Jocelyn Turcotte 0320627263 shell_i: Use a more specific name for ContentManager
Since we use that class to lookup the NSBundle using bundleForClass
use a more specific name to avoid any clash with any othe liferay
extension. I couldn't figure out from the documentation if that is
only resolved using the class name, but found some warnings on
stackoverflow and better be safe than sorry for what it costs.
2015-06-19 16:50:11 +02:00

176 lines
5.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "ContentManager.h"
#import "IconCache.h"
#import "FinishedIconCache.h"
#import "IconOverlayHandlers.h"
#import "Finder/Finder.h"
@implementation NSObject (IconOverlayHandlers)
- (void)OCIconOverlayHandlers_drawIconWithFrame:(struct CGRect)arg1
[self OCIconOverlayHandlers_drawIconWithFrame:arg1];
NSURL* url = [[NSClassFromString(@"FINode") nodeFromNodeRef:[(TIconAndTextCell*)self node]->fNodeRef] previewItemURL];
BOOL isDir;
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath: [url path] isDirectory:&isDir] == NO) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Could not determine file type of %@", [url path]);
isDir = NO;
NSNumber* imageIndex = [[OwnCloudFinderContentManager sharedInstance] iconByPath:[url path] isDirectory:isDir];
//NSLog(@"1 The icon index is %d", [imageIndex intValue]);
if ([imageIndex intValue] > 0)
NSImage* image = [[IconCache sharedInstance] getIcon:imageIndex];
if (image != nil)
struct CGRect arg2 = [(TIconViewCell*)self imageRectForBounds:arg1];
[image drawInRect:NSMakeRect(arg2.origin.x, arg2.origin.y, arg2.size.width, arg2.size.height) fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:TRUE hints:nil];
- (void)OCIconOverlayHandlers_IKImageBrowserCell_drawImage:(id)arg1
IKImageWrapper*imageWrapper = [self OCIconOverlayHandlers_imageWrapper:arg1];
[self OCIconOverlayHandlers_IKImageBrowserCell_drawImage:imageWrapper];
- (void)OCIconOverlayHandlers_IKFinderReflectiveIconCell_drawImage:(id)arg1
IKImageWrapper*imageWrapper = [self OCIconOverlayHandlers_imageWrapper:arg1];
[self OCIconOverlayHandlers_IKFinderReflectiveIconCell_drawImage:imageWrapper];
- (IKImageWrapper*)OCIconOverlayHandlers_imageWrapper:(id)arg1
TIconViewCell* realSelf = (TIconViewCell*)self;
FINode* node = (FINode*)[realSelf representedItem];
NSURL* url = [node previewItemURL];
BOOL isDir;
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[url path] isDirectory:&isDir] == NO) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Could not determine file type of %@", [url path]);
isDir = NO;
NSNumber* imageIndex = [[OwnCloudFinderContentManager sharedInstance] iconByPath:[url path] isDirectory:isDir];
//NSLog(@"2 The icon index is %d %@ %@", [imageIndex intValue], [url path], isDir ? @"isDir" : @"");
if ([imageIndex intValue] > 0)
NSImage* icon = [arg1 _nsImage];
// Use the short term icon cache that possibly has the finished icon
FinishedIconCache *finishedIconCache = [FinishedIconCache sharedInstance];
NSImage *finishedImage = [finishedIconCache getIcon:[url path] overlayIconIndex:imageIndex width:[icon size].width height:[icon size].height];
if (finishedImage) {
//NSLog(@"X Got finished image from cache %@ %@", finishedImage, [url path]);
return [[[IKImageWrapper alloc] initWithNSImage:finishedImage] autorelease];;
} else {
//NSLog(@"X Need to redraw %@", [url path]);
NSImage* iconimage = [[IconCache sharedInstance] getIcon:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[imageIndex intValue]]];
if (iconimage != nil)
[icon lockFocus];
CGContextRef myContext = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
CGRect destRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, [icon size].width, [icon size].height);
CGImageRef cgImage = [iconimage CGImageForProposedRect:&destRect
context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
if (cgImage) {
CGContextDrawImage(myContext, destRect, cgImage);
//CGImageRelease(cgImage); // leak here? if we leave this code in, Finder crashes
// But actually i'm not seeing a leak in Activity Monitor.. maybe it is not really leaking?
} else {
NSLog(@"No image given!!!!!11 %@", [url path]);
[icon unlockFocus];
// Insert into cache
[finishedIconCache registerIcon:icon withFileName:[url path] overlayIconIndex:imageIndex width:[icon size].width height:[icon size].height];
return [[[IKImageWrapper alloc] initWithNSImage:icon] autorelease];
return arg1;
- (void)OCIconOverlayHandlers_drawRect:(struct CGRect)arg1
[self OCIconOverlayHandlers_drawRect:arg1];
NSView* supersuperview = [[(NSView*)self superview] superview];
if ([supersuperview isKindOfClass:(id)objc_getClass("TListRowView")])
TListRowView *listRowView = (TListRowView*) supersuperview;
FINode *fiNode;
object_getInstanceVariable(listRowView, "_node", (void**)&fiNode);
NSURL *url;
if ([fiNode respondsToSelector:@selector(previewItemURL)])
url = [fiNode previewItemURL];
else {
BOOL isDir;
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[url path] isDirectory: &isDir] == NO) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Could not determine file type of %@", [url path]);
isDir = NO;
NSNumber* imageIndex = [[OwnCloudFinderContentManager sharedInstance] iconByPath:[url path] isDirectory:isDir];
//NSLog(@"3 The icon index is %d", [imageIndex intValue]);
if ([imageIndex intValue] > 0)
NSImage* image = [[IconCache sharedInstance] getIcon:imageIndex];
if (image != nil)
[image drawInRect:NSMakeRect(arg1.origin.x, arg1.origin.y, arg1.size.width, arg1.size.height) fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:TRUE hints:nil];