/* * Copyright (C) by Duncan Mac-Vicar P. * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "mirall/csyncthread.h" #include "mirall/account.h" #include "mirall/mirallconfigfile.h" #include "mirall/theme.h" #include "mirall/logger.h" #include "owncloudpropagator.h" #include "syncjournaldb.h" #include "syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "creds/abstractcredentials.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Mirall { void csyncLogCatcher(int /*verbosity*/, const char */*function*/, const char *buffer, void */*userdata*/) { Logger::instance()->csyncLog( QString::fromUtf8(buffer) ); } /* static variables to hold the credentials */ QMutex CSyncThread::_mutex; QMutex CSyncThread::_syncMutex; CSyncThread::CSyncThread(CSYNC *csync, const QString &localPath, const QString &remotePath, SyncJournalDb *journal) { _mutex.lock(); _localPath = localPath; _remotePath = remotePath; _csync_ctx = csync; _journal = journal; _mutex.unlock(); qRegisterMetaType("SyncFileItem"); qRegisterMetaType("SyncFileItem::Status"); } CSyncThread::~CSyncThread() { } //Convert an error code from csync to a user readable string. // Keep that function thread safe as it can be called from the sync thread or the main thread QString CSyncThread::csyncErrorToString(CSYNC_STATUS err) { QString errStr; switch( err ) { case CSYNC_STATUS_OK: errStr = tr("Success."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_NO_LOCK: errStr = tr("CSync failed to create a lock file."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_STATEDB_LOAD_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to load the state db."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_STATEDB_WRITE_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to write the state db."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_NO_MODULE: errStr = tr("

The %1 plugin for csync could not be loaded.
Please verify the installation!

").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_TIMESKEW: errStr = tr("The system time on this client is different than the system time on the server. " "Please use a time synchronization service (NTP) on the server and client machines " "so that the times remain the same."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_FILESYSTEM_UNKNOWN: errStr = tr("CSync could not detect the filesystem type."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_TREE_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync got an error while processing internal trees."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_MEMORY_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to reserve memory."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_PARAM_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync fatal parameter error."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_UPDATE_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync processing step update failed."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_RECONCILE_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync processing step reconcile failed."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_PROPAGATE_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync processing step propagate failed."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_REMOTE_ACCESS_ERROR: errStr = tr("

The target directory does not exist.

Please check the sync setup.

"); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_REMOTE_CREATE_ERROR: case CSYNC_STATUS_REMOTE_STAT_ERROR: errStr = tr("A remote file can not be written. Please check the remote access."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_LOCAL_CREATE_ERROR: case CSYNC_STATUS_LOCAL_STAT_ERROR: errStr = tr("The local filesystem can not be written. Please check permissions."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_PROXY_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to connect through a proxy."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync could not authenticate at the proxy."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_LOOKUP_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to lookup proxy or server."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_SERVER_AUTH_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to authenticate at the %1 server.").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_CONNECT_ERROR: errStr = tr("CSync failed to connect to the network."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_TIMEOUT: errStr = tr("A network connection timeout happend."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_HTTP_ERROR: errStr = tr("A HTTP transmission error happened."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED: errStr = tr("CSync failed due to not handled permission deniend."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: errStr = tr("CSync failed to access "); // filename gets added. break; case CSYNC_STATUS_FILE_EXISTS: errStr = tr("CSync tried to create a directory that already exists."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_OUT_OF_SPACE: errStr = tr("CSync: No space on %1 server available.").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: errStr = tr("CSync: No space on %1 server available.").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL: errStr = tr("CSync unspecified error."); break; case CSYNC_STATUS_ABORTED: errStr = tr("Aborted by the user"); break; default: errStr = tr("An internal error number %1 happend.").arg( (int) err ); } return errStr; } bool CSyncThread::checkBlacklisting( SyncFileItem *item ) { bool re = false; if( !_journal ) { qWarning() << "Journal is undefined!"; return false; } SyncJournalBlacklistRecord entry = _journal->blacklistEntry(item->_file); item->_blacklistedInDb = false; // if there is a valid entry in the blacklist table and the retry count is // already null or smaller than 0, the file is blacklisted. if( entry.isValid() ) { if( entry._retryCount <= 0 ) { re = true; item->_blacklistedInDb = true; } // if the retryCount is 0, but the etag has changed, it is tried again // note that if the retryCount is -1 we never try again. if( entry._retryCount == 0 ) { if( item->_etag.isEmpty() || entry._lastTryEtag.isEmpty() ) { // compare the mtimes. if(entry._lastTryModtime != item->_modtime) { re = false; qDebug() << item->_file << " is blacklisted, but has changed mtime!"; } } else { if( entry._lastTryEtag != item->_etag) { re = false; qDebug() << item->_file << " is blacklisted, but has changed etag!"; } } } if( re ) { qDebug() << "Item is on blacklist: " << entry._file << "retries:" << entry._retryCount; item->_blacklistedInDb = true; item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE; item->_errorString = tr("The item is not synced because it is on the blacklist."); slotProgressProblem( Progress::SoftError, *item ); } } return re; } int CSyncThread::treewalkLocal( TREE_WALK_FILE* file, void *data ) { return static_cast(data)->treewalkFile( file, false ); } int CSyncThread::treewalkRemote( TREE_WALK_FILE* file, void *data ) { return static_cast(data)->treewalkFile( file, true ); } int CSyncThread::treewalkFile( TREE_WALK_FILE *file, bool remote ) { if( ! file ) return -1; SyncFileItem item; item._file = QString::fromUtf8( file->path ); item._originalFile = item._file; item._instruction = file->instruction; item._dir = SyncFileItem::None; item._fileId = QString::fromUtf8(file->file_id); // record the seen files to be able to clean the journal later _seenFiles[item._file] = QString(); if(file->error_string) { item._errorString = QString::fromUtf8(file->error_string); } item._isDirectory = file->type == CSYNC_FTW_TYPE_DIR; item._modtime = file->modtime; item._etag = file->etag; item._size = file->size; item._should_update_etag = file->should_update_etag; SyncFileItem::Direction dir; int re = 0; // check for blacklisting of this item. // if the item is on blacklist, the instruction was set to IGNORE checkBlacklisting( &item ); if (file->instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE && file->instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) { _hasFiles = true; } switch(file->instruction) { case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE: break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: _progressInfo.overall_file_count++; _progressInfo.overall_transmission_size += file->size; //fall trough default: _needsUpdate = true; } switch(file->instruction) { case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATED: // We need to update the database. _journal->setFileRecord(SyncJournalFileRecord(item, _localPath + item._file)); item._instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE; // fall trough case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE: if (item._isDirectory && remote) { // Because we want still to update etags of directories dir = SyncFileItem::None; } else { // No need to do anything. return re; } break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME: dir = !remote ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up; item._renameTarget = QString::fromUtf8( file->rename_path ); if (item._isDirectory) _renamedFolders.insert(item._file, item._renameTarget); break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE: dir = !remote ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR: // slotProgressProblem(Progress::SoftError, item ); dir = SyncFileItem::None; break; case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_EVAL: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_STAT_ERROR: case CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_DELETED: default: dir = remote ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up; break; } switch( file->type ) { case CSYNC_FTW_TYPE_DIR: item._type = SyncFileItem::Directory; break; case CSYNC_FTW_TYPE_FILE: item._type = SyncFileItem::File; break; case CSYNC_FTW_TYPE_SLINK: item._type = SyncFileItem::SoftLink; break; default: item._type = SyncFileItem::UnknownType; } item._dir = dir; _syncedItems.append(item); return re; } void CSyncThread::handleSyncError(CSYNC *ctx, const char *state) { CSYNC_STATUS err = csync_get_status( ctx ); const char *errMsg = csync_get_status_string( ctx ); QString errStr = csyncErrorToString(err); if( errMsg ) { if( !errStr.endsWith(" ")) { errStr.append(" "); } errStr += QString::fromUtf8(errMsg); } // if there is csyncs url modifier in the error message, replace it. if( errStr.contains("ownclouds://") ) errStr.replace("ownclouds://", "https://"); if( errStr.contains("owncloud://") ) errStr.replace("owncloud://", "http://"); qDebug() << " #### ERROR during "<< state << ": " << errStr; if( CSYNC_STATUS_IS_EQUAL( err, CSYNC_STATUS_ABORTED) ) { qDebug() << "Update phase was aborted by user!"; } else if( CSYNC_STATUS_IS_EQUAL( err, CSYNC_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ) || CSYNC_STATUS_IS_EQUAL( err, CSYNC_STATUS_CONNECT_ERROR )) { emit csyncUnavailable(); } else { emit csyncError(errStr); } csync_commit(_csync_ctx); emit finished(); _syncMutex.unlock(); thread()->quit(); } void CSyncThread::startSync() { if (!_syncMutex.tryLock()) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "WARNING: Another sync seems to be running. Not starting a new one."; return; } if( ! _csync_ctx ) { qDebug() << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FAIL: do not have csync_ctx!"; } qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Sync started"; qDebug() << "starting to sync " << qApp->thread() << QThread::currentThread(); _syncedItems.clear(); _mutex.lock(); _needsUpdate = false; if (!_abortRequested.fetchAndAddRelease(0)) { csync_resume(_csync_ctx); } _mutex.unlock(); // maybe move this somewhere else where it can influence a running sync? MirallConfigFile cfg; if (!_journal->exists()) { qDebug() << "=====sync looks new (no DB exists), activating recursive PROPFIND if csync supports it"; bool no_recursive_propfind = false; csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "no_recursive_propfind", &no_recursive_propfind); } else { // retrieve the file count from the db and close it afterwards because // csync_update also opens the database. int fileRecordCount = 0; fileRecordCount = _journal->getFileRecordCount(); _journal->close(); if( fileRecordCount == -1 ) { qDebug() << "No way to create a sync journal!"; emit csyncError(tr("Unable to initialize a sync journal.")); csync_commit(_csync_ctx); emit finished(); _syncMutex.unlock(); thread()->quit(); return; // database creation error! } else if ( fileRecordCount < 50 ) { qDebug() << "=====sync DB has only" << fileRecordCount << "items, enable recursive PROPFIND if csync supports it"; bool no_recursive_propfind = false; csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "no_recursive_propfind", &no_recursive_propfind); } else { qDebug() << "=====sync with existing DB"; } } csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "csync_context", _csync_ctx); csync_set_userdata(_csync_ctx, this); // TODO: This should be a part of this method, but we don't have // any way to get "session_key" module property from csync. Had we // have it, then we could keep this code and remove it from // AbstractCredentials implementations. if (Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account()) { account->credentials()->syncContextPreStart(_csync_ctx); } else { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No default Account object, huh?"; } // if (_lastAuthCookies.length() > 0) { // // Stuff cookies inside csync, then we can avoid the intermediate HTTP 401 reply // // when https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/4042 is merged. // QString cookiesAsString; // foreach(QNetworkCookie c, _lastAuthCookies) { // cookiesAsString += c.name(); // cookiesAsString += '='; // cookiesAsString += c.value(); // cookiesAsString += "; "; // } // csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "session_key", cookiesAsString.to // } // csync_set_auth_callback( _csync_ctx, getauth ); csync_set_log_callback( csyncLogCatcher ); csync_set_log_level( 11 ); _syncTime.start(); QElapsedTimer updateTime; updateTime.start(); qDebug() << "#### Update start #################################################### >>"; if( csync_update(_csync_ctx) < 0 ) { handleSyncError(_csync_ctx, "csync_update"); return; } qDebug() << "<<#### Update end #################################################### " << updateTime.elapsed(); if( csync_reconcile(_csync_ctx) < 0 ) { handleSyncError(_csync_ctx, "csync_reconcile"); return; } slotProgress(Progress::StartSync, SyncFileItem(), 0, 0); _progressInfo = Progress::Info(); _hasFiles = false; bool walkOk = true; _seenFiles.clear(); if( csync_walk_local_tree(_csync_ctx, &treewalkLocal, 0) < 0 ) { qDebug() << "Error in local treewalk."; walkOk = false; } if( walkOk && csync_walk_remote_tree(_csync_ctx, &treewalkRemote, 0) < 0 ) { qDebug() << "Error in remote treewalk."; } // Adjust the paths for the renames. for (SyncFileItemVector::iterator it = _syncedItems.begin(); it != _syncedItems.end(); ++it) { it->_file = adjustRenamedPath(it->_file); } if (!_hasFiles && !_syncedItems.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "All the files are going to be removed, asking the user"; bool cancel = false; emit aboutToRemoveAllFiles(_syncedItems.first()._dir, &cancel); if (cancel) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Abort sync"; return; } } if (_needsUpdate) emit(started()); ne_session_s *session = 0; // that call to set property actually is a get which will return the session // FIXME add a csync_get_module_property to csync csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "get_dav_session", &session); Q_ASSERT(session); _propagator.reset(new OwncloudPropagator (session, _localPath, _remotePath, _journal, &_abortRequested)); connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(completed(SyncFileItem)), this, SLOT(transferCompleted(SyncFileItem)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(progress(Progress::Kind,SyncFileItem,quint64,quint64)), this, SLOT(slotProgress(Progress::Kind,SyncFileItem,quint64,quint64))); connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotFinished())); int downloadLimit = 0; if (cfg.useDownloadLimit()) { downloadLimit = cfg.downloadLimit() * 1000; } _propagator->_downloadLimit = downloadLimit; int uploadLimit = -75; // 75% int useUpLimit = cfg.useUploadLimit(); if ( useUpLimit >= 1) { uploadLimit = cfg.uploadLimit() * 1000; } else if (useUpLimit == 0) { uploadLimit = 0; } _propagator->_uploadLimit = uploadLimit; _propagator->start(_syncedItems); } void CSyncThread::transferCompleted(const SyncFileItem &item) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << item._file << item._status << item._errorString; /* Update the _syncedItems vector */ int idx = _syncedItems.indexOf(item); if (idx >= 0) { _syncedItems[idx]._instruction = item._instruction; _syncedItems[idx]._errorString = item._errorString; _syncedItems[idx]._status = item._status; } else { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Could not find index in synced items!"; } if (item._status == SyncFileItem::FatalError) { emit csyncError(item._errorString); } } void CSyncThread::slotFinished() { // emit the treewalk results. if( ! _journal->postSyncCleanup( _seenFiles ) ) { qDebug() << "Cleaning of synced "; } _journal->commit("All Finished.", false); emit treeWalkResult(_syncedItems); csync_commit(_csync_ctx); qDebug() << "CSync run took " << _syncTime.elapsed() << " Milliseconds"; slotProgress(Progress::EndSync,SyncFileItem(), 0 , 0); emit finished(); _propagator.reset(0); _syncMutex.unlock(); thread()->quit(); } void CSyncThread::slotProgressProblem(Progress::Kind kind, const SyncFileItem& item) { Progress::SyncProblem problem; problem.kind = kind; problem.current_file = item._file; problem.error_message = item._errorString; problem.error_code = item._httpErrorCode; problem.timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // connected to something in folder. emit transmissionProblem( problem ); } void CSyncThread::slotProgress(Progress::Kind kind, const SyncFileItem& item, quint64 curr, quint64 total) { if( kind == Progress::StartSync ) { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); _currentFileNo = 0; } if( kind == Progress::StartDelete || kind == Progress::StartDownload || kind == Progress::StartRename || kind == Progress::StartUpload ) { QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex); _currentFileNo += 1; } Progress::Info pInfo = _progressInfo; pInfo.kind = kind; pInfo.current_file = item._file; pInfo.file_size = total; pInfo.current_file_bytes = curr; pInfo.current_file_no = _currentFileNo; pInfo.overall_current_bytes += curr; pInfo.timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // Connect to something in folder! emit transmissionProgress( pInfo ); } /* Given a path on the remote, give the path as it is when the rename is done */ QString CSyncThread::adjustRenamedPath(const QString& original) { int slashPos = original.size(); while ((slashPos = original.lastIndexOf('/' , slashPos - 1)) > 0) { QHash< QString, QString >::const_iterator it = _renamedFolders.constFind(original.left(slashPos)); if (it != _renamedFolders.constEnd()) { return *it + original.mid(slashPos); } } return original; } void CSyncThread::abort() { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); csync_request_abort(_csync_ctx); _abortRequested = true; } } // ns Mirall