/* * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * Copyright (C) by Krzesimir Nowak * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "wizard/owncloudwizardcommon.h" #include "wizard/owncloudwizard.h" #include "owncloudsetupwizard.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "folderman.h" #include "utility.h" #include "accessmanager.h" #include "account.h" #include "networkjobs.h" #include "sslerrordialog.h" #include "accountmanager.h" #include "creds/credentialsfactory.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" #include "creds/dummycredentials.h" namespace OCC { OwncloudSetupWizard::OwncloudSetupWizard(QObject* parent) : QObject( parent ), _ocWizard(new OwncloudWizard), _remoteFolder() { connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(determineAuthType(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotDetermineAuthType(const QString&))); connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(connectToOCUrl( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT(slotConnectToOCUrl( const QString& ))); connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(createLocalAndRemoteFolders(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(slotCreateLocalAndRemoteFolders(QString, QString))); /* basicSetupFinished might be called from a reply from the network. slotAssistantFinished might destroy the temporary QNetworkAccessManager. Therefore Qt::QueuedConnection is required */ connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(basicSetupFinished(int)), this, SLOT(slotAssistantFinished(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(deleteLater())); connect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(skipFolderConfiguration()), SLOT(slotSkipFolderConfiguration())); } OwncloudSetupWizard::~OwncloudSetupWizard() { _ocWizard->deleteLater(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::runWizard(QObject* obj, const char* amember, QWidget *parent) { static QPointer wiz; if (!wiz.isNull()) { return; } wiz = new OwncloudSetupWizard(parent); connect( wiz, SIGNAL(ownCloudWizardDone(int)), obj, amember); FolderMan::instance()->setSyncEnabled(false); wiz->startWizard(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::startWizard() { AccountPtr account = AccountManager::createAccount(); account->setCredentials(CredentialsFactory::create("dummy")); _ocWizard->setAccount(account); _ocWizard->setOCUrl(account->url().toString()); _remoteFolder = Theme::instance()->defaultServerFolder(); // remoteFolder may be empty, which means / QString localFolder = Theme::instance()->defaultClientFolder(); // if its a relative path, prepend with users home dir, otherwise use as absolute path if( !QDir(localFolder).isAbsolute() ) { localFolder = QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + localFolder; } _ocWizard->setProperty("oldLocalFolder", localFolder); _ocWizard->setProperty("localFolder", localFolder); // remember the local folder to compare later if it changed, but clean first QString lf = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(localFolder); if( !lf.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { lf.append(QLatin1Char('/')); } _initLocalFolder = lf; _ocWizard->setRemoteFolder(_remoteFolder); _ocWizard->setStartId(WizardCommon::Page_ServerSetup); _ocWizard->restart(); _ocWizard->open(); _ocWizard->raise(); } // also checks if an installation is valid and determines auth type in a second step void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotDetermineAuthType(const QString &urlString) { QString fixedUrl = urlString; QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(fixedUrl); // fromUserInput defaults to http, not http if no scheme is specified if (!fixedUrl.startsWith("http://") && !fixedUrl.startsWith("https://")) { url.setScheme("https"); } AccountPtr account = _ocWizard->account(); account->setUrl(url); // Reset the proxy which might had been determined previously in ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth() // when there was a previous account. account->networkAccessManager()->setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy)); // Set fake credentials beforfe we check what credential it actually is. account->setCredentials(CredentialsFactory::create("dummy")); CheckServerJob *job = new CheckServerJob(_ocWizard->account(), this); job->setIgnoreCredentialFailure(true); connect(job, SIGNAL(instanceFound(QUrl,QVariantMap)), SLOT(slotOwnCloudFoundAuth(QUrl,QVariantMap))); connect(job, SIGNAL(instanceNotFound(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFoundAuth(QNetworkReply*))); connect(job, SIGNAL(timeout(const QUrl&)), SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFoundAuthTimeout(const QUrl&))); job->setTimeout(10*1000); job->start(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotOwnCloudFoundAuth(const QUrl& url, const QVariantMap &info) { _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("Successfully connected to %1: %2 version %3 (%4)

") .arg(url.toString()) .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()) .arg(CheckServerJob::versionString(info)) .arg(CheckServerJob::version(info))); QString p = url.path(); if (p.endsWith("/status.php")) { // We might be redirected, update the account QUrl redirectedUrl = url; redirectedUrl.setPath(url.path().left(url.path().length() - 11)); _ocWizard->account()->setUrl(redirectedUrl); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " was redirected to" << redirectedUrl.toString(); } DetermineAuthTypeJob *job = new DetermineAuthTypeJob(_ocWizard->account(), this); job->setIgnoreCredentialFailure(true); connect(job, SIGNAL(authType(WizardCommon::AuthType)), _ocWizard, SLOT(setAuthType(WizardCommon::AuthType))); job->start(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotNoOwnCloudFoundAuth(QNetworkReply *reply) { _ocWizard->displayError(tr("Failed to connect to %1 at %2:
%3") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), reply->url().toString(), reply->errorString()), checkDowngradeAdvised(reply)); // Allow the credentials dialog to pop up again for the same URL. // Maybe the user just clicked 'Cancel' by accident or changed his mind. _ocWizard->account()->resetSslCertErrorState(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotNoOwnCloudFoundAuthTimeout(const QUrl&url) { _ocWizard->displayError(tr("Timeout while trying to connect to %1 at %2.") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI(), url.toString()), false); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotConnectToOCUrl( const QString& url ) { qDebug() << "Connect to url: " << url; AbstractCredentials *creds = _ocWizard->getCredentials(); _ocWizard->account()->setCredentials(creds); _ocWizard->setField(QLatin1String("OCUrl"), url ); _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("Trying to connect to %1 at %2...") .arg( Theme::instance()->appNameGUI() ).arg(url) ); testOwnCloudConnect(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::testOwnCloudConnect() { AccountPtr account = _ocWizard->account(); auto *job = new PropfindJob(account, "/", this); job->setIgnoreCredentialFailure(true); job->setProperties(QList() << "getlastmodified"); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(QVariantMap)), _ocWizard, SLOT(successfulStep())); connect(job, SIGNAL(finishedWithError()), this, SLOT(slotAuthError())); job->start(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAuthError() { QString errorMsg; PropfindJob* job = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!job) { qWarning() << "Can't check for authed redirects. This slot should be invoked from PropfindJob!"; return; } QNetworkReply* reply = job->reply(); // If there were redirects on the *authed* requests, also store // the updated server URL, similar to redirects on status.php. QUrl redirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); if (!redirectUrl.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "authed request was redirected to" << redirectUrl.toString(); // strip the expected path QString path = redirectUrl.path(); static QString expectedPath = "/" + _ocWizard->account()->davPath(); if (path.endsWith(expectedPath)) { path.chop(expectedPath.size()); redirectUrl.setPath(path); qDebug() << "setting account url to" << redirectUrl.toString(); _ocWizard->account()->setUrl(redirectUrl); testOwnCloudConnect(); return; } errorMsg = tr("The authenticated request to the server was redirected to " "'%1'. The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured.") .arg(redirectUrl.toString()); // A 404 is actually a success: we were authorized to know that the folder does // not exist. It will be created later... } else if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError) { _ocWizard->successfulStep(); return; // Provide messages for other errors, such as invalid credentials. } else if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { if (!_ocWizard->account()->credentials()->stillValid(reply)) { errorMsg = tr("Access forbidden by server. To verify that you have proper access, " "click here to access the service with your browser.") .arg(_ocWizard->account()->url().toString()); } else { errorMsg = errorMessage(reply->errorString(), reply->readAll()); } // Something else went wrong, maybe the response was 200 but with invalid data. } else { errorMsg = tr("There was an invalid response to an authenticated webdav request"); } _ocWizard->show(); if (_ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_ShibbolethCreds) { _ocWizard->back(); } _ocWizard->displayError(errorMsg, _ocWizard->currentId() == WizardCommon::Page_ServerSetup && checkDowngradeAdvised(reply)); } bool OwncloudSetupWizard::checkDowngradeAdvised(QNetworkReply* reply) { if(reply->url().scheme() != QLatin1String("https")) { return false; } switch (reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: case QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError: case QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError: case QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError: return false; default: break; } // Adhere to HSTS, even though we do not parse it properly if (reply->hasRawHeader("Strict-Transport-Security")) { return false; } return true; } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotCreateLocalAndRemoteFolders(const QString& localFolder, const QString& remoteFolder) { qDebug() << "Setup local sync folder for new oC connection " << localFolder; const QDir fi( localFolder ); bool nextStep = true; if( fi.exists() ) { // there is an existing local folder. If its non empty, it can only be synced if the // ownCloud is newly created. _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("Local sync folder %1 already exists, setting it up for sync.

").arg(localFolder)); } else { QString res = tr("Creating local sync folder %1...").arg(localFolder); if( fi.mkpath( localFolder ) ) { Utility::setupFavLink( localFolder ); // FIXME: Create a local sync folder. res += tr("ok"); } else { res += tr("failed."); qDebug() << "Failed to create " << fi.path(); _ocWizard->displayError(tr("Could not create local folder %1").arg(localFolder), false); nextStep = false; } _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( res ); } if (nextStep) { EntityExistsJob *job = new EntityExistsJob(_ocWizard->account(), _ocWizard->account()->davPath() + remoteFolder, this); connect(job, SIGNAL(exists(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(slotRemoteFolderExists(QNetworkReply*))); job->start(); } else { finalizeSetup( false ); } } // ### TODO move into EntityExistsJob once we decide if/how to return gui strings from jobs void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotRemoteFolderExists(QNetworkReply *reply) { bool ok = true; QString error; QNetworkReply::NetworkError errId = reply->error(); if( errId == QNetworkReply::NoError ) { qDebug() << "******** Remote folder found, all cool!"; } else if( errId == QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError ) { if( _remoteFolder.isEmpty() ) { error = tr("No remote folder specified!"); ok = false; } else { createRemoteFolder(); } } else { error = tr("Error: %1").arg(reply->errorString()); ok = false; } if( !ok ) { _ocWizard->displayError(error, false); } finalizeSetup( ok ); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::createRemoteFolder() { _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("creating folder on ownCloud: %1" ).arg( _remoteFolder )); MkColJob *job = new MkColJob(_ocWizard->account(), _remoteFolder, this); connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), SLOT(slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); job->start(); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished( QNetworkReply::NetworkError error ) { qDebug() << "** webdav mkdir request finished " << error; // disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(webdavColCreated(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), // this, SLOT(slotCreateRemoteFolderFinished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); bool success = true; if( error == QNetworkReply::NoError ) { _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("Remote folder %1 created successfully.").arg(_remoteFolder)); } else if( error == 202 ) { _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("The remote folder %1 already exists. Connecting it for syncing.").arg(_remoteFolder)); } else if( error > 202 && error < 300 ) { _ocWizard->displayError( tr("The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1").arg((int)error ), false); _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1").arg((int)error) ); } else if( error == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError ) { _ocWizard->displayError( tr("The remote folder creation failed because the provided credentials " "are wrong!" "
Please go back and check your credentials.

"), false); _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("

Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong." "
Please go back and check your credentials.

")); _remoteFolder.clear(); success = false; } else { _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("Remote folder %1 creation failed with error %2.").arg(_remoteFolder).arg(error)); _ocWizard->displayError( tr("Remote folder %1 creation failed with error %2.").arg(_remoteFolder).arg(error), false ); _remoteFolder.clear(); success = false; } finalizeSetup( success ); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::finalizeSetup( bool success ) { // enable/disable the finish button. _ocWizard->enableFinishOnResultWidget(success); const QString localFolder = _ocWizard->property("localFolder").toString(); if( success ) { if( !(localFolder.isEmpty() || _remoteFolder.isEmpty() )) { _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( tr("A sync connection from %1 to remote directory %2 was set up.") .arg(localFolder).arg(_remoteFolder)); } _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( QLatin1String(" ")); _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog( QLatin1String("

") + tr("Successfully connected to %1!") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()) + QLatin1String("

")); _ocWizard->successfulStep(); } else { // ### this is not quite true, pass in the real problem as optional parameter _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(QLatin1String("

") + tr("Connection to %1 could not be established. Please check again.") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()) + QLatin1String("

")); } } bool OwncloudSetupWizard::ensureStartFromScratch(const QString &localFolder) { // first try to rename (backup) the current local dir. bool renameOk = false; while( !renameOk ) { renameOk = FolderMan::instance()->startFromScratch(localFolder); if( ! renameOk ) { QMessageBox::StandardButton but; but = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Folder rename failed"), tr("Can't remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program." " Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup."), QMessageBox::Retry | QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Retry); if( but == QMessageBox::Abort ) { break; } } } return renameOk; } // Method executed when the user ends has finished the basic setup. void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAssistantFinished( int result ) { FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance(); if( result == QDialog::Rejected ) { qDebug() << "Rejected the new config, use the old!"; } else if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) { // This may or may not wipe all folder definitions, depending // on whether a new account is activated or the existing one // is changed. auto account = applyAccountChanges(); QString localFolder = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(_ocWizard->localFolder()); if( !localFolder.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { localFolder.append(QLatin1Char('/')); } bool startFromScratch = _ocWizard->field("OCSyncFromScratch").toBool(); if (!startFromScratch || ensureStartFromScratch(localFolder)) { qDebug() << "Adding folder definition for" << localFolder << _remoteFolder; FolderDefinition folderDefinition; auto alias = Theme::instance()->appName(); int count = 0; folderDefinition.alias = alias; while (folderMan->folder(folderDefinition.alias)) { // There is already a folder configured with this name and folder names need to be unique folderDefinition.alias = alias + QString::number(++count); } folderDefinition.localPath = localFolder; folderDefinition.targetPath = _remoteFolder; folderDefinition.ignoreHiddenFiles = folderMan->ignoreHiddenFiles(); auto f = folderMan->addFolder(account, folderDefinition); if (f) { f->journalDb()->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, _ocWizard->selectiveSyncBlacklist()); // The user already accepted the selective sync dialog. everything is in the white list f->journalDb()->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncWhiteList, QStringList() << QLatin1String("/")); } _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("Local sync folder %1 successfully created!").arg(localFolder)); } } // notify others. emit ownCloudWizardDone( result ); } void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotSkipFolderConfiguration() { applyAccountChanges(); disconnect( _ocWizard, SIGNAL(basicSetupFinished(int)), this, SLOT(slotAssistantFinished(int)) ); _ocWizard->close(); emit ownCloudWizardDone( QDialog::Accepted ); } AccountState *OwncloudSetupWizard::applyAccountChanges() { AccountPtr newAccount = _ocWizard->account(); auto manager = AccountManager::instance(); auto newState = manager->addAccount(newAccount); manager->save(); return newState; } DetermineAuthTypeJob::DetermineAuthTypeJob(AccountPtr account, QObject *parent) : AbstractNetworkJob(account, QString(), parent) , _redirects(0) { } void DetermineAuthTypeJob::start() { QNetworkReply *reply = getRequest(account()->davPath()); setReply(reply); setupConnections(reply); AbstractNetworkJob::start(); } bool DetermineAuthTypeJob::finished() { QUrl redirection = reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << redirection.toString(); if (_redirects >= maxRedirects()) { redirection.clear(); } if ((reply()->error() == QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError) || redirection.isEmpty()) { emit authType(WizardCommon::HttpCreds); } else if (redirection.toString().endsWith(account()->davPath())) { // do a new run _redirects++; resetTimeout(); setReply(getRequest(redirection)); setupConnections(reply()); return false; // don't discard } else { QRegExp shibbolethyWords("SAML|wayf"); shibbolethyWords.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (redirection.toString().contains(shibbolethyWords)) { emit authType(WizardCommon::Shibboleth); } else { // TODO: Send an error. // eh? emit authType(WizardCommon::HttpCreds); } } return true; } } // namespace OCC