cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(mirall) set(PACKAGE "mirall") set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) include(Warnings) set(OEM_THEME_DIR "" CACHE STRING "Define directory containing a custom theme") if ( EXISTS ${OEM_THEME_DIR}/OEM.cmake ) include ( ${OEM_THEME_DIR}/OEM.cmake ) else () include ( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/OWNCLOUD.cmake ) endif() include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/VERSION.cmake) configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/mirall/ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/mirall/version.h" ) include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/mirall/") include(GNUInstallDirs) include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_revision(GIT_REFSPEC GIT_SHA1) # if we cannot get it from git, directly try .tag (packages) # this will work if the tar balls have been properly created # via git-archive. if (${GIT_SHA1} STREQUAL "GITDIR-NOTFOUND") file(READ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.tag sha1_candidate) string(REPLACE "\n" "" sha1_candidate ${sha1_candidate}) if (NOT ${sha1_candidate} STREQUAL "$Format:%H$") message("${sha1_candidate}") set (GIT_SHA1 "${sha1_candidate}") endif() endif() ## stupid, we should upstream this if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "/usr" AND NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR "/etc") endif() ##### ## handle BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE # BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE was not initialized OR set to true on OSX if(APPLE AND (NOT DEFINED BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE OR BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE)) set(BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE ON) set(OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE "${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}.app") # BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE was disabled on OSX elseif(APPLE AND NOT BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Building in non-bundle mode on OSX is currently not supported. Comment this error out if you want to work on/test it.") # any other platform else() set(BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE OFF) endif() ##### ##### ## handle DBUS for Fdo notifications if( UNIX AND NOT APPLE ) add_definitions( -DUSE_FDO_NOTIFICATIONS) endif() #### #### find libs find_package(Qt4 4.7.0 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtXml QtNetwork QtTest QtWebkit REQUIRED ) if( UNIX AND NOT APPLE ) # Fdo notifications find_package(Qt4 4.7.0 COMPONENTS QtDBus REQUIRED ) endif() find_package(Csync REQUIRED) if(UNIX) find_package(INotify REQUIRED) else() find_package(INotify) endif() find_package(Sphinx) find_package(PdfLatex) find_package(QtKeychain) set(WITH_QTKEYCHAIN ${QTKEYCHAIN_FOUND}) set(USE_INOTIFY ${INOTIFY_FOUND}) configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) set(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES # hidden files "/\\\\..+$" # temporary files "\\\\.swp$" # backup files "~$" # others "\\\\.#" "/#" "/build/" "/_build/" # used before "\\\\.o$" "\\\\.lo$" "\\\\.la$" "Makefile\\\\.in$" ) include(OwnCloudCPack.cmake) add_definitions(-DUNICODE) add_definitions(-D_UNICODE) # Handle Translations, pick all mirall_* files from trans directory. file( GLOB TRANS_FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/translations/mirall_*.ts) set(TRANSLATIONS ${TRANS_FILES}) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(doc) if(UNIT_TESTING) include(CTest) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(test) endif(UNIT_TESTING) if(BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE) configure_file(sync-exclude.lst ${OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE}/Contents/Resources/sync-exclude.lst COPYONLY) else() install( FILES sync-exclude.lst DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR} ) endif()