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synced 2024-12-22 13:44:34 +03:00
Signed-off-by: allexzander <blackslayer4@gmail.com>
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226 lines
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* Copyright (C) by Matthieu Gallien <matthieu.gallien@nextcloud.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "lockfilejobs.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcLockFileJob, "nextcloud.sync.networkjob.lockfile", QtInfoMsg)
LockFileJob::LockFileJob(const AccountPtr account,
SyncJournalDb* const journal,
const QString &path,
const SyncFileItem::LockStatus requestedLockState,
QObject *parent)
: AbstractNetworkJob(account, path, parent)
, _journal(journal)
, _requestedLockState(requestedLockState)
void LockFileJob::start()
qCInfo(lcLockFileJob()) << "start" << path() << _requestedLockState;
QNetworkRequest request;
request.setRawHeader("X-User-Lock", "1");
QByteArray verb;
case SyncFileItem::LockStatus::LockedItem:
verb = "LOCK";
case SyncFileItem::LockStatus::UnlockedItem:
verb = "UNLOCK";
sendRequest(verb, makeDavUrl(path()), request);
bool LockFileJob::finished()
if (reply()->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
qCInfo(lcLockFileJob()) << "finished with error" << reply()->error() << reply()->errorString();
const auto httpErrorCode = reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
if (httpErrorCode == LOCKED_HTTP_ERROR_CODE) {
const auto record = handleReply();
if (static_cast<SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType>(record._lockstate._lockOwnerType) == SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType::UserLock) {
Q_EMIT finishedWithError(httpErrorCode, {}, record._lockstate._lockOwnerDisplayName);
} else {
Q_EMIT finishedWithError(httpErrorCode, {}, record._lockstate._lockEditorApp);
} else if (httpErrorCode == PRECONDITION_FAILED_ERROR_CODE) {
const auto record = handleReply();
if (_requestedLockState == SyncFileItem::LockStatus::UnlockedItem && !record._lockstate._locked) {
Q_EMIT finishedWithoutError();
} else {
Q_EMIT finishedWithError(httpErrorCode, reply()->errorString(), {});
} else {
Q_EMIT finishedWithError(httpErrorCode, reply()->errorString(), {});
} else {
qCInfo(lcLockFileJob()) << "success" << path();
Q_EMIT finishedWithoutError();
return true;
void LockFileJob::setFileRecordLocked(SyncJournalFileRecord &record) const
record._lockstate._locked = (_lockStatus == SyncFileItem::LockStatus::LockedItem);
record._lockstate._lockOwnerType = static_cast<int>(_lockOwnerType);
record._lockstate._lockOwnerDisplayName = _userDisplayName;
record._lockstate._lockOwnerId = _userId;
record._lockstate._lockEditorApp = _editorName;
record._lockstate._lockTime = _lockTime;
record._lockstate._lockTimeout = _lockTimeout;
void LockFileJob::resetState()
_lockStatus = SyncFileItem::LockStatus::UnlockedItem;
_lockOwnerType = SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType::UserLock;
_lockTime = 0;
_lockTimeout = 0;
SyncJournalFileRecord LockFileJob::handleReply()
const auto xml = reply()->readAll();
QXmlStreamReader reader(xml);
while (!reader.atEnd()) {
const auto type = reader.readNext();
const auto name = reader.name().toString();
switch (type) {
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::NoToken:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::Invalid:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::DTD:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::EntityReference:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::ProcessingInstruction:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::Comment:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::StartDocument:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::Characters:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::EndDocument:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::EndElement:
case QXmlStreamReader::TokenType::StartElement:
decodeStartElement(name, reader);
SyncJournalFileRecord record;
if (_lockStatus == SyncFileItem::LockStatus::LockedItem) {
if (_lockOwnerType == SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType::UserLock && _userDisplayName.isEmpty()) {
return record;
if (_lockOwnerType == SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType::AppLock && _editorName.isEmpty()) {
return record;
if (_userId.isEmpty()) {
return record;
if (_lockTime <= 0) {
return record;
if (_lockTimeout <= 0) {
return record;
const auto relativePath = path().mid(1);
if (_journal->getFileRecord(relativePath, &record) && record.isValid()) {
if (_lockOwnerType != SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType::UserLock ||
_userId != account()->davUser()) {
FileSystem::setFileReadOnly(relativePath, true);
const auto result = _journal->setFileRecord(record);
if (!result) {
qCWarning(lcLockFileJob) << "Error when setting the file record to the database" << record._path << result.error();
_journal->commit("lock file job");
return record;
void LockFileJob::decodeStartElement(const QString &name,
QXmlStreamReader &reader)
if (name == QStringLiteral("lock")) {
const auto valueText = reader.readElementText();
if (!valueText.isEmpty()) {
bool isValid = false;
const auto convertedValue = valueText.toInt(&isValid);
if (isValid) {
_lockStatus = static_cast<SyncFileItem::LockStatus>(convertedValue);
} else if (name == QStringLiteral("lock-owner-type")) {
const auto valueText = reader.readElementText();
bool isValid = false;
const auto convertedValue = valueText.toInt(&isValid);
if (isValid) {
_lockOwnerType = static_cast<SyncFileItem::LockOwnerType>(convertedValue);
} else if (name == QStringLiteral("lock-owner-displayname")) {
_userDisplayName = reader.readElementText();
} else if (name == QStringLiteral("lock-owner")) {
_userId = reader.readElementText();
} else if (name == QStringLiteral("lock-time")) {
const auto valueText = reader.readElementText();
bool isValid = false;
const auto convertedValue = valueText.toLongLong(&isValid);
if (isValid) {
_lockTime = convertedValue;
} else if (name == QStringLiteral("lock-timeout")) {
const auto valueText = reader.readElementText();
bool isValid = false;
const auto convertedValue = valueText.toLongLong(&isValid);
if (isValid) {
_lockTimeout = convertedValue;
} else if (name == QStringLiteral("lock-owner-editor")) {
_editorName = reader.readElementText();