/* * Copyright (C) by Hannah von Reth * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "socketuploadjob.h" #include "common/utility.h" #include "socketapi_p.h" #include "accountmanager.h" #include "common/syncjournaldb.h" #include "syncengine.h" #include #include #include using namespace OCC; SocketUploadJob::SocketUploadJob(const QSharedPointer &job) : _apiJob(job) { connect(job.data(), &SocketApiJobV2::finished, this, &SocketUploadJob::deleteLater); _localPath = _apiJob->arguments()[QLatin1String("localPath")].toString(); _remotePath = _apiJob->arguments()[QLatin1String("remotePath")].toString(); if (!_remotePath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { _remotePath = QLatin1Char('/') + _remotePath; } _pattern = job->arguments()[QLatin1String("pattern")].toString(); // TODO: use uuid const auto accname = job->arguments()[QLatin1String("account")][QLatin1String("name")].toString(); auto account = AccountManager::instance()->account(accname); if (!QFileInfo(_localPath).isAbsolute()) { job->failure(QStringLiteral("Local path must be a an absolute path")); return; } if (!_tmp.open()) { job->failure(QStringLiteral("Failed to create temporary database")); return; } _db = new SyncJournalDb(_tmp.fileName(), this); SyncOptions opt; opt.fillFromEnvironmentVariables(); opt.verifyChunkSizes(); _engine = new SyncEngine(account->account(), Utility::trailingSlashPath(_localPath), opt, _remotePath, _db); _engine->setParent(_db); connect(_engine, &OCC::SyncEngine::itemCompleted, this, [this](const OCC::SyncFileItemPtr item) { _syncedFiles.append(item->_file); }); connect(_engine, &OCC::SyncEngine::finished, this, [this](bool ok) { if (ok) { _apiJob->success({ { "localPath", _localPath }, { "syncedFiles", QJsonArray::fromStringList(_syncedFiles) } }); } }); connect(_engine, &OCC::SyncEngine::syncError, this, [this](const QString &error, ErrorCategory) { _apiJob->failure(error); }); } void SocketUploadJob::start() { auto opt = _engine->syncOptions(); opt.setFilePattern(_pattern); if (!opt.fileRegex().isValid()) { _apiJob->failure(opt.fileRegex().errorString()); return; } _engine->setSyncOptions(opt); // create the dir, fail if it already exists auto mkdir = new OCC::MkColJob(_engine->account(), _remotePath); connect(mkdir, &OCC::MkColJob::finishedWithoutError, _engine, &OCC::SyncEngine::startSync); connect(mkdir, &OCC::MkColJob::finishedWithError, this, [this](QNetworkReply *reply) { if (reply->error() == 202) { _apiJob->failure(QStringLiteral("Destination %1 already exists").arg(_remotePath)); } else { _apiJob->failure(reply->errorString()); } }); mkdir->start(); }