/* * Copyright (C) by Dominik Schmidt * Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag * Copyright (C) by Roeland Jago Douma * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "socketapi.h" #include "config.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "folderman.h" #include "folder.h" #include "theme.h" #include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h" #include "syncengine.h" #include "syncfileitem.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "version.h" #include "account.h" #include "accountstate.h" #include "account.h" #include "capabilities.h" #include "common/asserts.h" #include "guiutility.h" #ifndef OWNCLOUD_TEST #include "sharemanager.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // This is the version that is returned when the client asks for the VERSION. // The first number should be changed if there is an incompatible change that breaks old clients. // The second number should be changed when there are new features. #define MIRALL_SOCKET_API_VERSION "1.1" static inline QString removeTrailingSlash(QString path) { Q_ASSERT(path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))); path.truncate(path.length() - 1); return path; } static QString buildMessage(const QString &verb, const QString &path, const QString &status = QString()) { QString msg(verb); if (!status.isEmpty()) { msg.append(QLatin1Char(':')); msg.append(status); } if (!path.isEmpty()) { msg.append(QLatin1Char(':')); QFileInfo fi(path); msg.append(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fi.absoluteFilePath())); } return msg; } namespace OCC { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcSocketApi, "gui.socketapi", QtInfoMsg) Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcPublicLink, "gui.socketapi.publiclink", QtInfoMsg) class BloomFilter { // Initialize with m=1024 bits and k=2 (high and low 16 bits of a qHash). // For a client navigating in less than 100 directories, this gives us a probability less than (1-e^(-2*100/1024))^2 = 0.03147872136 false positives. const static int NumBits = 1024; public: BloomFilter() : hashBits(NumBits) { } void storeHash(uint hash) { hashBits.setBit((hash & 0xFFFF) % NumBits); hashBits.setBit((hash >> 16) % NumBits); } bool isHashMaybeStored(uint hash) const { return hashBits.testBit((hash & 0xFFFF) % NumBits) && hashBits.testBit((hash >> 16) % NumBits); } private: QBitArray hashBits; }; class SocketListener { public: QIODevice *socket; SocketListener(QIODevice *socket = nullptr) : socket(socket) { } void sendMessage(const QString &message, bool doWait = false) const { qCInfo(lcSocketApi) << "Sending SocketAPI message -->" << message << "to" << socket; QString localMessage = message; if (!localMessage.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) { localMessage.append(QLatin1Char('\n')); } QByteArray bytesToSend = localMessage.toUtf8(); qint64 sent = socket->write(bytesToSend); if (doWait) { socket->waitForBytesWritten(1000); } if (sent != bytesToSend.length()) { qCWarning(lcSocketApi) << "Could not send all data on socket for " << localMessage; } } void sendMessageIfDirectoryMonitored(const QString &message, uint systemDirectoryHash) const { if (_monitoredDirectoriesBloomFilter.isHashMaybeStored(systemDirectoryHash)) sendMessage(message, false); } void registerMonitoredDirectory(uint systemDirectoryHash) { _monitoredDirectoriesBloomFilter.storeHash(systemDirectoryHash); } private: BloomFilter _monitoredDirectoriesBloomFilter; }; struct ListenerHasSocketPred { QIODevice *socket; ListenerHasSocketPred(QIODevice *socket) : socket(socket) { } bool operator()(const SocketListener &listener) const { return listener.socket == socket; } }; SocketApi::SocketApi(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { QString socketPath; if (Utility::isWindows()) { socketPath = QLatin1String("\\\\.\\pipe\\") + QLatin1String("ownCloud-") + QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("USERNAME")); // TODO: once the windows extension supports multiple // client connections, switch back to the theme name // See issue #2388 // + Theme::instance()->appName(); } else if (Utility::isMac()) { // This must match the code signing Team setting of the extension // Example for developer builds (with ad-hoc signing identity): "" "com.owncloud.desktopclient" ".socketApi" // Example for official signed packages: "9B5WD74GWJ." "com.owncloud.desktopclient" ".socketApi" socketPath = SOCKETAPI_TEAM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN ".socketApi"; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Tell Finder to use the Extension (checking it from System Preferences -> Extensions) system("pluginkit -e use -i " APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN ".FinderSyncExt &"); #endif } else if (Utility::isLinux() || Utility::isBSD()) { QString runtimeDir; runtimeDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation); socketPath = runtimeDir + "/" + Theme::instance()->appName() + "/socket"; } else { qCWarning(lcSocketApi) << "An unexpected system detected, this probably won't work."; } SocketApiServer::removeServer(socketPath); QFileInfo info(socketPath); if (!info.dir().exists()) { bool result = info.dir().mkpath("."); qCDebug(lcSocketApi) << "creating" << info.dir().path() << result; if (result) { QFile::setPermissions(socketPath, QFile::Permissions(QFile::ReadOwner + QFile::WriteOwner + QFile::ExeOwner)); } } if (!_localServer.listen(socketPath)) { qCWarning(lcSocketApi) << "can't start server" << socketPath; } else { qCInfo(lcSocketApi) << "server started, listening at " << socketPath; } connect(&_localServer, &SocketApiServer::newConnection, this, &SocketApi::slotNewConnection); // folder watcher connect(FolderMan::instance(), &FolderMan::folderSyncStateChange, this, &SocketApi::slotUpdateFolderView); } SocketApi::~SocketApi() { qCDebug(lcSocketApi) << "dtor"; _localServer.close(); // All remaining sockets will be destroyed with _localServer, their parent ASSERT(_listeners.isEmpty() || _listeners.first().socket->parent() == &_localServer); _listeners.clear(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Unload the extension (uncheck from System Preferences -> Extensions) system("pluginkit -e ignore -i " APPLICATION_REV_DOMAIN ".FinderSyncExt &"); #endif } void SocketApi::slotNewConnection() { // Note that on macOS this is not actually a line-based QIODevice, it's a SocketApiSocket which is our // custom message based macOS IPC. QIODevice *socket = _localServer.nextPendingConnection(); if (!socket) { return; } qCInfo(lcSocketApi) << "New connection" << socket; connect(socket, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &SocketApi::slotReadSocket); connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onLostConnection())); connect(socket, &QObject::destroyed, this, &SocketApi::slotSocketDestroyed); ASSERT(socket->readAll().isEmpty()); _listeners.append(SocketListener(socket)); SocketListener &listener = _listeners.last(); foreach (Folder *f, FolderMan::instance()->map()) { if (f->canSync()) { QString message = buildRegisterPathMessage(removeTrailingSlash(f->path())); listener.sendMessage(message); } } } void SocketApi::onLostConnection() { qCInfo(lcSocketApi) << "Lost connection " << sender(); sender()->deleteLater(); } void SocketApi::slotSocketDestroyed(QObject *obj) { QIODevice *socket = static_cast(obj); _listeners.erase(std::remove_if(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), ListenerHasSocketPred(socket)), _listeners.end()); } void SocketApi::slotReadSocket() { QIODevice *socket = qobject_cast(sender()); ASSERT(socket); SocketListener *listener = &*std::find_if(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), ListenerHasSocketPred(socket)); while (socket->canReadLine()) { // Make sure to normalize the input from the socket to // make sure that the path will match, especially on OS X. QString line = QString::fromUtf8(socket->readLine()).normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C); line.chop(1); // remove the '\n' qCInfo(lcSocketApi) << "Received SocketAPI message <--" << line << "from" << socket; QByteArray command = line.split(":").value(0).toLatin1(); QByteArray functionWithArguments = "command_" + command + "(QString,SocketListener*)"; int indexOfMethod = staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod(functionWithArguments); QString argument = line.remove(0, command.length() + 1); if (indexOfMethod != -1) { staticMetaObject.method(indexOfMethod).invoke(this, Q_ARG(QString, argument), Q_ARG(SocketListener *, listener)); } else { qCWarning(lcSocketApi) << "The command is not supported by this version of the client:" << command << "with argument:" << argument; } } } void SocketApi::slotRegisterPath(const QString &alias) { // Make sure not to register twice to each connected client if (_registeredAliases.contains(alias)) return; Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(alias); if (f) { QString message = buildRegisterPathMessage(removeTrailingSlash(f->path())); foreach (auto &listener, _listeners) { listener.sendMessage(message); } } _registeredAliases.insert(alias); } void SocketApi::slotUnregisterPath(const QString &alias) { if (!_registeredAliases.contains(alias)) return; Folder *f = FolderMan::instance()->folder(alias); if (f) broadcastMessage(buildMessage(QLatin1String("UNREGISTER_PATH"), removeTrailingSlash(f->path()), QString()), true); _registeredAliases.remove(alias); } void SocketApi::slotUpdateFolderView(Folder *f) { if (_listeners.isEmpty()) { return; } if (f) { // do only send UPDATE_VIEW for a couple of status if (f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::SyncPrepare || f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Success || f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Paused || f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Problem || f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::Error || f->syncResult().status() == SyncResult::SetupError) { QString rootPath = removeTrailingSlash(f->path()); broadcastStatusPushMessage(rootPath, f->syncEngine().syncFileStatusTracker().fileStatus("")); broadcastMessage(buildMessage(QLatin1String("UPDATE_VIEW"), rootPath)); } else { qCDebug(lcSocketApi) << "Not sending UPDATE_VIEW for" << f->alias() << "because status() is" << f->syncResult().status(); } } } void SocketApi::broadcastMessage(const QString &msg, bool doWait) { foreach (auto &listener, _listeners) { listener.sendMessage(msg, doWait); } } void SocketApi::processShareRequest(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *listener, ShareDialogStartPage startPage) { auto theme = Theme::instance(); auto fileData = FileData::get(localFile); auto shareFolder = fileData.folder; if (!shareFolder) { const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOP:") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile); // files that are not within a sync folder are not synced. listener->sendMessage(message); } else if (!shareFolder->accountState()->isConnected()) { const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOTCONNECTED:") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile); // if the folder isn't connected, don't open the share dialog listener->sendMessage(message); } else if (!theme->linkSharing() && (!theme->userGroupSharing() || shareFolder->accountState()->account()->serverVersionInt() < Account::makeServerVersion(8, 2, 0))) { const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOP:") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile); listener->sendMessage(message); } else { // If the file doesn't have a journal record, it might not be uploaded yet if (!fileData.journalRecord().isValid()) { const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:NOTSYNCED:") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile); listener->sendMessage(message); return; } auto &remotePath = fileData.accountRelativePath; // Can't share root folder if (remotePath == "/") { const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:CANNOTSHAREROOT:") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile); listener->sendMessage(message); return; } const QString message = QLatin1String("SHARE:OK:") + QDir::toNativeSeparators(localFile); listener->sendMessage(message); emit shareCommandReceived(remotePath, fileData.localPath, startPage); } } void SocketApi::broadcastStatusPushMessage(const QString &systemPath, SyncFileStatus fileStatus) { QString msg = buildMessage(QLatin1String("STATUS"), systemPath, fileStatus.toSocketAPIString()); Q_ASSERT(!systemPath.endsWith('/')); uint directoryHash = qHash(systemPath.left(systemPath.lastIndexOf('/'))); foreach (auto &listener, _listeners) { listener.sendMessageIfDirectoryMonitored(msg, directoryHash); } } void SocketApi::command_RETRIEVE_FOLDER_STATUS(const QString &argument, SocketListener *listener) { // This command is the same as RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS command_RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS(argument, listener); } void SocketApi::command_RETRIEVE_FILE_STATUS(const QString &argument, SocketListener *listener) { QString statusString; auto fileData = FileData::get(argument); if (!fileData.folder) { // this can happen in offline mode e.g.: nothing to worry about statusString = QLatin1String("NOP"); } else { // The user probably visited this directory in the file shell. // Let the listener know that it should now send status pushes for sibblings of this file. QString directory = fileData.localPath.left(fileData.localPath.lastIndexOf('/')); listener->registerMonitoredDirectory(qHash(directory)); SyncFileStatus fileStatus = fileData.syncFileStatus(); statusString = fileStatus.toSocketAPIString(); } const QString message = QLatin1String("STATUS:") % statusString % QLatin1Char(':') % QDir::toNativeSeparators(argument); listener->sendMessage(message); } void SocketApi::command_SHARE(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *listener) { processShareRequest(localFile, listener, ShareDialogStartPage::UsersAndGroups); } void SocketApi::command_MANAGE_PUBLIC_LINKS(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *listener) { processShareRequest(localFile, listener, ShareDialogStartPage::PublicLinks); } void SocketApi::command_VERSION(const QString &, SocketListener *listener) { listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("VERSION:" MIRALL_VERSION_STRING ":" MIRALL_SOCKET_API_VERSION)); } void SocketApi::command_SHARE_MENU_TITLE(const QString &, SocketListener *listener) { listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("SHARE_MENU_TITLE:") + tr("Share with %1", "parameter is Nextcloud").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI())); } // don't pull the share manager into socketapi unittests #ifndef OWNCLOUD_TEST class GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare(const AccountPtr &account, const QString &localFile, std::function targetFun, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , _shareManager(account) , _localFile(localFile) , _targetFun(targetFun) { connect(&_shareManager, &ShareManager::sharesFetched, this, &GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare::sharesFetched); connect(&_shareManager, &ShareManager::linkShareCreated, this, &GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare::linkShareCreated); connect(&_shareManager, &ShareManager::serverError, this, &GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare::serverError); } void run() { qCDebug(lcPublicLink) << "Fetching shares"; _shareManager.fetchShares(_localFile); } private slots: void sharesFetched(const QList> &shares) { auto shareName = SocketApi::tr("Context menu share"); // If there already is a context menu share, reuse it for (const auto &share : shares) { const auto linkShare = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(share); if (!linkShare) continue; if (linkShare->getName() == shareName) { qCDebug(lcPublicLink) << "Found existing share, reusing"; return success(linkShare->getLink().toString()); } } // otherwise create a new one qCDebug(lcPublicLink) << "Creating new share"; _shareManager.createLinkShare(_localFile, shareName, QString()); } void linkShareCreated(const QSharedPointer &share) { qCDebug(lcPublicLink) << "New share created"; success(share->getLink().toString()); } void serverError(int code, const QString &message) { qCWarning(lcPublicLink) << "Share fetch/create error" << code << message; QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr("Sharing error"), tr("Could not retrieve or create the public link share. Error:\n\n%1").arg(message), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton); deleteLater(); } private: void success(const QString &link) { _targetFun(link); deleteLater(); } ShareManager _shareManager; QString _localFile; std::function _targetFun; }; #else class GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare(const AccountPtr &, const QString &, std::function, QObject *) { } void run() { } }; #endif void SocketApi::command_COPY_PUBLIC_LINK(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *) { auto fileData = FileData::get(localFile); if (!fileData.folder) return; AccountPtr account = fileData.folder->accountState()->account(); auto job = new GetOrCreatePublicLinkShare(account, fileData.accountRelativePath, [](const QString &url) { copyUrlToClipboard(url); }, this); job->run(); } // Fetches the private link url asynchronously and then calls the target slot void SocketApi::fetchPrivateLinkUrlHelper(const QString &localFile, const std::function &targetFun) { auto fileData = FileData::get(localFile); if (!fileData.folder) { qCWarning(lcSocketApi) << "Unknown path" << localFile; return; } auto record = fileData.journalRecord(); if (!record.isValid()) return; fetchPrivateLinkUrl( fileData.folder->accountState()->account(), fileData.accountRelativePath, record.numericFileId(), this, targetFun); } void SocketApi::command_COPY_PRIVATE_LINK(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *) { fetchPrivateLinkUrlHelper(localFile, &SocketApi::copyUrlToClipboard); } void SocketApi::command_EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *) { fetchPrivateLinkUrlHelper(localFile, &SocketApi::emailPrivateLink); } void SocketApi::command_OPEN_PRIVATE_LINK(const QString &localFile, SocketListener *) { fetchPrivateLinkUrlHelper(localFile, &SocketApi::openPrivateLink); } void SocketApi::copyUrlToClipboard(const QString &link) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(link); } void SocketApi::emailPrivateLink(const QString &link) { Utility::openEmailComposer( tr("I shared something with you"), link, nullptr); } void OCC::SocketApi::openPrivateLink(const QString &link) { Utility::openBrowser(link, nullptr); } void SocketApi::command_GET_STRINGS(const QString &argument, SocketListener *listener) { static std::array, 5> strings { { { "SHARE_MENU_TITLE", tr("Share options") }, { "CONTEXT_MENU_TITLE", tr("Share via %1").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI())}, { "COPY_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE", tr("Copy private link to clipboard") }, { "EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK_MENU_TITLE", tr("Send private link by email …") }, } }; listener->sendMessage(QString("GET_STRINGS:BEGIN")); for (const auto& key_value : strings) { if (argument.isEmpty() || argument == QLatin1String(key_value.first)) { listener->sendMessage(QString("STRING:%1:%2").arg(key_value.first, key_value.second)); } } listener->sendMessage(QString("GET_STRINGS:END")); } void SocketApi::sendSharingContextMenuOptions(const FileData &fileData, SocketListener *listener) { auto record = fileData.journalRecord(); bool isOnTheServer = record.isValid(); auto flagString = isOnTheServer ? QLatin1String("::") : QLatin1String(":d:"); auto capabilities = fileData.folder->accountState()->account()->capabilities(); auto theme = Theme::instance(); if (!capabilities.shareAPI() || !(theme->userGroupSharing() || (theme->linkSharing() && capabilities.sharePublicLink()))) return; // If sharing is globally disabled, do not show any sharing entries. // If there is no permission to share for this file, add a disabled entry saying so if (isOnTheServer && !record._remotePerm.isNull() && !record._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanReshare)) { listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:DISABLED:d:") + tr("Resharing this file is not allowed")); } else { listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:SHARE") + flagString + tr("Share options")); // Do we have public links? bool publicLinksEnabled = theme->linkSharing() && capabilities.sharePublicLink(); // Is is possible to create a public link without user choices? bool canCreateDefaultPublicLink = publicLinksEnabled && !capabilities.sharePublicLinkEnforceExpireDate() && !capabilities.sharePublicLinkEnforcePassword(); if (canCreateDefaultPublicLink) { listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:COPY_PUBLIC_LINK") + flagString + tr("Copy public link")); } else if (publicLinksEnabled) { listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:MANAGE_PUBLIC_LINKS") + flagString + tr("Copy public link")); } } listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:COPY_PRIVATE_LINK") + flagString + tr("Copy internal link")); // Disabled: only providing email option for private links would look odd, // and the copy option is more general. //listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:EMAIL_PRIVATE_LINK") + flagString + tr("Send private link by email …")); } SocketApi::FileData SocketApi::FileData::get(const QString &localFile) { FileData data; data.localPath = QDir::cleanPath(localFile); if (data.localPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) data.localPath.chop(1); data.folder = FolderMan::instance()->folderForPath(data.localPath); if (!data.folder) return data; data.folderRelativePath = data.localPath.mid(data.folder->cleanPath().length() + 1); data.accountRelativePath = QDir(data.folder->remotePath()).filePath(data.folderRelativePath); return data; } SyncFileStatus SocketApi::FileData::syncFileStatus() const { if (!folder) return SyncFileStatus::StatusNone; return folder->syncEngine().syncFileStatusTracker().fileStatus(folderRelativePath); } SyncJournalFileRecord SocketApi::FileData::journalRecord() const { SyncJournalFileRecord record; if (!folder) return record; folder->journalDb()->getFileRecord(folderRelativePath, &record); return record; } void SocketApi::command_GET_MENU_ITEMS(const QString &argument, OCC::SocketListener *listener) { listener->sendMessage(QString("GET_MENU_ITEMS:BEGIN")); bool hasSeveralFiles = argument.contains(QLatin1Char('\x1e')); // Record Separator FileData fileData = hasSeveralFiles ? FileData{} : FileData::get(argument); bool isOnTheServer = fileData.journalRecord().isValid(); auto flagString = isOnTheServer ? QLatin1String("::") : QLatin1String(":d:"); if (fileData.folder && fileData.folder->accountState()->isConnected()) { sendSharingContextMenuOptions(fileData, listener); listener->sendMessage(QLatin1String("MENU_ITEM:OPEN_PRIVATE_LINK") + flagString + tr("Open in browser")); } listener->sendMessage(QString("GET_MENU_ITEMS:END")); } QString SocketApi::buildRegisterPathMessage(const QString &path) { QFileInfo fi(path); QString message = QLatin1String("REGISTER_PATH:"); message.append(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fi.absoluteFilePath())); return message; } } // namespace OCC #include "socketapi.moc"