/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * Copyright (C) by Daniel Molkentin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #ifndef NETWORKJOBS_H #define NETWORKJOBS_H #include "abstractnetworkjob.h" #include #include #include class QUrl; class QJsonObject; namespace OCC { /** * @brief The EntityExistsJob class * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT EntityExistsJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EntityExistsJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; signals: void exists(QNetworkReply *); private slots: bool finished() override; }; /** * @brief sends a DELETE http request to a url. * * See Nextcloud API usage for the possible DELETE requests. * * This does *not* delete files, it does a http request. */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT DeleteApiJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DeleteApiJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; signals: void result(int httpCode); private slots: bool finished() override; }; struct ExtraFolderInfo { QByteArray fileId; qint64 size = -1; }; /** * @brief The LsColJob class * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT LsColXMLParser : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit LsColXMLParser(); bool parse(const QByteArray &xml, QHash *sizes, const QString &expectedPath); signals: void directoryListingSubfolders(const QStringList &items); void directoryListingIterated(const QString &name, const QMap &properties); void finishedWithError(QNetworkReply *reply); void finishedWithoutError(); }; class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT LsColJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit LsColJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); explicit LsColJob(AccountPtr account, const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; QHash _folderInfos; /** * Used to specify which properties shall be retrieved. * * The properties can * - contain no colon: they refer to a property in the DAV: namespace * - contain a colon: and thus specify an explicit namespace, * e.g. "ns:with:colons:bar", which is "bar" in the "ns:with:colons" namespace */ void setProperties(QList properties); QList properties() const; signals: void directoryListingSubfolders(const QStringList &items); void directoryListingIterated(const QString &name, const QMap &properties); void finishedWithError(QNetworkReply *reply); void finishedWithoutError(); private slots: bool finished() override; private: QList _properties; QUrl _url; // Used instead of path() if the url is specified in the constructor }; /** * @brief The PropfindJob class * * Setting the desired properties with setProperties() is mandatory. * * Note that this job is only for querying one item. * There is also the LsColJob which can be used to list collections * * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT PropfindJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit PropfindJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; /** * Used to specify which properties shall be retrieved. * * The properties can * - contain no colon: they refer to a property in the DAV: namespace * - contain a colon: and thus specify an explicit namespace, * e.g. "ns:with:colons:bar", which is "bar" in the "ns:with:colons" namespace */ void setProperties(QList properties); QList properties() const; signals: void result(const QVariantMap &values); void finishedWithError(QNetworkReply *reply = nullptr); private slots: bool finished() override; private: QList _properties; }; #ifndef TOKEN_AUTH_ONLY /** * @brief Retrieves the account users avatar from the server using a GET request. * * If the server does not have the avatar, the result Pixmap is empty. * * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT AvatarJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: /** * @param userId The user for which to obtain the avatar * @param size The size of the avatar (square so size*size) */ explicit AvatarJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &userId, int size, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; /** The retrieved avatar images don't have the circle shape by default */ static QImage makeCircularAvatar(const QImage &baseAvatar); signals: /** * @brief avatarPixmap - returns either a valid pixmap or not. */ void avatarPixmap(const QImage &); private slots: bool finished() override; private: QUrl _avatarUrl; }; #endif /** * @brief Send a Proppatch request * * Setting the desired properties with setProperties() is mandatory. * * WARNING: Untested! * * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT ProppatchJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ProppatchJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; /** * Used to specify which properties shall be set. * * The property keys can * - contain no colon: they refer to a property in the DAV: namespace * - contain a colon: and thus specify an explicit namespace, * e.g. "ns:with:colons:bar", which is "bar" in the "ns:with:colons" namespace */ void setProperties(QMap properties); QMap properties() const; signals: void success(); void finishedWithError(); private slots: bool finished() override; private: QMap _properties; }; /** * @brief The MkColJob class * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT MkColJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT QUrl _url; // Only used if the constructor taking a url is taken. QMap _extraHeaders; public: explicit MkColJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); explicit MkColJob(AccountPtr account, const QUrl &url, const QMap &extraHeaders, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; signals: void finished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError); private slots: bool finished() override; }; /** * @brief The CheckServerJob class * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT CheckServerJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit CheckServerJob(AccountPtr account, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; static QString version(const QJsonObject &info); static QString versionString(const QJsonObject &info); static bool installed(const QJsonObject &info); signals: /** Emitted when a status.php was successfully read. * * \a url see _serverStatusUrl (does not include "/status.php") * \a info The status.php reply information */ void instanceFound(const QUrl &url, const QJsonObject &info); /** Emitted on invalid status.php reply. * * \a reply is never null */ void instanceNotFound(QNetworkReply *reply); /** A timeout occurred. * * \a url The specific url where the timeout happened. */ void timeout(const QUrl &url); private: bool finished() override; void onTimedOut() override; private slots: virtual void metaDataChangedSlot(); virtual void encryptedSlot(); void slotRedirected(QNetworkReply *reply, const QUrl &targetUrl, int redirectCount); private: bool _subdirFallback; /** The permanent-redirect adjusted account url. * * Note that temporary redirects or a permanent redirect behind a temporary * one do not affect this url. */ QUrl _serverUrl; /** Keep track of how many permanent redirect were applied. */ int _permanentRedirects; }; /** * @brief The RequestEtagJob class */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT RequestEtagJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit RequestEtagJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start() override; signals: void etagRetreived(const QString &etag); private slots: bool finished() override; }; /** * @brief Job to check an API that return JSON * * Note! you need to be in the connected state before calling this because of a server bug: * https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/12930 * * To be used like this: * \code * _job = new JsonApiJob(account, QLatin1String("ocs/v1.php/foo/bar"), this); * connect(job, SIGNAL(jsonReceived(QJsonDocument)), ...) * The received QVariantMap is null in case of error * \encode * * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT JsonApiJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit JsonApiJob(const AccountPtr &account, const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr); /** * @brief addQueryParams - add more parameters to the ocs call * @param params: list pairs of strings containing the parameter name and the value. * * All parameters from the passed list are appended to the query. Note * that the format=json parameter is added automatically and does not * need to be set this way. * * This function needs to be called before start() obviously. */ void addQueryParams(const QUrlQuery ¶ms); void addRawHeader(const QByteArray &headerName, const QByteArray &value); /** * @brief usePOST - allow job to do an anonymous POST request instead of GET * @param params: (optional) true for POST, false for GET (default). * * This function needs to be called before start() obviously. */ void usePOST(bool usePOST = true) { _usePOST = usePOST; } public slots: void start() override; protected: bool finished() override; signals: /** * @brief jsonReceived - signal to report the json answer from ocs * @param json - the parsed json document * @param statusCode - the OCS status code: 100 (!) for success */ void jsonReceived(const QJsonDocument &json, int statusCode); /** * @brief etagResponseHeaderReceived - signal to report the ETag response header value * from ocs api v2 * @param value - the ETag response header value * @param statusCode - the OCS status code: 100 (!) for success */ void etagResponseHeaderReceived(const QByteArray &value, int statusCode); private: QUrlQuery _additionalParams; QNetworkRequest _request; bool _usePOST = false; }; /** * @brief Checks with auth type to use for a server * @ingroup libsync */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT DetermineAuthTypeJob : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum AuthType { Basic, // also the catch-all fallback for backwards compatibility reasons OAuth, Shibboleth, WebViewFlow, LoginFlowV2 }; explicit DetermineAuthTypeJob(AccountPtr account, QObject *parent = nullptr); void start(); signals: void authType(AuthType); private: void checkAllDone(); AccountPtr _account; AuthType _resultGet = Basic; AuthType _resultPropfind = Basic; AuthType _resultOldFlow = Basic; bool _getDone = false; bool _propfindDone = false; bool _oldFlowDone = false; }; /** * @brief A basic job around a network request without extra funtionality * @ingroup libsync * * Primarily adds timeout and redirection handling. */ class OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT SimpleNetworkJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT public: explicit SimpleNetworkJob(AccountPtr account, QObject *parent = nullptr); QNetworkReply *startRequest(const QByteArray &verb, const QUrl &url, QNetworkRequest req = QNetworkRequest(), QIODevice *requestBody = nullptr); signals: void finishedSignal(QNetworkReply *reply); private slots: bool finished() override; }; /** * @brief Runs a PROPFIND to figure out the private link url * * The numericFileId is used only to build the deprecatedPrivateLinkUrl * locally as a fallback. If it's empty and the PROPFIND fails, targetFun * will be called with an empty string. * * The job and signal connections are parented to the target QObject. * * Note: targetFun is guaranteed to be called only through the event * loop and never directly. */ void OWNCLOUDSYNC_EXPORT fetchPrivateLinkUrl( AccountPtr account, const QString &remotePath, const QByteArray &numericFileId, QObject *target, std::function targetFun); } // namespace OCC #endif // NETWORKJOBS_H