/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "application.h" #include "owncloudgui.h" #include "ocsnavigationappsjob.h" #include "theme.h" #include "folderman.h" #include "progressdispatcher.h" #include "owncloudsetupwizard.h" #include "sharedialog.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "logger.h" #include "logbrowser.h" #include "account.h" #include "accountstate.h" #include "openfilemanager.h" #include "accountmanager.h" #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" #ifdef WITH_LIBCLOUDPROVIDERS #include "cloudproviders/cloudprovidermanager.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_LIBCLOUDPROVIDERS #include #include #endif #if defined(Q_OS_X11) #include #endif #include #include #include namespace OCC { const char propertyAccountC[] = "oc_account"; ownCloudGui::ownCloudGui(Application *parent) : QObject(parent) , _tray(nullptr) , _settingsDialog(new SettingsDialog(this)) , _logBrowser(nullptr) #ifdef WITH_LIBCLOUDPROVIDERS , _bus(QDBusConnection::sessionBus()) #endif , _recentActionsMenu(nullptr) , _app(parent) { _tray = new Systray(); _tray->setParent(this); // for the beginning, set the offline icon until the account was verified _tray->setIcon(Theme::instance()->folderOfflineIcon(/*systray?*/ true, /*currently visible?*/ false)); connect(_tray.data(), &QSystemTrayIcon::activated, this, &ownCloudGui::slotTrayClicked); setupActions(); setupContextMenu(); _tray->show(); ProgressDispatcher *pd = ProgressDispatcher::instance(); connect(pd, &ProgressDispatcher::progressInfo, this, &ownCloudGui::slotUpdateProgress); FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); connect(folderMan, &FolderMan::folderSyncStateChange, this, &ownCloudGui::slotSyncStateChange); connect(AccountManager::instance(), &AccountManager::accountAdded, this, &ownCloudGui::updateContextMenuNeeded); connect(AccountManager::instance(), &AccountManager::accountRemoved, this, &ownCloudGui::updateContextMenuNeeded); connect(Logger::instance(), &Logger::guiLog, this, &ownCloudGui::slotShowTrayMessage); connect(Logger::instance(), &Logger::optionalGuiLog, this, &ownCloudGui::slotShowOptionalTrayMessage); connect(Logger::instance(), &Logger::guiMessage, this, &ownCloudGui::slotShowGuiMessage); } #ifdef WITH_LIBCLOUDPROVIDERS void ownCloudGui::setupCloudProviders() { new CloudProviderManager(this); } bool ownCloudGui::cloudProviderApiAvailable() { if (!_bus.isConnected()) { return false; } QDBusInterface dbus_iface("org.freedesktop.CloudProviderManager", "/org/freedesktop/CloudProviderManager", "org.freedesktop.CloudProvider.Manager1", _bus); if (!dbus_iface.isValid()) { qCInfo(lcApplication) << "DBus interface unavailable"; return false; } return true; } #endif // This should rather be in application.... or rather in ConfigFile? void ownCloudGui::slotOpenSettingsDialog() { // if account is set up, start the configuration wizard. if (!AccountManager::instance()->accounts().isEmpty()) { if (_settingsDialog.isNull() || QApplication::activeWindow() != _settingsDialog) { slotShowSettings(); } else { _settingsDialog->close(); } } else { qCInfo(lcApplication) << "No configured folders yet, starting setup wizard"; slotNewAccountWizard(); } } void ownCloudGui::slotTrayClicked(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { if (_workaroundFakeDoubleClick) { static QElapsedTimer last_click; if (last_click.isValid() && last_click.elapsed() < 200) { return; } last_click.start(); } // Left click if (reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger) { if (OwncloudSetupWizard::bringWizardToFrontIfVisible()) { // brought wizard to front } else if (_shareDialogs.size() > 0) { // Share dialog(s) be hidden by other apps, bring them back Q_FOREACH (const QPointer &shareDialog, _shareDialogs) { Q_ASSERT(shareDialog.data()); raiseDialog(shareDialog); } } else { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // on macOS, a left click always opens menu. // However if the settings dialog is already visible but hidden // by other applications, this will bring it to the front. if (!_settingsDialog.isNull() && _settingsDialog->isVisible()) { raiseDialog(_settingsDialog.data()); } #else slotOpenSettingsDialog(); #endif } } // FIXME: Also make sure that any auto updater dialogue https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/5613 // or SSL error dialog also comes to front. } void ownCloudGui::slotSyncStateChange(Folder *folder) { slotComputeOverallSyncStatus(); updateContextMenuNeeded(); if (!folder) { return; // Valid, just a general GUI redraw was needed. } auto result = folder->syncResult(); qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Sync state changed for folder " << folder->remoteUrl().toString() << ": " << result.statusString(); if (result.status() == SyncResult::Success || result.status() == SyncResult::Problem || result.status() == SyncResult::SyncAbortRequested || result.status() == SyncResult::Error) { Logger::instance()->enterNextLogFile(); } if (result.status() == SyncResult::NotYetStarted) { _settingsDialog->slotRefreshActivity(folder->accountState()); } } void ownCloudGui::slotFoldersChanged() { slotComputeOverallSyncStatus(); updateContextMenuNeeded(); } void ownCloudGui::slotOpenPath(const QString &path) { showInFileManager(path); } void ownCloudGui::slotAccountStateChanged() { updateContextMenuNeeded(); slotComputeOverallSyncStatus(); } void ownCloudGui::slotTrayMessageIfServerUnsupported(Account *account) { if (account->serverVersionUnsupported()) { slotShowTrayMessage( tr("Unsupported Server Version"), tr("The server on account %1 runs an old and unsupported version %2. " "Using this client with unsupported server versions is untested and " "potentially dangerous. Proceed at your own risk.") .arg(account->displayName(), account->serverVersion())); } } void ownCloudGui::slotComputeOverallSyncStatus() { bool allSignedOut = true; bool allPaused = true; bool allDisconnected = true; QVector problemAccounts; auto setStatusText = [&](const QString &text) { // Don't overwrite the status if we're currently syncing if (FolderMan::instance()->currentSyncFolder()) return; _actionStatus->setText(text); }; foreach (auto a, AccountManager::instance()->accounts()) { if (!a->isSignedOut()) { allSignedOut = false; } if (!a->isConnected()) { problemAccounts.append(a); } else { allDisconnected = false; } } foreach (Folder *f, FolderMan::instance()->map()) { if (!f->syncPaused()) { allPaused = false; } } if (!problemAccounts.empty()) { _tray->setIcon(Theme::instance()->folderOfflineIcon(true, contextMenuVisible())); if (allDisconnected) { setStatusText(tr("Disconnected")); } else { setStatusText(tr("Disconnected from some accounts")); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Windows has a 128-char tray tooltip length limit. QStringList accountNames; foreach (AccountStatePtr a, problemAccounts) { accountNames.append(a->account()->displayName()); } _tray->setToolTip(tr("Disconnected from %1").arg(accountNames.join(QLatin1String(", ")))); #else QStringList messages; messages.append(tr("Disconnected from accounts:")); foreach (AccountStatePtr a, problemAccounts) { QString message = tr("Account %1: %2").arg(a->account()->displayName(), a->stateString(a->state())); if (!a->connectionErrors().empty()) { message += QLatin1String("\n"); message += a->connectionErrors().join(QLatin1String("\n")); } messages.append(message); } _tray->setToolTip(messages.join(QLatin1String("\n\n"))); #endif return; } if (allSignedOut) { _tray->setIcon(Theme::instance()->folderOfflineIcon(true, contextMenuVisible())); _tray->setToolTip(tr("Please sign in")); setStatusText(tr("Signed out")); return; } else if (allPaused) { _tray->setIcon(Theme::instance()->syncStateIcon(SyncResult::Paused, true, contextMenuVisible())); _tray->setToolTip(tr("Account synchronization is disabled")); setStatusText(tr("Synchronization is paused")); return; } // display the info of the least successful sync (eg. do not just display the result of the latest sync) QString trayMessage; FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); Folder::Map map = folderMan->map(); SyncResult::Status overallStatus = SyncResult::Undefined; bool hasUnresolvedConflicts = false; FolderMan::trayOverallStatus(map.values(), &overallStatus, &hasUnresolvedConflicts); // If the sync succeeded but there are unresolved conflicts, // show the problem icon! auto iconStatus = overallStatus; if (iconStatus == SyncResult::Success && hasUnresolvedConflicts) { iconStatus = SyncResult::Problem; } // If we don't get a status for whatever reason, that's a Problem if (iconStatus == SyncResult::Undefined) { iconStatus = SyncResult::Problem; } QIcon statusIcon = Theme::instance()->syncStateIcon(iconStatus, true, contextMenuVisible()); _tray->setIcon(statusIcon); // create the tray blob message, check if we have an defined state if (map.count() > 0) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Windows has a 128-char tray tooltip length limit. trayMessage = folderMan->trayTooltipStatusString(overallStatus, hasUnresolvedConflicts, false); #else QStringList allStatusStrings; foreach (Folder *folder, map.values()) { QString folderMessage = FolderMan::trayTooltipStatusString( folder->syncResult().status(), folder->syncResult().hasUnresolvedConflicts(), folder->syncPaused()); allStatusStrings += tr("Folder %1: %2").arg(folder->shortGuiLocalPath(), folderMessage); } trayMessage = allStatusStrings.join(QLatin1String("\n")); #endif _tray->setToolTip(trayMessage); if (overallStatus == SyncResult::Success || overallStatus == SyncResult::Problem) { if (hasUnresolvedConflicts) { setStatusText(tr("Unresolved conflicts")); } else { setStatusText(tr("Up to date")); } } else if (overallStatus == SyncResult::Paused) { setStatusText(tr("Synchronization is paused")); } else { setStatusText(tr("Error during synchronization")); } } else { _tray->setToolTip(tr("There are no sync folders configured.")); setStatusText(tr("No sync folders configured")); } } void ownCloudGui::addAccountContextMenu(AccountStatePtr accountState, QMenu *menu, bool separateMenu) { // Only show the name in the action if it's not part of an // account sub menu. QString browserOpen = tr("Open in browser"); if (!separateMenu) { browserOpen = tr("Open %1 in browser").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); } auto actionOpenoC = menu->addAction(browserOpen); actionOpenoC->setProperty(propertyAccountC, QVariant::fromValue(accountState->account())); QObject::connect(actionOpenoC, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotOpenOwnCloud); FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); bool firstFolder = true; bool singleSyncFolder = folderMan->map().size() == 1 && Theme::instance()->singleSyncFolder(); bool onePaused = false; bool allPaused = true; foreach (Folder *folder, folderMan->map()) { if (folder->accountState() != accountState.data()) { continue; } if (folder->syncPaused()) { onePaused = true; } else { allPaused = false; } if (firstFolder && !singleSyncFolder) { firstFolder = false; menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("Managed Folders:"))->setDisabled(true); } QAction *action = menu->addAction(tr("Open folder '%1'").arg(folder->shortGuiLocalPath())); auto alias = folder->alias(); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, alias] { this->slotFolderOpenAction(alias); }); } menu->addSeparator(); if (separateMenu) { if (onePaused) { QAction *enable = menu->addAction(tr("Resume all folders")); enable->setProperty(propertyAccountC, QVariant::fromValue(accountState)); connect(enable, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotUnpauseAllFolders); } if (!allPaused) { QAction *enable = menu->addAction(tr("Pause all folders")); enable->setProperty(propertyAccountC, QVariant::fromValue(accountState)); connect(enable, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotPauseAllFolders); } if (accountState->isSignedOut()) { QAction *signin = menu->addAction(tr("Log in …")); signin->setProperty(propertyAccountC, QVariant::fromValue(accountState)); connect(signin, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotLogin); } else { QAction *signout = menu->addAction(tr("Log out")); signout->setProperty(propertyAccountC, QVariant::fromValue(accountState)); connect(signout, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotLogout); } } } void ownCloudGui::slotContextMenuAboutToShow() { _contextMenuVisibleManual = true; // Update icon in sys tray, as it might change depending on the context menu state slotComputeOverallSyncStatus(); if (!_workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate) { updateContextMenu(); } } void ownCloudGui::slotContextMenuAboutToHide() { _contextMenuVisibleManual = false; // Update icon in sys tray, as it might change depending on the context menu state slotComputeOverallSyncStatus(); } bool ownCloudGui::contextMenuVisible() const { // On some platforms isVisible doesn't work and always returns false, // elsewhere aboutToHide is unreliable. if (_workaroundManualVisibility) return _contextMenuVisibleManual; return _contextMenu->isVisible(); } static bool minimalTrayMenu() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_MINIMAL_TRAY_MENU"); return !var.isEmpty(); } static bool updateWhileVisible() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_TRAY_UPDATE_WHILE_VISIBLE"); if (var == "1") { return true; } else if (var == "0") { return false; } else { // triggers bug on OS X: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54845 // or flickering on Xubuntu return false; } } static QByteArray envForceQDBusTrayWorkaround() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_FORCE_QDBUS_TRAY_WORKAROUND"); return var; } static QByteArray envForceWorkaroundShowAndHideTray() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_FORCE_TRAY_SHOW_HIDE"); return var; } static QByteArray envForceWorkaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_FORCE_TRAY_NO_ABOUT_TO_SHOW"); return var; } static QByteArray envForceWorkaroundFakeDoubleClick() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_FORCE_TRAY_FAKE_DOUBLE_CLICK"); return var; } static QByteArray envForceWorkaroundManualVisibility() { static QByteArray var = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_FORCE_TRAY_MANUAL_VISIBILITY"); return var; } void ownCloudGui::setupContextMenu() { if (_contextMenu) { return; } _contextMenu.reset(new QMenu()); _contextMenu->setTitle(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); _recentActionsMenu = new QMenu(tr("Recent Changes"), _contextMenu.data()); // this must be called only once after creating the context menu, or // it will trigger a bug in Ubuntu's SNI bridge patch (11.10, 12.04). _tray->setContextMenu(_contextMenu.data()); // The tray menu is surprisingly problematic. Being able to switch to // a minimal version of it is a useful workaround and testing tool. if (minimalTrayMenu()) { _contextMenu->addAction(_actionQuit); return; } auto applyEnvVariable = [](bool *sw, const QByteArray &value) { if (value == "1") *sw = true; if (value == "0") *sw = false; }; // This is an old compound flag that people might still depend on bool qdbusmenuWorkarounds = false; applyEnvVariable(&qdbusmenuWorkarounds, envForceQDBusTrayWorkaround()); if (qdbusmenuWorkarounds) { _workaroundFakeDoubleClick = true; _workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate = true; _workaroundShowAndHideTray = true; } #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54633 _workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate = true; _workaroundManualVisibility = true; #endif #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // For KDE sessions if the platform plugin is missing, // neither aboutToShow() updates nor the isVisible() call // work. At least aboutToHide is reliable. // https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/6545 static QByteArray xdgCurrentDesktop = qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); static QByteArray desktopSession = qgetenv("DESKTOP_SESSION"); bool isKde = xdgCurrentDesktop.contains("KDE") || desktopSession.contains("plasma") || desktopSession.contains("kde"); QObject *platformMenu = reinterpret_cast(_tray->contextMenu()->platformMenu()); if (isKde && platformMenu && platformMenu->metaObject()->className() == QLatin1String("QDBusPlatformMenu")) { _workaroundManualVisibility = true; _workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate = true; } #endif applyEnvVariable(&_workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate, envForceWorkaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate()); applyEnvVariable(&_workaroundFakeDoubleClick, envForceWorkaroundFakeDoubleClick()); applyEnvVariable(&_workaroundShowAndHideTray, envForceWorkaroundShowAndHideTray()); applyEnvVariable(&_workaroundManualVisibility, envForceWorkaroundManualVisibility()); qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Tray menu workarounds:" << "noabouttoshow:" << _workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate << "fakedoubleclick:" << _workaroundFakeDoubleClick << "showhide:" << _workaroundShowAndHideTray << "manualvisibility:" << _workaroundManualVisibility; connect(&_delayedTrayUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ownCloudGui::updateContextMenu); _delayedTrayUpdateTimer.setInterval(2 * 1000); _delayedTrayUpdateTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(_contextMenu.data(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(slotContextMenuAboutToShow())); // unfortunately aboutToHide is unreliable, it seems to work on OSX though connect(_contextMenu.data(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), SLOT(slotContextMenuAboutToHide())); // Populate the context menu now. updateContextMenu(); } void ownCloudGui::updateContextMenu() { if (minimalTrayMenu()) { return; } // If it's visible, we can't update live, and it won't be updated lazily: reschedule if (contextMenuVisible() && !updateWhileVisible() && _workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate) { if (!_delayedTrayUpdateTimer.isActive()) { _delayedTrayUpdateTimer.start(); } return; } if (_workaroundShowAndHideTray) { // To make tray menu updates work with these bugs (see setupContextMenu) // we need to hide and show the tray icon. We don't want to do that // while it's visible! if (contextMenuVisible()) { if (!_delayedTrayUpdateTimer.isActive()) { _delayedTrayUpdateTimer.start(); } return; } _tray->hide(); } _contextMenu->clear(); slotRebuildRecentMenus(); // We must call deleteLater because we might be called from the press in one of the actions. foreach (auto menu, _accountMenus) { menu->deleteLater(); } _accountMenus.clear(); auto accountList = AccountManager::instance()->accounts(); bool isConfigured = (!accountList.isEmpty()); bool atLeastOneConnected = false; bool atLeastOnePaused = false; bool atLeastOneNotPaused = false; foreach (auto a, accountList) { if (a->isConnected()) { atLeastOneConnected = true; } } foreach (auto f, FolderMan::instance()->map()) { if (f->syncPaused()) { atLeastOnePaused = true; } else { atLeastOneNotPaused = true; } } if (accountList.count() > 1) { foreach (AccountStatePtr account, accountList) { QMenu *accountMenu = new QMenu(account->account()->displayName(), _contextMenu.data()); _accountMenus.append(accountMenu); _contextMenu->addMenu(accountMenu); addAccountContextMenu(account, accountMenu, true); fetchNavigationApps(account); } } else if (accountList.count() == 1) { addAccountContextMenu(accountList.first(), _contextMenu.data(), false); fetchNavigationApps(accountList.first()); } _contextMenu->addSeparator(); _contextMenu->addAction(_actionStatus); if (isConfigured && atLeastOneConnected) { _contextMenu->addMenu(_recentActionsMenu); } _contextMenu->addSeparator(); if (_navLinksMenu) { _contextMenu->addMenu(_navLinksMenu); } _contextMenu->addSeparator(); if (accountList.isEmpty()) { _contextMenu->addAction(_actionNewAccountWizard); } _contextMenu->addAction(_actionSettings); if (!Theme::instance()->helpUrl().isEmpty()) { _contextMenu->addAction(_actionHelp); } if (_actionCrash) { _contextMenu->addAction(_actionCrash); } _contextMenu->addSeparator(); if (atLeastOnePaused) { QString text; if (accountList.count() > 1) { text = tr("Resume all synchronization"); } else { text = tr("Resume synchronization"); } QAction *action = _contextMenu->addAction(text); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotUnpauseAllFolders); } if (atLeastOneNotPaused) { QString text; if (accountList.count() > 1) { text = tr("Pause all synchronization"); } else { text = tr("Pause synchronization"); } QAction *action = _contextMenu->addAction(text); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotPauseAllFolders); } _contextMenu->addAction(_actionQuit); if (_workaroundShowAndHideTray) { _tray->show(); } } void ownCloudGui::updateContextMenuNeeded() { // if it's visible and we can update live: update now if (contextMenuVisible() && updateWhileVisible()) { // Note: don't update while visible on OSX // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54845 updateContextMenu(); return; } // if we can't lazily update: update later if (_workaroundNoAboutToShowUpdate) { // Note: don't update immediately even in the invisible case // as that can lead to extremely frequent menu updates if (!_delayedTrayUpdateTimer.isActive()) { _delayedTrayUpdateTimer.start(); } return; } } void ownCloudGui::slotShowTrayMessage(const QString &title, const QString &msg) { if (_tray) _tray->showMessage(title, msg); else qCWarning(lcApplication) << "Tray not ready: " << msg; } void ownCloudGui::slotShowOptionalTrayMessage(const QString &title, const QString &msg) { slotShowTrayMessage(title, msg); } /* * open the folder with the given Alias */ void ownCloudGui::slotFolderOpenAction(const QString &alias) { Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(alias); if (f) { qCInfo(lcApplication) << "opening local url " << f->path(); QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(f->path()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // work around a bug in QDesktopServices on Win32, see i-net QString filePath = f->path(); if (filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("\\\\")) || filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("//"))) url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath)); else url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath); #endif QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } } void ownCloudGui::setupActions() { _actionStatus = new QAction(tr("Unknown status"), this); _actionStatus->setEnabled(false); _navLinksMenu = new QMenu(tr("Apps")); _navLinksMenu->setEnabled(false); _actionSettings = new QAction(tr("Settings …"), this); _actionNewAccountWizard = new QAction(tr("New account …"), this); _actionRecent = new QAction(tr("View more activity …"), this); _actionRecent->setEnabled(true); QObject::connect(_actionRecent, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotShowSyncProtocol); QObject::connect(_actionSettings, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotShowSettings); QObject::connect(_actionNewAccountWizard, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotNewAccountWizard); _actionHelp = new QAction(tr("Help"), this); QObject::connect(_actionHelp, &QAction::triggered, this, &ownCloudGui::slotHelp); _actionQuit = new QAction(tr("Quit %1").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()), this); QObject::connect(_actionQuit, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), _app, SLOT(quit())); if (_app->debugMode()) { _actionCrash = new QAction(tr("Crash now", "Only shows in debug mode to allow testing the crash handler"), this); connect(_actionCrash, &QAction::triggered, _app, &Application::slotCrash); } else { _actionCrash = nullptr; } } void ownCloudGui::slotEtagResponseHeaderReceived(const QByteArray &value, int statusCode){ if(statusCode == 200){ qCDebug(lcApplication) << "New navigation apps ETag Response Header received " << value; auto account = qvariant_cast(sender()->property(propertyAccountC)); account->setNavigationAppsEtagResponseHeader(value); } } void ownCloudGui::fetchNavigationApps(AccountStatePtr account){ OcsNavigationAppsJob *job = new OcsNavigationAppsJob(account->account()); job->setProperty(propertyAccountC, QVariant::fromValue(account)); job->addRawHeader("If-None-Match", account->navigationAppsEtagResponseHeader()); connect(job, &OcsNavigationAppsJob::appsJobFinished, this, &ownCloudGui::slotNavigationAppsFetched); connect(job, &OcsNavigationAppsJob::etagResponseHeaderReceived, this, &ownCloudGui::slotEtagResponseHeaderReceived); connect(job, &OcsNavigationAppsJob::ocsError, this, &ownCloudGui::slotOcsError); job->getNavigationApps(); } void ownCloudGui::buildNavigationAppsMenu(AccountStatePtr account, QMenu *accountMenu){ auto navLinks = _navApps.value(account); _navLinksMenu->clear(); _navLinksMenu->setEnabled(navLinks.size() > 0); if(navLinks.size() > 0){ // when there is only one account add the nav links above the settings QAction *actionBefore = _actionSettings; // when there is more than one account add the nav links above pause/unpause folder or logout action if(AccountManager::instance()->accounts().size() > 1){ foreach(QAction *action, accountMenu->actions()){ // pause/unpause folder and logout actions have propertyAccountC if(auto actionAccount = qvariant_cast(action->property(propertyAccountC))){ if(actionAccount == account){ actionBefore = action; break; } } } } // Create submenu with links foreach (const QJsonValue &value, navLinks) { auto navLink = value.toObject(); QAction *action = new QAction(navLink.value("name").toString(), this); QUrl href(navLink.value("href").toString()); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [href] { QDesktopServices::openUrl(href); }); _navLinksMenu->addAction(action); } } } void ownCloudGui::slotNavigationAppsFetched(const QJsonDocument &reply, int statusCode) { if(auto account = qvariant_cast(sender()->property(propertyAccountC))){ if (statusCode == 304) { qCWarning(lcApplication) << "Status code " << statusCode << " Not Modified - No new navigation apps."; } else { if(!reply.isEmpty()){ auto element = reply.object().value("ocs").toObject().value("data"); auto navLinks = element.toArray(); _navApps.insert(account, navLinks); } } // TODO see pull #523 auto accountList = AccountManager::instance()->accounts(); if(accountList.size() > 1){ // the list of apps will be displayed under the account that it belongs to foreach (QMenu *accountMenu, _accountMenus) { if(accountMenu->title() == account->account()->displayName()){ buildNavigationAppsMenu(account, accountMenu); break; } } } else if(accountList.size() == 1){ buildNavigationAppsMenu(account, _contextMenu.data()); } } } void ownCloudGui::slotOcsError(int statusCode, const QString &message) { emit serverError(statusCode, message); } void ownCloudGui::slotRebuildRecentMenus() { _recentActionsMenu->clear(); if (!_recentItemsActions.isEmpty()) { foreach (QAction *a, _recentItemsActions) { _recentActionsMenu->addAction(a); } _recentActionsMenu->addSeparator(); } else { _recentActionsMenu->addAction(tr("No items synced recently"))->setEnabled(false); } // add a more... entry. _recentActionsMenu->addAction(_actionRecent); } /// Returns true if the completion of a given item should show up in the /// 'Recent Activity' menu static bool shouldShowInRecentsMenu(const SyncFileItem &item) { return !Progress::isIgnoredKind(item._status) && item._instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_EVAL && item._instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE; } void ownCloudGui::slotUpdateProgress(const QString &folder, const ProgressInfo &progress) { Q_UNUSED(folder); if (progress.status() == ProgressInfo::Discovery) { if (!progress._currentDiscoveredRemoteFolder.isEmpty()) { _actionStatus->setText(tr("Checking for changes in remote '%1'") .arg(progress._currentDiscoveredRemoteFolder)); } else if (!progress._currentDiscoveredLocalFolder.isEmpty()) { _actionStatus->setText(tr("Checking for changes in local '%1'") .arg(progress._currentDiscoveredLocalFolder)); } } else if (progress.status() == ProgressInfo::Done) { QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, &ownCloudGui::slotComputeOverallSyncStatus); } if (progress.status() != ProgressInfo::Propagation) { return; } if (progress.totalSize() == 0) { quint64 currentFile = progress.currentFile(); quint64 totalFileCount = qMax(progress.totalFiles(), currentFile); QString msg; if (progress.trustEta()) { msg = tr("Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left)") .arg(currentFile) .arg(totalFileCount) .arg(Utility::durationToDescriptiveString2(progress.totalProgress().estimatedEta)); } else { msg = tr("Syncing %1 of %2") .arg(currentFile) .arg(totalFileCount); } _actionStatus->setText(msg); } else { QString totalSizeStr = Utility::octetsToString(progress.totalSize()); QString msg; if (progress.trustEta()) { msg = tr("Syncing %1 (%2 left)") .arg(totalSizeStr, Utility::durationToDescriptiveString2(progress.totalProgress().estimatedEta)); } else { msg = tr("Syncing %1") .arg(totalSizeStr); } _actionStatus->setText(msg); } _actionRecent->setIcon(QIcon()); // Fixme: Set a "in-progress"-item eventually. if (!progress._lastCompletedItem.isEmpty() && shouldShowInRecentsMenu(progress._lastCompletedItem)) { if (Progress::isWarningKind(progress._lastCompletedItem._status)) { // display a warn icon if warnings happened. QIcon warnIcon(":/client/resources/warning"); _actionRecent->setIcon(warnIcon); } QString kindStr = Progress::asResultString(progress._lastCompletedItem); QString timeStr = QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm"); QString actionText = tr("%1 (%2, %3)").arg(progress._lastCompletedItem._file, kindStr, timeStr); QAction *action = new QAction(actionText, this); Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(folder); if (f) { QString fullPath = f->path() + '/' + progress._lastCompletedItem._file; if (QFile(fullPath).exists()) { connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, fullPath] { this->slotOpenPath(fullPath); }); } else { action->setEnabled(false); } } if (_recentItemsActions.length() > 5) { _recentItemsActions.takeFirst()->deleteLater(); } _recentItemsActions.append(action); // Update the "Recent" menu if the context menu is being shown, // otherwise it'll be updated later, when the context menu is opened. if (updateWhileVisible() && contextMenuVisible()) { slotRebuildRecentMenus(); } } } void ownCloudGui::slotLogin() { if (auto account = qvariant_cast(sender()->property(propertyAccountC))) { account->account()->resetRejectedCertificates(); account->signIn(); } else { auto list = AccountManager::instance()->accounts(); foreach (const auto &a, list) { a->signIn(); } } } void ownCloudGui::slotLogout() { auto list = AccountManager::instance()->accounts(); if (auto account = qvariant_cast(sender()->property(propertyAccountC))) { list.clear(); list.append(account); } foreach (const auto &ai, list) { ai->signOutByUi(); } } void ownCloudGui::slotUnpauseAllFolders() { setPauseOnAllFoldersHelper(false); } void ownCloudGui::slotPauseAllFolders() { setPauseOnAllFoldersHelper(true); } void ownCloudGui::slotNewAccountWizard() { OwncloudSetupWizard::runWizard(qApp, SLOT(slotownCloudWizardDone(int))); } void ownCloudGui::setPauseOnAllFoldersHelper(bool pause) { QList accounts; if (auto account = qvariant_cast(sender()->property(propertyAccountC))) { accounts.append(account.data()); } else { foreach (auto a, AccountManager::instance()->accounts()) { accounts.append(a.data()); } } foreach (Folder *f, FolderMan::instance()->map()) { if (accounts.contains(f->accountState())) { f->setSyncPaused(pause); if (pause) { f->slotTerminateSync(); } } } } void ownCloudGui::slotShowGuiMessage(const QString &title, const QString &message) { QMessageBox *msgBox = new QMessageBox; msgBox->setWindowFlags(msgBox->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); msgBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); msgBox->setText(message); msgBox->setWindowTitle(title); msgBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msgBox->open(); } void ownCloudGui::slotShowSettings() { if (_settingsDialog.isNull()) { _settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog(this); _settingsDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); _settingsDialog->show(); } raiseDialog(_settingsDialog.data()); } void ownCloudGui::slotShowSyncProtocol() { slotShowSettings(); //_settingsDialog->showActivityPage(); } void ownCloudGui::slotShutdown() { // explicitly close windows. This is somewhat of a hack to ensure // that saving the geometries happens ASAP during a OS shutdown // those do delete on close if (!_settingsDialog.isNull()) _settingsDialog->close(); if (!_logBrowser.isNull()) _logBrowser->deleteLater(); } void ownCloudGui::slotToggleLogBrowser() { if (_logBrowser.isNull()) { // init the log browser. _logBrowser = new LogBrowser; // ## TODO: allow new log name maybe? } if (_logBrowser->isVisible()) { _logBrowser->hide(); } else { raiseDialog(_logBrowser); } } void ownCloudGui::slotOpenOwnCloud() { if (auto account = qvariant_cast(sender()->property(propertyAccountC))) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(account->url()); } } void ownCloudGui::slotHelp() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(Theme::instance()->helpUrl())); } void ownCloudGui::raiseDialog(QWidget *raiseWidget) { if (raiseWidget && raiseWidget->parentWidget() == nullptr) { // Qt has a bug which causes parent-less dialogs to pop-under. raiseWidget->showNormal(); raiseWidget->raise(); raiseWidget->activateWindow(); #if defined(Q_OS_X11) WId wid = widget->winId(); NETWM::init(); XEvent e; e.xclient.type = ClientMessage; e.xclient.message_type = NETWM::NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW; e.xclient.display = QX11Info::display(); e.xclient.window = wid; e.xclient.format = 32; e.xclient.data.l[0] = 2; e.xclient.data.l[1] = QX11Info::appTime(); e.xclient.data.l[2] = 0; e.xclient.data.l[3] = 0l; e.xclient.data.l[4] = 0l; Display *display = QX11Info::display(); XSendEvent(display, RootWindow(display, DefaultScreen(display)), False, // propagate SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &e); #endif } } void ownCloudGui::slotShowShareDialog(const QString &sharePath, const QString &localPath, ShareDialogStartPage startPage) { const auto folder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(localPath); if (!folder) { qCWarning(lcApplication) << "Could not open share dialog for" << localPath << "no responsible folder found"; return; } // For https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/3783 _settingsDialog->hide(); const auto accountState = folder->accountState(); const QString file = localPath.mid(folder->cleanPath().length() + 1); SyncJournalFileRecord fileRecord; bool resharingAllowed = true; // lets assume the good if (folder->journalDb()->getFileRecord(file, &fileRecord) && fileRecord.isValid()) { // check the permission: Is resharing allowed? if (!fileRecord._remotePerm.isNull() && !fileRecord._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanReshare)) { resharingAllowed = false; } } // As a first approximation, set the set of permissions that can be granted // either to everything (resharing allowed) or nothing (no resharing). // // The correct value will be found with a propfind from ShareDialog. // (we want to show the dialog directly, not wait for the propfind first) SharePermissions maxSharingPermissions = SharePermissionRead | SharePermissionUpdate | SharePermissionCreate | SharePermissionDelete | SharePermissionShare; if (!resharingAllowed) { maxSharingPermissions = nullptr; } ShareDialog *w = nullptr; if (_shareDialogs.contains(localPath) && _shareDialogs[localPath]) { qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Raising share dialog" << sharePath << localPath; w = _shareDialogs[localPath]; } else { qCInfo(lcApplication) << "Opening share dialog" << sharePath << localPath << maxSharingPermissions; w = new ShareDialog(accountState, sharePath, localPath, maxSharingPermissions, fileRecord.numericFileId(), startPage); w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); _shareDialogs[localPath] = w; connect(w, &QObject::destroyed, this, &ownCloudGui::slotRemoveDestroyedShareDialogs); } raiseDialog(w); } void ownCloudGui::slotRemoveDestroyedShareDialogs() { QMutableMapIterator> it(_shareDialogs); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (!it.value() || it.value() == sender()) { it.remove(); } } } } // end namespace