/* * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #pragma once #include "owncloudpropagator.h" #include "networkjobs.h" #include #include #include namespace OCC { class BandwidthManager; /** * @brief The UploadDevice class * @ingroup libsync */ class UploadDevice : public QIODevice { Q_OBJECT public: UploadDevice(BandwidthManager *bwm); ~UploadDevice(); /** Reads the data from the file and opens the device */ bool prepareAndOpen(const QString& fileName, qint64 start, qint64 size); qint64 writeData(const char* , qint64 ) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; qint64 readData(char* data, qint64 maxlen) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool atEnd() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; qint64 size() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; qint64 bytesAvailable() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool isSequential() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool seek ( qint64 pos ) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 4, 2) bool reset() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { emit wasReset(); return QIODevice::reset(); } #endif void setBandwidthLimited(bool); bool isBandwidthLimited() { return _bandwidthLimited; } void setChoked(bool); bool isChoked() { return _choked; } void giveBandwidthQuota(qint64 bwq); signals: #if QT_VERSION < 0x050402 void wasReset(); #endif private: // The file data QByteArray _data; // Position in the data qint64 _read; // Bandwidth manager related QPointer _bandwidthManager; qint64 _bandwidthQuota; qint64 _readWithProgress; bool _bandwidthLimited; // if _bandwidthQuota will be used bool _choked; // if upload is paused (readData() will return 0) friend class BandwidthManager; protected slots: void slotJobUploadProgress(qint64 sent, qint64 t); }; /** * @brief The PUTFileJob class * @ingroup libsync */ class PUTFileJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT private: QScopedPointer _device; QMap _headers; QString _errorString; public: // Takes ownership of the device explicit PUTFileJob(AccountPtr account, const QString& path, QIODevice *device, const QMap &headers, int chunk, QObject* parent = 0) : AbstractNetworkJob(account, path, parent), _device(device), _headers(headers), _chunk(chunk) {} ~PUTFileJob(); int _chunk; virtual void start() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; virtual bool finished() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { emit finishedSignal(); return true; } QString errorString() { return _errorString.isEmpty() ? reply()->errorString() : _errorString; } virtual void slotTimeout() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; signals: void finishedSignal(); void uploadProgress(qint64,qint64); private slots: #if QT_VERSION < 0x050402 void slotSoftAbort(); #endif }; /** * @brief This job implements the asynchronous PUT * * If the server replies to a PUT with a OC-Finish-Poll url, we will query this url until the server * replies with an etag. https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/12097 * @ingroup libsync */ class PollJob : public AbstractNetworkJob { Q_OBJECT SyncJournalDb *_journal; QString _localPath; public: SyncFileItemPtr _item; // Takes ownership of the device explicit PollJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, const SyncFileItemPtr &item, SyncJournalDb *journal, const QString &localPath, QObject *parent) : AbstractNetworkJob(account, path, parent), _journal(journal), _localPath(localPath), _item(item) {} void start() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool finished() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void slotTimeout() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { // emit finishedSignal(false); // deleteLater(); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; reply()->abort(); } signals: void finishedSignal(); }; /** * @brief The PropagateUploadFileQNAM class * @ingroup libsync */ class PropagateUploadFileQNAM : public PropagateItemJob { Q_OBJECT private: /** * That's the start chunk that was stored in the database for resuming. * In the non-resuming case it is 0. * If we are resuming, this is the first chunk we need to send */ int _startChunk; /** * This is the next chunk that we need to send. Starting from 0 even if _startChunk != 0 * (In other words, _startChunk + _currentChunk is really the number of the chunk we need to send next) * (In other words, _currentChunk is the number of the chunk that we already sent or started sending) */ int _currentChunk; int _chunkCount; /// Total number of chunks for this file int _transferId; /// transfer id (part of the url) QElapsedTimer _duration; QVector _jobs; /// network jobs that are currently in transit bool _finished; // Tells that all the jobs have been finished // measure the performance of checksum calc and upload Utility::StopWatch _stopWatch; QByteArray _transmissionChecksum; QByteArray _transmissionChecksumType; bool _deleteExisting; public: PropagateUploadFileQNAM(OwncloudPropagator* propagator,const SyncFileItemPtr& item) : PropagateItemJob(propagator, item), _startChunk(0), _currentChunk(0), _chunkCount(0), _transferId(0), _finished(false), _deleteExisting(false) {} void start() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; /** * Whether an existing entity with the same name may be deleted before * the upload. * * Default: false. */ void setDeleteExisting(bool enabled); private slots: void slotPutFinished(); void slotPollFinished(); void slotUploadProgress(qint64,qint64); void abort() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void startNextChunk(); void finalize(const SyncFileItem&); void slotJobDestroyed(QObject *job); void slotStartUpload(const QByteArray& transmissionChecksumType, const QByteArray& transmissionChecksum); void slotComputeTransmissionChecksum(const QByteArray& contentChecksumType, const QByteArray& contentChecksum); void slotComputeContentChecksum(); private: void startPollJob(const QString& path); void abortWithError(SyncFileItem::Status status, const QString &error); }; }