The Nextcloud Client packages contain a command line client, ``nextcloudcmd``, that can be used to synchronize Nextcloud files to client machines. ``nextcloudcmd`` performs a single *sync run* and then exits the synchronization process. In this manner, ``nextcloudcmd`` processes the differences between client and server directories and propagates the files to bring both repositories to the same state. Contrary to the GUI-based client, ``nextcloudcmd`` does not repeat synchronizations on its own. It also does not monitor for file system changes. Install ``nextcloudcmd`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CentOS :: $ sudo yum -y install epel-release $ sudo yum -y install nextcloud-client Ubuntu :: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nextcloud-devs/client $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install nextcloud-client Debian :: $ sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop-cmd Refer to the link - - - - To invoke ``nextcloudcmd``, you must provide the local and the remote repository URL using the following command:: nextcloudcmd [OPTIONS...] sourcedir nextcloudurl where ``sourcedir`` is the local directory and ``nextcloudurl`` is the server URL. Other command line switches supported by ``nextcloudcmd`` include the following: .. include:: ../doc/options-cmd.rst Credential Handling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``nextcloudcmd`` requires the user to specify the username and password using the standard URL pattern, e.g., :: $ nextcloudcmd /home/user/my_sync_folder https://carla:secret@server/nextcloud To synchronize the Nextcloud directory ``Music`` to the local directory ``media/music``, through a proxy listening on port ``8080``, and on a gateway machine using IP address ````, the command line would be:: $ nextcloudcmd --httpproxy --path /Music \ $HOME/media/music \ https://server/nextcloud ``nextcloudcmd`` will prompt for the user name and password, unless they have been specified on the command line or ``-n`` has been passed. Exclude List ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``nextcloudcmd`` requires access to an exclude list file. It must either be installed along with ``nextcloudcmd`` and thus be available in a system location, be placed next to the binary as ``sync-exclude.lst`` or be explicitly specified with the ``--exclude`` switch. Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Synchronize a local directory to the specified directory of the nextcloud server :: $ nextcloudcmd --path / /home/user/ \ https://:@