Camila San bb7d330516
Add error category for http file lock error status 423.
It filters the error out of the list of blocking errors. It now shows up
in the Activities and Notificattions list as a warning.

Signed-off-by: Camila San <>
2019-06-11 23:32:10 +02:00

344 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* Copyright (C) by Jocelyn Turcotte <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "syncfilestatustracker.h"
#include "syncengine.h"
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "common/asserts.h"
#include <QLoggingCategory>
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcStatusTracker, "nextcloud.sync.statustracker", QtInfoMsg)
static int pathCompare( const QString& lhs, const QString& rhs )
// Should match Utility::fsCasePreserving, we want don't want to pay for the runtime check on every comparison.
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
static bool pathStartsWith( const QString& lhs, const QString& rhs )
return lhs.startsWith(rhs,
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
bool SyncFileStatusTracker::PathComparator::operator()( const QString& lhs, const QString& rhs ) const
// This will make sure that the std::map is ordered and queried case-insensitively on macOS and Windows.
return pathCompare(lhs, rhs) < 0;
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag SyncFileStatusTracker::lookupProblem(const QString &pathToMatch, const SyncFileStatusTracker::ProblemsMap &problemMap)
auto lower = problemMap.lower_bound(pathToMatch);
for (auto it = lower; it != problemMap.cend(); ++it) {
const QString &problemPath = it->first;
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag severity = it->second;
if (pathCompare(problemPath, pathToMatch) == 0) {
return severity;
} else if (severity == SyncFileStatus::StatusError
&& pathStartsWith(problemPath, pathToMatch)
&& (pathToMatch.isEmpty() || == '/')) {
return SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning;
} else if (!pathStartsWith(problemPath, pathToMatch)) {
// Starting at lower_bound we get the first path that is not smaller,
// since: "a/" < "a/aa" < "a/aa/aaa" < "a/ab/aba"
// If problemMap keys are ["a/aa/aaa", "a/ab/aba"] and pathToMatch == "a/aa",
// lower_bound(pathToMatch) will point to "a/aa/aaa", and the moment that
// problemPath.startsWith(pathToMatch) == false, we know that we've looked
// at everything that interest us.
return SyncFileStatus::StatusNone;
* Whether this item should get an ERROR icon through the Socket API.
* The Socket API should only present serious, permanent errors to the user.
* In particular SoftErrors should just retain their 'needs to be synced'
* icon as the problem is most likely going to resolve itself quickly and
* automatically.
static inline bool showErrorInSocketApi(const SyncFileItem &item)
const auto status = item._status;
return item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR
|| status == SyncFileItem::NormalError
|| status == SyncFileItem::FatalError
|| status == SyncFileItem::DetailError
|| status == SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError
|| item._hasBlacklistEntry;
static inline bool showWarningInSocketApi(const SyncFileItem &item)
const auto status = item._status;
return item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
|| status == SyncFileItem::FileIgnored
|| status == SyncFileItem::Conflict
|| status == SyncFileItem::Restoration
|| status == SyncFileItem::FileLocked;
SyncFileStatusTracker::SyncFileStatusTracker(SyncEngine *syncEngine)
: _syncEngine(syncEngine)
connect(syncEngine, &SyncEngine::aboutToPropagate,
this, &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotAboutToPropagate);
connect(syncEngine, &SyncEngine::itemCompleted,
this, &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotItemCompleted);
connect(syncEngine, &SyncEngine::finished, this, &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncFinished);
connect(syncEngine, &SyncEngine::started, this, &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncEngineRunningChanged);
connect(syncEngine, &SyncEngine::finished, this, &SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncEngineRunningChanged);
SyncFileStatus SyncFileStatusTracker::fileStatus(const QString &relativePath)
if (relativePath.isEmpty()) {
// This is the root sync folder, it doesn't have an entry in the database and won't be walked by csync, so resolve manually.
return resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(QString(), NotShared);
// The SyncEngine won't notify us at all for CSYNC_FILE_SILENTLY_EXCLUDED
// and CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_AND_REMOVE excludes. Even though it's possible
// that the status of CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_LIST excludes will change if the user
// update the exclude list at runtime and doing it statically here removes
// our ability to notify changes through the fileStatusChanged signal,
// it's an acceptable compromize to treat all exclude types the same.
if (_syncEngine->excludedFiles().isExcluded(_syncEngine->localPath() + relativePath,
_syncEngine->ignoreHiddenFiles())) {
return SyncFileStatus(SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning);
if (_dirtyPaths.contains(relativePath))
return SyncFileStatus::StatusSync;
// First look it up in the database to know if it's shared
SyncJournalFileRecord rec;
if (_syncEngine->journal()->getFileRecord(relativePath, &rec) && rec.isValid()) {
return resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, rec._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsShared) ? Shared : NotShared);
// Must be a new file not yet in the database, check if it's syncing or has an error.
return resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, NotShared, PathUnknown);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotPathTouched(const QString &fileName)
QString folderPath = _syncEngine->localPath();
QString localPath = fileName.mid(folderPath.size());
emit fileStatusChanged(fileName, SyncFileStatus::StatusSync);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(const QString &relativePath, SharedFlag sharedFlag)
// Will return 0 (and increase to 1) if the path wasn't in the map yet
int count = _syncCount[relativePath]++;
if (!count) {
SyncFileStatus status = sharedFlag == UnknownShared
? fileStatus(relativePath)
: resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, sharedFlag);
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(relativePath), status);
// We passed from OK to SYNC, increment the parent to keep it marked as
// SYNC while we propagate ourselves and our own children.
int lastSlashIndex = relativePath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlashIndex != -1)
incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(relativePath.left(lastSlashIndex), UnknownShared);
else if (!relativePath.isEmpty())
incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(QString(), UnknownShared);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(const QString &relativePath, SharedFlag sharedFlag)
int count = --_syncCount[relativePath];
if (!count) {
// Remove from the map, same as 0
SyncFileStatus status = sharedFlag == UnknownShared
? fileStatus(relativePath)
: resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, sharedFlag);
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(relativePath), status);
// We passed from SYNC to OK, decrement our parent.
int lastSlashIndex = relativePath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlashIndex != -1)
decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(relativePath.left(lastSlashIndex), UnknownShared);
else if (!relativePath.isEmpty())
decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(QString(), UnknownShared);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotAboutToPropagate(SyncFileItemVector &items)
ProblemsMap oldProblems;
std::swap(_syncProblems, oldProblems);
foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &item, items) {
qCDebug(lcStatusTracker) << "Investigating" << item->destination() << item->_status << item->_instruction;
if (showErrorInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusError;
} else if (showWarningInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning;
SharedFlag sharedFlag = item->_remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsShared) ? Shared : NotShared;
if (item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR) {
// Mark this path as syncing for instructions that will result in propagation.
incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(item->destination(), sharedFlag);
} else {
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(item->destination()), resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(item->destination(), sharedFlag));
// Some metadata status won't trigger files to be synced, make sure that we
// push the OK status for dirty files that don't need to be propagated.
// Swap into a copy since fileStatus() reads _dirtyPaths to determine the status
QSet<QString> oldDirtyPaths;
std::swap(_dirtyPaths, oldDirtyPaths);
for (auto it = oldDirtyPaths.constBegin(); it != oldDirtyPaths.constEnd(); ++it)
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(*it), fileStatus(*it));
// Make sure to push any status that might have been resolved indirectly since the last sync
// (like an error file being deleted from disk)
for (auto it = _syncProblems.begin(); it != _syncProblems.end(); ++it)
for (auto it = oldProblems.begin(); it != oldProblems.end(); ++it) {
const QString &path = it->first;
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag severity = it->second;
if (severity == SyncFileStatus::StatusError)
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(path), fileStatus(path));
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
qCDebug(lcStatusTracker) << "Item completed" << item->destination() << item->_status << item->_instruction;
if (showErrorInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusError;
} else if (showWarningInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning;
} else {
SharedFlag sharedFlag = item->_remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsShared) ? Shared : NotShared;
if (item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR) {
// decSyncCount calls *must* be symetric with incSyncCount calls in slotAboutToPropagate
decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(item->destination(), sharedFlag);
} else {
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(item->destination()), resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(item->destination(), sharedFlag));
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncFinished()
// Clear the sync counts to reduce the impact of unsymetrical inc/dec calls (e.g. when directory job abort)
QHash<QString, int> oldSyncCount;
std::swap(_syncCount, oldSyncCount);
for (auto it = oldSyncCount.begin(); it != oldSyncCount.end(); ++it)
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(it.key()), fileStatus(it.key()));
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncEngineRunningChanged()
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(QString()), resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(QString(), NotShared));
SyncFileStatus SyncFileStatusTracker::resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(const QString &relativePath, SharedFlag sharedFlag, PathKnownFlag isPathKnown)
// If it's a new file and that we're not syncing it yet,
// don't show any icon and wait for the filesystem watcher to trigger a sync.
SyncFileStatus status(isPathKnown ? SyncFileStatus::StatusUpToDate : SyncFileStatus::StatusNone);
if (_syncCount.value(relativePath)) {
} else {
// After a sync finished, we need to show the users issues from that last sync like the activity list does.
// Also used for parent directories showing a warning for an error child.
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag problemStatus = lookupProblem(relativePath, _syncProblems);
if (problemStatus != SyncFileStatus::StatusNone)
ASSERT(sharedFlag != UnknownShared,
"The shared status needs to have been fetched from a SyncFileItem or the DB at this point.");
if (sharedFlag == Shared)
return status;
void SyncFileStatusTracker::invalidateParentPaths(const QString &path)
QStringList splitPath = path.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (int i = 0; i < splitPath.size(); ++i) {
QString parentPath = QStringList(splitPath.mid(0, i)).join(QLatin1String("/"));
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(parentPath), fileStatus(parentPath));
QString SyncFileStatusTracker::getSystemDestination(const QString &relativePath)
QString systemPath = _syncEngine->localPath() + relativePath;
// SyncEngine::localPath() has a trailing slash, make sure to remove it if the
// destination is empty.
if (systemPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
systemPath.truncate(systemPath.length() - 1);
return systemPath;