CloudProviderWrapper %1 (%2, %3) %1 (%2, %3) Checking for changes in '%1' 檢查 '%1' 的變動 Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) 正在同步第%1項,共%2項(剩餘%3項) Syncing %1 of %2 正在同步第%1項,共%2項 Syncing %1 (%2 left) 正在同步%1(剩餘%2項) Syncing %1 正在同步%1 No recently changed files 無在近期更動過的檔案 Sync paused 同步已暫停 Syncing 同步中 Open website 開啟網站 Recently changed 最近的更動 Pause synchronization 暫停同步 Help 說明 Settings 設定 Log out 登出 Quit sync client 退出同步客戶端 FileSystem Could not make directories in trash 無法將目錄移置回收桶 Could not move '%1' to '%2' 無法將%1' 移動至 '%2' Moving to the trash is not implemented on this platform 此平台不具有移至回收桶功能 Flow2AuthCredsPage Browser Authentication 瀏覽器驗證 Please switch to your browser to proceed. 請轉至瀏覽器繼續 An error occurred while connecting. Please try again. 連接時發生錯誤,請重試 Re-open Browser 重新開啟瀏覽器 Copy link 複製連結 Flow2AuthWidget Browser Authentication 瀏覽器驗證 Please switch to your browser to proceed. 請轉至瀏覽器繼續 An error occurred while connecting. Please try again. 連接時發生錯誤,請重試 Re-open Browser 重新開啟瀏覽器 Copy link 複製連結 FolderWizardSourcePage Pick a local folder on your computer to sync 在您的電腦中選擇一個本地資料夾用來同步 &Choose... 選擇 (&C)... FolderWizardTargetPage Select a remote destination folder 選擇一個遠端的目標資料夾 Create Folder 建立資料夾 Refresh 重新整理 Folders 資料夾 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob Connection timed out 連線逾時 Unknown error: network reply was deleted 未知錯誤:網路回覆被刪除 Server replied "%1 %2" to "%3 %4" 伺服器回覆 "%1 %2" 到 "%3 %4" OCC::AccountManager End to end encryption mnemonic 端到端加密助記碼 To protect your Cryptographic Identity, we encrypt it with a mnemonic of 12 dictionary words. Please note these down and keep them safe. They will be needed to add other devices to your account (like your mobile phone or laptop). 為了保護您的身份,我們將用含12個單詞的助記碼進行加密。請將這些單詞記在一個安全的地方。要將其他裝置(如手機或手提電腦)加入您的帳戶中,需用到此助記碼。 OCC::AccountSettings Storage space: ... 儲存空間容量: ... Unchecked folders will be <b>removed</b> from your local file system and will not be synchronized to this computer anymore 未標示的資料夾將會從這台電腦被 <b>刪除</b> 而且不會再被同步到這台電腦 Synchronize all 全部同步 Synchronize none 全部不同步 Apply manual changes 套用手動改變 Apply 套用 Cancel 取消 Connected with <server> as <user> 以 <user> 的身分連接 <server> No account configured. 沒有設置帳號。 Add new 新增 Remove 移除 Account 帳號 This account supports end-to-end encryption 此帳戶支援端點對端點加密 Enable encryption 啟用加密 Show E2E mnemonic 顯示端到端助記碼 Encrypt 加密 Edit Ignored Files 編輯要忽視的檔案 Choose what to sync 選擇要同步的項目 Force sync now 強制同步 Restart sync 重新啟動同步 Remove folder sync connection 移除資料夾同步連線 Folder creation failed 資料夾建立失敗 <p>Could not create local folder <i>%1</i>. <p>無法建立本地資料夾 <i>%1</i> Confirm Folder Sync Connection Removal 確認移除資料夾同步連線 Remove Folder Sync Connection 移除資料夾同步連線 Sync Running 正在同步中 The syncing operation is running.<br/>Do you want to terminate it? 正在同步中<br/>你真的想要中斷? %1 in use %1 正在使用 %1 as <i>%2</i> %1 如 <i>%2<i> The server version %1 is old and unsupported! Proceed at your own risk. 伺服器版本%1過舊,已不支援。繼續的風險請自負。 Connected to %1. 已連線到 %1 Server %1 is temporarily unavailable. 伺服器 %1 暫時無法使用。 Server %1 is currently in maintenance mode. 伺服器 %1 現正處於維護模式 Signed out from %1. 從 %1 登出 Obtaining authorization from the browser. <a href='%1'>Click here</a> to re-open the browser. 正從瀏覽器獲取許可。如須重新開啟瀏覽器,請<a href='%1'>點擊此處</a>。 Connecting to %1... 正在連接到%1 ... No connection to %1 at %2. 沒有從 %2 連線到 %1 Log in 登入 There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big: 有部份的資料夾因為容量太大沒有辦法同步: There are folders that were not synchronized because they are external storages: 有部分資料夾因為是外部存儲沒有辦法同步: There are folders that were not synchronized because they are too big or external storages: 有部分資料夾因為容量太大或是外部存儲沒有辦法同步: Confirm Account Removal 確認移除帳號 <p>Do you really want to remove the connection to the account <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您確定要中斷此帳號 <i>%1</i> 的連線?</p><p><b>注意:</b>此操作 <b>不會</b> 刪除任何的檔案。</p> Remove connection 移除連線 Open folder 開啟資料夾 Log out 登出 Resume sync 繼續同步 Pause sync 暫停同步 <p>Do you really want to stop syncing the folder <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>Note:</b> This will <b>not</b> delete any files.</p> <p>您確定要停止同步資料夾 <i>%1</i>?</p><p><b>注意:</b> 此操作 <b>不會</b> 刪除任何檔案</p> %1 (%3%) of %2 in use. Some folders, including network mounted or shared folders, might have different limits. %1 (%3%) 中的 %2 正在使用, 有些資料夾,包括網路掛載或分享資料夾,可能有不同的限制。 %1 of %2 in use 已使用 %2 中的 %1% Currently there is no storage usage information available. 目前無法查詢儲存空間使用資訊。 No %1 connection configured. 沒有 %1 連線設置。 OCC::AccountState Signed out 已登出 Disconnected 已經離線 Connected 已連線 Service unavailable 服務無法使用 Maintenance mode 維護模式 Network error 網路異常 Configuration error 設定錯誤 Asking Credentials 正在詢問憑證 Unknown account state 未知的帳號狀態 OCC::ActivityItemDelegate %1 %1 More information 更多資訊 Accept 接受 Join 加入 Open Browser 開啟瀏覽器 OCC::ActivityListModel Files from the ignore list as well as symbolic links are not synced. This includes: OCC::ActivityWidget Accept 接受 Synced 已同步 Retry all uploads 重試所有的上傳 <br/>Account %1 does not have activities enabled. <br/> 帳號 %1 尚未啟用紀錄行為功能 OCC::AddCertificateDialog SSL client certificate authentication SSL 客戶端憑證驗證 This server probably requires a SSL client certificate. 伺服器需要SSL的客戶端憑證 Certificate & Key (pkcs12) : 憑證與密鑰 (pkcs12) : Browse... 瀏覽... Certificate password : 憑證密碼: Select a certificate 選擇一個憑證 Certificate files (*.p12 *.pfx) 憑證檔案 (*.p12 *.pfx) OCC::Application Error accessing the configuration file 存取配置文件時錯誤 There was an error while accessing the configuration file at %1. Please make sure the file can be accessed by your user. 存取設定檔%1時發生錯誤 請確定檔案可以被使用者存取 Quit %1 離開 %1 OCC::AuthenticationDialog Authentication Required 必須驗證 Enter username and password for '%1' at %2. 輸入 '%1' 在 %2 使用者名稱 和 密碼 &User: 使用者 (&U): &Password: 密碼 (&P): OCC::CleanupPollsJob Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::ClientSideEncryption Please enter your end to end encryption passphrase:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 請輸入您的端點對端點加密的認證資訊<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> Enter E2E passphrase 請輸入端到端密碼短語 OCC::ConnectionValidator No ownCloud account configured 沒有設置 ownCloud 帳號 The configured server for this client is too old 設置的伺服器對這個客戶端來說太舊了 Please update to the latest server and restart the client. 請將伺服器端更新到最新版並重新啟動客戶端 Authentication error: Either username or password are wrong. 驗證錯誤︰使用者名稱或是密碼錯誤 timeout 逾時 The provided credentials are not correct 提供的憑證不正確 OCC::DiscoveryMainThread Aborted by the user 使用者中斷 OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob The server file discovery reply is missing data. OCC::Flow2Auth Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> 伺服器發回錯誤訊息:<em>%1</em> There was an error accessing the 'token' endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> 無法解析伺服器發回的JSON:<br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields OCC::Flow2AuthCredsPage Connect to %1 連接到%1 Login in your browser (Login Flow v2) 請在瀏覽器上登入(Login Flow v2) Unable to open the Browser, please copy the link to your Browser. 無法開啟瀏覽器。請將連結複製到瀏覽器中。 OCC::Flow2AuthWidget Unable to open the Browser, please copy the link to your Browser. 無法開啟瀏覽器。請將連結複製到瀏覽器中。 OCC::Folder Local folder %1 does not exist. 本地資料夾 %1 不存在 %1 should be a folder but is not. 資料夾不存在, %1 必須是資料夾 %1 is not readable. %1 是不可讀的 %1 has been removed. %1 names a file. %1 已被移除。 %1 has been downloaded. %1 names a file. %1 已被下載。 %1 has been updated. %1 names a file. %1 已被更新。 %1 has been renamed to %2. %1 and %2 name files. %1 已被重新命名為 %2。 %1 has been moved to %2. %1 已被搬移至 %2。 %1 and %n other file(s) have been removed. %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被刪除 %1 and %n other file(s) have been downloaded. %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被下載 %1 and %n other file(s) have been updated. %1 跟 %n 其他檔案已經被修改 %1 has been renamed to %2 and %n other file(s) have been renamed. %1 已被改名為 %2 並且 %n其他檔案已被改名 %1 has been moved to %2 and %n other file(s) have been moved. %1 已被搬移到%2 並且 %n 其他檔案已經被搬移 %1 has and %n other file(s) have sync conflicts. %1 跟 %n 其他檔案同步時發生衝突 %1 has a sync conflict. Please check the conflict file! %1 同步時發生衝突,請檢查發生衝突的檔案 %1 and %n other file(s) could not be synced due to errors. See the log for details. %1 與%n 其他檔案因為錯誤無法被同步。請從紀錄檔觀看細節。 %1 could not be synced due to an error. See the log for details. %1 因為錯誤無法被同步。請從紀錄檔觀看細節。 %1 and %n other file(s) are currently locked. %1以及%n個其他文件正在被鎖定狀態 %1 is currently locked. %1正在被鎖定狀態 Sync Activity 同步活動 Could not read system exclude file 無法讀取系統的排除檔案 A new folder larger than %1 MB has been added: %2. 一個大於%1MB的資料夾已被新增至:%2 A folder from an external storage has been added. 一個來自外部空間的資料夾已被新增 Please go in the settings to select it if you wish to download it. 若要下載此項目,請前往設定選擇它 The folder %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. Data inside it will not be synchronized. 已創建%1資料夾,但該資料夾已從要同步的檔案中剔除,因此不會被同步。 The file %1 was created but was excluded from synchronization previously. It will not be synchronized. 已新增%1檔案,但該檔案已從要同步的檔案中剔除,因此不會被同步。 Changes in synchronized folders could not be tracked reliably. This means that the synchronization client might not upload local changes immediately and will instead only scan for local changes and upload them occasionally (every two hours by default). %1 無法可靠地跟蹤要同步的資料夾內容之更動。 客戶端可能無法及時上傳本地的更動,而只能每隔一段時間(預設為2小時)才掃描及上傳一次本地變更。 %1 All files in the sync folder '%1' were deleted on the server. These deletes will be synchronized to your local sync folder, making such files unavailable unless you have a right to restore. If you decide to restore the files, they will be re-synced with the server if you have rights to do so. If you decide to delete the files, they will be unavailable to you, unless you are the owner. 「%1」資料夾中的所有檔案已從伺服器上移除。 同步後,這些檔案也會從您的本地資料夾中移除。除非您有復原的權限,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 假如您決定復原這些檔案,只要您擁有權限,這些檔案就會重新和伺服器同步。 假如您決定移除這些檔案,除非您是檔案的所有者,否則您將無法讀取這些檔案。 All files got deleted from your local sync folder '%1'. These files will be deleted from the server and will not be available on your other devices if they will not be restored. If this action was unintended you can restore the lost data now. 「%1」本地同步資料夾中的所有檔案已被移除。 這些檔案將會從伺服器上移除,使得您無法從其他裝置讀取這些檔案,除非您選擇復原。 如果您意外地做了此項動作,您可以立即復原已移除的資料。 Delete all files? 確定要移除所有檔案嗎? Delete all files 移除所有檔案 Restore deleted files 復原已刪除的檔案 This sync would reset the files to an earlier time in the sync folder '%1'. This might be because a backup was restored on the server. Continuing the sync as normal will cause all your files to be overwritten by an older file in an earlier state. Do you want to keep your local most recent files as conflict files? 此次同步將會將同步資料夾「%1」的檔案重置到先前一個版本。 這有可能是因為伺服器被復原至一個備份。 繼續正常同步將會使您的所有檔案被先前的一個版本覆蓋。您希望將目前的最新檔案儲存為衝突檔案嗎? Backup detected 偵測到備份 Normal Synchronisation 普通同步 Keep Local Files as Conflict 將本地檔案視為衝突檔案 OCC::FolderMan Could not reset folder state 無法重置資料夾狀態 An old sync journal '%1' was found, but could not be removed. Please make sure that no application is currently using it. 發現較舊的同步處理日誌'%1',但無法移除。請確認沒有應用程式正在使用它。 (backup) (備份) (backup %1) (備份 %1) Undefined State. 未知狀態 Waiting to start syncing. 正在等待同步開始 Preparing for sync. 正在準備同步。 Sync is running. 同步執行中 Sync was successful, unresolved conflicts. 同步成功,衝突未解決 Last Sync was successful. 最後一次同步成功 Setup Error. 安裝失敗 User Abort. 使用者中斷。 Sync is paused. 同步已暫停 %1 (Sync is paused) %1 (同步暫停) No valid folder selected! 沒有選擇有效的資料夾 The selected path is not a folder! 所選的路徑並非資料夾! You have no permission to write to the selected folder! 您沒有權限來寫入被選取的資料夾! There is already a sync from the server to this local folder. Please pick another local folder! 此資料夾已與Server設定同步,請選擇其他資料夾 The local folder %1 already contains a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! 本地資料夾 %1 裡已經有被資料夾同步功能使用的資料夾,請選擇其他資料夾! The local folder %1 is already contained in a folder used in a folder sync connection. Please pick another one! 本地資料夾 %1 是被包含在一個已經被資料夾同步功能使用的資料夾,請選擇其他資料夾! OCC::FolderStatusDelegate Add Folder Sync Connection 新增資料夾同步功能的連線 Synchronized with local folder (%1) 已與本地資料夾同步(%1) File 檔案 OCC::FolderStatusModel You need to be connected to add a folder 您必須連上伺服器才能新增資料夾 Click this button to add a folder to synchronize. 點擊此按鈕來新增同步資料夾 %1 (%2) Example text: "File.txt (23KB)" %1 (%2) Error while loading the list of folders from the server. 從伺服器端同步資料夾清單時發生錯誤。 Signed out 已登出 Fetching folder list from server... 從伺服器抓取資料夾清單中... There are unresolved conflicts. Click for details. 存在未解決的衝突,請查看細節 Reconciling changes 正在排解更動 , '%1' Build a list of file names , '%1' '%1' Argument is a file name '%1' Syncing %1 Example text: "Syncing 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt'" 同步 %1 , , download %1/s Example text: "download 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) 下載 %1/s upload %1/s Example text: "upload 24Kb/s" (%1 is replaced by 24Kb (translated)) 上傳 %1/s Checking for changes in remote '%1' 檢查遠端 '%1' 的變動 Checking for changes in local '%1' 檢查本地 '%1' 的變動 ↓ %1/s ↓ %1/s ↑ %1/s ↑ %1/s %1 %2 (%3 of %4) Example text: "uploading foobar.png (2MB of 2MB)" %1 %2 (%3 的 %4) %1 %2 Example text: "uploading foobar.png" %1 %2 %5 left, %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "5 minutes left, 12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" 剩餘%5,%1 的 %2, 檔案 %3 的 %4 %1 of %2, file %3 of %4 Example text: "12 MB of 345 MB, file 6 of 7" %1 的 %2, 檔案 %3 的 %4 file %1 of %2 檔案 %1 的 %2 Waiting... 等待中... Waiting for %n other folder(s)... 正在等候 %n 的資料夾(可能不只一個) Preparing to sync... 正在準備同步... OCC::FolderWatcherPrivate This problem usually happens when the inotify watches are exhausted. Check the FAQ for details. OCC::FolderWizard Add Folder Sync Connection 新增資料夾同步功能的連線 Add Sync Connection 新增同步連線 OCC::FolderWizardLocalPath Click to select a local folder to sync. 請選擇要同步的本地資料夾 Enter the path to the local folder. 請輸入本地資料夾的路徑 Select the source folder 選擇來源資料夾 OCC::FolderWizardRemotePath Create Remote Folder 建立遠端資料夾 Enter the name of the new folder to be created below '%1': 請輸入欲創建在 '%1' 底下的新資料夾名稱: Folder was successfully created on %1. 資料夾成功建立在%1 Authentication failed accessing %1 存取 %1 認証失敗 Failed to create the folder on %1. Please check manually. 在 %1 建立資料夾失敗,請手動檢查 Failed to list a folder. Error: %1 取得資料夾清單失敗,錯誤: %1 Choose this to sync the entire account 請選擇這個功能用來同步整個帳號 This folder is already being synced. 這個資料夾已經被同步了。 You are already syncing <i>%1</i>, which is a parent folder of <i>%2</i>. 您已經同步了 <i>%1</i>, 這個資料夾是 <i>%2</i> 的母資料夾。 OCC::FormatWarningsWizardPage <b>Warning:</b> %1 <b>警告:</b> %1 <b>Warning:</b> <b>警告:</b> OCC::GETFileJob No E-Tag received from server, check Proxy/Gateway 沒有收到來自伺服器的 E-Tag,請檢查代理伺服器或網路閘道 We received a different E-Tag for resuming. Retrying next time. 在復原時收到了不同的 E-Tag,將在下一次重新嘗試取得 Server returned wrong content-range 伺服器回應錯誤的內容長度 Connection Timeout 連線逾時 OCC::GeneralSettings Legal notice 法律提示 General Settings 一般設定 For System Tray Show Server &Notifications Advanced 進階 Ask for confirmation before synchronizing folders larger than 先詢問,當要同步的資料夾大小超過 MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing external storages 在與外部儲存空間同步時先詢問 &Launch on System Startup &系統啟動時啟動 Use &Monochrome Icons 使用&單色圖示 Edit &Ignored Files 編輯&被忽略的檔案 Show sync folders in &Explorer's Navigation Pane S&how crash reporter &顯示意外回報器 About 關於 Updates 更新 &Restart && Update 重新啟動並更新 (&R) Server notifications that require attention. 伺服器公告,請注意 OCC::GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare Sharing error 分享發生錯誤 Could not retrieve or create the public link share. Error: %1 無法取回或生成公開分享連結。錯誤: %1 OCC::HttpCredentialsGui Please enter %1 password:<br><br>User: %2<br>Account: %3<br> 請輸入%1 密碼:<br><br>使用者: %2<br>帳戶: %3<br> Reading from keychain failed with error: '%1' 從授權碼讀取資料時失敗,錯誤: '%1' Enter Password 輸入密碼 <a href="%1">Click here</a> to request an app password from the web interface. <a href="%1">點擊此處</a>,通過網頁界面索取應用程式密碼 OCC::IgnoreListEditor Ignored Files Editor 忽略的檔案編輯器 Global Ignore Settings 一般忽略設定 Sync hidden files 同步隱藏檔案 Files Ignored by Patterns 根據模式套用什麼檔案要被忽略 This entry is provided by the system at '%1' and cannot be modified in this view. 這個項目是由系統提供在 '%1' 且不能在這個頁面被修改 OCC::IgnoreListTableWidget Pattern 模式 Allow Deletion 允許移除 Add 新增 Remove 移除 Remove all 移除所有 Files or folders matching a pattern will not be synchronized. Items where deletion is allowed will be deleted if they prevent a directory from being removed. This is useful for meta data. 與某個模式相符的檔案或資料夾將不會被同步。 如果允許移除的項目使得某個資料夾無法被移除,這些項目將會被移除。此設定可用於原資料。 Could not open file 無法開啟檔案 Cannot write changes to '%1'. 無法將改動寫入到「%1」 Add Ignore Pattern 新增要忽略的檔案模式 Add a new ignore pattern: 新增要忽略的檔案模式 OCC::LegalNotice Legal notice 法律提示 Close 關閉 <p>Copyright 2017-2018 Nextcloud GmbH<br />Copyright 2012-2018 ownCloud GmbH</p> <p>Copyright 2017-2018 Nextcloud GmbH<br />Copyright 2012-2018 ownCloud GmbH</p> <p>Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0 or any later version.</p> <p>使用GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.0 或是更新的版本授權使用</p> OCC::LogBrowser Log Output 記錄輸出 &Search: &搜尋: &Find 尋找 (&F): &Capture debug messages &擷取除錯訊息 Permanently save logs 永久儲存記錄 When this option is enabled and no other logging is configured, logs will be written to a temporary folder and expire after a few hours. This setting persists across client restarts. Logs will be written to %1 當此設定啟用,又未設定其他日誌時,日誌會被寫入一個臨時資料夾中,並於數小時後過時。客戶端重新開始並不會影響此設定。 日誌將寫入%1 Clear 清除 Clear the log display. 清除所顯示的記錄 S&ave 儲存 (&A) Save the log file to a file on disk for debugging. 將記錄檔儲存到硬碟用於除錯 Save log file 儲存記錄檔 Error 錯誤 Could not write to log file %1 無法寫入記錄檔 %1 OCC::Logger Error 錯誤 <nobr>File '%1'<br/>cannot be opened for writing.<br/><br/>The log output can <b>not</b> be saved!</nobr> <nobr>檔案 '%1'<br/>無法開啟與寫入<br/><br/>記錄 <b>無法</b> 被儲存</nobr> OCC::NSISUpdater New Version Available 有新版本 <p>A new version of the %1 Client is available.</p><p><b>%2</b> is available for download. The installed version is %3.</p> <p>%1 客戶端有新版本了。</p><p><b>%2</b> 可供下載, 目前安裝的版本是 %3.</p> Skip this version 跳過這個版本 Skip this time 跳過這次更新 Get update 取得更新 OCC::NetworkSettings Proxy Settings 代理伺服器設定 No Proxy 不使用代理伺服器 Use system proxy 使用系統預設代理伺服器 Specify proxy manually as 手動指定代理伺服器為 Host 主機 : : Proxy server requires authentication 代理伺服器要求認證 Download Bandwidth 下載頻寬 Limit to 限制到 KBytes/s KBytes/s No limit 沒有限制 Limit to 3/4 of estimated bandwidth 限制預估頻寬的 3/4 Upload Bandwidth 上傳頻寬 Limit automatically 自動限制 Hostname of proxy server 代理伺服器主機名稱 Username for proxy server 代理伺服器使用者名稱 Password for proxy server 代理伺服器密碼 HTTP(S) proxy HTTP(S) 代理伺服器 SOCKS5 proxy SOCKS5 代理伺服器 OCC::OAuth Error returned from the server: <em>%1</em> 伺服器回覆錯誤:<em>%1</em> There was an error accessing the 'token' endpoint: <br><em>%1</em> Could not parse the JSON returned from the server: <br><em>%1</em> 無法解析伺服器發回的JSON:<br><em>%1</em> The reply from the server did not contain all expected fields <h1>Login Error</h1><p>%1</p> <h1>登入錯誤</h1><p>%1</p> <h1>Wrong user</h1><p>You logged-in with user <em>%1</em>, but must login with user <em>%2</em>.<br>Please log out of %3 in another tab, then <a href='%4'>click here</a> and log in as user %2</p> <h1>使用者錯誤</h1><p>您目前以<em>%1</em>的身份登入,但您必須以<em>%2</em>的身份登入。<br>請在一個新的標籤頁中登出%3帳戶,然後<a href='%4'>點擊此處</a>,登入%2帳戶。</p> OCC::OCUpdater New %1 Update Ready 新 %1 更新已經就緒 A new update for %1 is about to be installed. The updater may ask for additional privileges during the process. 一個新的 %1 更新已經安裝完成。更新也許會詢問 要求給予權限在安裝的過程中。 Downloading version %1. Please wait... 正在下載版本 %1,請稍候... Could not download update. Please click <a href='%1'>here</a> to download the update manually. 無法下載更新檔,請點選連結 <a href='%1'>按這裡</a> 手動下載更新檔。 Could not check for new updates. 無法檢查是否有新更新檔。 %1 version %2 available. Restart application to start the update. %1 的版本 %2 已經可以安裝,請重新啟動應用程式開始安裝更新。 New %1 version %2 available. Please use the system's update tool to install it. 新 %1 版本 %2 已經可以安裝了, 請使用系統的安裝工具來安裝。 Checking update server... 檢查更新伺服器中... Update status is unknown: Did not check for new updates. 無法取得更新狀態: 無法檢查是否有新更新檔。 No updates available. Your installation is at the latest version. 目前沒有可用的更新檔,您安裝的版本是最新的了。 Update Check 更新檢查 OCC::OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Connect to %1 連線到 %1 Setup local folder options 設定本地資料夾選項 Connect... 連線中... %1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3' %1 資料夾 '%2' 與本地資料夾 '%3' 同步 Sync the folder '%1' 同步資料夾 '%1' <p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local folder is not empty. Pick a resolution!</small></p> <p><small><strong>警告:</strong> 本地端的資料夾不是空的. 請選擇解決方案!</small></p> Free space: %1 剩餘空間:%1 Local Sync Folder 本地同步資料夾 (%1) (%1) There isn't enough free space in the local folder! 本地資料夾沒有足夠的剩餘空間! OCC::OwncloudConnectionMethodDialog Connection failed 連線失敗 <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address specified. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>無法連線到指定的安全伺服器位置,您想要如何處理?</p></body></html> Select a different URL 選擇一個不同的URL Retry unencrypted over HTTP (insecure) 透過未加密HTTP重試 (不安全) Configure client-side TLS certificate 設定客戶端 TLS 憑證 <html><head/><body><p>Failed to connect to the secure server address <em>%1</em>. How do you wish to proceed?</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>無法連線到安全伺服器 <em>%1</em>,您想要如何處理?</p></body></html> OCC::OwncloudHttpCredsPage &Email Connect to %1 連線到 %1 Enter user credentials 請輸入使用者憑證 OCC::OwncloudOAuthCredsPage Connect to %1 連線到 %1 Login in your browser 請在瀏覽器上登入 OCC::OwncloudSetupPage Connect to %1 連線到 %1 Setup %1 server 設定 %1 伺服器 Keep your data secure and under your control 保障您資料的安全,讓您的資料在您自己的掌控之下 Secure collaboration & file exchange 安全地協作、傳輸檔案 Easy-to-use web mail, calendaring & contacts 管理您的電子郵件、日曆及聯絡人,簡單易用 Screensharing, online meetings & web conferences 螢幕分享、線上對話、多人會議 This url is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. It is not advisable to use it. 這個url沒有加密,是不安全的, 不建議您使用此url。 This url is secure. You can use it. 這個 URL 是安全的,您可以使用它。 &Next > 下一步 (&N) > Invalid URL 連結無效 Could not load certificate. Maybe wrong password? 無法載入憑證。可能密碼錯誤? OCC::OwncloudSetupWizard <font color="green">Successfully connected to %1: %2 version %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> <font color="green">成功連線到 %1: %2 版本 %3 (%4)</font><br/><br/> Failed to connect to %1 at %2:<br/>%3 從 %2 連線到 %1 失敗:<br/>%3 Timeout while trying to connect to %1 at %2. 從 %2 嘗試連線到 %1 逾時。 Trying to connect to %1 at %2... 嘗試連線到%1從%2 The authenticated request to the server was redirected to '%1'. The URL is bad, the server is misconfigured. 伺服器要求的認證請求被導向 '%1',這個URL可能不安全,此伺服器可能設定有錯。 There was an invalid response to an authenticated webdav request 從webdav的認證要求中有無效的回傳值 Access forbidden by server. To verify that you have proper access, <a href="%1">click here</a> to access the service with your browser. 從伺服器存取被拒絕。為了正確驗證您的存取資訊 <a href="%1">請點選這裡</a> 透過瀏覽器來存取服務 Invalid URL 連結無效 The server reported the following error: 伺服器報告了以下錯誤訊息: Local sync folder %1 already exists, setting it up for sync.<br/><br/> 本地同步資料夾%1已存在, 將其設置為同步<br/><br/> Creating local sync folder %1... 建立本地同步資料夾 %1... ok ok failed. 失敗 Could not create local folder %1 無法建立本地資料夾 %1 No remote folder specified! 沒有指定遠端資料夾! Error: %1 錯誤: %1 creating folder on Nextcloud: %1 正在Nextcloud上新增資料夾:%1 Remote folder %1 created successfully. 遠端資料夾%1建立成功! The remote folder %1 already exists. Connecting it for syncing. 遠端資料夾%1已存在,連線同步中 The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code %1 在HTTP建立資料夾失敗, error code %1 The remote folder creation failed because the provided credentials are wrong!<br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> 由於帳號或密碼錯誤,遠端資料夾建立失敗<br/>請檢查您的帳號密碼。</p> <p><font color="red">Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong.</font><br/>Please go back and check your credentials.</p> <p><font color="red">遠端資料夾建立失敗,也許是因為所提供的帳號密碼錯誤</font><br/>請重新檢查您的帳號密碼</p> Remote folder %1 creation failed with error <tt>%2</tt>. 建立遠端資料夾%1發生錯誤<tt>%2</tt>失敗 A sync connection from %1 to remote directory %2 was set up. 從%1到遠端資料夾%2的連線已建立 Successfully connected to %1! 成功連接到 %1 ! Connection to %1 could not be established. Please check again. 無法建立連線%1, 請重新檢查 Folder rename failed 重新命名資料夾失敗 Can't remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup. 無法移除與備份此資料夾,因為有其他的程式正在使用其中的資料夾或者檔案。請關閉使用中的資料夾或檔案並重試或者取消設定。 <font color="green"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font> <font color="green"><b>本地同步資料夾 %1 建立成功!</b></font> OCC::OwncloudWizard %1 Connection Wizard %1連線精靈 Skip folders configuration 忽略資料夾設定資訊 OCC::OwncloudWizardResultPage Everything set up! 一切都準備就緒! Open Local Folder 打開本地資料夾 Open %1 in Browser 瀏覽器中開啟 %1 OCC::PollJob Invalid JSON reply from the poll URL 不合法的JSON資訊從URL中回傳 OCC::PropagateDirectory Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateDownloadFile File %1 can not be downloaded because encryption information is missing. %1檔案因缺乏加密資訊而未能下載。 File %1 can not be downloaded because of a local file name clash! 檔案 %1 無法被下載,因為本地端的檔案名稱已毀損! The download would reduce free local disk space below the limit 此項下載將會使剩餘的本地儲存空間降到低於限值 Free space on disk is less than %1 可用的硬碟空間已經少於 %1 File was deleted from server 檔案已從伺服器被刪除 The file could not be downloaded completely. 檔案下載無法完成。 The downloaded file is empty despite that the server announced it should have been %1. 已下載的檔案為空,儘管伺服器所宣佈的檔案大小為%1。 File %1 cannot be saved because of a local file name clash! 檔案 %1 無法存檔,因為本地端的檔案名稱已毀損! File has changed since discovery 尋找的過程中檔案已經被更改 Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateItemJob ; Restoration Failed: %1 ; 重新儲存失敗 %1 A file or folder was removed from a read only share, but restoring failed: %1 檔案或目錄已經從只供讀取的分享中被移除,但是復原失敗: %1 OCC::PropagateLocalMkdir could not delete file %1, error: %2 無法刪除檔案 %1,錯誤: %2 Attention, possible case sensitivity clash with %1 注意! %1 的名稱可能有大小寫衝突。 could not create folder %1 無法建立資料夾 %1 Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateLocalRemove Error removing '%1': %2; 移除時發生錯誤 '%1': %2; Could not remove folder '%1' 無法移除資料夾 '%1' Could not remove %1 because of a local file name clash 無法刪除 %1 ,因為本地端的檔案名稱已毀損! OCC::PropagateLocalRename File %1 can not be renamed to %2 because of a local file name clash 檔案 %1 無法更名成 %2,因為本地端的檔案名稱已毀損 Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateRemoteDelete Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 204, but received "%1 %2". 從伺服器端回傳錯誤的 HTTP 代碼, 預期是 204, 但是接收到的是 "%1 %2". OCC::PropagateRemoteMkdir Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". 從伺服器端回傳錯誤的 HTTP 代碼, 預期是 201, 但是接收到的是 "%1 %2". Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateRemoteMove Wrong HTTP code returned by server. Expected 201, but received "%1 %2". 從伺服器端回傳錯誤的 HTTP 代碼, 預期是 201, 但是接收到的是 "%1 %2". Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateUploadFileCommon File %1 cannot be uploaded because another file with the same name, differing only in case, exists %1檔案未能上傳,因為另一個同名(僅大小寫不同)的檔案已經存在 Local file changed during syncing. It will be resumed. 本地端的檔案在同步的過程中被更改,此檔案將會被還原。 Local file changed during sync. 本地端的檔案在同步過程中被更改。 Upload of %1 exceeds the quota for the folder 上傳%1將會超過資料夾的大小限制 File Removed (start upload) %1 Error writing metadata to the database 寫入後設資料(metadata) 時發生錯誤 OCC::PropagateUploadFileNG The local file was removed during sync. 本地端的檔案在同步過程中被刪除。 Local file changed during sync. 本地端的檔案在同步過程中被更改。 Unexpected return code from server (%1) 伺服器回傳未知的錯誤碼(%1) Missing File ID from server 伺服器遺失檔案ID Missing ETag from server OCC::PropagateUploadFileV1 Poll URL missing 缺少輪詢的超連結 The local file was removed during sync. 本地端的檔案在同步過程中被刪除。 Local file changed during sync. 本地端的檔案在同步過程中被更改。 The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag was present) 伺服器不承認檔案的最後一個分割檔。(e-tag不存在) OCC::ProxyAuthDialog Proxy authentication required 代理伺服器要求驗證 Username: 使用者名稱: Proxy: 代理伺服器: The proxy server needs a username and password. 代理伺服器需要使用者帳號以及密碼。 Password: 密碼: OCC::SelectiveSyncDialog Choose What to Sync 選擇要同步的項目 OCC::SelectiveSyncWidget Loading ... 載入中… Deselect remote folders you do not wish to synchronize. 取消選擇您不願意同步的遠端資料夾。 Name 名稱 Size 大小 No subfolders currently on the server. 目前沒有子資料夾在伺服器上。 An error occurred while loading the list of sub folders. 列出子資料夾時出錯。 OCC::ServerNotificationHandler Dismiss 我已了解 OCC::SettingsDialog Settings 設定 Activity 活動 General 一般 Network 網路 Account 帳號 OCC::SettingsDialogMac %1 %1 Activity 活動 General 一般 Network 網路 Account 帳號 OCC::ShareDialog ownCloud Path: ownCloud 路徑: %1 Sharing %1 分享 %1 %1 Folder: %2 資料夾: %2 The file can not be shared because it was shared without sharing permission. 這個檔案無法被分享,並沒有分享此檔案的權限。 OCC::ShareLinkWidget &Share link &分享連結 Password: 密碼: Expiration date: 有效期至: Delete 刪除 Allow Editing 允許編輯 Read only 只讀 Allow Upload && Editing 允許上傳及編輯 File Drop (Upload Only) 檔案投寄(只允許上傳) Password Protect 密碼保護 Expiration Date 有效期至 Unshare 取消分享 Add another link 新增連結 Confirm Link Share Deletion 確認移除連結分享 <p>Do you really want to delete the public link share <i>%1</i>?</p><p>Note: This action cannot be undone.</p> <p>您確定要移除公共連結分享<i>%1</i>嗎?</p><p>注意:此動作不可復原。</p> Cancel 取消 Public link 公共連結 OCC::ShareUserGroupWidget Share with users or groups ... 與用戶或群組分享 ... Copy link 複製連結 No results for '%1' '%1' 沒有結果 I shared something with you 我與你分享了檔案 OCC::ShareUserLine User name 使用者名 can edit 可編輯 Can reshare 可以二次分享 Unshare 取消分享 Can create 可以新增 Can change 可以更改 Can delete 可以移除 OCC::ShibbolethCredentials Login Error 登入錯誤 You must sign in as user %1 您必須以 %1 使用者登入 OCC::ShibbolethWebView %1 - Authenticate %1 - 驗證 SSL Cipher Debug View Reauthentication required 要求重新驗證 Your session has expired. You need to re-login to continue to use the client. 您的認証已經過期了,您必須重新登入才能繼續使用。 OCC::SocketApi Share with %1 parameter is Nextcloud 與%1分享 Context menu share I shared something with you 我與你分享了檔案 Share options 分享選項 Share via 分享方式 Copy private link to clipboard 將私用連結複製至剪貼簿 Send private link by email... 將私用連結用郵件發出... Resharing this file is not allowed 此檔案不允許二次分享 Copy public link 複製公共連結 Copy internal link 複製內部連結 Open in browser 用瀏覽器打開 OCC::SslButton <h3>Certificate Details</h3> <h3>憑證細節</h3> Common Name (CN): (通用名): Subject Alternative Names: 主題備用名稱: Organization (O): 組織 (O): Organizational Unit (OU): 組織部門 (OU): State/Province: 州或省: Country: 國家: Serial: 序號: <h3>Issuer</h3> <h3>簽發者</h3> Issuer: 簽發者: Issued on: 簽發於: Expires on: 過期於: <h3>Fingerprints</h3> <h3>指紋</h3> SHA-256: SHA-256: SHA-1: SHA-1: <p><b>Note:</b> This certificate was manually approved</p> <p><b>注意:</b> 此憑證已被手動核准</p> %1 (self-signed) %1 (自我簽章) %1 %1 This connection is encrypted using %1 bit %2. 這個連線已經使用 %1 bit %2 加密。 Server version: %1 伺服器版本: %1 No support for SSL session tickets/identifiers 不支援SSL連線 Certificate information: 憑證資訊: The connection is not secure 不安全的連線 This connection is NOT secure as it is not encrypted. 這個連線沒有經過加密,是不安全的。 OCC::SslErrorDialog Trust this certificate anyway 信任此憑證 Untrusted Certificate 不信任的憑證 Cannot connect securely to <i>%1</i>: 無法安全的連線到 <i>%1</i>: with Certificate %1 與憑證 %1 &lt;not specified&gt; &lt;未指定&gt; Organization: %1 組織:%1 Unit: %1 單位:%1 Country: %1 國家:%1 Fingerprint (SHA1): <tt>%1</tt> 指紋 (SHA1): &lt;tt&gt;%1&lt;/tt&gt; Fingerprint (SHA-256): <tt>%1</tt> Fingerprint (SHA-512): <tt>%1</tt> Effective Date: %1 有效日期:%1 Expiration Date: %1 到期日: %1 Issuer: %1 簽發者: %1 OCC::SyncEngine Success. 成功。 A network connection timeout happened. 網路連線逾時。 A HTTP transmission error happened. HTTP 傳輸錯誤。 The mounted folder is temporarily not available on the server 掛載的資料夾暫時無法在伺服器上使用 An error occurred while opening a folder 開啟資料夾時發生錯誤。 Error while reading folder. 讀取資料夾時發生錯誤。 %1 (skipped due to earlier error, trying again in %2) %1(因先前錯誤而跳過,%2後重試) File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden. 檔案或資料夾被隱藏,因此跳過 Folder hierarchy is too deep 資料夾層數太多 Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded. 衝突:已下載伺服器版本,本地版本已改名但並未上傳。 Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start Placeholders are postfixed with file sizes using Utility::octetsToString() 目前僅有 %1 可以使用,至少需要 %2 才能開始 Unable to open or create the local sync database. Make sure you have write access in the sync folder. 無法開啟或新增本地同步資料庫。請確保您有寫入同步資料夾的權限。 Not allowed because you don't have permission to add parent folder 拒絕此操作,您沒有新增母資料夾的權限。 Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder 拒絕此操作,您沒有新增檔案在此資料夾的權限。 Disk space is low: Downloads that would reduce free space below %1 were skipped. 剩餘空間不足:下載後將使剩餘空間降至低於%1的檔案一律跳過。 There is insufficient space available on the server for some uploads. 伺服器上的剩餘空間不足以容納某些要上載的檔案。 CSync unspecified error. CSync 未知的錯誤。 Aborted by the user 使用者中斷 Failed to load or create the journal file. Make sure you have read and write permissions in the local sync folder. 無法載入或新增日誌檔案。請確保您有寫入同步資料夾的權限。 Discovery step failed. 發現步驟失敗。 Permission denied. 沒有權限。 File or directory not found: 找不到檔案或資料夾: Tried to create a folder that already exists. 要新增的資料夾已經存在。 No space on %1 server available. %1伺服器已無剩餘空間。 The service is temporarily unavailable 這個服務暫時無法使用。 Access is forbidden 存取被拒 An internal error number %1 occurred. 發生內部錯誤,錯誤代碼 %1。 Symbolic links are not supported in syncing. 同步不支援符號連結 File is listed on the ignore list. 檔案被列在忽略清單。 File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system. 此檔案系統不支援以「.」結尾的檔案名。 File names containing the character '%1' are not supported on this file system. 此檔案系統不支援含「%1」字符的檔案名。 The file name is a reserved name on this file system. 此檔案名已被此檔案系統保留所用。 Filename contains trailing spaces. 檔案名的結尾為空白符。 Filename is too long. 檔案名稱太長了。 The filename cannot be encoded on your file system. 您的檔案系統無法對此檔案名進行編碼。 Unresolved conflict. 未解決的衝突。 Stat failed. 狀態失敗。 Filename encoding is not valid 檔案名稱編碼是無效的 Invalid characters, please rename "%1" 無效的字元,請您重新命名 "%1" Unable to read the blacklist from the local database 無法從本地資料庫讀取黑名單。 Unable to read from the sync journal. 無法讀取同步日誌。 Cannot open the sync journal 同步處理日誌無法開啟 File name contains at least one invalid character 檔案名稱含有不合法的字元 Ignored because of the "choose what to sync" blacklist 已忽略。根據 "選擇要同步的項目"的黑名單 Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder 拒絕此操作,您沒有在此新增子資料夾的權限。 Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring 拒絕上傳此檔案,此檔案在伺服器是唯讀檔,復原中 Not allowed to remove, restoring 不允許刪除,復原中 Local files and share folder removed. 本地端檔案和共享資料夾已被刪除。 Move not allowed, item restored 不允許移動,物件復原中 Move not allowed because %1 is read-only 不允許移動,因為 %1 是唯讀的 the destination 目標 the source 來源 OCC::SyncLogDialog Synchronisation Log 同步紀錄 OCC::Systray %1: %2 %1: %2 OCC::Theme <p>Version %1. For more information please click <a href='%2'>here</a>.</p> <p>版本為%1。詳細資訊請<a href='%2'>點擊此處</a>。</p> <p>This release was supplied by %1</p> 此版本由%1發佈。 OCC::WebEnginePage Invalid certificate detected 檢測到無效憑證 The host "%1" provided an invalid certificate. Continue? 主機「%1」所提供的憑證無效。確定繼續? OCC::WebFlowCredentials You have been logged out of %1 as user %2. Please login again 您已從%1登出%2帳戶。請再次登入。 Please login with the user: %1 請以%1的身份登入 OCC::ownCloudGui Please sign in 請登入 Folder %1: %2 資料夾 %1: %2 There are no sync folders configured. 尚未設置同步資料夾。 Open in browser 用瀏覽器開啟 Log in... 登入... Log out 登出 Recent Changes 最近的更動 Managed Folders: 管理的資料夾: Open folder '%1' 開啟 %1 資料夾 Open %1 in browser 瀏覽器中開啟 %1 Unknown status 未知狀態 Settings... 設定… Help 說明 Quit %1 離開 %1 Disconnected from %1 從 %1 斷線 Unsupported Server Version 不支援此伺服器版本 The server on account %1 runs an old and unsupported version %2. Using this client with unsupported server versions is untested and potentially dangerous. Proceed at your own risk. %1帳戶所在的伺服器正運行不受支援的舊版本%2。此客戶端在該伺服器版本上未經測試,可能會有風險。請慎行。 Disconnected 已經離線 Disconnected from some accounts 已從一些帳戶斷開 Disconnected from accounts: 已從帳號離線: Account %1: %2 帳號 %1: %2 Signed out 已登出 Account synchronization is disabled 已禁用帳戶同步 Synchronization is paused 已暫停同步 Unresolved conflicts 未解決的衝突 Error during synchronization 同步時發生錯誤 No sync folders configured 尚未設定同步資料夾 Resume all folders 繼續所有資料夾 Pause all folders 暫停所有資料夾 Resume all synchronization 繼續所有同步項目 Resume synchronization 繼續同步 Pause all synchronization 暫停所有同步項目 Pause synchronization 暫停同步 New account... 新帳戶... View more activity... 查看詳細活動記錄 Crash now Only shows in debug mode to allow testing the crash handler 發生非預期結果 Apps 應用程式 No items synced recently 最近沒有項目被同步 Checking for changes in remote '%1' 正在檢查遠端「%1」中的變更 Checking for changes in local '%1' 正在檢查本地「%1」中的變更 Syncing %1 of %2 (%3 left) 正在同步第%1項,共%2項(剩餘%3項) Syncing %1 of %2 正在同步第%1項,共%2項 Syncing %1 (%2 left) 正在同步%1(剩餘%2項) Syncing %1 正在同步%1 %1 (%2, %3) %1 (%2, %3) Up to date 最新的 OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage Server 伺服器 <html><head/><body><p>If this box is checked, existing content in the local folder will be erased to start a clean sync from the server.</p><p>Do not check this if the local content should be uploaded to the servers folder.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>如果選中此項,本地資料夾中的所有內容將被抹去,然後從伺服器完全重新同步。</p><p>本地內容若要上傳至伺服器上,切勿選中此項。</p></body></html> Start a &clean sync (Erases the local folder!) 開始清除同步(將資料從本地端刪除) Ask for confirmation before synchroni&zing folders larger than 在同步大小大於此數值的資料夾前要求確認 MB Trailing part of "Ask confirmation before syncing folder larger than" MB Ask for confirmation before synchronizing e&xternal storages 在同步外置存儲前要求確認 Choose what to sync 選擇要同步的項目 &Local Folder 本地資料夾 (&L) &Keep local data 保留本地資料 (&K) S&ync everything from server 從伺服器同步任何東西 (&Y) OwncloudHttpCredsPage &Username 使用者名稱 (&U) &Password 密碼 (&P) OwncloudOAuthCredsPage Please switch to your browser to proceed. 請轉至瀏覽器繼續。 An error occurred while connecting. Please try again. 連接時發生錯誤。請重試。 Re-open Browser 重新開啟瀏覽器 Copy link 複製連結 OwncloudSetupPage Register with a provider 使用第三方帳號註冊 Log in 登入 Server Address 伺服器地址 OwncloudWizardResultPage Your entire account is synced to the local folder 您整個帳號的資料會與本地資料夾同步 QObject in the future 未來 %n day ago %n天前 %n days ago %n天前 %n hour ago %n小時前 %n hours ago %n小時前 now 現在 Less than a minute ago 不到一分鐘前 %n minute ago %n分鐘前 %n minutes ago %n分鐘前 Some time ago 前一段時間 %1: %2 this displays an error string (%2) for a file %1 %1: %2 Utility %L1 GB %L1 GB %L1 MB %L1 MB %L1 KB %L1 KB %L1 B %L1 B %n year(s) %n年 %n month(s) %n個月 %n day(s) %n天 %n hour(s) %n小時 %n minute(s) %n分鐘 %n second(s) %n秒 %1 %2 %1 %2 ValidateChecksumHeader The checksum header is malformed. 檢查碼異常。 The checksum header contained an unknown checksum type '%1' 檢查碼含有未知的型態 '%1' The downloaded file does not match the checksum, it will be resumed. 下載的檔案驗證失敗,將會被還原 main.cpp System Tray not available 系統常駐程式無法使用 %1 requires on a working system tray. If you are running XFCE, please follow <a href="">these instructions</a>. Otherwise, please install a system tray application such as 'trayer' and try again. %1需要可運作的系統常駐程式區。若您正在執行XFCE,請參考 <a href="">這份教學</a>。若非如此則請安裝一個系統常駐的應用程式,如'trayer',並再度嘗試。 nextcloudTheme::about() <p><small>Built from Git revision <a href="%1">%2</a> on %3, %4 using Qt %5, %6</small></p> <p><small>根據Git版本號<a href="%1">%2</a>在 %3建置, %4 使用了Qt %5,%6</small></p> progress Downloaded 已下載 Uploaded 已上傳 Server version downloaded, copied changed local file into conflict file 已下載伺服器上的版本,並將本地已更改的檔案複製至衝突檔案 Deleted 已刪除 Moved to %1 搬移到 %1 Ignored 已忽略 Filesystem access error 存取檔案系統錯誤 Error 錯誤 Updated local metadata 本地元資料已更新 Unknown 未知 downloading 下載中 uploading 上傳中 deleting 刪除中 moving 搬移中 ignoring 忽略中 error 錯誤 updating local metadata 正在更新本地元資料 theme Status undefined 未定義的狀態 Waiting to start sync 等待開始同步 Sync is running 同步中 Sync Success 同步完成 Sync Success, some files were ignored. 同步成功,部份檔案被忽略 Sync Error 同步失敗 Setup Error 安裝錯誤 Preparing to sync 正在準備同步。 Aborting... 中斷中… Sync is paused 同步已暫停 utility Could not open browser 無法開啟瀏覽器 There was an error when launching the browser to go to URL %1. Maybe no default browser is configured? 開啟瀏覽器並前往連結%1時發生錯誤。可能未設定預設瀏覽器? Could not open email client 無法開啟郵件客戶端 There was an error when launching the email client to create a new message. Maybe no default email client is configured? 開啟郵件客戶端並撰寫新訊息時發生錯誤。可能未設定預設郵件客戶端?