#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import urllib import socket from gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus class ownCloudExtension(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.ColumnProvider, Nautilus.InfoProvider): nautilusVFSFile_table = {} registered_paths = {} remainder = '' connected = False watch_id = 0 def __init__(self): self.connectToOwnCloud if not self.connected: # try again in 5 seconds - attention, logic inverted! GObject.timeout_add(5000, self.connectToOwnCloud) def port(self): return 34001 # Fixme, read from config file. def connectToOwnCloud(self): try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(("localhost", self.port())) self.sock.settimeout(5) self.connected = True self.watch_id = GObject.io_add_watch(self.sock, GObject.IO_IN, self.handle_notify) except: print("Connect could not be established, try again later!") self.sock.close() return not self.connected def sendCommand(self, cmd): if self.connected: try: self.sock.send(cmd) except: print("Sending failed.") GObject.source_remove(self.watch_id) self.connected = False GObject.timeout_add(5000, self.connectToOwnCloud) def find_item_for_file(self, path): if path in self.nautilusVFSFile_table: return self.nautilusVFSFile_table[path] else: return None def askForOverlay(self, file): if os.path.isdir(file): folderStatus = self.sendCommand("RETRIEVE_FOLDER_STATUS:"+file+"\n"); if os.path.isfile(file): fileStatus = self.sendCommand("RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS:"+file+"\n"); def invalidate_items_underneath(self, path): update_items = [] for p in self.nautilusVFSFile_table: if p == path or p.startswith(path): item = self.nautilusVFSFile_table[p] update_items.append(item) for item in update_items: item.invalidate_extension_info() # self.update_file_info(item) # Handles a single line of server respoonse and sets the emblem def handle_server_response(self, l): Emblems = { 'OK' : 'oC_ok', 'SYNC' : 'oC_sync', 'NEW' : 'oC_sync', 'IGNORE' : 'oC_warn', 'ERROR' : 'oC_error', 'OK+SWM' : 'oC_ok_shared', 'SYNC+SWM' : 'oC_sync_shared', 'NEW+SWM' : 'oC_sync_shared', 'IGNORE+SWM': 'oC_warn_shared', 'ERROR+SWM' : 'oC_error_shared', 'NOP' : 'oC_error' } print("Server response: "+l) parts = l.split(':') if len(parts) > 0: action = parts[0] # file = parts[1] # print "Action for " + file + ": "+parts[0] if action == 'STATUS': emblem = Emblems[parts[1]] if emblem: item = self.find_item_for_file(parts[2]) if item: item.add_emblem(emblem) elif action == 'UPDATE_VIEW': # Search all items underneath this path and invalidate them if parts[1] in self.registered_paths: self.invalidate_items_underneath(parts[1]) elif action == 'REGISTER_PATH': self.registered_paths[parts[1]] = 1 self.invalidate_items_underneath(parts[1]) elif action == 'UNREGISTER_PATH': del self.registered_paths[parts[1]] self.invalidate_items_underneath(parts[1]) # check if there are non pathes any more, if so, its usual # that mirall went away. Try reconnect. if not self.registered_paths: self.sock.close() self.connected = False GObject.source_remove(self.watch_id) GObject.timeout_add(5000, self.connectToOwnCloud) else: # print "We got unknown action " + action 1 # notify is the raw answer from the socket def handle_notify(self, source, condition): data = source.recv(1024) # prepend the remaining data from last call if len(self.remainder) > 0: data = self.remainder+data self.remainder = '' if len(data) > 0: # remember the remainder for next round lastNL = data.rfind('\n'); if lastNL > -1 and lastNL < len(data): self.remainder = data[lastNL+1:] data = data[:lastNL] for l in data.split('\n'): self.handle_server_response(l) else: return False return True # run again def get_local_path(self, path): return path.replace("file://", "") def update_file_info(self, item): if item.get_uri_scheme() != 'file': return filename = urllib.unquote(item.get_uri()[7:]) if item.is_directory(): filename += '/' for reg_path in self.registered_paths: if filename.startswith(reg_path): self.nautilusVFSFile_table[filename] = item # item.add_string_attribute('share_state', "share state") self.askForOverlay(filename) break else: print("Not in scope:"+filename)