/* * This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical * support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for * any purpose. * */ #ifndef MIRALL_TESTFOLDERWATCHER_H #define MIRALL_TESTFOLDERWATCHER_H #include #include "mirall/folderwatcher_linux.h" #include "mirall/utility.h" using namespace Mirall; class TestFolderWatcher : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void slotFolderChanged( const QString& path ) { qDebug() << "COMPARE: " << path << _checkMark; QVERIFY(_checkMark == path); _checkMark.clear(); } void slotEnd() { // in case something goes wrong... _loop.quit(); QVERIFY2(1 == 0, "Loop hang!"); } private: QString _root; FolderWatcher *_watcher; QEventLoop _loop; QTimer _timer; QString _checkMark; private slots: void initTestCase() { qsrand(QTime::currentTime().msec()); _root = QDir::tempPath() + "/" + "test_" + QString::number(qrand()); qDebug() << "creating test directory tree in " << _root; QDir rootDir(_root); rootDir.mkpath(_root + "/a1/b1/c1"); rootDir.mkpath(_root + "/a1/b1/c2"); rootDir.mkpath(_root + "/a1/b2/c1"); rootDir.mkpath(_root + "/a1/b3/c3"); rootDir.mkpath(_root + "/a2/b3/c3"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _root+"/a1/random.bin"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _root+"/a1/b2/todelete.bin"); Utility::writeRandomFile( _root+"/a2/movefile"); _watcher = new FolderWatcher(_root); QObject::connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(folderChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotFolderChanged(QString))); _timer.singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(slotEnd())); } void testACreate() { // create a new file QString cmd; _checkMark = _root; cmd = QString("echo \"xyz\" > %1/foo.txt").arg(_root); qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); _loop.processEvents(); QVERIFY(_checkMark.isEmpty()); // the slot clears the checkmark. } void testATouch() { // touch an existing file. QString cmd; cmd = QString("/usr/bin/touch %1/a1/random.bin").arg(_root); _checkMark = _root+"/a1"; qDebug() << "Command: " << cmd; system(cmd.toLocal8Bit()); _loop.processEvents(); QVERIFY(_checkMark.isEmpty()); // the slot clears the checkmark. } void testCreateADir() { _checkMark = _root+"/a1/b1"; QDir dir; dir.mkdir( _root + "/a1/b1/new_dir"); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(_root + "/a1/b1/new_dir")); _loop.processEvents(); QVERIFY(_checkMark.isEmpty()); // the slot clears the checkmark. } void testRemoveADir() { _checkMark = _root+"/a1/b1"; QDir dir; dir.rmdir(_root+"/a1/b1/c2"); _loop.processEvents(); } void testRemoveAFile() { _checkMark = _root+"/a1/b2"; QVERIFY(QFile::exists(_root+"/a1/b2/todelete.bin")); QFile::remove(_root+"/a1/b2/todelete.bin"); QVERIFY(!QFile::exists(_root+"/a1/b2/todelete.bin")); _loop.processEvents(); QVERIFY(_checkMark.isEmpty()); // the slot clears the checkmark. } void testMoveAFile() { _checkMark = _root+"/a2"; QVERIFY(QFile::exists(_root+"/a2/movefile")); QFile::rename(_root+"/a2/movefile", _root+"/a2/movefile.renamed" ); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(_root+"/a2/movefile.renamed")); _loop.processEvents(); QVERIFY(_checkMark.isEmpty()); // the slot clears the checkmark. } void cleanupTestCase() { if( _root.startsWith(QDir::tempPath() )) { system( QString("rm -rf %1").arg(_root).toLocal8Bit() ); } delete _watcher; } }; #endif