mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 13:14:30 +03:00
321 lines
10 KiB
321 lines
10 KiB
* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag@owncloud.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "protocolwidget.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "syncresult.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "folderman.h"
#include "syncfileitem.h"
#include "folder.h"
#include "openfilemanager.h"
#include "owncloudpropagator.h"
#include "activityitemdelegate.h"
#include "ui_protocolwidget.h"
#include <climits>
namespace OCC {
ProtocolWidget::ProtocolWidget(QWidget *parent) :
IgnoredIndicatorRole( Qt::UserRole +1 ),
_ui(new Ui::ProtocolWidget)
connect(ProgressDispatcher::instance(), SIGNAL(progressInfo(QString,ProgressInfo)),
this, SLOT(slotProgressInfo(QString,ProgressInfo)));
connect(ProgressDispatcher::instance(), SIGNAL(itemCompleted(QString,SyncFileItem,PropagatorJob)),
this, SLOT(slotItemCompleted(QString,SyncFileItem,PropagatorJob)));
connect(_ui->_treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), SLOT(slotOpenFile(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));
// Adjust copyToClipboard() when making changes here!
QStringList header;
header << tr("Time");
header << tr("File");
header << tr("Folder");
header << tr("Action");
header << tr("Size");
int timestampColumnExtra = 0;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
timestampColumnExtra = 20; // font metrics are broken on Windows, see #4721
_ui->_treeWidget->setHeaderLabels( header );
int timestampColumnWidth =
+ timestampColumnExtra;
_ui->_treeWidget->setColumnWidth(0, timestampColumnWidth);
_ui->_treeWidget->setColumnWidth(1, 180);
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
_ui->_headerLabel->setText(tr("Local sync protocol"));
QPushButton *copyBtn = _ui->_dialogButtonBox->addButton(tr("Copy"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
copyBtn->setToolTip( tr("Copy the activity list to the clipboard."));
connect(copyBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(copyToClipboard()));
// this view is used to display all errors such as real errors, soft errors and ignored files
// it is instantiated here, but made accessible via the method issueWidget() so that it can
// be embedded into another gui element.
_issueItemView = new QTreeWidget(this);
_issueItemView->setHeaderLabels( header );
timestampColumnWidth =
ActivityItemDelegate::rowHeight() // icon
+ _issueItemView->fontMetrics().width(timeString(QDateTime::currentDateTime()))
+ timestampColumnExtra;
_issueItemView->setColumnWidth(0, timestampColumnWidth);
_issueItemView->setColumnWidth(1, 180);
connect(_issueItemView, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),
delete _ui;
void ProtocolWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev)
ConfigFile cfg;
void ProtocolWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent *ev)
ConfigFile cfg;
cfg.saveGeometryHeader(_ui->_treeWidget->header() );
void ProtocolWidget::cleanItems(const QString& folder)
// The issue list is a state, clear it and let the next sync fill it
// with ignored files and propagation errors.
int itemCnt = _issueItemView->topLevelItemCount();
for( int cnt = itemCnt-1; cnt >=0 ; cnt-- ) {
QTreeWidgetItem *item = _issueItemView->topLevelItem(cnt);
QString itemFolder = item->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toString();
if( itemFolder == folder ) {
delete item;
// update the tabtext
emit( issueItemCountUpdated(_issueItemView->topLevelItemCount()) );
QString ProtocolWidget::timeString(QDateTime dt, QLocale::FormatType format) const
const QLocale loc = QLocale::system();
QString dtFormat = loc.dateTimeFormat(format);
static const QRegExp re("(HH|H|hh|h):mm(?!:s)");
dtFormat.replace(re, "\\1:mm:ss");
return loc.toString(dt, dtFormat);
void ProtocolWidget::slotOpenFile( QTreeWidgetItem *item, int )
QString folderName = item->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QString fileName = item->text(1);
Folder *folder = FolderMan::instance()->folder(folderName);
if (folder) {
// folder->path() always comes back with trailing path
QString fullPath = folder->path() + fileName;
if (QFile(fullPath).exists()) {
QTreeWidgetItem* ProtocolWidget::createCompletedTreewidgetItem(const QString& folder, const SyncFileItem& item)
auto f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(folder);
if (!f) {
return 0;
QStringList columns;
QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
const QString timeStr = timeString(timestamp);
const QString longTimeStr = timeString(timestamp, QLocale::LongFormat);
columns << timeStr;
columns << Utility::fileNameForGuiUse(item._originalFile);
columns << f->shortGuiLocalPath();
// If the error string is set, it's prefered because it is a useful user message.
QString message = item._errorString;
if (message.isEmpty()) {
message = Progress::asResultString(item);
columns << message;
QIcon icon;
if (item._status == SyncFileItem::NormalError
|| item._status == SyncFileItem::FatalError) {
icon = Theme::instance()->syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Error);
} else if (Progress::isWarningKind(item._status)) {
icon = Theme::instance()->syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Problem);
if (ProgressInfo::isSizeDependent(item)) {
columns << Utility::octetsToString( item._size );
QTreeWidgetItem *twitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(columns);
if (item._status == SyncFileItem::FileIgnored) {
// Tell that we want to remove it on the next sync.
twitem->setData(0, IgnoredIndicatorRole, true);
twitem->setData(0, Qt::SizeHintRole, QSize(0, ActivityItemDelegate::rowHeight()));
twitem->setIcon(0, icon);
twitem->setToolTip(0, longTimeStr);
twitem->setToolTip(1, item._file);
twitem->setToolTip(3, message );
twitem->setData(2, Qt::UserRole, folder);
return twitem;
void ProtocolWidget::slotProgressInfo( const QString& folder, const ProgressInfo& progress )
if( !progress.isUpdatingEstimates() ) {
// The sync is restarting, clean the old items
} else if (progress.completedFiles() >= progress.totalFiles()) {
//Sync completed
void ProtocolWidget::slotItemCompleted(const QString &folder, const SyncFileItem &item, const PropagatorJob &job)
if (qobject_cast<const PropagateDirectory*>(&job)) {
QTreeWidgetItem *line = createCompletedTreewidgetItem(folder, item);
if(line) {
if( item.hasErrorStatus() ) {
_issueItemView->insertTopLevelItem(0, line);
emit issueItemCountUpdated(_issueItemView->topLevelItemCount());
} else {
// Limit the number of items
int itemCnt = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
while(itemCnt > 2000) {
delete _ui->_treeWidget->takeTopLevelItem(itemCnt - 1);
_ui->_treeWidget->insertTopLevelItem(0, line);
void ProtocolWidget::storeSyncActivity(QTextStream& ts)
int topLevelItems = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItems; i++) {
QTreeWidgetItem *child = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
ts << right
// time stamp
<< qSetFieldWidth(20)
<< child->data(0,Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// file name
<< qSetFieldWidth(64)
<< child->data(1,Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// folder
<< qSetFieldWidth(30)
<< child->data(2, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// action
<< qSetFieldWidth(15)
<< child->data(3, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// size
<< qSetFieldWidth(10)
<< child->data(4, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
<< qSetFieldWidth(0)
<< endl;
void ProtocolWidget::storeSyncIssues(QTextStream& ts)
int topLevelItems = _issueItemView->topLevelItemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItems; i++) {
QTreeWidgetItem *child = _issueItemView->topLevelItem(i);
ts << right
// time stamp
<< qSetFieldWidth(20)
<< child->data(0,Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// file name
<< qSetFieldWidth(64)
<< child->data(1,Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// folder
<< qSetFieldWidth(30)
<< child->data(2, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
// separator
<< qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","
// action
<< qSetFieldWidth(15)
<< child->data(3, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
<< qSetFieldWidth(0)
<< endl;