Olivier Goffart 919debccfc
nautilus shell integration: Fix when there are several branded client installed
It appears that several extension can be loaded at the same time, but their
classname for the extension need to be different, otherwise only the last
loaded one would be active.

Issue #6524
2020-12-15 10:57:55 +01:00

478 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
# This program is the core of OwnCloud integration to Nautilus
# It will be installed on /usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions/ with the paquet owncloud-client-nautilus
# (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
import sys
python3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
import os
import urllib
if python3:
import urllib.parse
import socket
import tempfile
import time
from gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus
# Note: will search and replace 'ownCloud' on this file to update this line and other
# occurrences of the name
appname = 'Nextcloud'
print("Initializing "+appname+"-client-nautilus extension")
print("Using python version {}".format(sys.version_info))
def get_local_path(url):
if url[0:7] == 'file://':
url = url[7:]
unquote = urllib.parse.unquote if python3 else urllib.unquote
return unquote(url)
def get_runtime_dir():
"""Returns the value of $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, a directory path.
If the value is not set, returns the same default as in Qt5
return os.environ['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR']
except KeyError:
fallback = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'runtime-' + os.environ['USER'])
return fallback
class SocketConnect(GObject.GObject):
def __init__(self):
self.connected = False
self.registered_paths = {}
self._watch_id = 0
self._sock = None
self._listeners = [self._update_registered_paths, self._get_version]
self._remainder = ''.encode() if python3 else ''
self.protocolVersion = '1.0'
self.nautilusVFSFile_table = {} # not needed in this object actually but shared
# all over the other objects.
# returns true when one should try again!
if self._connectToSocketServer():
GObject.timeout_add(5000, self._connectToSocketServer)
def reconnect(self):
self.connected = False
GObject.timeout_add(5000, self._connectToSocketServer)
def sendCommand(self, cmd):
# print("Server command: " + cmd)
if self.connected:
self._sock.send(cmd.encode() if python3 else cmd)
print("Sending failed.")
print("Cannot send, not connected!")
def addListener(self, listener):
def _connectToSocketServer(self):
self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_file = os.path.join(get_runtime_dir(), appname, "socket")
self._sock.connect(sock_file) # fails if sock_file doesn't exist
self.connected = True
self._watch_id = GObject.io_add_watch(self._sock, GObject.IO_IN, self._handle_notify)
return False # Don't run again
except Exception as e:
print("Could not connect to unix socket " + sock_file + ". " + str(e))
except Exception as e: # Bad habbit
print("Connect could not be established, try again later.")
return True # Run again, if enabled via timeout_add()
# Reads data that becomes available.
# New responses can be accessed with get_available_responses().
# Returns false if no data was received within timeout
def read_socket_data_with_timeout(self, timeout):
self._remainder += self._sock.recv(1024)
except socket.timeout:
return False
return True
# Parses response lines out of collected data, returns list of strings
def get_available_responses(self):
end = self._remainder.rfind(b'\n')
if end == -1:
return []
data = self._remainder[:end]
self._remainder = self._remainder[end+1:]
data = data.decode() if python3 else data
return data.split('\n')
# Notify is the raw answer from the socket
def _handle_notify(self, source, condition):
# Blocking is ok since we're notified of available data
self._remainder += self._sock.recv(1024)
if len(self._remainder) == 0:
return False
for line in self.get_available_responses():
return True # Run again
def handle_server_response(self, line):
# print("Server response: " + line)
parts = line.split(':')
action = parts[0]
args = parts[1:]
for listener in self._listeners:
listener(action, args)
def _update_registered_paths(self, action, args):
if action == 'REGISTER_PATH':
self.registered_paths[args[0]] = 1
elif action == 'UNREGISTER_PATH':
del self.registered_paths[args[0]]
# Check if there are no paths left. If so, its usual
# that mirall went away. Try reconnecting.
if not self.registered_paths:
def _get_version(self, action, args):
if action == 'VERSION':
self.protocolVersion = args[1]
socketConnect = SocketConnect()
class MenuExtension_ownCloud(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.MenuProvider):
def __init__(self):
self.strings = {}
def handle_commands(self, action, args):
if action == 'STRING':
self.strings[args[0]] = ':'.join(args[1:])
def check_registered_paths(self, filename):
topLevelFolder = False
internalFile = False
absfilename = os.path.realpath(filename)
for reg_path in socketConnect.registered_paths:
if absfilename == reg_path:
topLevelFolder = True
if absfilename.startswith(reg_path):
internalFile = True
# you can't have a registered path below another so it is save to break here
return (topLevelFolder, internalFile)
def get_file_items(self, window, files):
# Show the menu extension to share a file or folder
# Get usable file paths from the uris
all_internal_files = True
for i, file_uri in enumerate(files):
filename = get_local_path(file_uri.get_uri())
filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
# Check if its a folder (ends with an /), if yes add a "/"
# otherwise it will not find the entry in the table
isDir = os.path.isdir(filename + os.sep)
if isDir:
filename += os.sep
# Check if toplevel folder, we need to ignore those as they cannot be shared
topLevelFolder, internalFile = self.check_registered_paths(filename)
if not internalFile:
all_internal_files = False
files[i] = filename
# Don't show a context menu if some selected files aren't in a sync folder
if not all_internal_files:
return []
if socketConnect.protocolVersion >= '1.1': # lexicographic!
return self.ask_for_menu_items(files)
return self.legacy_menu_items(files)
def ask_for_menu_items(self, files):
record_separator = '\x1e'
filesstring = record_separator.join(files)
done = False
start = time.time()
timeout = 0.1 # 100ms
menu_items = []
while not done:
dt = time.time() - start
if dt >= timeout:
if not socketConnect.read_socket_data_with_timeout(timeout - dt):
for line in socketConnect.get_available_responses():
# Process lines we don't care about
if done or not (line.startswith('GET_MENU_ITEMS:') or line.startswith('MENU_ITEM:')):
if line == 'GET_MENU_ITEMS:END':
done = True
# don't break - we'd discard other responses
if line.startswith('MENU_ITEM:'):
args = line.split(':')
if len(args) < 4:
menu_items.append([args[1], 'd' not in args[2], ':'.join(args[3:])])
if not done:
return self.legacy_menu_items(files)
if len(menu_items) == 0:
return []
# Set up the 'ownCloud...' submenu
item_owncloud = Nautilus.MenuItem(
name='IntegrationMenu', label=self.strings.get('CONTEXT_MENU_TITLE', appname))
menu = Nautilus.Menu()
for action, enabled, label in menu_items:
item = Nautilus.MenuItem(name=action, label=label, sensitive=enabled)
item.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, action, filesstring)
return [item_owncloud]
def legacy_menu_items(self, files):
# No legacy menu for a selection of several files
if len(files) != 1:
return []
filename = files[0]
entry = socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table.get(filename)
if not entry:
return []
# Currently 'sharable' also controls access to private link actions,
# and we definitely don't want to show them for IGNORED.
shareable = False
state = entry['state']
state_ok = state.startswith('OK')
state_sync = state.startswith('SYNC')
isDir = os.path.isdir(filename + os.sep)
if state_ok:
shareable = True
elif state_sync and isDir:
# some file below is OK or SYNC
for key, value in socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table.items():
if key != filename and key.startswith(filename):
state = value['state']
if state.startswith('OK') or state.startswith('SYNC'):
shareable = True
if not shareable:
return []
# Set up the 'ownCloud...' submenu
item_owncloud = Nautilus.MenuItem(
name='IntegrationMenu', label=self.strings.get('CONTEXT_MENU_TITLE', appname))
menu = Nautilus.Menu()
# Add share menu option
item = Nautilus.MenuItem(
label=self.strings.get('SHARE_MENU_TITLE', 'Share...'))
item.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, 'SHARE', filename)
# Add permalink menu options, but hide these options for older clients
# that don't have these actions.
if 'COPY_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE' in self.strings:
item_copyprivatelink = Nautilus.MenuItem(
name='CopyPrivateLink', label=self.strings.get('COPY_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE', 'Copy private link to clipboard'))
item_copyprivatelink.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, 'COPY_PRIVATE_LINK', filename)
if 'EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE' in self.strings:
item_emailprivatelink = Nautilus.MenuItem(
name='EmailPrivateLink', label=self.strings.get('EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE', 'Send private link by email...'))
item_emailprivatelink.connect("activate", self.context_menu_action, 'EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK', filename)
return [item_owncloud]
def context_menu_action(self, menu, action, filename):
# print("Context menu: " + action + ' ' + filename)
socketConnect.sendCommand(action + ":" + filename + "\n")
class SyncStateExtension_ownCloud(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.InfoProvider):
def __init__(self):
socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table = {}
def find_item_for_file(self, path):
if path in socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table:
return socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[path]
return None
def askForOverlay(self, file):
# print("Asking for overlay for "+file) # For debug only
if os.path.isdir(file):
folderStatus = socketConnect.sendCommand("RETRIEVE_FOLDER_STATUS:"+file+"\n");
if os.path.isfile(file):
fileStatus = socketConnect.sendCommand("RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS:"+file+"\n");
def invalidate_items_underneath(self, path):
update_items = []
if not socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table:
for p in socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table:
if p == path or p.startswith(path):
item = socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[p]['item']
for path1 in update_items:
# Handles a single line of server response and sets the emblem
def handle_commands(self, action, args):
# file = args[0] # For debug only
# print("Action for " + file + ": " + args[0]) # For debug only
if action == 'STATUS':
newState = args[0]
filename = ':'.join(args[1:])
itemStore = self.find_item_for_file(filename)
if itemStore:
if( not itemStore['state'] or newState != itemStore['state'] ):
item = itemStore['item']
# print("Setting emblem on " + filename + "<>" + emblem + "<>") # For debug only
# If an emblem is already set for this item, we need to
# clear the existing extension info before setting a new one.
# That will also trigger a new call to
# update_file_info for this item! That's why we set
# skipNextUpdate to True: we don't want to pull the
# current data from the client after getting a push
# notification.
invalidate = itemStore['state'] != None
if invalidate:
self.set_emblem(item, newState)
socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[filename] = {
'item': item,
'state': newState,
'skipNextUpdate': invalidate }
elif action == 'UPDATE_VIEW':
# Search all items underneath this path and invalidate them
if args[0] in socketConnect.registered_paths:
elif action == 'REGISTER_PATH':
elif action == 'UNREGISTER_PATH':
def set_emblem(self, item, state):
Emblems = { 'OK' : appname +'_ok',
'SYNC' : appname +'_sync',
'NEW' : appname +'_sync',
'IGNORE' : appname +'_warn',
'ERROR' : appname +'_error',
'OK+SWM' : appname +'_ok_shared',
'SYNC+SWM' : appname +'_sync_shared',
'NEW+SWM' : appname +'_sync_shared',
'IGNORE+SWM': appname +'_warn_shared',
'ERROR+SWM' : appname +'_error_shared',
'NOP' : ''
emblem = 'NOP' # Show nothing if no emblem is defined.
if state in Emblems:
emblem = Emblems[state]
def update_file_info(self, item):
if item.get_uri_scheme() != 'file':
filename = get_local_path(item.get_uri())
filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
if item.is_directory():
filename += os.sep
inScope = False
for reg_path in socketConnect.registered_paths:
if filename.startswith(reg_path):
inScope = True
if not inScope:
# Ask for the current state from the client -- unless this update was
# triggered by receiving a STATUS message from the client in the first
# place.
itemStore = self.find_item_for_file(filename)
if itemStore and itemStore['skipNextUpdate'] and itemStore['state']:
itemStore['skipNextUpdate'] = False
itemStore['item'] = item
self.set_emblem(item, itemStore['state'])
socketConnect.nautilusVFSFile_table[filename] = {
'item': item,
'state': None,
'skipNextUpdate': False }
# item.add_string_attribute('share_state', "share state") # ?