Kevin Ottens fdceb1f2d2 Allow to control logFlush from the config file
Signed-off-by: Kevin Ottens <>
2020-07-01 16:10:56 +02:00

209 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "owncloudlib.h"
#include <memory>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <chrono>
class QWidget;
class QHeaderView;
class ExcludedFiles;
namespace OCC {
class AbstractCredentials;
* @brief The ConfigFile class
* @ingroup libsync
enum Scope { UserScope,
SystemScope };
QString configPath() const;
QString configFile() const;
QString excludeFile(Scope scope) const;
static QString excludeFileFromSystem(); // doesn't access config dir
bool exists();
QString defaultConnection() const;
// the certs do not depend on a connection.
QByteArray caCerts();
void setCaCerts(const QByteArray &);
bool passwordStorageAllowed(const QString &connection = QString());
// max count of lines in the log window
int maxLogLines() const;
void setMaxLogLines(int);
/* Server poll interval in milliseconds */
std::chrono::milliseconds remotePollInterval(const QString &connection = QString()) const;
/* Set poll interval. Value in milliseconds has to be larger than 5000 */
void setRemotePollInterval(std::chrono::milliseconds interval, const QString &connection = QString());
/* Interval to check for new notifications */
std::chrono::milliseconds notificationRefreshInterval(const QString &connection = QString()) const;
/* Force sync interval, in milliseconds */
std::chrono::milliseconds forceSyncInterval(const QString &connection = QString()) const;
* Interval in milliseconds within which full local discovery is required
* Use -1 to disable regular full local discoveries.
std::chrono::milliseconds fullLocalDiscoveryInterval() const;
bool monoIcons() const;
void setMonoIcons(bool);
bool promptDeleteFiles() const;
void setPromptDeleteFiles(bool promptDeleteFiles);
bool crashReporter() const;
void setCrashReporter(bool enabled);
bool automaticLogDir() const;
void setAutomaticLogDir(bool enabled);
QString logDir() const;
void setLogDir(const QString &dir);
bool logDebug() const;
void setLogDebug(bool enabled);
int logExpire() const;
void setLogExpire(int hours);
bool logFlush() const;
void setLogFlush(bool enabled);
// proxy settings
void setProxyType(int proxyType,
const QString &host = QString(),
int port = 0, bool needsAuth = false,
const QString &user = QString(),
const QString &pass = QString());
int proxyType() const;
QString proxyHostName() const;
int proxyPort() const;
bool proxyNeedsAuth() const;
QString proxyUser() const;
QString proxyPassword() const;
/** 0: no limit, 1: manual, >0: automatic */
int useUploadLimit() const;
int useDownloadLimit() const;
void setUseUploadLimit(int);
void setUseDownloadLimit(int);
/** in kbyte/s */
int uploadLimit() const;
int downloadLimit() const;
void setUploadLimit(int kbytes);
void setDownloadLimit(int kbytes);
/** [checked, size in MB] **/
QPair<bool, quint64> newBigFolderSizeLimit() const;
void setNewBigFolderSizeLimit(bool isChecked, quint64 mbytes);
bool confirmExternalStorage() const;
void setConfirmExternalStorage(bool);
/** If we should move the files deleted on the server in the trash */
bool moveToTrash() const;
void setMoveToTrash(bool);
static bool setConfDir(const QString &value);
bool optionalServerNotifications() const;
void setOptionalServerNotifications(bool show);
bool showInExplorerNavigationPane() const;
void setShowInExplorerNavigationPane(bool show);
int timeout() const;
quint64 chunkSize() const;
quint64 maxChunkSize() const;
quint64 minChunkSize() const;
std::chrono::milliseconds targetChunkUploadDuration() const;
void saveGeometry(QWidget *w);
void restoreGeometry(QWidget *w);
// how often the check about new versions runs
std::chrono::milliseconds updateCheckInterval(const QString &connection = QString()) const;
// skipUpdateCheck completely disables the updater and hides its UI
bool skipUpdateCheck(const QString &connection = QString()) const;
void setSkipUpdateCheck(bool, const QString &);
// autoUpdateCheck allows the user to make the choice in the UI
bool autoUpdateCheck(const QString &connection = QString()) const;
void setAutoUpdateCheck(bool, const QString &);
/** Query-parameter 'updatesegment' for the update check, value between 0 and 99.
Used to throttle down desktop release rollout in order to keep the update servers alive at peak times.
See: */
int updateSegment() const;
void saveGeometryHeader(QHeaderView *header);
void restoreGeometryHeader(QHeaderView *header);
QString certificatePath() const;
void setCertificatePath(const QString &cPath);
QString certificatePasswd() const;
void setCertificatePasswd(const QString &cPasswd);
/** Returns a new settings pre-set in a specific group. The Settings will be created
with the given parent. If no parent is specified, the caller must destroy the settings */
static std::unique_ptr<QSettings> settingsWithGroup(const QString &group, QObject *parent = nullptr);
/// Add the system and user exclude file path to the ExcludedFiles instance.
static void setupDefaultExcludeFilePaths(ExcludedFiles &excludedFiles);
QVariant getPolicySetting(const QString &policy, const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant()) const;
void storeData(const QString &group, const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
QVariant retrieveData(const QString &group, const QString &key) const;
void removeData(const QString &group, const QString &key);
bool dataExists(const QString &group, const QString &key) const;
QVariant getValue(const QString &param, const QString &group = QString(),
const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant()) const;
void setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
typedef QSharedPointer<AbstractCredentials> SharedCreds;
static bool _askedUser;
static QString _oCVersion;
static QString _confDir;
#endif // CONFIGFILE_H