Claudio Cambra 81566eec09 Move item metadata fetch into util file in FileProviderUIExt
Signed-off-by: Claudio Cambra <>
2024-09-12 09:50:50 +02:00

208 lines
7.8 KiB

// ShareTableViewDataSource.swift
// FileProviderUIExt
// Created by Claudio Cambra on 27/2/24.
import AppKit
import FileProvider
import NextcloudKit
import NextcloudFileProviderKit
import NextcloudCapabilitiesKit
import OSLog
class ShareTableViewDataSource: NSObject, NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate {
private let shareItemViewIdentifier = NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier("ShareTableItemView")
private let shareItemViewNib = NSNib(nibNamed: "ShareTableItemView", bundle: nil)
private let reattemptInterval: TimeInterval = 3.0
var uiDelegate: ShareViewDataSourceUIDelegate?
var sharesTableView: NSTableView? {
didSet {
sharesTableView?.register(shareItemViewNib, forIdentifier: shareItemViewIdentifier)
sharesTableView?.rowHeight = 42.0 // Height of view in ShareTableItemView XIB
sharesTableView?.dataSource = self
sharesTableView?.delegate = self
var capabilities: Capabilities?
var itemMetadata: NKFile?
private(set) var kit: NextcloudKit?
private(set) var itemURL: URL?
private(set) var itemServerRelativePath: String?
private(set) var shares: [NKShare] = [] {
didSet { Task { @MainActor in sharesTableView?.reloadData() } }
private var account: Account? {
didSet {
guard let account = account else { return }
kit = NextcloudKit()
user: account.username,
userId: account.username,
password: account.password,
urlBase: account.serverUrl
func loadItem(url: URL) {
itemServerRelativePath = nil
itemURL = url
Task {
await reload()
func reattempt() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: self.reattemptInterval, repeats: false) { _ in
Task { await self.reload() }
func reload() async {
guard let itemURL else {
presentError("No item URL, cannot reload data!")
guard let kit else {
presentError("NextcloudKit instance is unavailable, cannot reload data!")
guard let itemIdentifier = await withCheckedContinuation({
(continuation: CheckedContinuation<NSFileProviderItemIdentifier?, Never>) -> Void in
at: itemURL
) { identifier, domainIdentifier, error in
defer { continuation.resume(returning: identifier) }
guard error == nil else {
self.presentError("No item with identifier: \(error.debugDescription)")
}) else {
presentError("Could not get identifier for item, no shares can be acquired.")
do {
let connection = try await serviceConnection(url: itemURL, interruptionHandler: {
Logger.sharesDataSource.error("Service connection interrupted")
guard let serverPath = await connection.itemServerPath(identifier: itemIdentifier),
let credentials = await connection.credentials() as? Dictionary<String, String>,
let convertedAccount = Account(dictionary: credentials),
else {
presentError("Failed to get details from File Provider Extension. Retrying.")
let serverPathString = serverPath as String
itemServerRelativePath = serverPathString
account = convertedAccount
await sharesTableView?.deselectAll(self)
capabilities = await fetchCapabilities()
guard capabilities != nil else { return }
guard capabilities?.filesSharing?.apiEnabled == true else {
presentError("Server does not support shares.")
itemMetadata = await fetchItemMetadata(itemRelativePath: serverPathString, kit: kit)
guard itemMetadata?.permissions.contains("R") == true else {
presentError("This file cannot be shared.")
shares = await fetch(
itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, itemRelativePath: serverPathString
} catch let error {
presentError("Could not reload data: \(error), will try again.")
private func fetch(
itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, itemRelativePath: String
) async -> [NKShare] {
Task { @MainActor in uiDelegate?.fetchStarted() }
defer { Task { @MainActor in uiDelegate?.fetchFinished() } }
let rawIdentifier = itemIdentifier.rawValue"Fetching shares for item \(rawIdentifier, privacy: .public)")
guard let kit = kit else {
self.presentError("NextcloudKit instance is unavailable, cannot fetch shares!")
return []
let parameter = NKShareParameter(path: itemRelativePath)
return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
kit.readShares(parameters: parameter) { account, shares, data, error in
let shareCount = shares?.count ?? 0"Received \(shareCount, privacy: .public) shares")
defer { continuation.resume(returning: shares ?? []) }
guard error == .success else {
self.presentError("Error fetching shares: \(error.errorDescription)")
private func fetchCapabilities() async -> Capabilities? {
return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
kit?.getCapabilities { account, capabilitiesJson, error in
guard error == .success, let capabilitiesJson = capabilitiesJson else {
self.presentError("Error getting server caps: \(error.errorDescription)")
continuation.resume(returning: nil)
}"Successfully retrieved server share capabilities")
continuation.resume(returning: Capabilities(data: capabilitiesJson))
private func presentError(_ errorString: String) {
Logger.sharesDataSource.error("\(errorString, privacy: .public)")
Task { @MainActor in self.uiDelegate?.showError(errorString) }
// MARK: - NSTableViewDataSource protocol methods
@objc func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
// MARK: - NSTableViewDelegate protocol methods
@objc func tableView(
_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int
) -> NSView? {
let share = shares[row]
guard let view = tableView.makeView(
withIdentifier: shareItemViewIdentifier, owner: self
) as? ShareTableItemView else {
Logger.sharesDataSource.error("Acquired item view from table is not a share item view!")
return nil
view.share = share
return view
@objc func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let selectedRow = sharesTableView?.selectedRow, selectedRow >= 0 else {
Task { @MainActor in uiDelegate?.hideOptions(self) }
let share = shares[selectedRow]
Task { @MainActor in uiDelegate?.showOptions(share: share) }