2016-02-08 16:11:18 +01:00

185 lines
6 KiB
Executable file

# PROJECT: ownCloud v1.0
# LICENSE: See LICENSE in the top level directory
import collections
import os
import polib
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output",
help="Directory for localized output", default="../Shared/installer/nightly_localized.nsi")
parser.add_option("-p", "--podir", dest="podir",
help="Directory containing PO files", default="../Shared/installer/locale/")
parser.add_option("-l", "--lang", dest="lang",
help="Default language of the NSI", default="English" )
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Define a dict to convert locale names to language names
localeToName = {
"af" : "Afrikaans",
"sq" : "Albanian",
"ar" : "Arabic",
"hy" : "Armenian",
"eu" : "Basque",
"be" : "Belarusian",
"bs" : "Bosnian",
"br" : "Breton",
"bg" : "Bulgarian",
"ca" : "Catalan",
"bem" : "Cibemba",
"hr" : "Croatian",
"cs" : "Czech",
"da" : "Danish",
"nl" : "Dutch",
"efi" : "Efik",
"en" : "English",
"eo" : "Esperanto",
"et" : "Estonian",
"fa" : "Farsi",
"fi" : "Finnish",
"fr" : "French",
"gl" : "Galician",
"ka" : "Georgian",
"de" : "German",
"el" : "Greek",
"he" : "Hebrew",
"hi" : "Hindi",
"hu" : "Hungarian",
"is" : "Icelandic",
"ig" : "Igbo",
"id" : "Indonesian",
"ga" : "Irish",
"it" : "Italian",
"ja" : "Japanese",
"km" : "Khmer",
"ko" : "Korean",
"ku" : "Kurdish",
"lv" : "Latvian",
"lt" : "Lithuanian",
"lb" : "Luxembourgish",
"mk" : "Macedonian",
"mg" : "Malagasy",
"ms" : "Malay",
"mn" : "Mongolian",
"nb_NO" : "Norwegian",
"nn" : "NorwegianNynorsk",
"ps" : "Pashto",
"pl" : "Polish",
"pt" : "Portuguese",
"pt_BR" : "PortugueseBR",
"ro" : "Romanian",
"ru" : "Russian",
"sr" : "Serbian",
"sr_sp" : "SerbianLatin",
"st" : "Sesotho",
"sn" : "Shona",
"zh_CN" : "SimpChinese",
"sk" : "Slovak",
"sl" : "Slovenian",
"es" : "Spanish",
"es_AR" : "SpanishInternational",
"sw" : "Swahili",
"sv" : "Swedish",
"ta" : "Tamil",
"th" : "Thai",
"zh_HK" : "TradChinese",
"tr" : "Turkish",
"tw" : "Twi",
"uk" : "Ukrainian",
"ug" : "Uyghur",
"uz" : "Uzbek",
"ca@valencia" : "Valencian",
"vi" : "Vietnamese",
"cy" : "Welsh",
"yo" : "Yoruba",
"zu" : "Zulu",
def escapeNSIS(st):
return st.replace('\\', r'$\\')\
.replace('\t', r'$\t')\
.replace('\r', r'$\r')\
.replace('\n', r'$\n')\
.replace('\"', r'$\"')\
.replace('$$\\', '$\\')\
.replace('$\\n', r'$\n')\
.replace('$\\\\n', r'$\n')
translationCache = {}
# The purpose of this loop is to go to the podir scanning for PO files for each locale name
# Once we've found a PO file, we use PO lib to read every translated entry
# Using this, for each each language, we store a dict of entries - { nsilabel (comment) : translation (msgstr) }
# For untranslated entries, we use msgid instead of msgstr (i.e. default English string)
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(options.podir):
for file in files:
filename,ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if ext == ".po":
# Valid locale filename (fr.po, de.po etc)?
if filename in localeToName:
language = localeToName[filename]
translationCache[language] = collections.OrderedDict()
po = polib.pofile(os.path.join(root,file))
for entry in po.translated_entries():
# Loop through all our labels and add translation (each translation may have multiple labels)
for label in entry.comment.split():
translationCache[language][label] = escapeNSIS(entry.msgstr)
# For untranslated strings, let's add the English entry
for entry in po.untranslated_entries():
for label in entry.comment.split():
print("Warning: Label '%s' for language '%s' remains untranslated"%(label,language))
translationCache[language][label] = escapeNSIS(entry.msgid)
def tostr(obj):
if type(obj) == unicode:
return obj.encode("utf-8")
return obj
NSILanguages = []
NSIDeclarations = []
# file header
NSILanguages.append( tostr('; Auto-generated - do not modify\n') )
NSIDeclarations.append( tostr('; Auto-generated - do not modify\n') )
# loopthrough the languages an generate one nsh files for each language
lineNo = 1
for language,translations in translationCache.iteritems():
NSINewLines = []
NSINewLines.append( tostr('# Auto-generated - do not modify\n') )
count = 0
# if the language isn't the default, we add our MUI_LANGUAGE macro
if language.upper() != options.lang.upper():
NSILanguages.append( tostr('!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "%s"\n'%language) )
# For every translation we grabbed from the .po, let's add our StrCpy command
for label,value in translations.iteritems():
NSINewLines.append( tostr('StrCpy $%s "%s"\n' % (label,value)) )
if language.upper() == options.lang.upper():
NSIDeclarations.append( tostr('Var %s\n' % label) )
count += 1
NSIWorkingFile = open('%s/%s.nsh' % (options.output, language),"w")
print ( "%i translations merged for language '%s'"%(count,language) )
# Finally, let's write languages.nsh and declarations.nsh
NSIWorkingFile = open('%s/languages.nsh' % options.output,"w")
NSIWorkingFile = open('%s/declarations.nsh' % options.output,"w")
print ( "NSI Localization Operation Complete" )