2015-01-30 02:06:17 -05:00

46 lines
4.2 KiB

# Auto-generated - do not modify
StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "نمایش پادداشت های انتشار نسخه"
StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "پردازش برای از بین بردن یافت نشد!"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_3 "حذف نکن"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_TITLE "از قبل نصب شده است"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_2 "افزودن/نصب مجدد اجزا"
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_DESKTOP_DetailPrint "ایجاد میانبر دسکتاپ"
StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_CHECKBOX "بله، این پوشه داده را حذف کن."
StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_FILE_Detail "نوشتن حذف کننده"
StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "نصاب از قبل در حال اجراست."
StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "حذف کننده از قبل در حال اجراست."
StrCpy $SectionGroup_Shortcuts "میانبرها"
StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Uninstall before installing"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_SUBTITLE "Choose how you want to install ${APPLICATION_NAME}."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_1 "${APPLICATION_NAME} ${VERSION} is already installed.\r\nSelect the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_3 "Uninstall ${APPLICATION_NAME}"
StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_SUBTITLE "Choose the maintenance option to perform."
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_SHELL_EXT_SECTION "Integration for Windows Explorer"
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_SHELL_EXT_DetailPrint "Installing Integration for Windows Explorer"
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_START_MENU_SECTION "Start Menu Program Shortcut"
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_START_MENU_DetailPrint "Adding shortcut for ${APPLICATION_NAME} to the Start Menu."
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_QUICK_LAUNCH_DetailPrint "Creating Quick Launch Shortcut"
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_DESKTOP_Desc "Desktop shortcut for ${APPLICATION_NAME}."
StrCpy $OPTION_SECTION_SC_QUICK_LAUNCH_Desc "Quick Launch shortcut for ${APPLICATION_NAME}."
StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_SUBTITLE "Remove ${APPLICATION_NAME}'s data folder from your computer."
StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_LABEL_1 "Do you want to delete ${APPLICATION_NAME}'s data folder?"
StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_LABEL_2 "Leave unchecked to keep the data folder for later use or check to delete the data folder."
StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_REGISTRY_Detail "Writing Installer Registry Keys"
StrCpy $UNINSTALL_MESSAGEBOX "It does not appear that ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
StrCpy $UNINSTALL_ABORT "Uninstall aborted by user"
StrCpy $INIT_NO_QUICK_LAUNCH "Quick Launch Shortcut (N/A)"
StrCpy $INIT_NO_DESKTOP "Desktop Shortcut (overwrites existing)"
StrCpy $UAC_ERROR_ELEVATE "Unable to elevate, error:"
StrCpy $UAC_INSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "This installer requires admin access, try again"
StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "This uninstaller requires admin access, try again"