#!/usr/bin/perl # # Test script for the ownCloud module of csync. # This script requires a running ownCloud instance accessible via HTTP. # It does quite some fancy tests and asserts the results. # # Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag # use Carp::Assert; use Data::Dumper; use HTTP::DAV; use File::Copy; use File::Glob ':glob'; use strict; print "Hello, this is t1, a tester for csync with ownCloud.\n"; # # Adjust data as needed here or better us a t1.cfg file with the following # content: # user => "joe", # passwd => "XXXXXX", # url => "http://localhost/oc/files/webdav.php" my $owncloud = "http://localhost/oc/files/webdav.php/"; my $user = "joe"; my $passwd = 'XXXXX'; # Mind to be secure. if( -r "./t1.cfg" ) { my %config = do 't1.cfg'; warn "Could not parse t1.cfg: $!\n" unless %config; warn "Could not do t1.cfg: $@\n" if $@; $user = $config{user} if( $config{user} ); $passwd = $config{passwd} if( $config{passwd} ); $owncloud = $config{url} if( $config{url} ); print "Read t1.cfg\n"; } $owncloud .= "/" unless( $owncloud =~ /\/$/ ); print "Connecting to ownCloud at ". $owncloud ."\n"; sub remoteDir( $$ ) { my ($d, $dir) = @_; my $url = $owncloud . $dir ; $d->open( $owncloud ); print $d->message . "\n"; my $re = $d->mkcol( $url ); if( $re == 0 ) { print "Failed to create directory <$url>: $re\n"; exit 1; } $d->open( $url ); return $re; } sub createLocalDir( $ ) { my ($dir) = (@_); mkdir( $dir, 0777 ); } sub remoteCleanup( $;$ ) { my ($d, $dir) = @_; $dir = "t1" unless $dir; my $url = $owncloud . $dir; $d->open( -url => $owncloud ); print "Cleaning Remote!\n"; my $re = $d->delete( $dir ); if( $re == 0 ) { print "Failed to clenup directory <$dir>\n"; } return $re; } sub localCleanup( $ ) { my ($dir) = @_; # don't play child games here: system( "rm -rf $dir" ); } sub csync( $$ ) { my ($local, $remote) = @_; my $ld_libpath = "/home/kf/owncloud.com/buildcsync/modules"; my $csync = "/home/kf/owncloud.com/buildcsync/client/csync"; my $url = $owncloud; $url =~ s#^http://##; # Remove the leading http:// $url = "owncloud://$user:$passwd@". $url . $remote; print "CSync URL: $url\n"; my $cmd = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ld_libpath $csync $local $url"; print "Starting: $cmd\n"; system( $cmd ); } # # Check local directories if they have the same content. # sub assertLocalDirs( $$ ) { my ($dir1, $dir2) = @_; print "Asserting $dir1 <-> $dir2\n"; opendir(my $dh, $dir1 ) || die; while(readdir $dh) { assert( -e "$dir2/$_" ); my $s1 = -s "$dir1/$_"; my $s2 = -s "$dir2/$_"; assert( $s1 == $s2 ); } closedir $dh; } # # Check if a local and a remote dir have the same content # sub assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $$$ ) { my ($d, $local, $remote) = @_; my %seen; if( my $r = $d->propfind( -url => $owncloud . $remote, -depth => 1 ) ) { if( $r->is_collection ) { print "\nXX" . $r->get_resourcelist->as_string ."\n"; foreach my $res ( $r->get_resourcelist->get_resources() ) { print "Checking " . $res-> get_uri()->as_string ."\n"; my $filename = $res->get_property("rel_uri"); # check if the file exists. assert( -e "$local/$filename" ); # check for equal mod times my $remoteModTime = $res->get_property( "lastmodifiedepoch" ) ; my @info = stat( "$local/$filename" ); my $localModTime = $info[9]; assert( $remoteModTime == $localModTime, "Modfied-Times differ: remote: $remoteModTime <-> local: $localModTime" ); # check for the same file size my $localSize = $info[7]; my $remoteSize = $res->get_property( "getcontentlength" ); assert( $localSize == $remoteSize ); # remember the files seen on the server. $seen{$filename} = 1; } } # Now loop over the local directory content and check if all files in the dir # were seen on the server. print "\n* Cross checking with local dir: \n"; opendir(my $dh, $local ) || die; while( readdir $dh ) { next if( /^\.+$/ ); assert( -e "$local/$_" ); assert( $seen{$_} == 1, "Filename only local, but not remte: $_\n" ); } closedir $dh; } } sub glob_put( $$$ ) { my( $d, $globber, $target ) = @_; $d->open( $target ); my @puts = bsd_glob( $globber ); foreach my $lfile( @puts ) { if( $lfile =~ /.*\/(.+)$/g ) { my $rfile = $1; my $puturl = "$target/$rfile"; print " *** Putting $lfile to $puturl\n"; $d->put( -local=>$lfile, -url=> $puturl ); } } } # ==================================================================== my $d = HTTP::DAV->new(); $d->credentials( -url=> $owncloud, -realm=>"ownCloud", -user=> $user, -pass=> $passwd ); $d->DebugLevel(3); my $remoteDir = "t1/"; remoteDir( $d, $remoteDir ); # $d->open("localhost/oc/files/webdav.php/t1"); remoteDir( $d, $remoteDir . "remoteToLocal1" ); # put some files remote. glob_put( $d, 'toremote1/*', $owncloud . $remoteDir . "remoteToLocal1/" ); my $localDir = "./t1"; createLocalDir( $localDir ); # call csync, sync local t1 to remote t1 csync( $localDir, $remoteDir ); print "\nNow assertions:\n"; # Check if the files from toremote1 are now in t1/remoteToLocal1 # they should have taken the way via the ownCloud. assertLocalDirs( "./toremote1", "$localDir/remoteToLocal1" ); # Check if the synced files from ownCloud have the same timestamp as the local ones. assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $d, "$localDir/remoteToLocal1", $remoteDir . "remoteToLocal1" ); # remove a local file. unlink( "$localDir/remoteToLocal1/kernelcrash.txt" ); csync( $localDir, $remoteDir ); assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $d, "$localDir/remoteToLocal1", $remoteDir . "remoteToLocal1" ); # add local files to a new dir1 my $locDir = $localDir . "/fromLocal1"; mkdir( $locDir ); assert( -d $locDir ); foreach my $file ( <./tolocal1/*> ) { print "Copying $file to $locDir\n"; copy( $file, $locDir ); } csync( $localDir, $remoteDir ); assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $d, $locDir, $remoteDir . "fromLocal1" ); # move a local file move( "$locDir/kramer.jpg", "$locDir/oldtimer.jpg" ); csync( $localDir, $remoteDir ); assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $d, $locDir, $remoteDir . "fromLocal1" ); print "\n###########################################\n"; print " all cool - tests succeeded.\n"; print "###########################################\n"; print "\nInterrupt before cleanup in 4 seconds...\n"; sleep(4); remoteCleanup( $d, $remoteDir ); localCleanup( $localDir ); # end.