mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 11:51:51 +03:00
Signed-off-by: Claudio Cambra <claudio.cambra@nextcloud.com>
676 lines
22 KiB
676 lines
22 KiB
* This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
* support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
* any purpose.
#pragma once
#include "account.h"
#include "common/result.h"
#include "creds/abstractcredentials.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "syncengine.h"
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "common/vfs.h"
#include "csync_exclude.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QMap>
#include <QtTest>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <cookiejar.h>
#include <QTimer>
class QJsonDocument;
* TODO: In theory we should use QVERIFY instead of Q_ASSERT for testing, but this
* only works when directly called from a QTest :-(
static const QUrl sRootUrl("owncloud://somehost/owncloud/remote.php/dav/");
static const QUrl sRootUrl2("owncloud://somehost/owncloud/remote.php/dav/files/admin/");
static const QUrl sUploadUrl("owncloud://somehost/owncloud/remote.php/dav/uploads/admin/");
inline QString getFilePathFromUrl(const QUrl &url)
QString path = url.path();
if (path.startsWith(sRootUrl2.path()))
return path.mid(sRootUrl2.path().length());
if (path.startsWith(sUploadUrl.path()))
return path.mid(sUploadUrl.path().length());
if (path.startsWith(sRootUrl.path()))
return path.mid(sRootUrl.path().length());
return {};
inline QByteArray generateEtag() {
return QByteArray::number(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 16) + QByteArray::number(OCC::Utility::rand(), 16);
inline QByteArray generateFileId() {
return QByteArray::number(OCC::Utility::rand(), 16);
class PathComponents : public QStringList {
PathComponents(const char *path);
PathComponents(const QString &path);
PathComponents(const QStringList &pathComponents);
[[nodiscard]] PathComponents parentDirComponents() const;
[[nodiscard]] PathComponents subComponents() const &;
PathComponents subComponents() && { removeFirst(); return std::move(*this); }
[[nodiscard]] QString pathRoot() const { return first(); }
[[nodiscard]] QString fileName() const { return last(); }
class FileModifier
enum class LockState {
virtual ~FileModifier() = default;
virtual void remove(const QString &relativePath) = 0;
virtual void insert(const QString &relativePath, qint64 size = 64, char contentChar = 'W') = 0;
virtual void setContents(const QString &relativePath, char contentChar) = 0;
virtual void appendByte(const QString &relativePath) = 0;
virtual void mkdir(const QString &relativePath) = 0;
virtual void rename(const QString &relativePath, const QString &relativeDestinationDirectory) = 0;
virtual void setModTime(const QString &relativePath, const QDateTime &modTime) = 0;
virtual void modifyLockState(const QString &relativePath, LockState lockState, int lockType, const QString &lockOwner, const QString &lockOwnerId, const QString &lockEditorId, quint64 lockTime, quint64 lockTimeout) = 0;
virtual void setE2EE(const QString &relativepath, const bool enabled) = 0;
class DiskFileModifier : public FileModifier
QDir _rootDir;
DiskFileModifier(const QString &rootDirPath) : _rootDir(rootDirPath) { }
void remove(const QString &relativePath) override;
void insert(const QString &relativePath, qint64 size = 64, char contentChar = 'W') override;
void setContents(const QString &relativePath, char contentChar) override;
void appendByte(const QString &relativePath) override;
void mkdir(const QString &relativePath) override;
void rename(const QString &from, const QString &to) override;
void setModTime(const QString &relativePath, const QDateTime &modTime) override;
void modifyLockState(const QString &relativePath, LockState lockState, int lockType, const QString &lockOwner, const QString &lockOwnerId, const QString &lockEditorId, quint64 lockTime, quint64 lockTimeout) override;
void setE2EE(const QString &relativepath, const bool enabled) override;
[[nodiscard]] QFile find(const QString &relativePath) const;
class FileInfo : public FileModifier
static FileInfo A12_B12_C12_S12();
FileInfo() = default;
FileInfo(const QString &name) : name{name} { }
FileInfo(const QString &name, qint64 size) : name{name}, isDir{false}, size{size} { }
FileInfo(const QString &name, qint64 size, char contentChar) : name{name}, isDir{false}, size{size}, contentChar{contentChar} { }
FileInfo(const QString &name, qint64 size, char contentChar, QDateTime mtime) : name{name}, isDir{false}, lastModified(mtime), size{size}, contentChar{contentChar} { }
FileInfo(const QString &name, const std::initializer_list<FileInfo> &children);
void addChild(const FileInfo &info);
void remove(const QString &relativePath) override;
void insert(const QString &relativePath, qint64 size = 64, char contentChar = 'W') override;
void setContents(const QString &relativePath, char contentChar) override;
void appendByte(const QString &relativePath) override;
void mkdir(const QString &relativePath) override;
void rename(const QString &oldPath, const QString &newPath) override;
void setModTime(const QString &relativePath, const QDateTime &modTime) override;
void setModTimeKeepEtag(const QString &relativePath, const QDateTime &modTime);
void setIsLivePhoto(const QString &relativePath, bool isLivePhoto);
void modifyLockState(const QString &relativePath, LockState lockState, int lockType, const QString &lockOwner, const QString &lockOwnerId, const QString &lockEditorId, quint64 lockTime, quint64 lockTimeout) override;
void setE2EE(const QString &relativepath, const bool enabled) override;
FileInfo *find(PathComponents pathComponents, const bool invalidateEtags = false);
FileInfo findRecursive(PathComponents pathComponents, const bool invalidateEtags = false);
FileInfo *createDir(const QString &relativePath);
FileInfo *create(const QString &relativePath, qint64 size, char contentChar);
bool operator<(const FileInfo &other) const {
return name < other.name;
bool operator==(const FileInfo &other) const;
bool operator!=(const FileInfo &other) const {
return !operator==(other);
[[nodiscard]] QString path() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString absolutePath() const;
void fixupParentPathRecursively();
QString name;
int operationStatus = 200;
bool isDir = true;
bool isShared = false;
OCC::RemotePermissions permissions; // When uset, defaults to everything
QDateTime lastModified = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addDays(-7);
QByteArray etag = generateEtag();
QByteArray fileId = generateFileId();
QByteArray checksums;
QByteArray extraDavProperties;
qint64 size = 0;
char contentChar = 'W';
LockState lockState = LockState::FileUnlocked;
int lockType = 0;
QString lockOwner;
QString lockOwnerId;
QString lockEditorId;
quint64 lockTime = 0;
quint64 lockTimeout = 0;
bool isEncrypted = false;
bool isLivePhoto = false;
// Sorted by name to be able to compare trees
QMap<QString, FileInfo> children;
QString parentPath;
FileInfo *findInvalidatingEtags(PathComponents pathComponents);
friend inline QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const FileInfo& fi) {
return dbg << "{ " << fi.path() << ": " << fi.children;
class FakeReply : public QNetworkReply
FakeReply(QObject *parent);
~FakeReply() override;
// useful to be public for testing
using QNetworkReply::setRawHeader;
class FakePropfindReply : public FakeReply
QByteArray payload;
explicit FakePropfindReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
explicit FakePropfindReply(const QByteArray &replyContents, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
Q_INVOKABLE void respond();
Q_INVOKABLE void respond404();
void abort() override { }
[[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override;
class FakePutReply : public FakeReply
FileInfo *fileInfo;
FakePutReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &putPayload, QObject *parent);
static FileInfo *perform(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &putPayload);
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void respond();
void abort() override;
qint64 readData(char *, qint64) override { return 0; }
class FakePutMultiFileReply : public FakeReply
FakePutMultiFileReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &contentType, const QByteArray &putPayload, QObject *parent);
static QVector<FileInfo *> performMultiPart(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &putPayload, const QString &contentType);
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void respond();
void abort() override;
[[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override;
QVector<FileInfo *> _allFileInfo;
QByteArray _payload;
class FakeMkcolReply : public FakeReply
FileInfo *fileInfo;
FakeMkcolReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
Q_INVOKABLE void respond();
void abort() override { }
qint64 readData(char *, qint64) override { return 0; }
class FakeDeleteReply : public FakeReply
FakeDeleteReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
Q_INVOKABLE void respond();
void abort() override { }
qint64 readData(char *, qint64) override { return 0; }
class FakeMoveReply : public FakeReply
FakeMoveReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
Q_INVOKABLE void respond();
void abort() override { }
qint64 readData(char *, qint64) override { return 0; }
class FakeGetReply : public FakeReply
const FileInfo *fileInfo;
char payload = 0;
int size = 0;
bool aborted = false;
FakeGetReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
Q_INVOKABLE void respond();
void abort() override;
[[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override;
class FakeGetWithDataReply : public FakeReply
const FileInfo *fileInfo;
QByteArray payload;
quint64 offset = 0;
bool aborted = false;
FakeGetWithDataReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, const QByteArray &data, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
Q_INVOKABLE void respond();
void abort() override;
[[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override;
class FakeChunkMoveReply : public FakeReply
FileInfo *fileInfo;
FakeChunkMoveReply(FileInfo &uploadsFileInfo, FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo,
QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request,
QObject *parent);
static FileInfo *perform(FileInfo &uploadsFileInfo, FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo, const QNetworkRequest &request);
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void respond();
Q_INVOKABLE void respondPreconditionFailed();
void abort() override;
qint64 readData(char *, qint64) override { return 0; }
class FakePayloadReply : public FakeReply
FakePayloadReply(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request,
const QByteArray &body, QObject *parent);
FakePayloadReply(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request,
const QByteArray &body, int delay, QObject *parent);
void respond();
void abort() override {}
qint64 readData(char *buf, qint64 max) override;
[[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
QByteArray _body;
QMap<QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders, QByteArray> _additionalHeaders;
static const int defaultDelay = 10;
class FakeErrorReply : public FakeReply
FakeErrorReply(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request,
QObject *parent, int httpErrorCode, const QByteArray &body = QByteArray());
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void respond();
// make public to give tests easy interface
using QNetworkReply::setError;
using QNetworkReply::setAttribute;
public slots:
void slotSetFinished();
void abort() override { }
qint64 readData(char *buf, qint64 max) override;
[[nodiscard]] qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
QByteArray _body;
class FakeJsonErrorReply : public FakeErrorReply
FakeJsonErrorReply(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op,
const QNetworkRequest &request,
QObject *parent,
int httpErrorCode,
const QJsonDocument &reply = QJsonDocument());
// A reply that never responds
class FakeHangingReply : public FakeReply
FakeHangingReply(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QObject *parent);
void abort() override;
qint64 readData(char *, qint64) override { return 0; }
class FakeFileLockReply : public FakePropfindReply
FakeFileLockReply(FileInfo &remoteRootFileInfo,
QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op,
const QNetworkRequest &request,
QObject *parent);
// A delayed reply
template <class OriginalReply>
class DelayedReply : public OriginalReply
template <typename... Args>
explicit DelayedReply(quint64 delayMS, Args &&... args)
: OriginalReply(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
, _delayMs(delayMS)
quint64 _delayMs;
void respond() override
QTimer::singleShot(_delayMs, static_cast<OriginalReply *>(this), [this] {
// Explicit call to bases's respond();
class FakeQNAM : public QNetworkAccessManager
using Override = std::function<QNetworkReply *(Operation, const QNetworkRequest &, QIODevice *)>;
FileInfo _remoteRootFileInfo;
FileInfo _uploadFileInfo;
// maps a path to an HTTP error
QHash<QString, int> _errorPaths;
// monitor requests and optionally provide custom replies
Override _override;
FakeQNAM(FileInfo initialRoot);
FileInfo ¤tRemoteState() { return _remoteRootFileInfo; }
FileInfo &uploadState() { return _uploadFileInfo; }
QHash<QString, int> &errorPaths() { return _errorPaths; }
void setOverride(const Override &override) { _override = override; }
QJsonObject forEachReplyPart(QIODevice *outgoingData,
const QString &contentType,
std::function<QJsonObject(const QMap<QString, QByteArray> &)> replyFunction);
QNetworkReply *overrideReplyWithError(QString fileName, Operation op, QNetworkRequest newRequest);
QNetworkReply *createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request,
QIODevice *outgoingData = nullptr) override;
class FakeCredentials : public OCC::AbstractCredentials
QNetworkAccessManager *_qnam;
QString _userName = "admin";
FakeCredentials(QNetworkAccessManager *qnam) : _qnam{qnam} { }
[[nodiscard]] QString authType() const override { return "test"; }
[[nodiscard]] QString user() const override { return _userName; }
[[nodiscard]] QString password() const override { return "password"; }
[[nodiscard]] QNetworkAccessManager *createQNAM() const override { return _qnam; }
[[nodiscard]] bool ready() const override { return true; }
void fetchFromKeychain() override { }
void askFromUser() override { }
bool stillValid(QNetworkReply *) override { return true; }
void persist() override { }
void invalidateToken() override { }
void forgetSensitiveData() override { }
void setUserName(const QString &userName)
_userName = userName;
class FakeFolder
QTemporaryDir _tempDir;
DiskFileModifier _localModifier;
// FIXME: Clarify ownership, double delete
FakeQNAM *_fakeQnam;
OCC::AccountPtr _account;
std::unique_ptr<OCC::SyncJournalDb> _journalDb;
std::unique_ptr<OCC::SyncEngine> _syncEngine;
FakeFolder(const FileInfo &fileTemplate, const OCC::Optional<FileInfo> &localFileInfo = {}, const QString &remotePath = {});
void switchToVfs(QSharedPointer<OCC::Vfs> vfs);
[[nodiscard]] OCC::AccountPtr account() const { return _account; }
[[nodiscard]] OCC::SyncEngine &syncEngine() const { return *_syncEngine; }
[[nodiscard]] OCC::SyncJournalDb &syncJournal() const { return *_journalDb; }
FileModifier &localModifier() { return _localModifier; }
FileInfo &remoteModifier() { return _fakeQnam->currentRemoteState(); }
FileInfo currentLocalState();
FileInfo currentRemoteState() { return _fakeQnam->currentRemoteState(); }
FileInfo &uploadState() { return _fakeQnam->uploadState(); }
[[nodiscard]] FileInfo dbState() const;
struct ErrorList {
FakeQNAM *_qnam;
void append(const QString &path, int error = 500)
{ _qnam->errorPaths().insert(path, error); }
void clear() { _qnam->errorPaths().clear(); }
ErrorList serverErrorPaths() { return {_fakeQnam}; }
void setServerOverride(const FakeQNAM::Override &override) { _fakeQnam->setOverride(override); }
QJsonObject forEachReplyPart(QIODevice *outgoingData,
const QString &contentType,
std::function<QJsonObject(const QMap<QString, QByteArray>&)> replyFunction) {
return _fakeQnam->forEachReplyPart(outgoingData, contentType, replyFunction);
[[nodiscard]] QString localPath() const;
void scheduleSync();
void execUntilBeforePropagation();
void execUntilItemCompleted(const QString &relativePath);
bool execUntilFinished() {
QSignalSpy spy(_syncEngine.get(), &OCC::SyncEngine::finished);
bool ok = spy.wait(3600000);
Q_ASSERT(ok && "Sync timed out");
return spy[0][0].toBool();
bool syncOnce() {
return execUntilFinished();
static void toDisk(QDir &dir, const FileInfo &templateFi);
static void fromDisk(QDir &dir, FileInfo &templateFi);
/* Return the FileInfo for a conflict file for the specified relative filename */
inline const FileInfo *findConflict(FileInfo &dir, const QString &filename)
QFileInfo info(filename);
const FileInfo *parentDir = dir.find(info.path());
if (!parentDir)
return nullptr;
QString start = info.baseName() + " (conflicted copy";
for (const auto &item : parentDir->children) {
if (item.name.startsWith(start)) {
return &item;
return nullptr;
struct ItemCompletedSpy : QSignalSpy {
explicit ItemCompletedSpy(FakeFolder &folder)
: QSignalSpy(&folder.syncEngine(), &OCC::SyncEngine::itemCompleted)
[[nodiscard]] OCC::SyncFileItemPtr findItem(const QString &path) const;
[[nodiscard]] OCC::SyncFileItemPtr findItemWithExpectedRank(const QString &path, int rank) const;
// QTest::toString overloads
namespace OCC {
inline char *toString(const SyncFileStatus &s) {
return QTest::toString(QString("SyncFileStatus(" + s.toSocketAPIString() + ")"));
inline void addFiles(QStringList &dest, const FileInfo &fi)
if (fi.isDir) {
dest += QString("%1 - dir").arg(fi.path());
foreach (const FileInfo &fi, fi.children)
addFiles(dest, fi);
} else {
dest += QString("%1 - %2 %3-bytes").arg(fi.path()).arg(fi.size).arg(fi.contentChar);
inline QString toStringNoElide(const FileInfo &fi)
QStringList files;
foreach (const FileInfo &fi, fi.children)
addFiles(files, fi);
return QString("FileInfo with %1 files(\n\t%2\n)").arg(files.size()).arg(files.join("\n\t"));
inline char *toString(const FileInfo &fi)
return QTest::toString(toStringNoElide(fi));
inline void addFilesDbData(QStringList &dest, const FileInfo &fi)
// could include etag, permissions etc, but would need extra work
if (fi.isDir) {
dest += QString("%1 - %2 %3 %4").arg(
fi.isDir ? "dir" : "file",
foreach (const FileInfo &fi, fi.children)
addFilesDbData(dest, fi);
} else {
dest += QString("%1 - %2 %3 %4 %5").arg(
fi.isDir ? "dir" : "file",
inline char *printDbData(const FileInfo &fi)
QStringList files;
foreach (const FileInfo &fi, fi.children)
addFilesDbData(files, fi);
return QTest::toString(QString("FileInfo with %1 files(%2)").arg(files.size()).arg(files.join(", ")));