mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 11:51:51 +03:00
From "_conflict-user-yyyymmdd-hhmmss" to " (conflicted copy user yyyy-mm-dd hhmmss)"
431 lines
20 KiB
431 lines
20 KiB
* This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
* support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
* any purpose.
#include <QtTest>
#include "syncenginetestutils.h"
#include <syncengine.h>
using namespace OCC;
/* Upload a 1/3 of a file of given size.
* fakeFolder needs to be synchronized */
static void partialUpload(FakeFolder &fakeFolder, const QString &name, int size)
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 0); // The state should be clean
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert(name, size);
// Abort when the upload is at 1/3
int sizeWhenAbort = -1;
auto con = QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress,
[&](const ProgressInfo &progress) {
if (progress.completedSize() > (progress.totalSize() /3 )) {
sizeWhenAbort = progress.completedSize();
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // there should have been an error
QVERIFY(sizeWhenAbort > 0);
QVERIFY(sizeWhenAbort < size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // the transfer was done with chunking
auto upStateChildren = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
QCOMPARE(sizeWhenAbort, std::accumulate(upStateChildren.cbegin(), upStateChildren.cend(), 0,
[](int s, const FileInfo &i) { return s + i.size; }));
class TestChunkingNG : public QObject
private slots:
void testFileUpload() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 300 * 1000 * 1000; // 300 MB
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // the transfer was done with chunking
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// Check that another upload of the same file also work.
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 2); // the transfer was done with chunking
void testResume () {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 300 * 1000 * 1000; // 300 MB
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
const auto &chunkMap = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().children;
quint64 uploadedSize = std::accumulate(chunkMap.begin(), chunkMap.end(), 0LL, [](quint64 s, const FileInfo &f) { return s + f.size; });
QVERIFY(uploadedSize > 50 * 1000 * 1000); // at least 50 MB
// Add a fake file to make sure it gets deleted
fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().insert("10000", size);
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
// Test that we properly resuming and are not sending past data again.
Q_ASSERT(request.rawHeader("OC-Chunk-Offset").toULongLong() >= uploadedSize);
return nullptr;
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// The same chunk id was re-used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name, chunkingId);
// Check what happens when we abort during the final MOVE and the
// the final MOVE takes longer than the abort-delay
void testLateAbortHard()
FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() };
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ { "chunking", "1.0" } } }, { "checksums", QVariantMap{ { "supportedTypes", QStringList() << "SHA1" } } } });
const int size = 150 * 1000 * 1000;
// Make the MOVE never reply, but trigger a client-abort and apply the change remotely
auto parent = new QObject;
QByteArray moveChecksumHeader;
int nGET = 0;
int responseDelay = 10000; // bigger than abort-wait timeout
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute) == "MOVE") {
QTimer::singleShot(50, parent, [&]() { fakeFolder.syncEngine().abort(); });
moveChecksumHeader = request.rawHeader("OC-Checksum");
return new DelayedReply<FakeChunkMoveReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.uploadState(), fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, parent);
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) {
return nullptr;
// Test 1: NEW file aborted
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// Now the next sync gets a NEW/NEW conflict and since there's no checksum
// it just becomes a UPDATE_METADATA
auto checkEtagUpdated = [&](SyncFileItemVector &items) {
QCOMPARE(items.size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(items[0]->_file, QLatin1String("A"));
SyncJournalFileRecord record;
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncJournal().getFileRecord(QByteArray("A/a0"), &record));
QCOMPARE(record._etag, fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->etag.toUtf8());
auto connection = connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::aboutToPropagate, checkEtagUpdated);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 2: modified file upload aborted
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// An EVAL/EVAL conflict is also UPDATE_METADATA when there's no checksums
connection = connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::aboutToPropagate, checkEtagUpdated);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 3: modified file upload aborted, with good checksums
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// Set the remote checksum -- the test setup doesn't do it automatically
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = moveChecksumHeader;
QCOMPARE(nGET, 0); // no new download, just a metadata update!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 4: New file, that gets deleted locally before the next sync
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a3", size);
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // error: abort!
// bug: in this case we must expect a re-download of A/A3
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Check what happens when we abort during the final MOVE and the
// the final MOVE is short enough for the abort-delay to help
void testLateAbortRecoverable()
FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() };
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ { "chunking", "1.0" } } }, { "checksums", QVariantMap{ { "supportedTypes", QStringList() << "SHA1" } } } });
const int size = 150 * 1000 * 1000;
// Make the MOVE never reply, but trigger a client-abort and apply the change remotely
auto parent = new QObject;
int responseDelay = 2000; // smaller than abort-wait timeout
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute) == "MOVE") {
QTimer::singleShot(50, parent, [&]() { fakeFolder.syncEngine().abort(); });
return new DelayedReply<FakeChunkMoveReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.uploadState(), fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, parent);
return nullptr;
// Test 1: NEW file aborted
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 2: modified file upload aborted
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// We modify the file locally after it has been partially uploaded
void testRemoveStale1() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 300 * 1000 * 1000; // 300 MB
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'B');
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size + 1);
// A different chunk id was used, and the previous one is removed
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
// We remove the file locally after it has been partially uploaded
void testRemoveStale2() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 300 * 1000 * 1000; // 300 MB
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 0);
void testCreateConflictWhileSyncing() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 150 * 1000 * 1000; // 150 MB
// Put a file on the server and download it.
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Modify the file localy and start the upload
fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'B');
// But in the middle of the sync, modify the file on the server
QMetaObject::Connection con = QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress,
[&](const ProgressInfo &progress) {
if (progress.completedSize() > (progress.totalSize() / 2 )) {
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'C');
// There was a precondition failed error, this means wen need to sync again
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().isAnotherSyncNeeded(), ImmediateFollowUp);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // We did not clean the chunks at this point
// Now we will download the server file and create a conflict
auto localState = fakeFolder.currentLocalState();
// A0 is the one from the server
QCOMPARE(localState.find("A/a0")->size, size);
QCOMPARE(localState.find("A/a0")->contentChar, 'C');
// There is a conflict file with our version
auto &stateAChildren = localState.find("A")->children;
auto it = std::find_if(stateAChildren.cbegin(), stateAChildren.cend(), [&](const FileInfo &fi) {
return fi.name.startsWith("a0 (conflicted copy");
QVERIFY(it != stateAChildren.cend());
QCOMPARE(it->contentChar, 'B');
QCOMPARE(it->size, size+1);
// Remove the conflict file so the comparison works!
fakeFolder.localModifier().remove("A/" + it->name);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 0); // The last sync cleaned the chunks
void testModifyLocalFileWhileUploading() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 150 * 1000 * 1000; // 150 MB
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
// middle of the sync, modify the file
QMetaObject::Connection con = QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::transmissionProgress,
[&](const ProgressInfo &progress) {
if (progress.completedSize() > (progress.totalSize() / 2 )) {
fakeFolder.localModifier().setContents("A/a0", 'B');
// There should be a followup sync
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().isAnotherSyncNeeded(), ImmediateFollowUp);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1); // We did not clean the chunks at this point
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
// Now we make a new sync which should upload the file for good.
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size+1);
// A different chunk id was used, and the previous one is removed
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
void testResumeServerDeletedChunks() {
FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()};
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ {"chunking", "1.0"} } } });
const int size = 300 * 1000 * 1000; // 300 MB
partialUpload(fakeFolder, "A/a0", size);
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
auto chunkingId = fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name;
// Delete the chunks on the server
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().find("A/a0")->size, size);
// A different chunk id was used
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(fakeFolder.uploadState().children.first().name != chunkingId);
// Check what happens when the connection is dropped on the PUT (non-chunking) or MOVE (chunking)
// for on the issue #5106
void connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved_data()
QTest::newRow("big file") << true;
QTest::newRow("small file") << false;
void connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved()
QFETCH(bool, chunking);
FakeFolder fakeFolder{ FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12() };
fakeFolder.syncEngine().account()->setCapabilities({ { "dav", QVariantMap{ { "chunking", "1.0" } } }, { "checksums", QVariantMap{ { "supportedTypes", QStringList() << "SHA1" } } } });
const int size = chunking ? 150 * 1000 * 1000 : 300;
// Make the MOVE never reply, but trigger a client-abort and apply the change remotely
QByteArray checksumHeader;
int nGET = 0;
QScopedValueRollback<int> setHttpTimeout(AbstractNetworkJob::httpTimeout, 1);
int responseDelay = AbstractNetworkJob::httpTimeout * 1000 * 1000; // much bigger than http timeout (so a timeout will occur)
// This will perform the operation on the server, but the reply will not come to the client
fakeFolder.setServerOverride([&](QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *outgoingData) -> QNetworkReply * {
if (!chunking) {
&& "Should not touch uploads endpoint when not chunking");
if (!chunking && op == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) {
checksumHeader = request.rawHeader("OC-Checksum");
return new DelayedReply<FakePutReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, outgoingData->readAll(), &fakeFolder.syncEngine());
} else if (chunking && request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute) == "MOVE") {
checksumHeader = request.rawHeader("OC-Checksum");
return new DelayedReply<FakeChunkMoveReply>(responseDelay, fakeFolder.uploadState(), fakeFolder.remoteModifier(), op, request, &fakeFolder.syncEngine());
} else if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) {
return nullptr;
// Test 1: a NEW file
fakeFolder.localModifier().insert("A/a0", size);
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // timeout!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); // but the upload succeeded
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = checksumHeader; // The test system don't do that automatically
// Should be resolved properly
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
// Test 2: Modify the file further
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // timeout!
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); // but the upload succeeded
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = checksumHeader;
// modify again, should not cause conflict
QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // now it's trying to upload the modified file
QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState());
fakeFolder.remoteModifier().find("A/a0")->checksums = checksumHeader;
#include "testchunkingng.moc"