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synced 2024-12-21 13:14:30 +03:00
Signed-off-by: Claudio Cambra <claudio.cambra@nextcloud.com>
396 lines
17 KiB
396 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2023 by Claudio Cambra <claudio.cambra@nextcloud.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
import FileProvider
import NextcloudKit
import OSLog
extension FileProviderEnumerator {
func fullRecursiveScan(
ncAccount: NextcloudAccount,
ncKit: NextcloudKit,
scanChangesOnly: Bool,
completionHandler: @escaping (
_ metadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
_ newMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
_ updatedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
_ deletedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
_ error: NKError?
) -> Void
) {
let rootContainerDirectoryMetadata = NextcloudItemMetadataTable()
rootContainerDirectoryMetadata.directory = true
rootContainerDirectoryMetadata.ocId = NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.rootContainer.rawValue
// Create a serial dispatch queue
let dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: "recursiveChangeEnumerationQueue", qos: .userInitiated)
dispatchQueue.async {
let results = self.scanRecursively(
ncAccount: ncAccount,
ncKit: ncKit,
scanChangesOnly: scanChangesOnly)
// Run a check to ensure files deleted in one location are not updated in another (e.g. when moved)
// The recursive scan provides us with updated/deleted metadatas only on a folder by folder basis;
// so we need to check we are not simultaneously marking a moved file as deleted and updated
var checkedDeletedMetadatas = results.deletedMetadatas
for updatedMetadata in results.updatedMetadatas {
let matchingDeletedMetadataIdx = checkedDeletedMetadatas.firstIndex(where: {
$0.ocId == updatedMetadata.ocId
else {
checkedDeletedMetadatas.remove(at: matchingDeletedMetadataIdx)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
results.metadatas, results.newMetadatas, results.updatedMetadatas,
checkedDeletedMetadatas, results.error)
private func scanRecursively(
_ directoryMetadata: NextcloudItemMetadataTable,
ncAccount: NextcloudAccount,
ncKit: NextcloudKit,
scanChangesOnly: Bool
) -> (
metadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
newMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
updatedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
deletedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable],
error: NKError?
) {
if isInvalidated {
return ([], [], [], [], nil)
assert(directoryMetadata.directory, "Can only recursively scan a directory.")
// Will include results of recursive calls
var allMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable] = []
var allNewMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable] = []
var allUpdatedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable] = []
var allDeletedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable] = []
let dbManager = NextcloudFilesDatabaseManager.shared
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup() // TODO: Maybe own thread?
var criticalError: NKError?
let itemServerUrl =
directoryMetadata.ocId == NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.rootContainer.rawValue
? ncAccount.davFilesUrl : directoryMetadata.serverUrl + "/" + directoryMetadata.fileName
Logger.enumeration.debug("About to read: \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public)")
itemServerUrl, ncAccount: ncAccount, ncKit: ncKit, stopAtMatchingEtags: scanChangesOnly
) { metadatas, newMetadatas, updatedMetadatas, deletedMetadatas, readError in
if readError != nil {
let nkReadError = NKError(error: readError!)
// Is the error is that we have found matching etags on this item, then ignore it
// if we are doing a full rescan
guard nkReadError.isNoChangesError, scanChangesOnly else {
"Finishing enumeration of changes at \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public) with \(readError!.localizedDescription, privacy: .public)"
if nkReadError.isNotFoundError {
"404 error means item no longer exists. Deleting metadata and reporting as deletion without error"
if let deletedMetadatas =
ocId: directoryMetadata.ocId)
allDeletedMetadatas += deletedMetadatas
} else {
"An error occurred while trying to delete directory and children not found in recursive scan"
} else if nkReadError.isNoChangesError { // All is well, just no changed etags
"Error was to say no changed files -- not bad error. No need to check children."
} else if nkReadError.isUnauthenticatedError
|| nkReadError.isCouldntConnectError
// If it is a critical error then stop, if not then continue
"Error will affect next enumerated items, so stopping enumeration.")
criticalError = nkReadError
"Finished reading serverUrl: \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
if let metadatas {
allMetadatas += metadatas
} else {
"WARNING: Nil metadatas received for reading of changes at \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
if let newMetadatas {
allNewMetadatas += newMetadatas
} else {
"WARNING: Nil new metadatas received for reading of changes at \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
if let updatedMetadatas {
allUpdatedMetadatas += updatedMetadatas
} else {
"WARNING: Nil updated metadatas received for reading of changes at \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
if let deletedMetadatas {
allDeletedMetadatas += deletedMetadatas
} else {
"WARNING: Nil deleted metadatas received for reading of changes at \(itemServerUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
guard criticalError == nil else {
return ([], [], [], [], error: criticalError)
var childDirectoriesToScan: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable] = []
var candidateMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable] =
if scanChangesOnly {
allUpdatedMetadatas + allNewMetadatas
} else {
for candidateMetadata in candidateMetadatas {
if candidateMetadata.directory {
if childDirectoriesToScan.isEmpty {
return (
metadatas: allMetadatas, newMetadatas: allNewMetadatas,
updatedMetadatas: allUpdatedMetadatas, deletedMetadatas: allDeletedMetadatas, nil
for childDirectory in childDirectoriesToScan {
let childScanResult = scanRecursively(
ncAccount: ncAccount,
ncKit: ncKit,
scanChangesOnly: scanChangesOnly)
allMetadatas += childScanResult.metadatas
allNewMetadatas += childScanResult.newMetadatas
allUpdatedMetadatas += childScanResult.updatedMetadatas
allDeletedMetadatas += childScanResult.deletedMetadatas
return (
metadatas: allMetadatas, newMetadatas: allNewMetadatas,
updatedMetadatas: allUpdatedMetadatas,
deletedMetadatas: allDeletedMetadatas, nil
static func handleDepth1ReadFileOrFolder(
serverUrl: String,
ncAccount: NextcloudAccount,
files: [NKFile],
error: NKError,
completionHandler: @escaping (
_ metadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ newMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ updatedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ deletedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ readError: Error?
) -> Void
) {
guard error == .success else {
"1 depth readFileOrFolder of url: \(serverUrl, privacy: .public) did not complete successfully, received error: \(error.errorDescription, privacy: .public)"
completionHandler(nil, nil, nil, nil, error.error)
"Starting async conversion of NKFiles for serverUrl: \(serverUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
let dbManager = NextcloudFilesDatabaseManager.shared
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
files, account: ncAccount.ncKitAccount
) { directoryMetadata, _, metadatas in
// We have now scanned this directory's contents, so update with etag in order to not check again if not needed
// unless it's the root container
if serverUrl != ncAccount.davFilesUrl {
// Don't update the etags for folders as we haven't checked their contents.
// When we do a recursive check, if we update the etags now, we will think
// that our local copies are up to date -- instead, leave them as the old.
// They will get updated when they are the subject of a readServerUrl call.
// (See above)
let changedMetadatas = dbManager.updateItemMetadatas(
account: ncAccount.ncKitAccount, serverUrl: serverUrl,
updatedMetadatas: metadatas,
updateDirectoryEtags: false)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
metadatas, changedMetadatas.newMetadatas, changedMetadatas.updatedMetadatas,
changedMetadatas.deletedMetadatas, nil)
static func readServerUrl(
_ serverUrl: String,
ncAccount: NextcloudAccount,
ncKit: NextcloudKit,
stopAtMatchingEtags: Bool = false,
depth: String = "1",
completionHandler: @escaping (
_ metadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ newMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ updatedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ deletedMetadatas: [NextcloudItemMetadataTable]?,
_ readError: Error?
) -> Void
) {
let dbManager = NextcloudFilesDatabaseManager.shared
let ncKitAccount = ncAccount.ncKitAccount
"Starting to read serverUrl: \(serverUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public) at depth \(depth, privacy: .public). NCKit info: userId: \(ncKit.nkCommonInstance.user, privacy: .public), password is empty: \(ncKit.nkCommonInstance.password == "" ? "EMPTY PASSWORD" : "NOT EMPTY PASSWORD"), urlBase: \(ncKit.nkCommonInstance.urlBase, privacy: .public), ncVersion: \(ncKit.nkCommonInstance.nextcloudVersion, privacy: .public)"
ncKit.readFileOrFolder(serverUrlFileName: serverUrl, depth: depth, showHiddenFiles: true) {
_, files, _, error in
guard error == .success else {
"\(depth, privacy: .public) depth readFileOrFolder of url: \(serverUrl, privacy: .public) did not complete successfully, received error: \(error.errorDescription, privacy: .public)"
completionHandler(nil, nil, nil, nil, error.error)
guard let receivedFile = files.first else {
"Received no items from readFileOrFolder of \(serverUrl, privacy: .public), not much we can do..."
completionHandler(nil, nil, nil, nil, error.error)
guard receivedFile.directory else {
"Read item is a file. Converting NKfile for serverUrl: \(serverUrl, privacy: .public) for user: \(ncAccount.ncKitAccount, privacy: .public)"
let itemMetadata = NextcloudItemMetadataTable.fromNKFile(
receivedFile, account: ncKitAccount)
dbManager.addItemMetadata(itemMetadata) // TODO: Return some value when it is an update
completionHandler([itemMetadata], nil, nil, nil, error.error)
if stopAtMatchingEtags,
let directoryMetadata = dbManager.directoryMetadata(
account: ncKitAccount, serverUrl: serverUrl)
let directoryEtag = directoryMetadata.etag
guard directoryEtag == "" || directoryEtag != receivedFile.etag else {
"Read server url called with flag to stop enumerating at matching etags. Returning and providing soft error."
let description =
"Fetched directory etag is same as that stored locally. Not fetching child items."
let nkError = NKError(
errorCode: NKError.noChangesErrorCode, errorDescription: description)
let metadatas = dbManager.itemMetadatas(
account: ncKitAccount, serverUrl: serverUrl)
completionHandler(metadatas, nil, nil, nil, nkError.error)
if depth == "0" {
if serverUrl != ncAccount.davFilesUrl {
let metadata = NextcloudItemMetadataTable.fromNKFile(
receivedFile, account: ncKitAccount)
let isNew = dbManager.itemMetadataFromOcId(metadata.ocId) == nil
let updatedMetadatas = isNew ? [] : [metadata]
let newMetadatas = isNew ? [metadata] : []
DispatchQueue.main.async {
completionHandler([metadata], newMetadatas, updatedMetadatas, nil, nil)
} else {
serverUrl: serverUrl, ncAccount: ncAccount, files: files, error: error,
completionHandler: completionHandler)