and replaced by update metadata instructions we stop doing this and handle them like any other conflicts that would cause more download from the server those conflicts would be solved automatically in case this is not a real conflict but the client was missing the server reply with the updated metadata will enable more changes to improve MOVE detection from server side Signed-off-by: Matthieu Gallien <matthieu.gallien@nextcloud.com>
680 lines
32 KiB
680 lines
32 KiB
* This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
* support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
* any purpose.
#include "syncenginetestutils.h"
#include <owncloudpropagator.h>
#include <syncengine.h>
#include <QtTest>
#include <QTextCodec>
using namespace OCC;
/* Upload a 1/3 of a file of given size.
* fakeFolder needs to be synchronized */
static void partialUpload(FakeFolder &fakeFolder, const QString &name, qint64 size)
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 0); // The state should be clean
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert(name, size);
// Abort when the upload is at 1/3
qint64 sizeWhenAbort = -1;
const auto con = QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress, [&](const ProgressInfo &progress) {
if (progress.completedSize() > (progress.totalSize() / 3)) {
sizeWhenAbort = progress.completedSize();
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // there should have been an error
QVERIFY(sizeWhenAbort > 0);
QVERIFY(sizeWhenAbort < size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // the transfer was done with chunking
auto upStateChildren = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
QCOMPARE(sizeWhenAbort, std::accumulate(upStateChildren.cbegin(), upStateChildren.cend(), 0,
[](int s, const FileInfo &i) { return s + i.size; }));
// Reduce max chunk size a bit so we get more chunks
static void setChunkSize(SyncEngine &engine, qint64 size)
SyncOptions options;
options._initialChunkSize = size;
class TestChunkingNG : public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase()
AbstractNetworkJob::enableTimeout = true;
void testChunkV2Restrictions()
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({{"dav", QVariantMap{{"chunking", "1.0"}}}});
constexpr auto maxChunkSize = 5LL * 1000LL * 1000LL * 1000LL;
::setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 10LL * 1000LL * 1000LL * 1000LL);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().syncOptions().maxChunkSize(), maxChunkSize);
constexpr auto minChunkSize = 5 * 1000 * 1000;
::setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().syncOptions().minChunkSize(), minChunkSize);
auto hasDestinationHeader = false;
[&hasDestinationHeader](const QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *const) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
qDebug() << "Request headers:" << request.rawHeaderList();
hasDestinationHeader |= request.hasRawHeader("Destination");
return nullptr;
constexpr auto size = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; // 100 MB
::partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
const auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
const auto chunkMap = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
const auto firstChunkName = chunkMap.first().name;
const auto expectedChunkName = QString("%1").arg(1, 5, 10, QChar('0'));
QCOMPARE(firstChunkName, expectedChunkName);
void testFileUpload()
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
const int size = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 MB
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // the transfer was done with chunking
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// Check that another upload of the same file also work.
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 2); // the transfer was done with chunking
// Test resuming when there's a confusing chunk added
void testResume1() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
const auto &chunkMap = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
qint64 uploadedSize = std::accumulate(chunkMap.begin(), chunkMap.end(), 0LL, [](qint64 s, const FileInfo &f) { return s + f.size; });
QVERIFY(uploadedSize > 2 * 1000 * 1000); // at least 2 MB
// Add a fake chunk to make sure it gets deleted
fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().insert("10000", size);
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
// Test that we properly resuming and are not sending past data again.
Q_ASSERT(request.rawHeader("OC-Chunk-Offset").toLongLong() >= uploadedSize);
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation) {
return nullptr;
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// The same chunk id was re-used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name, chunkingId);
// Test resuming when one of the uploaded chunks got removed
void testResume2() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
const int size = 30 * 1000 * 1000; // 30 MB
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
const auto &chunkMap = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
qint64 uploadedSize = std::accumulate(chunkMap.begin(), chunkMap.end(), 0LL, [](qint64 s, const FileInfo &f) { return s + f.size; });
QVERIFY(uploadedSize > 2 * 1000 * 1000); // at least 50 MB
QVERIFY(chunkMap.size() >= 3); // at least three chunks
QStringList chunksToDelete;
// Remove the second chunk, so all further chunks will be deleted and resent
auto firstChunk = chunkMap.first();
auto secondChunk = *(chunkMap.begin() + 1);
const auto chunksList = chunkMap.keys().mid(2);
for (const auto& name : chunksList) {
QStringList deletedPaths;
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
// Test that we properly resuming, not resending the first chunk
Q_ASSERT(request.rawHeader("OC-Chunk-Offset").toLongLong() >= firstChunk.size);
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation) {
return nullptr;
for (const auto& toDelete : chunksToDelete) {
bool wasDeleted = false;
for (const auto& deleted : deletedPaths) {
if (deleted.mid(deleted.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) == toDelete) {
wasDeleted = true;
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// The same chunk id was re-used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name, chunkingId);
// Test resuming when all chunks are already present
void testResume3() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 30 * 1000 * 1000; // 30 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
const auto &chunkMap = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
qint64 uploadedSize = std::accumulate(chunkMap.begin(), chunkMap.end(), 0LL, [](qint64 s, const FileInfo &f) { return s + f.size; });
QVERIFY(uploadedSize > 5 * 1000 * 1000); // at least 5 MB
// Add a chunk that makes the file completely uploaded
const auto testChunkNameNum = chunkMap.count() + 1; // Chunk nums start at 1 with Chunk V2, so size() == last num, add 1
const auto testChunkName = QString("%1").arg(testChunkNameNum, 5, 10, QChar('0'));
const auto testChunkSize = size - uploadedSize;
fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().insert(testChunkName, testChunkSize);
bool sawPut = false;
bool sawDelete = false;
bool sawMove = false;
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
sawPut = true;
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation) {
sawDelete = true;
} else if (request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toString() == "MOVE") {
sawMove = true;
return nullptr;
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// The same chunk id was re-used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name, chunkingId);
// Test resuming (or rather not resuming!) for the error case of the sum of
// chunk sizes being larger than the file size
void testResume4() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
constexpr auto size = 30 * 1000 * 1000; // 30 MB
constexpr auto chunkSize = 5 * 1000 * 1000; // 5 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), chunkSize);
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
const auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
const auto &chunkMap = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
const auto uploadedSize = std::accumulate(chunkMap.begin(), chunkMap.end(), 0LL, [](qint64 s, const FileInfo &f) {
return s + f.size;
QVERIFY(uploadedSize > 5 * 1000 * 1000); // at least 5 MB
// Add a chunk that makes the file more than completely uploaded
const auto testChunkNameNum = chunkMap.count() + 1; // Chunk nums start at 1 with Chunk V2, so size() == last num, add 1
const auto testChunkName = QString("%1").arg(testChunkNameNum, 5, 10, QChar('0'));
const auto testChunkSize = size - uploadedSize + 100;
fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().insert(testChunkName, testChunkSize);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// Used a new transfer id but wiped the old one
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
// Check what happens when we abort during the final MOVE and the
// the final MOVE takes longer than the abort-delay
void testLateAbortHard()
FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() };
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ { "chunking", "1.0" } } }, { "checksums", QVariantMap{ { "supportedTypes", QStringList() << "SHA1" } } } });
const int size = 15 * 1000 * 1000; // 15 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
// Make the MOVE never reply, but trigger a client-abort and apply the change remotely
QObject parent;
QByteArray moveChecksumHeader;
int nGET = 0;
int responseDelay = 100000; // bigger than abort-wait timeout
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toString() == "MOVE") {
QTimer::singleShot(50, &parent, [&]() { fakeFolder.syncEngine().abort(); });
moveChecksumHeader = request.rawHeader("OC-Checksum");
return new DelayedReply<FakeChunkMoveReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.uploadState(), fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, &parent);
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) {
return nullptr;
// Test 1: NEW file aborted
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 2: modified file upload aborted
nGET = 0;
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// An EVAL/EVAL conflict is also UPDATE_METADATA when there's no checksums
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 3: modified file upload aborted, with good checksums
nGET = 0;
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// Set the remote checksum -- the test setup doesn't do it automatically
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = moveChecksumHeader;
QCOMPARE(nGET, 0); // no new download, just a metadata update!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 4: New file, that gets deleted locally before the next sync
nGET = 0;
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a3", size);
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// bug: in this case we must expect a re-download of A/A3
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Check what happens when we abort during the final MOVE and the
// the final MOVE is short enough for the abort-delay to help
void testLateAbortRecoverable()
FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() };
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ { "chunking", "1.0" } } }, { "checksums", QVariantMap{ { "supportedTypes", QStringList() << "SHA1" } } } });
const int size = 15 * 1000 * 1000; // 15 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
// Make the MOVE never reply, but trigger a client-abort and apply the change remotely
QObject parent;
int responseDelay = 200; // smaller than abort-wait timeout
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toString() == "MOVE") {
QTimer::singleShot(50, &parent, [&]() { fakeFolder.syncEngine().abort(); });
return new DelayedReply<FakeChunkMoveReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.uploadState(), fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, &parent);
return nullptr;
// Test 1: NEW file aborted
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 2: modified file upload aborted
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// We modify the file locally after it has been partially uploaded
void testRemoveStale1() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'B');
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size + 1);
// A different chunk id was used, and the previous one is removed
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
// We remove the file locally after it has been partially uploaded
void testRemoveStale2() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 0);
void testCreateConflictWhileSyncing() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
// Put a file on the server and download it.
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Modify the file locally and start the upload
fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'B');
// But in the middle of the sync, modify the file on the server
QMetaObject::Connection con = QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress,
[&](const ProgressInfo &progress) {
if (progress.completedSize() > (progress.totalSize() / 2 )) {
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'C');
// There was a precondition failed error, this means wen need to sync again
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().isAnotherSyncNeeded(), ImmediateFollowUp);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // We did not clean the chunks at this point
// Now we will download the server file and create a conflict
auto localState = fakeFolder.currentLocalState();
// A0 is the one from the server
QCOMPARE(localState.find("A/a0")->size, size);
QCOMPARE(localState.find("A/a0")->contentChar, 'C');
// There is a conflict file with our version
auto &stateAChildren = localState.find("A")->children;
auto it = std::find_if(stateAChildren.cbegin(), stateAChildren.cend(), [&](const FileInfo &fi) {
return fi.name.startsWith("a0 (conflicted copy");
QVERIFY(it != stateAChildren.cend());
QCOMPARE(it->contentChar, 'B');
QCOMPARE(it->size, size+1);
// Remove the conflict file so the comparison works!
fakeFolder.localModifier().remove("A/" + it->name);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 0); // The last sync cleaned the chunks
void testModifyLocalFileWhileUploading() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
// middle of the sync, modify the file
QMetaObject::Connection con = QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress,
[&](const ProgressInfo &progress) {
if (progress.completedSize() > (progress.totalSize() / 2 )) {
fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'B');
// There should be a followup sync
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().isAnotherSyncNeeded(), ImmediateFollowUp);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // We did not clean the chunks at this point
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
// Now we make a new sync which should upload the file for good.
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size+1);
// A different chunk id was used, and the previous one is removed
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
void testResumeServerDeletedChunks() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 30 * 1000 * 1000; // 30 MB
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
// Delete the chunks on the server
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// A different chunk id was used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
// Check what happens when the connection is dropped on the PUT (non-chunking) or MOVE (chunking)
// for on the issue #5106
void connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved_data()
QTest::newRow("big file") << true;
QTest::newRow("small file") << false;
void connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved()
QFETCH(bool, chunking);
FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() };
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ { "chunking", "1.0" } } }, { "checksums", QVariantMap{ { "supportedTypes", QStringList() << "SHA1" } } } });
const int size = chunking ? 1 * 1000 * 1000 : 300;
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 300 * 1000);
// Make the MOVE never reply, but trigger a client-abort and apply the change remotely
QByteArray checksumHeader;
int nGET = 0;
QScopedValueRollback<int> setHttpTimeout(AbstractNetworkJob::httpTimeout, 1);
int responseDelay = AbstractNetworkJob::httpTimeout * 1000 * 1000; // much bigger than http timeout (so a timeout will occur)
// This will perform the operation on the server, but the reply will not come to the client
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *outgoingData) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (!chunking) {
&& "Should not touch uploads endpoint when not chunking");
if (!chunking && op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
checksumHeader = request.rawHeader("OC-Checksum");
return new DelayedReply<FakePutReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, outgoingData->readAll(), &fakeFolder.syncEngine());
} else if (chunking && request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toString() == "MOVE") {
checksumHeader = request.rawHeader("OC-Checksum");
return new DelayedReply<FakeChunkMoveReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.uploadState(), fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, &fakeFolder.syncEngine());
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) {
return nullptr;
// Test 1: a NEW file
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // timeout!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); // but the upload succeeded
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = checksumHeader; // The test system don't do that automatically
// Should be resolved properly
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 2: Modify the file further
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // timeout!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); // but the upload succeeded
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = checksumHeader;
// modify again, should not cause conflict
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // now it's trying to upload the modified file
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = checksumHeader;
void testPercentEncoding() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 5 * 1000 * 1000;
setChunkSize(fakeFolder.syncEngine(), 1 * 1000 * 1000);
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/file % \u20ac", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Only the second upload contains an "If" header
fakeFolder.localModifier().appendByte("A/file % \u20ac");
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test uploading large files (2.5GiB)
void testVeryBigFiles() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
// Dynamic chunk sizing tries to go for biggest chunks possible depending on upload speed.
// In the tests this is immediate, so we need to give a file larger than the max chunk size
// and cap the max chunk size a bit
auto opts = fakeFolder.syncEngine().syncOptions();
opts.setMaxChunkSize(500LL * 1000LL * 1000LL); // 500MB
const qint64 size = 2.5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 2.5 GiB
// Partial upload of big files
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
// Now resume
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// The same chunk id was re-used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name, chunkingId);
// Upload another file again, this time without interruption
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size + 1);
#include "testchunkingng.moc"