
479 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "mirall/folderwizard.h"
#include "mirall/owncloudinfo.h"
#include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h"
#include "mirall/theme.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QValidator>
#include <QWizardPage>
#include <QDir>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace Mirall
registerField(QLatin1String("sourceFolder*"), _ui.localFolderLineEdit);
_ui.localFolderLineEdit->setText( QString::fromLatin1( "%1/%2").arg( QDir::homePath() ).arg(Theme::instance()->appName() ) );
registerField(QLatin1String("alias*"), _ui.aliasLineEdit);
_ui.aliasLineEdit->setText( Theme::instance()->appName() );
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700
_ui.localFolderLineEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("FolderWizardSourcePage", "/home/local1", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
_ui.aliasLineEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("FolderWizardSourcePage", "Music", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
void FolderWizardSourcePage::initializePage()
void FolderWizardSourcePage::cleanupPage()
bool FolderWizardSourcePage::isComplete() const
QFileInfo selFile( _ui.localFolderLineEdit->text() );
QString userInput = selFile.canonicalFilePath();
QString warnString;
bool isOk = selFile.isDir();
if( !isOk ) {
warnString = tr("No local directory selected!");
// check if the local directory isn't used yet in another ownCloud sync
Folder::Map *map = _folderMap;
if( ! map ) return false;
if( isOk ) {
Folder::Map::const_iterator i = map->begin();
while( isOk && i != map->constEnd() ) {
Folder *f = static_cast<Folder*>(i.value());
QString folderDir = QDir( f->path() ).canonicalPath();
if( ! folderDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ) folderDir.append(QLatin1Char('/'));
qDebug() << "Checking local path: " << folderDir << " <-> " << userInput;
if( QFileInfo( f->path() ) == userInput ) {
isOk = false;
warnString.append( tr("The local path %1 is already an upload folder.<br/>Please pick another one!").arg(userInput) );
if( isOk && folderDir.startsWith( userInput )) {
qDebug() << "A already configured folder is child of the current selected";
warnString.append( tr("An already configured folder is contained in the current entry."));
isOk = false;
if( isOk && userInput.startsWith( folderDir ) ) {
qDebug() << "An already configured folder is parent of the current selected";
warnString.append( tr("An already configured folder contains the currently entered directory."));
isOk = false;
// check if the alias is unique.
QString alias = _ui.aliasLineEdit->text();
if( alias.isEmpty() ) {
warnString.append( tr("The alias can not be empty. Please provide a descriptive alias word.") );
isOk = false;
Folder::Map::const_iterator i = map->begin();
bool goon = true;
while( goon && i != map->constEnd() ) {
Folder *f = static_cast<Folder*>(i.value());
qDebug() << "Checking local alias: " << f->alias();
if( f ) {
if( f->alias() == alias ) {
warnString.append( tr("<br/>The alias <i>%1</i> is already in use. Please pick another alias.").arg(alias) );
isOk = false;
goon = false;
if( isOk ) {
_ui.warnLabel->setText( QString::null );
} else {
_ui.warnLabel->setText( warnString );
return isOk;
void FolderWizardSourcePage::on_localFolderChooseBtn_clicked()
QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
tr("Select the source folder"),
if (!dir.isEmpty()) {
void FolderWizardSourcePage::on_localFolderLineEdit_textChanged()
emit completeChanged();
// =================================================================================
: _dirChecked( false ),
registerField(QLatin1String("local?"), _ui.localFolderRadioBtn);
registerField(QLatin1String("remote?"), _ui.urlFolderRadioBtn);
registerField(QLatin1String("OC?"), _ui.OCRadioBtn);
registerField(QLatin1String("targetLocalFolder"), _ui.localFolder2LineEdit);
registerField(QLatin1String("targetURLFolder"), _ui.urlFolderLineEdit);
registerField(QLatin1String("targetOCFolder"), _ui.OCFolderLineEdit);
connect( _ui.OCFolderLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
_timer = new QTimer(this);
_timer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( _timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotTimerFires()));
#if QT_Version >= 0x040700
_ui.OCFolderLineEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("FolderWizardTargetPage", "root", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
_ui.localFolder2LineEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("FolderWizardTargetPage", "/home/local", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
_ui.urlFolderLineEdit->setPlaceholderText(QApplication::translate("FolderWizardTargetPage", "scp://", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotFolderTextChanged( const QString& t)
_dirChecked = false;
emit completeChanged();
if( t.isEmpty() ) {
if( _timer->isActive() ) _timer->stop();
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotTimerFires()
const QString folder = _ui.OCFolderLineEdit->text();
qDebug() << "Querying folder " << folder;
ownCloudInfo::instance()->getWebDAVPath( folder );
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotDirCheckReply(const QString &url, QNetworkReply *reply)
qDebug() << "Got reply from owncloud dir check: " << url << " :" << reply->error();
_dirChecked = (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError);
if( _dirChecked ) {
} else {
showWarn( tr("The folder is not available on your %1.<br/>Click to create it." )
.arg( Theme::instance()->appName() ), true );
emit completeChanged();
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotCreateRemoteFolder()
_ui.OCFolderLineEdit->setEnabled( false );
const QString folder = _ui.OCFolderLineEdit->text();
if( folder.isEmpty() ) return;
qDebug() << "creating folder on ownCloud: " << folder;
ownCloudInfo::instance()->mkdirRequest( folder );
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished( QNetworkReply::NetworkError error )
qDebug() << "** webdav mkdir request finished " << error;
_ui.OCFolderLineEdit->setEnabled( true );
// the webDAV server seems to return a 202 even if mkdir was successful.
if( error == QNetworkReply::NoError ||
error == QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError) {
showWarn( tr("Folder was successfully created on %1.").arg( Theme::instance()->appName() ), false );
} else {
showWarn( tr("Failed to create the folder on %1.<br/>Please check manually.").arg( Theme::instance()->appName() ), false );
bool FolderWizardTargetPage::isComplete() const
if (_ui.localFolderRadioBtn->isChecked()) {
return QFileInfo(_ui.localFolder2LineEdit->text()).isDir();
} else if (_ui.urlFolderRadioBtn->isChecked()) {
QUrl url(_ui.urlFolderLineEdit->text());
return url.isValid() && (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("sftp")
|| url.scheme() == QLatin1String("smb"));
} else if( _ui.OCRadioBtn->isChecked()) {
/* owncloud selected */
QString dir = _ui.OCFolderLineEdit->text();
if( dir.isEmpty() ) {
showWarn( tr("Better do not use the remote root directory.<br/>If you do, you can <b>not</b> mirror another local folder."), false);
return true;
} else {
if( _dirChecked ) {
return _dirChecked;
return false;
void FolderWizardTargetPage::cleanupPage()
void FolderWizardTargetPage::initializePage()
/* check the owncloud configuration file and query the ownCloud */
ownCloudInfo *ocInfo = ownCloudInfo::instance();
if( ocInfo->isConfigured() ) {
connect( ocInfo, SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(QString,QString,QString,QString)),
connect( ocInfo, SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)),
connect( ocInfo, SIGNAL(ownCloudDirExists(QString,QNetworkReply*)),
connect( ocInfo, SIGNAL(webdavColCreated(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
SLOT(slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished( QNetworkReply::NetworkError )));
connect(_ui._buttCreateFolder, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCreateRemoteFolder()));
} else {
_ui.OCRadioBtn->setEnabled( false );
_ui.OCFolderLineEdit->setEnabled( false );
QString dir = _ui.OCFolderLineEdit->text();
if( !dir.isEmpty() ) {
slotFolderTextChanged( dir );
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotOwnCloudFound( const QString& url, const QString& infoStr, const QString& version, const QString& edition)
if( infoStr.isEmpty() ) {
} else {
_ui.OCLabel->setText( tr("to your <a href=\"%1\">%2</a> (version %3)").arg(url)
_ui.OCFolderLineEdit->setEnabled( true );
_ui.OCRadioBtn->setEnabled( true );
qDebug() << "ownCloud found on " << url << " with version: " << infoStr;
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotNoOwnCloudFound( QNetworkReply* error )
qDebug() << "No ownCloud configured: " << error->error();
_ui.OCLabel->setText( tr("no configured %1 found!").arg(Theme::instance()->appName()) );
showWarn( tr("%1 could not be reached:<br/><tt>%2</tt>")
_ui.OCRadioBtn->setEnabled( false );
_ui.OCFolderLineEdit->setEnabled( false );
void FolderWizardTargetPage::showWarn( const QString& msg, bool showCreateButton ) const
_ui._buttCreateFolder->setVisible( showCreateButton && !msg.isEmpty() );
if( msg.isEmpty() ) {
} else {
_ui.warnLabel->setText( msg );
void FolderWizardTargetPage::on_localFolderRadioBtn_toggled()
emit completeChanged();
void FolderWizardTargetPage::on_urlFolderRadioBtn_toggled()
emit completeChanged();
void FolderWizardTargetPage::on_localFolder2LineEdit_textChanged()
emit completeChanged();
void FolderWizardTargetPage::on_urlFolderLineEdit_textChanged()
emit completeChanged();
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotToggleItems()
bool enabled = _ui.localFolderRadioBtn->isChecked();
if( enabled ) {
_warnWasVisible = _ui.warnFrame->isVisible();
enabled = _ui.urlFolderRadioBtn->isChecked();
if( enabled ) {
_warnWasVisible = _ui.warnFrame->isVisible();
enabled = _ui.OCRadioBtn->isChecked();
if( enabled ) _ui.warnFrame->setVisible( _warnWasVisible );
void FolderWizardTargetPage::on_localFolder2ChooseBtn_clicked()
QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
tr("Select the target folder"),
if (!dir.isEmpty()) {
// ====================================================================================
registerField(QLatin1String("onlyNetwork*"), _ui.checkBoxOnlyOnline);
registerField(QLatin1String("onlyLocalNetwork*"), _ui.checkBoxOnlyThisLAN );
bool FolderWizardNetworkPage::isComplete() const
return true;
registerField(QLatin1String("OCUrl*"), _ui.lineEditOCUrl);
registerField(QLatin1String("OCUser*"), _ui.lineEditOCUser );
registerField(QLatin1String("OCPasswd"), _ui.lineEditOCPasswd);
registerField(QLatin1String("OCSiteAlias*"), _ui.lineEditOCAlias);
void FolderWizardOwncloudPage::initializePage()
_ui.lineEditOCAlias->setText( QLatin1String("ownCloud") );
_ui.lineEditOCUrl->setText( QLatin1String("http://localhost/owncloud") );
QString user = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("USER"));
_ui.lineEditOCUser->setText( user );
bool FolderWizardOwncloudPage::isComplete() const
bool hasAlias = !(_ui.lineEditOCAlias->text().isEmpty());
QUrl u( _ui.lineEditOCUrl->text() );
bool hasUrl = u.isValid();
return hasAlias && hasUrl;
* Folder wizard itself
FolderWizard::FolderWizard( QWidget *parent )
: QWizard(parent),
_folderWizardSourcePage = new FolderWizardSourcePage();
setPage(Page_Source, _folderWizardSourcePage );
setPage(Page_Target, new FolderWizardTargetPage());
// setPage(Page_Network, new FolderWizardNetworkPage());
// setPage(Page_Owncloud, new FolderWizardOwncloudPage());
setWindowTitle( tr( "%1 Folder Wizard" ).arg( Theme::instance()->appName() ) );
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
setWizardStyle( QWizard::ModernStyle );
void FolderWizard::setFolderMap( Folder::Map *fm)
if( _folderWizardSourcePage ) {
_folderWizardSourcePage->setFolderMap( fm );
} // end namespace