set( APPLICATION_NAME "Nextcloud" ) set( APPLICATION_SHORTNAME "Nextcloud" ) set( APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE "nextcloud" ) set( APPLICATION_DOMAIN "" ) set( APPLICATION_VENDOR "Nextcloud GmbH" ) set( APPLICATION_UPDATE_URL "" CACHE STRING "URL for updater" ) set( APPLICATION_HELP_URL "" CACHE STRING "URL for the help menu" ) set( APPLICATION_ICON_NAME "Nextcloud" ) set( APPLICATION_SERVER_URL "" CACHE STRING "URL for the server to use. If entered the server can only connect to this instance" ) set( APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN "com.nextcloud.desktopclient" ) set( LINUX_PACKAGE_SHORTNAME "nextcloud" ) set( LINUX_APPLICATION_ID "${APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN}.${LINUX_PACKAGE_SHORTNAME}") set( THEME_CLASS "NextcloudTheme" ) set( WIN_SETUP_BITMAP_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/admin/win/nsi" ) set( MAC_INSTALLER_BACKGROUND_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/admin/osx/installer-background.png" CACHE STRING "The MacOSX installer background image") # set( THEME_INCLUDE "${OEM_THEME_DIR}/mytheme.h" ) # set( APPLICATION_LICENSE "${OEM_THEME_DIR}/license.txt ) option( WITH_CRASHREPORTER "Build crashreporter" OFF ) #set( CRASHREPORTER_SUBMIT_URL "" CACHE STRING "URL for crash reporter" ) #set( CRASHREPORTER_ICON ":/owncloud-icon.png" ) ## Updater options option( BUILD_UPDATER "Build updater" OFF ) option( WITH_PROVIDERS "Build with providers list" ON ) ## Theming options set( APPLICATION_WIZARD_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR "#0082c9" CACHE STRING "Hex color of the wizard header background") set( APPLICATION_WIZARD_HEADER_TITLE_COLOR "#ffffff" CACHE STRING "Hex color of the text in the wizard header") option( APPLICATION_WIZARD_USE_CUSTOM_LOGO "Use the logo from ':/client/theme/colored/wizard_logo.png' else the default application icon is used" ON ) # ## Windows Shell Extensions - IMPORTANT: Generate new GUIDs for custom builds with "guidgen" or "uuidgen" # # Context Menu set( WIN_SHELLEXT_CONTEXT_MENU_GUID "{BC6988AB-ACE2-4B81-84DC-DC34F9B24401}" ) # Overlays set( WIN_SHELLEXT_OVERLAY_GUID_ERROR "{E0342B74-7593-4C70-9D61-22F294AAFE05}" ) set( WIN_SHELLEXT_OVERLAY_GUID_OK "{E1094E94-BE93-4EA2-9639-8475C68F3886}" ) set( WIN_SHELLEXT_OVERLAY_GUID_OK_SHARED "{E243AD85-F71B-496B-B17E-B8091CBE93D2}" ) set( WIN_SHELLEXT_OVERLAY_GUID_SYNC "{E3D6DB20-1D83-4829-B5C9-941B31C0C35A}" ) set( WIN_SHELLEXT_OVERLAY_GUID_WARNING "{E4977F33-F93A-4A0A-9D3C-83DEA0EE8483}" )