Christian Kamm f59515883d FolderMan: Require 2s minimum delay.
Otherwise we run into "can't upload because it's too recent" issues
when the folder watcher triggers a sync.

We used to do this, but my recent refactoring started counting the
time since the last sync against this minimum delay, leading to
1ms delays in practice. This fixes the regression.
2015-01-28 11:24:47 +01:00

1058 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "folderman.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "folder.h"
#include "syncresult.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "socketapi.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "accountmigrator.h"
#include "accountstate.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QtCore>
#include <QMutableSetIterator>
#include <QSet>
namespace OCC {
FolderMan* FolderMan::_instance = 0;
* The minimum time between a sync being requested and it
* being executed in milliseconds.
* This delay must be larger than the minFileAgeForUpload in
* the propagator.
static qint64 msBetweenRequestAndSync = 2000;
FolderMan::FolderMan(QObject *parent) :
_syncEnabled( true )
_folderChangeSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
connect(_folderChangeSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(const QString &)),
this, SIGNAL(folderSyncStateChange(const QString &)));
_instance = this;
_socketApi = new SocketApi(this);
ConfigFile cfg;
int polltime = cfg.remotePollInterval();
qDebug() << "setting remote poll timer interval to" << polltime << "msec";
_etagPollTimer.setInterval( polltime );
QObject::connect(&_etagPollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotEtagPollTimerTimeout()));
connect(&_startScheduledSyncTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
connect(AccountStateManager::instance(), SIGNAL(accountStateRemoved(AccountState*)),
FolderMan *FolderMan::instance()
return _instance;
_instance = 0;
OCC::Folder::Map FolderMan::map()
return _folderMap;
// Attention: this function deletes the folder object to which
// the alias refers. Do NOT USE the folder pointer any more after
// having this called.
void FolderMan::unloadFolder( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = folder(alias);
if( f ) {
if( _socketApi ) {
if( _folderWatchers.contains(alias)) {
_folderMap.remove( alias );
delete f;
int FolderMan::unloadAllFolders()
int cnt = 0;
// clear the list of existing folders.
Folder::MapIterator i(_folderMap);
while (i.hasNext()) {;
Q_ASSERT(_folderMap.count() == 0);
return cnt;
// add a monitor to the local file system. If there is a change in the
// file system, the method slotFolderMonitorFired is triggered through
// the SignalMapper
void FolderMan::registerFolderMonitor( Folder *folder )
if( !folder ) return;
if( !_folderWatchers.contains(folder->alias() ) ) {
FolderWatcher *fw = new FolderWatcher(folder->path(), folder);
ConfigFile cfg;
fw->addIgnoreListFile( cfg.excludeFile(ConfigFile::SystemScope) );
fw->addIgnoreListFile( cfg.excludeFile(ConfigFile::UserScope) );
// Connect the pathChanged signal, which comes with the changed path,
// to the signal mapper which maps to the folder alias. The changed path
// is lost this way, but we do not need it for the current implementation.
connect(fw, SIGNAL(pathChanged(QString)), folder, SLOT(slotWatchedPathChanged(QString)));
_folderWatchers.insert(folder->alias(), fw);
// This is at the moment only for the behaviour of the SocketApi.
connect(fw, SIGNAL(pathChanged(QString)), folder, SLOT(watcherSlot(QString)));
// register the folder with the socket API
if( _socketApi ) {
void FolderMan::addMonitorPath( const QString& alias, const QString& path )
if( !alias.isEmpty() && _folderWatchers.contains(alias) ) {
FolderWatcher *fw = _folderWatchers[alias];
if( fw ) {
void FolderMan::removeMonitorPath( const QString& alias, const QString& path )
if( !alias.isEmpty() && _folderWatchers.contains(alias) ) {
FolderWatcher *fw = _folderWatchers[alias];
if( fw ) {
int FolderMan::setupFolders()
qDebug() << "* Setup folders from " << _folderConfigPath;
ConfigFile cfg;
QDir storageDir(cfg.configPath());
_folderConfigPath = cfg.configPath() + QLatin1String("folders");
QDir dir( _folderConfigPath );
//We need to include hidden files just in case the alias starts with '.'
dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden);
QStringList list = dir.entryList();
if( list.count() == 0 ) {
// maybe the account was just migrated.
AccountPtr acc = AccountManager::instance()->account();
if ( acc && acc->wasMigrated() ) {
AccountMigrator accMig;
list = accMig.migrateFolderDefinitons();
foreach ( const QString& alias, list ) {
Folder *f = setupFolderFromConfigFile( alias );
if( f ) {
emit( folderSyncStateChange( f->alias() ) );
emit folderListLoaded(_folderMap);
// return the number of valid folders.
return _folderMap.size();
bool FolderMan::ensureJournalGone(const QString &localPath)
// FIXME move this to UI, not libowncloudsync
// remove old .csync_journal file
QString stateDbFile = localPath+QLatin1String("/.csync_journal.db");
while (QFile::exists(stateDbFile) && !QFile::remove(stateDbFile)) {
qDebug() << "Could not remove old db file at" << stateDbFile;
int ret = QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Could not reset folder state"),
tr("An old sync journal '%1' was found, "
"but could not be removed. Please make sure "
"that no application is currently using it.")
if (ret == QMessageBox::Abort) {
return false;
return true;
#define SLASH_TAG QLatin1String("__SLASH__")
#define BSLASH_TAG QLatin1String("__BSLASH__")
#define QMARK_TAG QLatin1String("__QMARK__")
#define PERCENT_TAG QLatin1String("__PERCENT__")
#define STAR_TAG QLatin1String("__STAR__")
#define COLON_TAG QLatin1String("__COLON__")
#define PIPE_TAG QLatin1String("__PIPE__")
#define QUOTE_TAG QLatin1String("__QUOTE__")
#define LT_TAG QLatin1String("__LESS_THAN__")
#define GT_TAG QLatin1String("__GREATER_THAN__")
#define PAR_O_TAG QLatin1String("__PAR_OPEN__")
#define PAR_C_TAG QLatin1String("__PAR_CLOSE__")
QString FolderMan::escapeAlias( const QString& alias )
QString a(alias);
a.replace( QLatin1Char('/'), SLASH_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('\\'), BSLASH_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('?'), QMARK_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('%'), PERCENT_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('*'), STAR_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char(':'), COLON_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('|'), PIPE_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('"'), QUOTE_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('<'), LT_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('>'), GT_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char('['), PAR_O_TAG );
a.replace( QLatin1Char(']'), PAR_C_TAG );
return a;
SocketApi *FolderMan::socketApi()
return this->_socketApi;
QString FolderMan::unescapeAlias( const QString& alias ) const
QString a(alias);
a.replace( SLASH_TAG, QLatin1String("/") );
a.replace( BSLASH_TAG, QLatin1String("\\") );
a.replace( QMARK_TAG, QLatin1String("?") );
a.replace( PERCENT_TAG, QLatin1String("%") );
a.replace( STAR_TAG, QLatin1String("*") );
a.replace( COLON_TAG, QLatin1String(":") );
a.replace( PIPE_TAG, QLatin1String("|") );
a.replace( QUOTE_TAG, QLatin1String("\"") );
a.replace( LT_TAG, QLatin1String("<") );
a.replace( GT_TAG, QLatin1String(">") );
a.replace( PAR_O_TAG, QLatin1String("[") );
a.replace( PAR_C_TAG, QLatin1String("]") );
return a;
// filename is the name of the file only, it does not include
// the configuration directory path
Folder* FolderMan::setupFolderFromConfigFile(const QString &file) {
Folder *folder = 0;
qDebug() << " ` -> setting up:" << file;
QString escapedAlias(file);
// check the unescaped variant (for the case the filename comes out
// of the directory listing. If the file is not existing, escape the
// file and try again.
QFileInfo cfgFile( _folderConfigPath, file);
if( !cfgFile.exists() ) {
// try the escaped variant.
escapedAlias = escapeAlias(file);
cfgFile.setFile( _folderConfigPath, escapedAlias );
if( !cfgFile.isReadable() ) {
qDebug() << "Can not read folder definition for alias " << cfgFile.filePath();
return folder;
QSettings settings( _folderConfigPath + QLatin1Char('/') + escapedAlias, QSettings::IniFormat);
qDebug() << " -> file path: " << settings.fileName();
// Check if the filename is equal to the group setting. If not, use the group
// name as an alias.
QStringList groups = settings.childGroups();
if( ! groups.contains(escapedAlias) && groups.count() > 0 ) {
escapedAlias = groups.first();
settings.beginGroup( escapedAlias ); // read the group with the same name as the file which is the folder alias
QString path = settings.value(QLatin1String("localPath")).toString();
QString backend = settings.value(QLatin1String("backend")).toString();
QString targetPath = settings.value( QLatin1String("targetPath")).toString();
bool paused = settings.value( QLatin1String("paused"), false).toBool();
QStringList blackList = settings.value( QLatin1String("blackList")).toStringList();
// QString connection = settings.value( QLatin1String("connection") ).toString();
QString alias = unescapeAlias( escapedAlias );
if (backend.isEmpty() || backend != QLatin1String("owncloud")) {
qWarning() << "obsolete configuration of type" << backend;
return 0;
// cut off the leading slash, oCUrl always has a trailing.
if( targetPath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ) {
AccountState* accountState = AccountStateManager::instance()->accountState();
if (!accountState) {
qWarning() << "can't create folder without an account";
return 0;
folder = new Folder( accountState, alias, path, targetPath, this );
qDebug() << "Adding folder to Folder Map " << folder;
_folderMap[alias] = folder;
if (paused) {
/* Use a signal mapper to connect the signals to the alias */
connect(folder, SIGNAL(scheduleToSync(const QString&)), SLOT(slotScheduleSync(const QString&)));
connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncStateChange()), _folderChangeSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncStarted()), SLOT(slotFolderSyncStarted()));
connect(folder, SIGNAL(syncFinished(SyncResult)), SLOT(slotFolderSyncFinished(SyncResult)));
_folderChangeSignalMapper->setMapping( folder, folder->alias() );
return folder;
void FolderMan::slotSetFolderPaused( const QString& alias, bool paused )
Folder *f = folder(alias);
if( !f ) {
qDebug() << "!! Can not enable alias " << alias << ", can not be found in folderMap.";
// FIXME: Use ConfigFile
QSettings settings(f->configFile(), QSettings::IniFormat);
if (!paused) {
} else {
settings.setValue("paused", true);
emit folderSyncStateChange(alias);
// this really terminates the current sync process
// ie. no questions, no prisoners
// csync still remains in a stable state, regardless of that.
void FolderMan::terminateSyncProcess()
Folder *f = folder(_currentSyncFolder);
if( f ) {
// This will, indirectly and eventually, call slotFolderSyncFinished
// and thereby clear _currentSyncFolder.
Folder *FolderMan::folder( const QString& alias )
if( !alias.isEmpty() ) {
if( _folderMap.contains( alias )) {
return _folderMap[alias];
return 0;
SyncResult FolderMan::syncResult( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = folder( alias );
return f ? f->syncResult() : SyncResult();
void FolderMan::slotScheduleAllFolders()
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
if (f && ! f->syncPaused()) {
slotScheduleSync( f->alias() );
* if a folder wants to be synced, it calls this slot and is added
* to the queue. The slot to actually start a sync is called afterwards.
void FolderMan::slotScheduleSync( const QString& alias )
Folder* f = folder(alias);
if( !f ) {
qDebug() << "Not scheduling sync for empty or unknown folder" << alias;
if( _socketApi ) {
// We want the SocketAPI to already now update so that it can show the EVAL icon
// for files/folders. Only do this when not syncing, else we might get a lot
// of those notifications.
qDebug() << "Schedule folder " << alias << " to sync!";
if( ! _scheduleQueue.contains(alias) ) {
if( !f->syncPaused() ) {
} else {
qDebug() << "Folder is not enabled, not scheduled!";
if( _socketApi ) {
} else {
qDebug() << " II> Sync for folder " << alias << " already scheduled, do not enqueue!";
void FolderMan::slotScheduleETagJob(const QString &/*alias*/, RequestEtagJob *job)
QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotEtagJobDestroyed(QObject*)));
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRunOneEtagJob", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// maybe: add to queue
void FolderMan::slotEtagJobDestroyed(QObject* /*o*/)
// _currentEtagJob is automatically cleared
// maybe: remove from queue
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRunOneEtagJob", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void FolderMan::slotRunOneEtagJob()
if (_currentEtagJob.isNull()) {
QString alias;
foreach(Folder *f, _folderMap) {
if (f->etagJob()) {
// Caveat: always grabs the first folder with a job, but we think this is Ok for now and avoids us having a seperate queue.
_currentEtagJob = f->etagJob();
alias = f->alias();
if (_currentEtagJob.isNull()) {
qDebug() << "No more remote ETag check jobs to schedule.";
} else {
qDebug() << "Scheduling" << alias << "to check remote ETag";
_currentEtagJob->start(); // on destroy/end it will continue the queue via slotEtagJobDestroyed
// only enable or disable foldermans will to schedule and do syncs.
// this is not the same as Pause and Resume of folders.
void FolderMan::setSyncEnabled( bool enabled )
if (!_syncEnabled && enabled && !_scheduleQueue.isEmpty()) {
// We have things in our queue that were waiting the the connection to go back on.
_syncEnabled = enabled;
// force a redraw in case the network connect status changed
emit( folderSyncStateChange(QString::null) );
void FolderMan::startScheduledSyncSoon(qint64 msMinimumDelay)
if (_startScheduledSyncTimer.isActive()) {
if (_scheduleQueue.empty()) {
if (! _currentSyncFolder.isEmpty()) {
qint64 msDelay = msMinimumDelay;
qint64 msSinceLastSync = 0;
// Require a pause based on the duration of the last sync run.
if (Folder* lastFolder = folder(_lastSyncFolder)) {
msSinceLastSync = lastFolder->msecSinceLastSync();
// 1s -> 1.5s pause
// 10s -> 5s pause
// 1min -> 12s pause
// 1h -> 90s pause
qint64 pause = qSqrt(lastFolder->msecLastSyncDuration()) / 20.0 * 1000.0;
msDelay = qMax(msDelay, pause);
// Punish consecutive follow-up syncs with longer delays.
if (Folder* nextFolder = folder(_scheduleQueue.head())) {
int followUps = nextFolder->consecutiveFollowUpSyncs();
if (followUps >= 2) {
// This is okay due to the 1min maximum delay limit below.
msDelay *= qPow(followUps, 2);
// Delays beyond one minute seem too big, particularly since there
// could be things later in the queue that shouldn't be punished by a
// long delay!
msDelay = qMin(msDelay, 60*1000ll);
// Time since the last sync run counts against the delay
msDelay = qMax(1ll, msDelay - msSinceLastSync);
// A minimum of delay here is essential as the sync will not upload
// files that were changed too recently.
msDelay = qMax(msBetweenRequestAndSync, msDelay);
qDebug() << "Scheduling a sync in" << (msDelay/1000) << "seconds";
* slot to start folder syncs.
* It is either called from the slot where folders enqueue themselves for
* syncing or after a folder sync was finished.
void FolderMan::slotStartScheduledFolderSync()
if( !_currentSyncFolder.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug() << "Currently folder " << _currentSyncFolder << " is running, wait for finish!";
if( ! _syncEnabled ) {
qDebug() << "FolderMan: Syncing is disabled, no scheduling.";
qDebug() << "XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size: " << _scheduleQueue.count();
if( _scheduleQueue.isEmpty() ) {
// Try to start the top scheduled sync.
const QString alias = _scheduleQueue.dequeue();
Folder *f = folder(alias);
if( !f ) {
qDebug() << "FolderMan: Not syncing queued folder" << alias << ": not in folder map anymore";
// Start syncing this folder!
if( !f->syncPaused() ) {
_currentSyncFolder = alias;
f->startSync( QStringList() );
// reread the excludes of the socket api
// FIXME: the excludes need rework.
if( _socketApi ) {
void FolderMan::slotEtagPollTimerTimeout()
//qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Checking if we need to make any folders check the remote ETag";
ConfigFile cfg;
int polltime = cfg.remotePollInterval();
QSet<QString> folderAliases = _folderMap.keys().toSet();
QMutableSetIterator<QString> i(folderAliases);
while (i.hasNext()) {
QString alias =;
if (_currentSyncFolder == alias) {
if (_scheduleQueue.contains(alias)) {
Folder *f = _folderMap.value(alias);
if (f && _disabledFolders.contains(f)) {
if (f && (f->etagJob() || f->isBusy() || f->syncPaused())) {
if (f && f->msecSinceLastSync() < polltime) {
if (folderAliases.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No folders need to check for the remote ETag";
} else {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "The following folders need to check for the remote ETag:" << folderAliases;
i = folderAliases; // reset
while (i.hasNext()) {
QString alias =;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_folderMap.value(alias), "slotRunEtagJob", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void FolderMan::slotRemoveFoldersForAccount(AccountState* accountState)
QStringList foldersToRemove;
Folder::MapIterator i(_folderMap);
while (i.hasNext()) {;
Folder* folder = i.value();
if (folder->accountState() == accountState) {
qDebug() << "Account was removed, removing associated folders:" << foldersToRemove;
foreach (const QString& alias, foldersToRemove) {
void FolderMan::slotFolderSyncStarted( )
qDebug() << ">===================================== sync started for " << _currentSyncFolder;
* a folder indicates that its syncing is finished.
* Start the next sync after the system had some milliseconds to breath.
* This delay is particularly useful to avoid late file change notifications
* (that we caused ourselves by syncing) from triggering another spurious sync.
void FolderMan::slotFolderSyncFinished( const SyncResult& )
qDebug() << "<===================================== sync finished for " << _currentSyncFolder;
_lastSyncFolder = _currentSyncFolder;
bool FolderMan::addFolderDefinition(const QString& alias, const QString& sourceFolder,
const QString& targetPath, const QStringList& selectiveSyncBlackList)
if (! ensureJournalGone(sourceFolder))
return false;
QString escapedAlias = escapeAlias(alias);
// Create a settings file named after the alias
QSettings settings( _folderConfigPath + QLatin1Char('/') + escapedAlias, QSettings::IniFormat);
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("localPath"), sourceFolder );
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("targetPath"), targetPath );
// for compat reasons
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("backend"), "owncloud" );
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("connection"), Theme::instance()->appName());
settings.setValue(QLatin1String("blackList"), selectiveSyncBlackList);
return true;
Folder *FolderMan::folderForPath(const QString &path)
QString absolutePath = QDir::cleanPath(path)+QLatin1Char('/');
foreach(Folder* folder, this->map().values()) {
const QString folderPath = QDir::cleanPath(folder->path())+QLatin1Char('/');
if(absolutePath.startsWith(folderPath)) {
//qDebug() << "found folder: " << folder->path() << " for " << absolutePath;
return folder;
return 0;
void FolderMan::removeAllFolderDefinitions()
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
if(f) {
slotRemoveFolder( f->alias() );
// clear the queue.
void FolderMan::slotRemoveFolder( const QString& alias )
if( alias.isEmpty() ) return;
if( _currentSyncFolder == alias ) {
// terminate if the sync is currently underway.
// remove a folder from the map. Should be sure n
void FolderMan::removeFolder( const QString& alias )
Folder *f = 0;
if( _folderMap.contains( alias )) {
qDebug() << "Removing " << alias;
f = _folderMap[alias]; // do not remove from the map, that is done in unloadFolder.
} else {
qDebug() << "!! Can not remove " << alias << ", not in folderMap.";
if( f ) {
// can be removed if we are able to delete the folder object.
// remove the folder configuration
QFile file(f->configFile() );
if( file.exists() ) {
qDebug() << "Remove folder config file " << file.fileName();
unloadFolder( alias ); // now the folder object is gone.
// FIXME: this is a temporar dirty fix against a crash happening because
// the csync owncloud module still has static components. Activate the
// delete once the module is fixed.
// f->deleteLater();
QString FolderMan::getBackupName( QString fullPathName ) const
if (fullPathName.endsWith("/"))
if( fullPathName.isEmpty() ) return QString::null;
QString newName = fullPathName + QLatin1String(".oC_bak");
QFileInfo fi( newName );
int cnt = 1;
do {
if( fi.exists() ) {
newName = fullPathName + QString( ".oC_bak_%1").arg(cnt++);
} while( fi.exists() );
return newName;
bool FolderMan::startFromScratch( const QString& localFolder )
if( localFolder.isEmpty() ) {
return false;
QFileInfo fi( localFolder );
QDir parentDir( fi.dir() );
QString folderName = fi.fileName();
// Adjust for case where localFolder ends with a /
if ( fi.isDir() ) {
folderName = parentDir.dirName();
if( fi.exists() ) {
// It exists, but is empty -> just reuse it.
if( fi.isDir() && fi.dir().count() == 0 ) {
qDebug() << "startFromScratch: Directory is empty!";
return true;
// Disconnect the socket api from the database to avoid that locking of the
// db file does not allow to move this dir.
if( _socketApi ) {
Folder *f = folderForPath(localFolder);
if(f) {
if( localFolder.startsWith(f->path()) ) {
f->slotTerminateSync(); // Normaly it should not be running, but viel hilft viel
// Make a backup of the folder/file.
QString newName = getBackupName( parentDir.absoluteFilePath( folderName ) );
if( !parentDir.rename( fi.absoluteFilePath(), newName ) ) {
qDebug() << "startFromScratch: Could not rename" << fi.absoluteFilePath()
<< "to" << newName;
return false;
if( !parentDir.mkdir( fi.absoluteFilePath() ) ) {
qDebug() << "startFromScratch: Could not mkdir" << fi.absoluteFilePath();
return false;
return true;
void FolderMan::setDirtyProxy(bool value)
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
if(f) {
void FolderMan::setDirtyNetworkLimits()
foreach( Folder *f, _folderMap.values() ) {
// set only in busy folders. Otherwise they read the config anyway.
if(f && f->isBusy()) {
SyncResult FolderMan::accountStatus(const QList<Folder*> &folders)
SyncResult overallResult(SyncResult::Undefined);
int cnt = folders.count();
// if one folder: show the state of the one folder.
// if more folder:
// if one of them has an error -> show error
// if one is paused, but others ok, show ok
// do not show "problem" in the tray
if( cnt == 1 ) {
Folder *folder =;
if( folder ) {
if( folder->syncPaused() ) {
} else {
SyncResult::Status syncStatus = folder->syncResult().status();
switch( syncStatus ) {
case SyncResult::Undefined:
case SyncResult::NotYetStarted:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted );
case SyncResult::SyncPrepare:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncPrepare );
case SyncResult::SyncRunning:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncRunning );
case SyncResult::Problem: // don't show the problem icon in tray.
case SyncResult::Success:
if( overallResult.status() == SyncResult::Undefined )
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Success );
case SyncResult::Error:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Error );
case SyncResult::SetupError:
if ( overallResult.status() != SyncResult::Error )
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SetupError );
case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested);
case SyncResult::Paused:
overallResult.setStatus( SyncResult::Paused);
} else {
int errorsSeen = 0;
int goodSeen = 0;
int abortSeen = 0;
int runSeen = 0;
int various = 0;
foreach ( Folder *folder, folders ) {
if( folder->syncPaused() ) {
} else {
SyncResult folderResult = folder->syncResult();
SyncResult::Status syncStatus = folderResult.status();
switch( syncStatus ) {
case SyncResult::Undefined:
case SyncResult::NotYetStarted:
case SyncResult::SyncPrepare:
case SyncResult::SyncRunning:
case SyncResult::Problem: // don't show the problem icon in tray.
case SyncResult::Success:
case SyncResult::Error:
case SyncResult::SetupError:
case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested:
case SyncResult::Paused:
// no default case on purpose, check compiler warnings
bool set = false;
if( errorsSeen > 0 ) {
set = true;
if( !set && abortSeen > 0 && abortSeen == cnt ) {
// only if all folders are paused
set = true;
if( !set && runSeen > 0 ) {
set = true;
if( !set && goodSeen > 0 ) {
set = true;
return overallResult;
QString FolderMan::statusToString( SyncResult syncStatus, bool paused ) const
QString folderMessage;
switch( syncStatus.status() ) {
case SyncResult::Undefined:
folderMessage = tr( "Undefined State." );
case SyncResult::NotYetStarted:
folderMessage = tr( "Waits to start syncing." );
case SyncResult::SyncPrepare:
folderMessage = tr( "Preparing for sync." );
case SyncResult::SyncRunning:
folderMessage = tr( "Sync is running." );
case SyncResult::Success:
folderMessage = tr( "Last Sync was successful." );
case SyncResult::Error:
case SyncResult::Problem:
folderMessage = tr( "Last Sync was successful, but with warnings on individual files.");
case SyncResult::SetupError:
folderMessage = tr( "Setup Error." );
case SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested:
folderMessage = tr( "User Abort." );
case SyncResult::Paused:
folderMessage = tr("Sync is paused.");
// no default case on purpose, check compiler warnings
if( paused ) {
// sync is disabled.
folderMessage = tr( "%1 (Sync is paused)" ).arg(folderMessage);
return folderMessage;
} // namespace OCC