mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 12:22:16 +03:00
UserModel can't be connected to AccountSettings if the settings dialog doesn't exist. This is the case now since we delay the creation of that dialog and free it after use. Instead it should be properly channeled through the Systray object all the way up to OwncloudGui which knows how to handle this properly. Signed-off-by: Kevin Ottens <kevin.ottens@nextcloud.com>
484 lines
16 KiB
484 lines
16 KiB
* Copyright (C) by Cédric Bellegarde <gnumdk@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "accountmanager.h"
#include "systray.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "common/utility.h"
#include "tray/UserModel.h"
#include <QCursor>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QQuickWindow>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QDBusInterface>
#include <QDBusMessage>
#include <QDBusPendingCall>
#define NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.Notifications"
#define NOTIFICATIONS_PATH "/org/freedesktop/Notifications"
#define NOTIFICATIONS_IFACE "org.freedesktop.Notifications"
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcSystray, "nextcloud.gui.systray")
Systray *Systray::_instance = nullptr;
Systray *Systray::instance()
if (!_instance) {
_instance = new Systray();
return _instance;
void Systray::setTrayEngine(QQmlApplicationEngine *trayEngine)
_trayEngine = trayEngine;
_trayEngine->addImageProvider("avatars", new ImageProvider);
: QSystemTrayIcon(nullptr)
qmlRegisterSingletonType<UserModel>("com.nextcloud.desktopclient", 1, 0, "UserModel",
[](QQmlEngine *, QJSEngine *) -> QObject * {
return UserModel::instance();
qmlRegisterSingletonType<UserAppsModel>("com.nextcloud.desktopclient", 1, 0, "UserAppsModel",
[](QQmlEngine *, QJSEngine *) -> QObject * {
return UserAppsModel::instance();
qmlRegisterSingletonType<Systray>("com.nextcloud.desktopclient", 1, 0, "Theme",
[](QQmlEngine *, QJSEngine *) -> QObject * {
return Theme::instance();
qmlRegisterSingletonType<Systray>("com.nextcloud.desktopclient", 1, 0, "Systray",
[](QQmlEngine *, QJSEngine *) -> QObject * {
return Systray::instance();
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
auto contextMenu = new QMenu();
if (AccountManager::instance()->accounts().isEmpty()) {
contextMenu->addAction(tr("Add account"), this, &Systray::openAccountWizard);
} else {
contextMenu->addAction(tr("Open main dialog"), this, &Systray::openMainDialog);
auto pauseAction = contextMenu->addAction(tr("Pause sync"), this, &Systray::slotPauseAllFolders);
auto resumeAction = contextMenu->addAction(tr("Resume sync"), this, &Systray::slotUnpauseAllFolders);
contextMenu->addAction(tr("Settings"), this, &Systray::openSettings);
contextMenu->addAction(tr("Exit %1").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()), this, &Systray::shutdown);
connect(contextMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, [=] {
const auto folders = FolderMan::instance()->map();
const auto allPaused = std::all_of(std::cbegin(folders), std::cend(folders), [](Folder *f) { return f->syncPaused(); });
const auto pauseText = folders.size() > 1 ? tr("Pause sync for all") : tr("Pause sync");
const auto anyPaused = std::any_of(std::cbegin(folders), std::cend(folders), [](Folder *f) { return f->syncPaused(); });
const auto resumeText = folders.size() > 1 ? tr("Resume sync for all") : tr("Resume sync");
connect(UserModel::instance(), &UserModel::newUserSelected,
this, &Systray::slotNewUserSelected);
connect(UserModel::instance(), &UserModel::addAccount,
this, &Systray::openAccountWizard);
connect(AccountManager::instance(), &AccountManager::accountAdded,
this, &Systray::showWindow);
void Systray::create()
if (_trayEngine) {
if (!AccountManager::instance()->accounts().isEmpty()) {
_trayEngine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("activityModel", UserModel::instance()->currentActivityModel());
emit activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason::Unknown);
const auto folderMap = FolderMan::instance()->map();
for (const auto *folder : folderMap) {
if (!folder->syncPaused()) {
_syncIsPaused = false;
void Systray::slotNewUserSelected()
if (_trayEngine) {
// Change ActivityModel
_trayEngine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("activityModel", UserModel::instance()->currentActivityModel());
// Rebuild App list
void Systray::slotUnpauseAllFolders()
void Systray::slotPauseAllFolders()
void Systray::setPauseOnAllFoldersHelper(bool pause)
// For some reason we get the raw pointer from Folder::accountState()
// that's why we need a list of raw pointers for the call to contains
// later on...
const auto accounts = [=] {
const auto ptrList = AccountManager::instance()->accounts();
auto result = QList<AccountState *>();
std::transform(std::cbegin(ptrList), std::cend(ptrList), std::back_inserter(result), [](const AccountStatePtr &account) {
return account.data();
return result;
const auto folders = FolderMan::instance()->map();
for (auto f : folders) {
if (accounts.contains(f->accountState())) {
if (pause) {
bool Systray::isOpen()
return _isOpen;
Q_INVOKABLE void Systray::setOpened()
_isOpen = true;
Q_INVOKABLE void Systray::setClosed()
_isOpen = false;
void Systray::showMessage(const QString &title, const QString &message, MessageIcon icon)
const QVariantMap hints = {{QStringLiteral("desktop-entry"), LINUX_APPLICATION_ID}};
QList<QVariant> args = QList<QVariant>() << APPLICATION_NAME << quint32(0) << APPLICATION_ICON_NAME
<< title << message << QStringList() << hints << qint32(-1);
} else
#ifdef Q_OS_OSX
if (canOsXSendUserNotification()) {
sendOsXUserNotification(title, message);
} else
QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage(title, message, icon);
void Systray::setToolTip(const QString &tip)
QSystemTrayIcon::setToolTip(tr("%1: %2").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), tip));
bool Systray::syncIsPaused()
return _syncIsPaused;
void Systray::pauseResumeSync()
if (_syncIsPaused) {
_syncIsPaused = false;
} else {
_syncIsPaused = true;
/* Helper functions for cross-platform tray icon position and taskbar orientation detection */
void Systray::positionWindow(QQuickWindow *window) const
const auto position = computeWindowPosition(window->width(), window->height());
void Systray::forceWindowInit(QQuickWindow *window) const
// HACK: At least on Windows, if the systray window is not shown at least once
// it can prevent session handling to carry on properly, so we show/hide it here
// this shouldn't flicker
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
// On macOS we need to designate the tray window as visible on all spaces and
// at the menu bar level, otherwise showing it can cause the current spaces to
// change, or the window could be obscured by another window that shouldn't
// normally cover a menu.
QScreen *Systray::currentScreen() const
const auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
const auto cursorPos = QCursor::pos();
for (const auto screen : screens) {
if (screen->geometry().contains(cursorPos)) {
return screen;
// Didn't find anything matching the cursor position,
// falling back to the primary screen
return QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
Systray::TaskBarPosition Systray::taskbarOrientation() const
// macOS: Always on top
#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
return TaskBarPosition::Top;
// Windows: Check registry for actual taskbar orientation
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
auto taskbarPositionSubkey = QStringLiteral("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\StuckRects3");
if (!Utility::registryKeyExists(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, taskbarPositionSubkey)) {
// Windows 7
taskbarPositionSubkey = QStringLiteral("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\StuckRects2");
if (!Utility::registryKeyExists(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, taskbarPositionSubkey)) {
return TaskBarPosition::Bottom;
auto taskbarPosition = Utility::registryGetKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, taskbarPositionSubkey, "Settings");
switch (taskbarPosition.toInt()) {
// Mapping windows binary value (0 = left, 1 = top, 2 = right, 3 = bottom) to qml logic (0 = bottom, 1 = left...)
case 0:
return TaskBarPosition::Left;
case 1:
return TaskBarPosition::Top;
case 2:
return TaskBarPosition::Right;
case 3:
return TaskBarPosition::Bottom;
return TaskBarPosition::Bottom;
// Probably Linux
const auto screenRect = currentScreenRect();
const auto trayIconCenter = calcTrayIconCenter();
const auto distBottom = screenRect.bottom() - trayIconCenter.y();
const auto distRight = screenRect.right() - trayIconCenter.x();
const auto distLeft = trayIconCenter.x() - screenRect.left();
const auto distTop = trayIconCenter.y() - screenRect.top();
const auto minDist = std::min({distRight, distTop, distBottom});
if (minDist == distBottom) {
return TaskBarPosition::Bottom;
} else if (minDist == distLeft) {
return TaskBarPosition::Left;
} else if (minDist == distTop) {
return TaskBarPosition::Top;
} else {
return TaskBarPosition::Right;
// TODO: Get real taskbar dimensions Linux as well
QRect Systray::taskbarGeometry() const
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
QRect tbRect = Utility::getTaskbarDimensions();
//QML side expects effective pixels, convert taskbar dimensions if necessary
auto pixelRatio = currentScreen()->devicePixelRatio();
if (pixelRatio != 1) {
tbRect.setHeight(tbRect.height() / pixelRatio);
tbRect.setWidth(tbRect.width() / pixelRatio);
return tbRect;
#elif defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
// Finder bar is always 22px height on macOS (when treating as effective pixels)
auto screenWidth = currentScreenRect().width();
return {0, 0, screenWidth, 22};
if (taskbarOrientation() == TaskBarPosition::Bottom || taskbarOrientation() == TaskBarPosition::Top) {
auto screenWidth = currentScreenRect().width();
return {0, 0, screenWidth, 32};
} else {
auto screenHeight = currentScreenRect().height();
return {0, 0, 32, screenHeight};
QRect Systray::currentScreenRect() const
const auto screen = currentScreen();
return screen->geometry();
QPoint Systray::computeWindowReferencePoint() const
constexpr auto spacing = 4;
const auto trayIconCenter = calcTrayIconCenter();
const auto taskbarRect = taskbarGeometry();
const auto taskbarScreenEdge = taskbarOrientation();
const auto screenRect = currentScreenRect();
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "screenRect:" << screenRect;
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "taskbarRect:" << taskbarRect;
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "taskbarScreenEdge:" << taskbarScreenEdge;
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "trayIconCenter:" << trayIconCenter;
switch(taskbarScreenEdge) {
case TaskBarPosition::Bottom:
return {
screenRect.bottom() - taskbarRect.height() - spacing
case TaskBarPosition::Left:
return {
screenRect.left() + taskbarRect.width() + spacing,
case TaskBarPosition::Top:
return {
screenRect.top() + taskbarRect.height() + spacing
case TaskBarPosition::Right:
return {
screenRect.right() - taskbarRect.width() - spacing,
QPoint Systray::computeWindowPosition(int width, int height) const
const auto referencePoint = computeWindowReferencePoint();
const auto taskbarScreenEdge = taskbarOrientation();
const auto screenRect = currentScreenRect();
const auto topLeft = [=]() {
switch(taskbarScreenEdge) {
case TaskBarPosition::Bottom:
return referencePoint - QPoint(width / 2, height);
case TaskBarPosition::Left:
return referencePoint;
case TaskBarPosition::Top:
return referencePoint - QPoint(width / 2, 0);
case TaskBarPosition::Right:
return referencePoint - QPoint(width, 0);
const auto bottomRight = topLeft + QPoint(width, height);
const auto windowRect = [=]() {
const auto rect = QRect(topLeft, bottomRight);
auto offset = QPoint();
if (rect.left() < screenRect.left()) {
offset.setX(screenRect.left() - rect.left() + 4);
} else if (rect.right() > screenRect.right()) {
offset.setX(screenRect.right() - rect.right() - 4);
if (rect.top() < screenRect.top()) {
offset.setY(screenRect.top() - rect.top() + 4);
} else if (rect.bottom() > screenRect.bottom()) {
offset.setY(screenRect.bottom() - rect.bottom() - 4);
return rect.translated(offset);
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "taskbarScreenEdge:" << taskbarScreenEdge;
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "screenRect:" << screenRect;
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "windowRect (reference)" << QRect(topLeft, bottomRight);
qCDebug(lcSystray) << "windowRect (adjusted)" << windowRect;
return windowRect.topLeft();
QPoint Systray::calcTrayIconCenter() const
// QSystemTrayIcon::geometry() is broken for ages on most Linux DEs (invalid geometry returned)
// thus we can use this only for Windows and macOS
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
auto trayIconCenter = geometry().center();
return trayIconCenter;
// On Linux, fall back to mouse position (assuming tray icon is activated by mouse click)
return QCursor::pos(currentScreen());
} // namespace OCC