2013-07-19 12:26:48 +02:00

302 lines
11 KiB

* libcsync -- a library to sync a directory with another
* Copyright (c) 2011 by Andreas Schneider <>
* Copyright (c) 2012 by Klaas Freitag <>
* This program is free software = NULL, you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation = NULL, either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY = NULL, without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program = NULL, if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "csync_owncloud.h"
c_rbtree_t *propfind_recursive_cache = NULL;
static struct resource* resource_dup(struct resource* o) {
struct resource *r = c_malloc (sizeof( struct resource ));
r->uri = c_strdup(o->uri);
r->name = c_strdup(o->name);
r->type = o->type;
r->size = o->size;
r->modtime = o->modtime;
r->md5 = c_strdup(o->md5);
r->next = o->next;
return r;
static void resource_free(struct resource* o) {
struct resource* old = NULL;
while (o)
old = o;
o = o->next;
static void _tree_destructor(void *data) {
propfind_recursive_element_t *element = data;
void clear_propfind_recursive_cache()
c_rbtree_destroy(propfind_recursive_cache, _tree_destructor);
propfind_recursive_cache = NULL;
struct listdir_context *get_listdir_context_from_cache(const char *curi)
propfind_recursive_element_t *element = NULL;
struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = NULL;
struct resource *iterator, *r;
if (!propfind_recursive_cache) {
DEBUG_WEBDAV("get_listdir_context_from_cache No cache");
return NULL;
element = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(propfind_recursive_cache, curi));
if (!element) {
DEBUG_WEBDAV("get_listdir_context_from_cache No element %s in cache found", curi);
return NULL;
if (!element->children) {
DEBUG_WEBDAV("get_listdir_context_from_cache Element %s in cache found, but no children, assuming that recursive propfind didn't work", curi);
return NULL;
/* Out of the element, create a listdir_context.. if we could be sure that it is immutable, we could ref instead.. need to investigate */
fetchCtx = c_malloc( sizeof( struct listdir_context ));
fetchCtx->list = NULL;
fetchCtx->target = c_strdup(curi);
fetchCtx->currResource = NULL;
fetchCtx->ref = 1;
iterator = element->children;
r = NULL;
while (iterator) {
r = resource_dup(iterator);
r->next = fetchCtx->list;
fetchCtx->list = r;
iterator = iterator->next;
/* DEBUG_WEBDAV("get_listdir_context_from_cache Returning cache for %s element %s", fetchCtx->target, fetchCtx->list->uri); */
r = resource_dup(element->self);
r->next = fetchCtx->list;
fetchCtx->list = r;
fetchCtx->currResource = fetchCtx->list;
DEBUG_WEBDAV("get_listdir_context_from_cache Returning cache for %s (%d elements)", fetchCtx->target, fetchCtx->result_count);
return fetchCtx;
static int _key_cmp(const void *key, const void *b) {
const char *elementAUri = (char*)key;
const propfind_recursive_element_t *elementB = b;
return ne_path_compare(elementAUri, elementB->self->uri);
static int _data_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
const propfind_recursive_element_t *elementA = a;
const propfind_recursive_element_t *elementB = b;
return ne_path_compare(elementA->self->uri, elementB->self->uri);
static void results_recursive(void *userdata,
const ne_uri *uri,
const ne_prop_result_set *set)
struct resource *newres = 0;
const char *clength, *modtime = NULL;
const char *resourcetype = NULL;
const char *md5sum = NULL;
const ne_status *status = NULL;
char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path );
char *parentPath;
(void) status;
(void) userdata;
if (!propfind_recursive_cache) {
c_rbtree_create(&propfind_recursive_cache, _key_cmp, _data_cmp);
/* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */
newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource));
newres->uri = path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */
newres->name = c_basename( path );
modtime = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] );
clength = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] );
resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] );
md5sum = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[3] );
newres->type = resr_normal;
if( resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "<DAV:collection>", 16 ) == 0) {
newres->type = resr_collection;
} else {
DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive %s [%d]", newres->uri, newres->type);
if (modtime) {
newres->modtime = oc_httpdate_parse(modtime);
/* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsing Modtime: %s -> %llu", modtime, (unsigned long long) newres->modtime ); */
if (clength) {
char *p;
newres->size = DAV_STRTOL(clength, &p, 10);
if (*p) {
newres->size = 0;
/* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsed File size for %s from %s: %lld", newres->name, clength, (long long)newres->size ); */
if( md5sum ) {
int len = strlen(md5sum)-2;
if( len > 0 ) {
/* Skip the " around the string coming back from the ne_propset_value call */
newres->md5 = c_malloc(len+1);
strncpy( newres->md5, md5sum+1, len );
newres->md5[len] = '\0';
DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive %s [%s] >%s<", newres->uri, newres->type == resr_collection ? "collection" : "file", resourcetype);
/* Create new item in rb tree */
if (newres->type == resr_collection) {
propfind_recursive_element_t *element = NULL;
DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursiveIt is a collection %s", newres->uri);
/* Check if in rb tree */
element = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(propfind_recursive_cache,uri->path));
/* If not, create a new item and insert it */
if (!element) {
element = c_malloc(sizeof(propfind_recursive_element_t));
element->self = resource_dup(newres);
element->children = NULL;
c_rbtree_insert(propfind_recursive_cache, element);
/* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive Added collection %s", newres->uri); */
/* Check for parent in tree. If exists: Insert it into the children elements there */
parentPath = ne_path_parent(uri->path);
if (parentPath) {
propfind_recursive_element_t *element = NULL;
element = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(propfind_recursive_cache,parentPath));
if (element) {
newres->next = element->children;
element->children = newres;
/* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive Added child %s to collection %s", newres->uri, element->self->uri); */
} else {
/* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive No parent %s found for child %s", parentPath, newres->uri); */
newres = NULL;
* fetches a resource list from the WebDAV server. This is equivalent to list dir.
extern csync_file_progress_callback _file_progress_cb;
struct listdir_context *fetch_resource_list_recursive(const char *uri, const char *curi)
int ret = 0;
ne_propfind_handler *hdl = NULL;
ne_request *request = NULL;
const char *content_type = NULL;
const ne_status *req_status = NULL;
int depth = NE_DEPTH_INFINITE;
DEBUG_WEBDAV("Starting recursive propfind %s %s", uri, curi);
/* do a propfind request and parse the results in the results function, set as callback */
hdl = ne_propfind_create(dav_session.ctx, curi, depth);
if(hdl) {
ret = ne_propfind_named(hdl, ls_props, results_recursive, NULL);
request = ne_propfind_get_request( hdl );
req_status = ne_get_status( request );
if( ret == NE_OK ) {
/* Check the request status. */
if( req_status && req_status->klass != 2 ) {
DEBUG_WEBDAV("ERROR: Request failed: status %d (%s)", req_status->code,
if (_file_progress_cb) {
_file_progress_cb(uri, CSYNC_NOTIFY_ERROR, req_status->code, (long long)(req_status->reason_phrase),
DEBUG_WEBDAV("Recursive propfind result code %d.", req_status ? req_status->code : 0);
} else {
if( ret == NE_ERROR && req_status->code == 404) {
errno = ENOENT;
} else {
if( ret == NE_OK ) {
/* Check the content type. If the server has a problem, ie. database is gone or such,
* the content type is not xml but a html error message. Stop on processing if it's
* not XML.
* FIXME: Generate user error message from the reply content.
content_type = ne_get_response_header( request, "Content-Type" );
if( !(content_type && c_streq(content_type, "application/xml; charset=utf-8") ) ) {
DEBUG_WEBDAV("ERROR: Content type of propfind request not XML: %s.",
content_type ? content_type: "<empty>");
set_error_message("Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted!");
if( ret != NE_OK ) {
const char *err = NULL;
err = ne_get_error( dav_session.ctx );
DEBUG_WEBDAV("WRN: propfind named failed with %d, request error: %s", ret, err ? err : "<nil>");
if( hdl )
if( ret != NE_OK ) {
return NULL;
return get_listdir_context_from_cache(curi);