/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #include #include "syncenginetestutils.h" #include using namespace OCC; /* * This test ensure that the SyncEngine::aboutToRemoveAllFiles is correctly called and that when * we the user choose to remove all files SyncJournalDb::clearFileTable makes works as expected */ class TestAllFilesDeleted : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void testAllFilesDeletedKeep_data() { QTest::addColumn("deleteOnRemote"); QTest::newRow("local") << false; QTest::newRow("remote") << true; } /* * In this test, all files are deleted in the client, or the server, and we simulate * that the users press "keep" */ void testAllFilesDeletedKeep() { QFETCH(bool, deleteOnRemote); FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()}; //Just set a blacklist so we can check it is still there. This directory does not exists but // that does not matter for our purposes. QStringList selectiveSyncBlackList = { "Q/" }; fakeFolder.syncEngine().journal()->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, selectiveSyncBlackList); auto initialState = fakeFolder.currentLocalState(); int aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled = 0; QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::aboutToRemoveAllFiles, [&](SyncFileItem::Direction dir, bool *cancel) { QCOMPARE(aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled, 0); aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled++; QCOMPARE(dir, deleteOnRemote ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up); *cancel = true; fakeFolder.syncEngine().journal()->clearFileTable(); // That's what Folder is doing }); auto &modifier = deleteOnRemote ? fakeFolder.remoteModifier() : fakeFolder.localModifier(); for (const auto &s : fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().children.keys()) modifier.remove(s); QVERIFY(!fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // Should fail because we cancel the sync QCOMPARE(aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled, 1); // Next sync should recover all files QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), initialState); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentRemoteState(), initialState); // The selective sync blacklist should be not have been deleted. bool ok = true; QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.syncEngine().journal()->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, &ok), selectiveSyncBlackList); } void testAllFilesDeletedDelete_data() { testAllFilesDeletedKeep_data(); } /* * This test is like the previous one but we simulate that the user presses "delete" */ void testAllFilesDeletedDelete() { QFETCH(bool, deleteOnRemote); FakeFolder fakeFolder{FileInfo::A12_B12_C12_S12()}; int aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled = 0; QObject::connect(&fakeFolder.syncEngine(), &SyncEngine::aboutToRemoveAllFiles, [&](SyncFileItem::Direction dir, bool *cancel) { QCOMPARE(aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled, 0); aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled++; QCOMPARE(dir, deleteOnRemote ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up); *cancel = false; }); auto &modifier = deleteOnRemote ? fakeFolder.remoteModifier() : fakeFolder.localModifier(); for (const auto &s : fakeFolder.currentRemoteState().children.keys()) modifier.remove(s); QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // Should succeed, and all files must then be deleted QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState().children.count(), 0); // Try another sync to be sure. QVERIFY(fakeFolder.syncOnce()); // Should succeed (doing nothing) QCOMPARE(aboutToRemoveAllFilesCalled, 1); // should not have been called. QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState(), fakeFolder.currentRemoteState()); QCOMPARE(fakeFolder.currentLocalState().children.count(), 0); } }; QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestAllFilesDeleted) #include "testallfilesdeleted.moc"