/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "mirall/owncloudfolder.h" #include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h" #include "mirall/owncloudinfo.h" #include "mirall/credentialstore.h" #include "mirall/logger.h" #include "mirall/utility.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Mirall { void csyncLogCatcher(CSYNC *ctx, int verbosity, const char *function, const char *buffer, void *userdata) { Logger::instance()->csyncLog( QString::fromUtf8(buffer) ); } static QString replaceScheme(const QString &urlStr) { QUrl url( urlStr ); if( url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") ) { url.setScheme( QLatin1String("owncloud") ); } else { // connect SSL! url.setScheme( QLatin1String("ownclouds") ); } return url.toString(); } ownCloudFolder::ownCloudFolder(const QString &alias, const QString &mpath, const QString &secondPath, QObject *parent) : Folder(alias, mpath, secondPath, parent) , _thread(0) , _csync(0) , _csyncError(false) , _csyncUnavail(false) , _csync_ctx(0) { ServerActionNotifier *notifier = new ServerActionNotifier(this); connect(notifier, SIGNAL(guiLog(QString,QString)), Logger::instance(), SIGNAL(optionalGuiLog(QString,QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(syncFinished(SyncResult)), notifier, SLOT(slotSyncFinished(SyncResult))); qDebug() << "****** ownCloud folder using watcher *******"; // The folder interval is set in the folder parent class. } bool ownCloudFolder::init() { QString url = replaceScheme(ownCloudInfo::instance()->webdavUrl() + secondPath()); QString localpath = path(); if( csync_create( &_csync_ctx, localpath.toUtf8().data(), url.toUtf8().data() ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << "Unable to create csync-context!"; slotCSyncError(tr("Unable to create csync-context")); _csync_ctx = 0; } else { csync_set_log_callback( _csync_ctx, csyncLogCatcher ); csync_set_log_verbosity(_csync_ctx, 11); MirallConfigFile cfgFile; csync_set_config_dir( _csync_ctx, cfgFile.configPath().toUtf8() ); csync_enable_conflictcopys(_csync_ctx); QString excludeList = cfgFile.excludeFile(MirallConfigFile::SystemScope); if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "==== added system ignore list to csync:" << excludeList.toUtf8(); csync_add_exclude_list( _csync_ctx, excludeList.toUtf8() ); } excludeList = cfgFile.excludeFile(MirallConfigFile::UserScope); if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "==== added user defined ignore list to csync:" << excludeList.toUtf8(); csync_add_exclude_list( _csync_ctx, excludeList.toUtf8() ); } csync_set_auth_callback( _csync_ctx, getauth ); if( csync_init( _csync_ctx ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << "Could not initialize csync!" << csync_get_error(_csync_ctx) << csync_get_error_string(_csync_ctx); slotCSyncError(CSyncThread::csyncErrorToString(csync_get_error(_csync_ctx), csync_get_error_string(_csync_ctx))); csync_destroy(_csync_ctx); _csync_ctx = 0; } setProxy(); } return _csync_ctx; } ownCloudFolder::~ownCloudFolder() { if( _thread ) { _thread->quit(); csync_request_abort(_csync_ctx); _thread->wait(); } delete _csync; // Destroy csync here. csync_destroy(_csync_ctx); } void ownCloudFolder::setProxy() { if( _csync_ctx ) { /* Store proxy */ QUrl proxyUrl(ownCloudInfo::instance()->webdavUrl()); QList proxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::proxyForQuery(proxyUrl); // We set at least one in Application Q_ASSERT(proxies.count() > 0); QNetworkProxy proxy = proxies.first(); if (proxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::NoProxy) { qDebug() << "Passing NO proxy to csync for" << proxyUrl; } else { qDebug() << "Passing" << proxy.hostName() << "of proxy type " << proxy.type() << " to csync for" << proxyUrl; } int proxyPort = proxy.port(); csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_type", (char*) proxyTypeToCStr(proxy.type()) ); csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_host", proxy.hostName().toUtf8().data() ); csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_port", &proxyPort ); csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_user", proxy.user().toUtf8().data() ); csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_pwd" , proxy.password().toUtf8().data() ); csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "csync_context", _csync_ctx); } } const char* ownCloudFolder::proxyTypeToCStr(QNetworkProxy::ProxyType type) { switch (type) { case QNetworkProxy::NoProxy: return "NoProxy"; case QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy: return "DefaultProxy"; case QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy: return "Socks5Proxy"; case QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy: return "HttpProxy"; case QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy: return "HttpCachingProxy"; case QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy: return "FtpCachingProxy"; default: return "NoProxy"; } } int ownCloudFolder::getauth(const char *prompt, char *buf, size_t len, int echo, int verify, void *userdata ) { int re = 0; QMutex mutex; QString qPrompt = QString::fromLatin1( prompt ).trimmed(); QString user = CredentialStore::instance()->user(); QString pwd = CredentialStore::instance()->password(); if( qPrompt == QLatin1String("Enter your username:") ) { // qDebug() << "OOO Username requested!"; QMutexLocker locker( &mutex ); qstrncpy( buf, user.toUtf8().constData(), len ); } else if( qPrompt == QLatin1String("Enter your password:") ) { QMutexLocker locker( &mutex ); // qDebug() << "OOO Password requested!"; qstrncpy( buf, pwd.toUtf8().constData(), len ); } else { if( qPrompt.startsWith( QLatin1String("There are problems with the SSL certificate:"))) { // SSL is requested. If the program came here, the SSL check was done by mirall // It needs to be checked if the chain is still equal to the one which // was verified by the user. QRegExp regexp("fingerprint: ([\\w\\d:]+)"); bool certOk = false; int pos = 0; // This is the set of certificates which QNAM accepted, so we should accept // them as well QList certs = ownCloudInfo::instance()->certificateChain(); while (!certOk && (pos = regexp.indexIn(qPrompt, 1+pos)) != -1) { QString neon_fingerprint = regexp.cap(1); foreach( const QSslCertificate& c, certs ) { QString verified_shasum = Utility::formatFingerprint(c.digest(QCryptographicHash::Sha1).toHex()); qDebug() << "SSL Fingerprint from neon: " << neon_fingerprint << " compared to verified: " << verified_shasum; if( verified_shasum == neon_fingerprint ) { certOk = true; break; } } } // certOk = false; DEBUG setting, keep disabled! if( !certOk ) { // Problem! qstrcpy( buf, "no" ); re = -1; } else { qstrcpy( buf, "yes" ); // Certificate is fine! } } else { qDebug() << "Unknown prompt: <" << prompt << ">"; re = -1; } } return re; } bool ownCloudFolder::isBusy() const { return ( _thread && _thread->isRunning() ); } QString ownCloudFolder::secondPath() const { return Folder::secondPath(); } void ownCloudFolder::startSync() { startSync( QStringList() ); } void ownCloudFolder::startSync(const QStringList &pathList) { if (!_csync_ctx) { // no _csync_ctx yet, initialize it. init(); if (!_csync_ctx) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "init failed."; // the error should already be set QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotCSyncFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection); return; } } if (_thread && _thread->isRunning()) { qCritical() << "* ERROR csync is still running and new sync requested."; return; } if (_thread) _thread->quit(); delete _csync; delete _thread; _errors.clear(); _csyncError = false; _csyncUnavail = false; _syncResult.clearErrors(); _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncPrepare ); emit syncStateChange(); qDebug() << "*** Start syncing"; _thread = new QThread(this); _csync = new CSyncThread( _csync_ctx ); _csync->moveToThread(_thread); qRegisterMetaType("SyncFileItemVector"); qRegisterMetaType("SyncFileItem::Direction"); connect( _csync, SIGNAL(treeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector&)), this, SLOT(slotThreadTreeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector&)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_csync, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotCSyncStarted()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_csync, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotCSyncFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_csync, SIGNAL(csyncError(QString)), SLOT(slotCSyncError(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_csync, SIGNAL(csyncUnavailable()), SLOT(slotCsyncUnavailable()), Qt::QueuedConnection); //blocking connection so the message box happens in this thread, but block the csync thread. connect(_csync, SIGNAL(aboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction,bool*)), SLOT(slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction,bool*)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); _thread->start(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_csync, "startSync", Qt::QueuedConnection); emit syncStarted(); } void ownCloudFolder::slotCSyncStarted() { qDebug() << " * csync thread started"; _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::SyncRunning); emit syncStateChange(); } void ownCloudFolder::slotCSyncError(const QString& err) { _errors.append( err ); _csyncError = true; } void ownCloudFolder::slotCsyncUnavailable() { _csyncUnavail = true; } void ownCloudFolder::slotCSyncFinished() { qDebug() << "-> CSync Finished slot with error " << _csyncError; if (_csyncError) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Error); qDebug() << " ** error Strings: " << _errors; _syncResult.setErrorStrings( _errors ); qDebug() << " * owncloud csync thread finished with error"; } else if (_csyncUnavail) { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Unavailable); } else { _syncResult.setStatus(SyncResult::Success); } if( _thread && _thread->isRunning() ) { _thread->quit(); } ownCloudInfo::instance()->getQuotaRequest("/"); emit syncFinished( _syncResult ); } void ownCloudFolder::slotThreadTreeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector& items) { _syncResult.setSyncFileItemVector(items); } void ownCloudFolder::slotTerminateSync() { qDebug() << "folder " << alias() << " Terminating!"; MirallConfigFile cfg; QString configDir = cfg.configPath(); qDebug() << "csync's Config Dir: " << configDir; if( _thread && _csync ) { csync_request_abort(_csync_ctx); _thread->quit(); _thread->wait(); _csync->deleteLater(); delete _thread; _csync = 0; _thread = 0; csync_resume(_csync_ctx); } if( ! configDir.isEmpty() ) { QFile file( configDir + QLatin1String("/lock")); if( file.exists() ) { qDebug() << "After termination, lock file exists and gets removed."; file.remove(); } } _errors.append( tr("The CSync thread terminated.") ); _csyncError = true; qDebug() << "-> CSync Terminated!"; slotCSyncFinished(); } void ownCloudFolder::slotLocalPathChanged( const QString& dir ) { QDir notifiedDir(dir); QDir localPath( path() ); if( notifiedDir.absolutePath() == localPath.absolutePath() ) { if( !localPath.exists() ) { qDebug() << "XXXXXXX The sync folder root was removed!!"; if( _thread && _thread->isRunning() ) { qDebug() << "CSync currently running, set wipe flag!!"; } else { qDebug() << "CSync not running, wipe it now!!"; wipe(); } qDebug() << "ALARM: The local path was DELETED!"; } } } // This removes the csync File database if the sync folder definition is removed // permanentely. This is needed to provide a clean startup again in case another // local folder is synced to the same ownCloud. // See http://bugs.owncloud.org/thebuggenie/owncloud/issues/oc-788 void ownCloudFolder::wipe() { QString stateDbFile = path()+QLatin1String(".csync_journal.db"); QFile file(stateDbFile); if( file.exists() ) { if( !file.remove()) { qDebug() << "WRN: Failed to remove existing csync StateDB " << stateDbFile; } else { qDebug() << "wipe: Removed csync StateDB " << stateDbFile; } } else { qDebug() << "WRN: statedb is empty, can not remove."; } // Check if the tmp database file also exists QString ctmpName = path() + QLatin1String(".csync_journal.db.ctmp"); QFile ctmpFile( ctmpName ); if( ctmpFile.exists() ) { ctmpFile.remove(); } } ServerActionNotifier::ServerActionNotifier(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } void ServerActionNotifier::slotSyncFinished(const SyncResult &result) { SyncFileItemVector items = result.syncFileItemVector(); if (items.count() == 0) return; int newItems = 0; int removedItems = 0; int updatedItems = 0; SyncFileItem firstItemNew; SyncFileItem firstItemDeleted; SyncFileItem firstItemUpdated; foreach (const SyncFileItem &item, items) { if (item._dir == SyncFileItem::Down) { switch (item._instruction) { case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW: newItems++; if (firstItemNew.isEmpty()) firstItemNew = item; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE: removedItems++; if (firstItemDeleted.isEmpty()) firstItemDeleted = item; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATED: updatedItems++; if (firstItemUpdated.isEmpty()) firstItemUpdated = item; break; default: // nothing. break; } } } if (newItems > 0) { QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(firstItemNew._file); if (newItems == 1) emit guiLog(tr("New file available"), tr("'%1' has been synced to this machine.").arg(file)); else emit guiLog(tr("New files available"), tr("'%1' and %n other file(s) have been synced to this machine.", "", newItems-1).arg(file)); } if (removedItems > 0) { QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(firstItemDeleted._file); if (removedItems == 1) emit guiLog(tr("File removed"), tr("'%1' has been removed.").arg(file)); else emit guiLog(tr("Files removed"), tr("'%1' and %n other file(s) have been removed.", "", removedItems-1).arg(file)); } if (updatedItems > 0) { QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(firstItemUpdated._file); if (updatedItems == 1) emit guiLog(tr("File updated"), tr("'%1' has been updated.").arg(file)); else emit guiLog(tr("Files updated"), tr("'%1' and %n other file(s) have been updated.", "", updatedItems-1).arg(file)); } } void ownCloudFolder::slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction direction, bool *cancel) { QString msg = direction == SyncFileItem::Down ? tr("This sync would remove all the files in the local sync folder '%1'.\n" "If you or your administrator have reset your account on the server, choose " "\"Keep files\". If you want your data to be removed, choose \"Remove all files\".") : tr("This sync would remove all the files in the sync folder '%1'.\n" "This might be because the folder was silently reconfigured, or that all " "the file were manually removed.\n" "Are you sure you want to perform this operation?"); QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Remove All Files?"), msg.arg(alias())); msgBox.addButton(tr("Remove all files"), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); QPushButton* keepBtn = msgBox.addButton(tr("Keep files"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (msgBox.exec() == -1) { *cancel = true; return; } *cancel = msgBox.clickedButton() == keepBtn; if (*cancel) { wipe(); } } } // ns