Christian Kamm b1de184bc8
Placeholders: Safe migration to older client versions
Now the db entries for placeholders will have the full placeholder
paths. That way older clients will, on remote discovery, delete the
placeholders and download the real files.
2020-12-15 10:57:48 +01:00

312 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart <>
* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "account.h"
#include "propagatedownloadencrypted.h"
#include "propagatorjobs.h"
#include "owncloudpropagator.h"
#include "owncloudpropagator_p.h"
#include "propagateremotemove.h"
#include "common/utility.h"
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdiriterator.h>
#include <qtemporaryfile.h>
#include <qsavefile.h>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <qstack.h>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <ctime>
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateLocalRemove, "nextcloud.sync.propagator.localremove", QtInfoMsg)
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateLocalMkdir, "nextcloud.sync.propagator.localmkdir", QtInfoMsg)
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPropagateLocalRename, "nextcloud.sync.propagator.localrename", QtInfoMsg)
QByteArray localFileIdFromFullId(const QByteArray &id)
return id.left(8);
* The code will update the database in case of error.
* If everything goes well (no error, returns true), the caller is responsible for removing the entries
* in the database. But in case of error, we need to remove the entries from the database of the files
* that were deleted.
* \a path is relative to propagator()->_localDir + _item->_file and should start with a slash
bool PropagateLocalRemove::removeRecursively(const QString &path)
auto folderDir = propagator()->_localDir;
QString absolute = folderDir + _item->_file + path;
QStringList errors;
QList<QPair<QString, bool>> deleted;
bool success = FileSystem::removeRecursively(
[this, &deleted](const QString &path, bool isDir) {
// by prepending, a folder deletion may be followed by content deletions
deleted.prepend(qMakePair(path, isDir));
if (!success) {
// We need to delete the entries from the database now from the deleted vector.
// Do it while avoiding redundant delete calls to the journal.
QString deletedDir;
foreach (const auto &it, deleted) {
if (!it.first.startsWith(folderDir))
if (!deletedDir.isEmpty() && it.first.startsWith(deletedDir))
if (it.second) {
deletedDir = it.first;
propagator()->_journal->deleteFileRecord(it.first.mid(folderDir.size()), it.second);
_error = errors.join(", ");
return success;
void PropagateLocalRemove::start()
_moveToTrash = propagator()->syncOptions()._moveFilesToTrash;
if (propagator()->_abortRequested.fetchAndAddRelaxed(0))
QString filename = propagator()->_localDir + _item->_file;
qCDebug(lcPropagateLocalRemove) << filename;
if (propagator()->localFileNameClash(_item->_file)) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename)));
QString removeError;
if (_moveToTrash) {
if ((QDir(filename).exists() || FileSystem::fileExists(filename))
&& !FileSystem::moveToTrash(filename, &removeError)) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, removeError);
} else {
if (_item->isDirectory()) {
if (QDir(filename).exists() && !removeRecursively(QString())) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, _error);
} else {
if (FileSystem::fileExists(filename)
&& !FileSystem::remove(filename, &removeError)) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, removeError);
propagator()->reportProgress(*_item, 0);
propagator()->_journal->deleteFileRecord(_item->_originalFile, _item->isDirectory());
propagator()->_journal->commit("Local remove");
void PropagateLocalMkdir::start()
if (propagator()->_abortRequested.fetchAndAddRelaxed(0))
const auto rootPath = [=]() {
const auto result = propagator()->_remoteFolder;
if (result.startsWith('/')) {
return result.mid(1);
} else {
return result;
const auto remotePath = QString(rootPath + _item->_file);
const auto remoteParentPath = remotePath.left(remotePath.lastIndexOf('/'));
const auto account = propagator()->account();
if (!account->capabilities().clientSideEncryptionAvailable() ||
!account->e2e()->isFolderEncrypted(remoteParentPath + '/')) {
} else {
const auto relativeRemotePath = _item->_file;
const auto slashPosition = relativeRemotePath.lastIndexOf('/');
const auto relativeRemoteParentPath = slashPosition >= 0 ? relativeRemotePath.left(slashPosition) : QString();
SyncJournalFileRecord parentRec;
propagator()->_journal->getFileRecordByE2eMangledName(relativeRemoteParentPath, &parentRec);
const auto parentPath = parentRec.isValid() ? parentRec._path : relativeRemoteParentPath;
void PropagateLocalMkdir::setDeleteExistingFile(bool enabled)
_deleteExistingFile = enabled;
void PropagateLocalMkdir::startLocalMkdir()
QDir newDir(propagator()->getFilePath(_item->_file));
QString newDirStr = QDir::toNativeSeparators(newDir.path());
// When turning something that used to be a file into a directory
// we need to delete the file first.
QFileInfo fi(newDirStr);
if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile()) {
if (_deleteExistingFile) {
QString removeError;
if (!FileSystem::remove(newDirStr, &removeError)) {
tr("could not delete file %1, error: %2")
.arg(newDirStr, removeError));
} else if (_item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT) {
QString error;
if (!propagator()->createConflict(_item, _associatedComposite, &error)) {
done(SyncFileItem::SoftError, error);
if (Utility::fsCasePreserving() && propagator()->localFileNameClash(_item->_file)) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateLocalMkdir) << "New folder to create locally already exists with different case:" << _item->_file;
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1").arg(newDirStr));
emit propagator()->touchedFile(newDirStr);
QDir localDir(propagator()->_localDir);
if (!localDir.mkpath(_item->_file)) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("could not create folder %1").arg(newDirStr));
// Insert the directory into the database. The correct etag will be set later,
// once all contents have been propagated, because should_update_metadata is true.
// Adding an entry with a dummy etag to the database still makes sense here
// so the database is aware that this folder exists even if the sync is aborted
// before the correct etag is stored.
SyncJournalFileRecord record = _item->toSyncJournalFileRecordWithInode(newDirStr);
record._etag = "_invalid_";
if (!propagator()->_journal->setFileRecord(record)) {
done(SyncFileItem::FatalError, tr("Error writing metadata to the database"));
auto resultStatus = _item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT
? SyncFileItem::Conflict
: SyncFileItem::Success;
void PropagateLocalMkdir::startDemanglingName(const QString &parentPath)
auto downloadEncryptedHelper = new PropagateDownloadEncrypted(propagator(), parentPath, _item, this);
connect(downloadEncryptedHelper, &PropagateDownloadEncrypted::folderStatusEncrypted,
this, &PropagateLocalMkdir::startLocalMkdir);
connect(downloadEncryptedHelper, &PropagateDownloadEncrypted::folderStatusNotEncrypted, this, [this] {
// We were wrong after all? Actually might happen due to legacy clients creating broken encrypted folders
qCDebug(lcPropagateLocalMkdir) << "Parent of" << _item->_file << "wasn't encrypted, creating with the original name";
connect(downloadEncryptedHelper, &PropagateDownloadEncrypted::failed, [this] {
// This also might happen due to legacy clients creating broken encrypted folders...
qCDebug(lcPropagateLocalMkdir) << "Directory" << _item->_file << "doesn't exist in its parent metadata, creating with the original name";
void PropagateLocalRename::start()
if (propagator()->_abortRequested.fetchAndAddRelaxed(0))
QString existingFile = propagator()->getFilePath(_item->_file);
QString targetFile = propagator()->getFilePath(_item->_renameTarget);
// if the file is a file underneath a moved dir, the _item->file is equal
// to _item->renameTarget and the file is not moved as a result.
if (_item->_file != _item->_renameTarget) {
propagator()->reportProgress(*_item, 0);
qCDebug(lcPropagateLocalRename) << "MOVE " << existingFile << " => " << targetFile;
if (QString::compare(_item->_file, _item->_renameTarget, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0
&& propagator()->localFileNameClash(_item->_renameTarget)) {
// Only use localFileNameClash for the destination if we know that the source was not
// the one conflicting (renaming A.txt -> a.txt is OK)
// Fixme: the file that is the reason for the clash could be named here,
// it would have to come out the localFileNameClash function
tr("File %1 can not be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash")
emit propagator()->touchedFile(existingFile);
emit propagator()->touchedFile(targetFile);
QString renameError;
if (!FileSystem::rename(existingFile, targetFile, &renameError)) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, renameError);
SyncJournalFileRecord oldRecord;
propagator()->_journal->getFileRecord(_item->_originalFile, &oldRecord);
// store the rename file name in the item.
const auto oldFile = _item->_file;
_item->_file = _item->_renameTarget;
SyncJournalFileRecord record = _item->toSyncJournalFileRecordWithInode(targetFile);
record._path = _item->_renameTarget.toUtf8();
if (oldRecord.isValid()) {
record._checksumHeader = oldRecord._checksumHeader;
if (!_item->isDirectory()) { // Directories are saved at the end
if (!propagator()->_journal->setFileRecord(record)) {
done(SyncFileItem::FatalError, tr("Error writing metadata to the database"));
} else {
if (!PropagateRemoteMove::adjustSelectiveSync(propagator()->_journal, oldFile, _item->_renameTarget)) {
done(SyncFileItem::FatalError, tr("Error writing metadata to the database"));