/* * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include "wizard/owncloudoauthcredspage.h" #include "theme.h" #include "account.h" #include "cookiejar.h" #include "wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h" #include "wizard/owncloudwizard.h" #include "creds/httpcredentialsgui.h" #include "creds/credentialsfactory.h" namespace OCC { OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::OwncloudOAuthCredsPage() : AbstractCredentialsWizardPage() { _ui.setupUi(this); Theme *theme = Theme::instance(); _ui.topLabel->hide(); _ui.bottomLabel->hide(); QVariant variant = theme->customMedia(Theme::oCSetupTop); WizardCommon::setupCustomMedia(variant, _ui.topLabel); variant = theme->customMedia(Theme::oCSetupBottom); WizardCommon::setupCustomMedia(variant, _ui.bottomLabel); WizardCommon::initErrorLabel(_ui.errorLabel); setTitle(WizardCommon::titleTemplate().arg(tr("Connect to %1").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()))); setSubTitle(WizardCommon::subTitleTemplate().arg(tr("Login in your browser"))); connect(_ui.openLinkButton, &QCommandLinkButton::clicked, [this] { _ui.errorLabel->hide(); if (_asyncAuth) _asyncAuth->openBrowser(); }); } void OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::initializePage() { OwncloudWizard *ocWizard = qobject_cast(wizard()); Q_ASSERT(ocWizard); ocWizard->account()->setCredentials(CredentialsFactory::create("http")); _asyncAuth.reset(new OAuth(ocWizard->account().data(), this)); connect(_asyncAuth.data(), &OAuth::result, this, &OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::asyncAuthResult, Qt::QueuedConnection); _asyncAuth->start(); wizard()->hide(); } void OCC::OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::cleanupPage() { // The next or back button was activated, show the wizard again wizard()->show(); _asyncAuth.reset(); } void OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::asyncAuthResult(OAuth::Result r, const QString &user, const QString &token, const QString &refreshToken) { switch (r) { case OAuth::NotSupported: { /* OAuth not supported (can't open browser), fallback to HTTP credentials */ OwncloudWizard *ocWizard = qobject_cast(wizard()); ocWizard->back(); ocWizard->setAuthType(DetermineAuthTypeJob::Basic); break; } case OAuth::Error: /* Error while getting the access token. (Timeout, or the server did not accept our client credentials */ _ui.errorLabel->show(); wizard()->show(); break; case OAuth::LoggedIn: { _token = token; _user = user; _refreshToken = refreshToken; OwncloudWizard *ocWizard = qobject_cast(wizard()); Q_ASSERT(ocWizard); emit connectToOCUrl(ocWizard->account()->url().toString()); break; } } } int OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::nextId() const { return WizardCommon::Page_AdvancedSetup; } void OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::setConnected() { wizard()->show(); } AbstractCredentials *OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::getCredentials() const { OwncloudWizard *ocWizard = qobject_cast(wizard()); Q_ASSERT(ocWizard); return new HttpCredentialsGui(_user, _token, _refreshToken, ocWizard->_clientSslCertificate, ocWizard->_clientSslKey); } bool OwncloudOAuthCredsPage::isComplete() const { return false; /* We can never go forward manually */ } } // namespace OCC